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Why am I suddenly smelling cigarettes everywhere?

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I've looked all over my house. I am sniffing everything in sight. Nobody else in the house smells it but I smell it so strong it feels like someone smoked an entire cigarette in the room right before I walked in. I feel the burn in my nose and in my throat just like real smoke. It's specifically cigarettes and it's not just at home. Today at lunch I smelled it that strongly in the restaurant and my husband did everything he could to be able to smell it also. It's not faint. It's severe.


I'm having really strong phantom cigarette smells and it's driving me crazy. I HATE the smell of cigarettes (grew up with parents smoking).


Please. Any ideas at all?? It's been going on for less than a week and I'm not sick and haven't been. All I find online is allergies, sinus infections and tumors. :)

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it's SO weird that you post this. I've been having the same issues for at least a couple of months now but the smell isn't severe, it's faint. I smell it often even when only the girls and I are at home. I have NO idea where it's coming from, and I also smell it out in public, too!:confused:

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Is a neighbor smoking outdoors & you are somehow smelling it?


If you're out, perhaps you're smelling someone else smoking in another car?


(I mention both of these things because they happen to me a lot.)


Also, could your purse, a backpack, a tote bag (or some other item that's not frequently washed) have picked up a smoke smell somewhere & that's what you're smelling?

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I have no idea, but you aren't alone. Dh's room smells like cigarettes often. He swears he isn't around anyone smoking. It is weird.


it's SO weird that you post this. I've been having the same issues for at least a couple of months now but the smell isn't severe, it's faint. I smell it often even when only the girls and I are at home. I have NO idea where it's coming from, and I also smell it out in public, too!:confused:


I love you both simply for making me not alone. :) First couple of days I grilled my family like 1st degree murder suspects. Poor guys. It's just so real smelling I can't believe they don't smell it. I'm not sure if I'm crazy or they all are. Who couldn't smell this?! :)

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I had this issue once before and it was so weird. Usually I'm rarely around cigarette smoke, but one evening during the summer we went to some races at the fairgrounds, and people all around us were smoking. I swear, for days after that, I was constantly smelling cigarette smoke. I kept washing my hair, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Maybe it was all my imagination, who knows? It eventually went away, and I haven't had it since then.

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I get this occasionally....it hasn't happened in a while though. It can be either smoke or cigarette smoke. Sometimes I think it's when I walked through the smoke of someone smoking, or if I was around a campfire or something. It's almost like the smell "gets stuck" in my sinuses or something. And I smell it for a week or two. Sometimes I don't even remember it....especially if I just walk through someone's cigarette smoke or something like that.


Then, I've noticed it when my allergies are really acting up. I'm not sick, but my nose is that dry kind of stuffy....not runny...I can't even blow it. It's like dry stuffy waaaay up in there. And sometimes I will smell smoke with that.


It really bothers me. It's so real to me that sometimes it literally makes my eyes water and it messes with my breathing. I feel like I'm really breathing smoke.

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You mentioned that you also smelled it in the restaurant, so that probably means it is not something in your house, unless the smell got on your clothing.


If it continues, I would suggest you see your doctor (personally I would go to a neurologist.) I have a neurological condition that causes me to have phantom smells from time to time.


You can send me a personal message if you want.


Good luck!

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Could you be pregnant? I know some women have enhanced senses of smell when they are.
That was my first thought.

"Enhanced sense of smell" was my first indicator that I was pregnant after 15 years of trying. I thought I was going crazy, as I woke up one morning and could smell onions even though we didn't have any in the house. I could smell onions and garlic the entire pregnancy. :tongue_smilie:


Occasionally now I smell cigarette smoke, but assume it is someone walking on the country road behind our house.

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Do your neighbors smoke? Or perhaps neighbor's child is sneaking smokes outside. Most people smoke outside their houses now so it drifts into neighbor's house. We have to shut our windows when the neighbor decides to light up outside. Also if you just walk past their house, it reeks. May be coming in through vent somewhere as well.

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I'm also in the enhanced-sense-of-smell-while-preggo camp. It happened very early on too, even before I knew I was pregnant. It was very strange. Now every time I smell something that DH can't, I think "uh-oh"!:tongue_smilie: I think I've read that one's sense of smell can change with monthly hormonal cycles as well.

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Every time I smell something that doesn't appear to be there, my dh asks if I'm pregnant.:)


I smell smoke sometimes too but it's always when I'm asleep and it wakes me up out of a dead sleep. Freaks me out every single time and I walk around the house in the middle of the night looking for where a fire may be starting. There's never any problem but I can smell it so strongly.:confused:

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I'm also in the enhanced-sense-of-smell-while-preggo camp.


Yep. With this one I figured out I was pregnant(even with 2 negative tests) because the smell of diesel fuel from diesel vehicles was prevalent whenever I was in the car and it smelled so strong and so bad I was gagging on every car ride. I could smell it for miles past any diesel vehicle we passed too.

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When my sister was diagnosed with seizures last year, we found out that smelling phantom odors like that can be an aura-type of thing related to seizure disorders.


Like someone else said, if it continues, see a doctor. My sister had that (plus other weird symptoms) for years and had no clue she was having seizures in her sleep until she woke up one day blind in one eye and with her tongue mangled from biting it during the seizure.


Thankfully, her eyesight recovered and she's been fine since getting on medication.


Anyway--it can be something serious.

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