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If you can handle another dog thread from me, please help

Which one???  

  1. 1. Which one???

    • Funny little black dog (lab mix)
    • Sweet little beagle mix
    • Older beautiful golden
    • Forget it

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*update on bottom of page 5* We picked the little beagle!



Okay, so these three guys make the "Going tomorrow to bring one home" list. Everyone, including my dog, loves all of them. It's all good. We originally went to see the first two littles. Then we saw the golden. Our deceased golden would be about that old now, and because of that my heart starts to pitter-patter. But parting with her was hard (one of the hardest things I've ever done, honestly), and I'm not sure I'm ready to do it again some time within the next few years. Sigh.


They are all great. I want to take them all home and love them. But, because I am somewhat sane, I can't.




ETA - the first two pups are about 3 months old. The golden is almost 8 years old. We currently have a 2year old lab/hound mix.







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Okay, I looked, but I can't vote. I start crying thinking that any one of these cuties might not get a home.


I'd be torn between the golden and the lab, mainly because I think beagles bark too much. I totally get the not being able to handle an older dog, but I think it might depend on whether this dog would BE adopted.


I have a lab, which I love. She is my proverbial shadow, I've never had a more loyal dog.

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Okay, I looked, but I can't vote. I start crying thinking that any one of these cuties might not get a home.


I'd be torn between the golden and the lab, mainly because I think beagles bark too much. I totally get the not being able to handle an older dog, but I think it might depend on whether this dog would BE adopted.


I have a lab, which I love. She is my proverbial shadow, I've never had a more loyal dog.


This is why I should not be allowed inside these places. This, exactly.



My mom's friend who is a rescue worker called me today and begged me to volunteer for rescue. But I can't. I could never let them go. :crying:


I suck.

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Oh, my! That is a difficult decision. The puppies will probably get good homes because they are young. The golden is a beauty, but at 8 yrs old, she may start having health problems. I honestly don't know what to suggest. If it were me, I would adopt the golden AND the lab mix. Sorry! I'm not very much help.

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Oh, my! That is a difficult decision. The puppies will probably get good homes because they are young. The golden is a beauty, but at 8 yrs old, she may start having health problems. I honestly don't know what to suggest. If it were me, I would adopt the golden AND the lab mix. Sorry! I'm not very much help.


See, now, that's what I'm thinking.


But, I'm not even sure I can have three dogs where I live.


And dh would kill me.


Or would he? :sneaky2:


Actually, he's where I am with that guy, and kind of leaning more toward "no" because it would be so hard, but kind of "yes" because the poor guy should have a great place to live out the rest of his days.



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Well, I have a beagle mix, and my heart melted over the beagle mix photo. I adore mine, knew what I was getting, etc. You have a hound mix, so maybe you'd be prepared for the beagle mix. But they can be a royal pain. So stubborn. And barky. And exciteable. Beagles get the highest rating for exciteability, along with 3 or 4 terrier breeds. We have nonstop counter cruising. Clean counters get licked anyway, just in case. They are trainable, but not as easily as any of the breeds I grew up with or my own two previous dogs. On the other hand, she is amazing with my little boys, as sweet as pie, funny, and full of personality. I adore my sweet girl. If you are certain you're prepared for a beagley temperament, then by all means the beagle mix! If you aren't sure, then the little black dog.

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This is why I should not be allowed inside these places. This, exactly.



My mom's friend who is a rescue worker called me today and begged me to volunteer for rescue. But I can't. I could never let them go. :crying:


I suck.


I worked for a vet for five years. I can not set foot in a shelter, it's too much. My years of keeping "professional distance" are done. I remember we used to eliminate the applicants that would say they loved animals. It's not just loving them, it's being willing to put up with everything else we had to do.


I'm going to go hug my dog now. Good luck on your decision.

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Well, I voted for the lab mix. But I am not sure of the age of the Golden? I have a Golden/Yellow lab mix who is 6 yo and still acts ike a puppy.

If the Golden isn't over 6 years old, that would be my first choice.

Have fun with your new baby. I know you have a difficult decision to make.:grouphug:

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Okay, I looked, but I can't vote. I start crying thinking that any one of these cuties might not get a home.


I'd be torn between the golden and the lab, mainly because I think beagles bark too much. I totally get the not being able to handle an older dog, but I think it might depend on whether this dog would BE adopted.


I have a lab, which I love. She is my proverbial shadow, I've never had a more loyal dog.


:iagree: with everything Elegant Lion said, particularly about the beagle though.

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I vote for the black dog. I have a soft spot for them, we have one and I've heard of a shelter that offers a cheaper rate for BBDs (big black dogs). :( Poor BBDs :(


I'd go with either the black dog or the hound/beagle (middle), simply because of the shed factor.


Good luck and will there be a poll on the name after the final decision is made?:lol:

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I voted for the Golden, but I am biased. We have two, and I am convinced they are the BEST dogs.


Another consideration, the younger dogs will likely be adopted by someone else. The Golden may have a harder time being adopted due to age (people generally want puppies and younger dogs).


Edited to add: We have 3-dogs. The leap from 2 to 3 was not a big deal at ALL.

Edited by kristavws
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We HAD a beagle. Cutest dog I've ever seen in my life.





The cute little black dog looks as though it has lab in it. As it is very (very) young, are you really up to the high energy level of a lab for the next 2 years while it calms down?


I can only speak for myself in that I would choose the older golden, though I'd wonder why someone would get rid of an eight year golden... :confused:


My family has been trying to get me to get a new puppy for about six months. :glare: I'm really sure I'm not quite up to it yet. I WANT one, but I sure don't want the amount of work that training and caring for a pup takes. If you're up to it, go for the little black one. If you have a life outside of home, lol, go for the golden.

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....I remember we used to eliminate the applicants that would say they loved animals. It's not just loving them, it's being willing to put up with everything else we had to do.




This is too bad :( I said that I loved animals.... I don't know if I could have washed my little kitty.... 2x a day forever as he was getting his paws in poop every day... UGH... or cleaning up after my dog when he barfs his food back up... (yuck!!!) .... or well... my older kitty is pretty perfect, but she did have a couple of accidents... ON MY BEDSPREAD! ;( Yuckkkk....


So, I'm glad I didn't get turned down, cuz I put that I loved animals... :(

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Just for the record....people give up their dogs all the time for legitimate reasons. Sometimes the older owner dies or has to go into a nursing home. Some owners lose their house and have to move to a no-pet apartment.


Of course, some are just heartless bums.:glare:


Black dogs have a low chance of being adopted, for some reason.


I'm with the crowd that says black lab and golden! We have 4 dogs and they are best buddies.

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I'm not going to be much help. I vote for losing the sanity and taking all three. :tongue_smilie: The golden is beautiful!!! And with being older, the chances of being adopted are less. The puppies will keep the older dogs active and playing. The older ones will help train the puppies. See, it all works out. :D


The three of them really do look great together!!! :)

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I think the golden AND the black puppy.:) We just lost our 13 1/2 year old golden, (I have now cried EVERY day since April 19th) and our new puppy looks just like the little black one. (Ours is a golden ret/black lab mix) The only question I would ask is if you are ready for the energy level of a lab pup. This puppy is definitely more energetic than our golden was at the same age. He is more mouthy and a little more stubborn, though he's very responsive to the training we're doing. I think the little lab pup you're looking at could be a good dog...someday.;) The golden might just settle right in and be a great dog, though it would be a good idea to find out if there were any issues in his background.

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This is too bad :( I said that I loved animals.... I don't know if I could have washed my little kitty.... 2x a day forever as he was getting his paws in poop every day... UGH... or cleaning up after my dog when he barfs his food back up... (yuck!!!) .... or well... my older kitty is pretty perfect, but she did have a couple of accidents... ON MY BEDSPREAD! ;( Yuckkkk....


So, I'm glad I didn't get turned down, cuz I put that I loved animals... :(


So did you work for a vet?


Well it was one of the criteria our vet had, but we were mainly hiring high school kids for after school work. Many of them thought they'd be petting cats, or walking dogs all day. Some people that love animals can not handle some of the more horrible things that happen to animals that force them to be brought to the vet. We had to deal with some things that, after 18 years, I still can't get out of my head. Barf and poo weren't even on the radar most days, that was the normal stuff. Yes, I'm still in charge of poo for our pets. :lol:


Laura, did you decide?

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I vote for the black dog. I have a soft spot for them, we have one and I've heard of a shelter that offers a cheaper rate for BBDs (big black dogs). :( Poor BBDs :(


I didn't know that.


We have two black cats, because we discovered that they have a harder time getting adopted. When my husband brought home the first one, the rescuse people told him that. So, when my daughter and I decided on the second one, we specifically chose the black kitten.

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I have a black lab mix (he was a stray that wandered on our doorstep about 7 years ago) and he is the best dog in the world. Having said that, I would probably go for the golden because at 8 its chances of getting adopted are lower than the other two and that would definitely impact my decision. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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We have two beagles and they are so great! Now, it just depends on what you like. They aren't like labs or goldens who can easily be trained to stay off lead but they are so sweet. My kids just adore ours. They can bark but not any more than other dogs. Here is a picture of our two. Hope you can choose the one that will fit best with your family



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I think the golden AND the black puppy.:) We just lost our 13 1/2 year old golden, (I have now cried EVERY day since April 19th) and our new puppy looks just like the little black one. (Ours is a golden ret/black lab mix) The only question I would ask is if you are ready for the energy level of a lab pup. This puppy is definitely more energetic than our golden was at the same age. He is more mouthy and a little more stubborn, though he's very responsive to the training we're doing. I think the little lab pup you're looking at could be a good dog...someday.;) The golden might just settle right in and be a great dog, though it would be a good idea to find out if there were any issues in his background.


I think this would be my vote too, if you think you can handle it. BTW, husbands can be talked into 3 dogs! Mine was. It took me about 6 months, but maybe you could do it sooner. Sorry to be a trouble maker! I find it helps to have them actually see the dogs. It makes it harder for them to say no. It would be great to give the golden a home, however, they are extremely prone to health problems, so you may be setting yourself up for heartbreak. The puppy will be more easily trained.


We are looking at adding doggie #3 to our home and have decided on a puppy b/c we want to be able to train him and b/c we have other dogs at home to consider. We want the best chance of all dogs getting along. I've done a lot of reading about adopting dogs lately. Rule #1 (which doesn't seem to occur to many people) Do not let guilt guide you in your decision making. Do what is best for your family.

If you can't take them both I would go for the lab and notify a Golden Retriever rescue organization about the golden, so they can get him into a foster home. And I'm going to take the opposite point of view about the Golden. Even if he is not in a breed rescue org, goldens are popular dogs and purebreds can be expensive. There are many people who would snatch up a Golden at that age because they know they won't have to deal with the antics of a puppy. I know b/c I've been looking seriously at the breed and there are very few goldens in our local breed rescue that are actually available. They've all been adopted. We've decided against a golden b/c we live in NJ where the line of Goldens prone to cancer has been bred repeatedly and there are many with health issues in our area especially.


Beagles are cute and I like them when I look at someone else's, but I wouldn't want to own one. They are prone to howl, which my neighbors two do constantly. Some neighbors have complained. They don't bother me--but they would if I owned them. I think I've read that they are prone to getting a little smelly and requiring baths? Not sure on that one.


There must be something in the air this spring. There are so many dog threads and people deciding what dog to adopt!


Please post what you decide so we can congratulate you.



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The thing with the golden...okay, here's the quick version of what happened with ours:

We got her when she was 5 months old, and she was a pure bred. She always had the "pageant walk", where she swung her back end. When she was about 4 1/2, she had her first bout of not being able to get up. We took her to two different vets, and xrays showed she had an old and healed break in her pelvis that had affected her gait (the crack went 2/3 of the way up her entire pelvic bone - it had been bad, nearly severed, so we are assuming this had to have happened before we got her, which was why she was sold). It turned out that she had torn one of her hind acls, so we decided to do the surgery. Within 6 months of having had the surgery, the nylon stretched (likely due to her off gait) and she needed it again. The vet was supposed to have used titanium the first time, but failed to do so, so this time, he was going to put that in. When she was on the operating table, he called us to tell us her other acl also needed surgery, and which one did we want him to do. We went with the first one, and when that was healed, we would do the next. Only it never healed. He broke a drill bit off in her bone, and it was lodged in there permanently. She had a horrible pus sac from the incision that no matter what, would not go away. The pain meds were affecting her nervous system and she was even more off than before. One day, we were outside and I kept hearing a "click click click" sound, and it took me a while to figure out it was coming from her hips - I could see that her hips were displaced, and I could feel it on her back. Then she collapsed. And we had to put her down. And it was the single most awful thing in the world. She was 5 1/2. And just typing all of this out is hard, and it's a glossed over version.


I don't know if I can make a good parent to the older golden. I don't think I could make the decision again for the dog to have surgery (and with those dogs, it's not even "if" it comes up, it's pretty much "when".). I think I will contact the golden rescue in our state and let them know he's there - thanks for that idea.

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The thing with the golden...okay, here's the quick version of what happened with ours:

We got her when she was 5 months old, and she was a pure bred. She always had the "pageant walk", where she swung her back end. When she was about 4 1/2, she had her first bout of not being able to get up. We took her to two different vets, and xrays showed she had an old and healed break in her pelvis that had affected her gait (the crack went 2/3 of the way up her entire pelvic bone - it had been bad, nearly severed, so we are assuming this had to have happened before we got her, which was why she was sold). It turned out that she had torn one of her hind acls, so we decided to do the surgery. Within 6 months of having had the surgery, the nylon stretched (likely due to her off gait) and she needed it again. The vet was supposed to have used titanium the first time, but failed to do so, so this time, he was going to put that in. When she was on the operating table, he called us to tell us her other acl also needed surgery, and which one did we want him to do. We went with the first one, and when that was healed, we would do the next. Only it never healed. He broke a drill bit off in her bone, and it was lodged in there permanently. She had a horrible pus sac from the incision that no matter what, would not go away. The pain meds were affecting her nervous system and she was even more off than before. One day, we were outside and I kept hearing a "click click click" sound, and it took me a while to figure out it was coming from her hips - I could see that her hips were displaced, and I could feel it on her back. Then she collapsed. And we had to put her down. And it was the single most awful thing in the world. She was 5 1/2. And just typing all of this out is hard, and it's a glossed over version.


I don't know if I can make a good parent to the older golden. I don't think I could make the decision again for the dog to have surgery (and with those dogs, it's not even "if" it comes up, it's pretty much "when".). I think I will contact the golden rescue in our state and let them know he's there - thanks for that idea.

:( Sorry that happened!


So, have you decided on the lab mix? We were told that too--that black animals, dogs or cats, are harder to adopt out!


And, as a pp said, Do we get to help vote on a name when you get the dog you want? :001_smile:

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Laura, did you decide?

Not exactly. I'm putting the kennel and the kids in the car and...


I'm leaning toward the goofy black pup. So are the kids. Dh doesn't care, but his vote is to avoid even looking at the golden. I did mention that if he didn't come with to take up the only left over room in the car, I would have space to put a second dog ;).

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Not exactly. I'm putting the kennel and the kids in the car and...


I'm leaning toward the goofy black pup. So are the kids. Dh doesn't care, but his vote is to avoid even looking at the golden. I did mention that if he didn't come with to take up the only left over room in the car, I would have space to put a second dog ;).



Well.... I'm certain you're home by now... did you pick one? I guess you'd be too busy with the new pup to update. Or maybe I missed it?

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Not exactly. I'm putting the kennel and the kids in the car and...


I'm leaning toward the goofy black pup. So are the kids. Dh doesn't care, but his vote is to avoid even looking at the golden. I did mention that if he didn't come with to take up the only left over room in the car, I would have space to put a second dog ;).


:grouphug: I hope you had a good experience getting your new dog.

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I don't know. I don't trust that humane society to have the dogs there and available. I hope it all went well and that Laura got the dog(s) she wanted.


I must be moving too fast and missed that Laura went back to the humane society. I thought she'd hooked up with a local rescue. Eesh.

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We're back :).


The golden was out walking with a family, and the goofy black dog was hanging out with a family that had a little girl who was giggling like crazy over him.


So, we brought home the little beagle mix :). (the least popular in the poll :lol:)


He's so tiny for being 3 1/2 months old! And such a lover - he just crawls right up our laps and snuggles right in. I'll get pics tomorrow and post them.


Our dog isn't sure what the heck is going on. She wants to play, but he's so small, and then he gets mad and our dog gets confused...it's kind of funny. But, already we've kind of put the stop to some of the, uh, bantering. The little guy thinks he's a prize fighter. Only, he's not. He's figuring that out rather quickly. :tongue_smilie:


All in all, I'm happy with the decision. We all are. Tomorrow I'm calling the golden rescue and suggesting they watch for him - I'm sure they will. And the little black dog is a monster bundle of energy - he and our dog would be going around and around all day long.


So, when I post pics tomorrow, I'm going to need name suggestions ;). We've been calling him Slick, but I don't think that one will stick. The kids want to name him 3.14 :lol:

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