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how many days do you wear your jeans

how many days do you wear your jeans  

  1. 1. how many days do you wear your jeans

    • one day
    • two days
    • three or more days
    • other, because if I don't, someone will complain!

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before washing them?


I will wear my jeans for one day out, then a second day at home. Then I toss them in the laundry, clean most of the times, because of the wrinkles behind the knees.




ETA: I will throw them in the laundry on first day if I've stained/dirtied them in anyway.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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bottoms always have at least a 2 day wear policy in our house. Jeans are 3 or 4 wears unless something has gotten on them.


We are the opposite, I like clean clothes in the house, we will wear them out, but we change into pj's pretty quick once we are in for the day.

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I answered 3+. I've been trying to get better about making them last longer. And getting DS into the habit of re-wearing his jeans or sweats. (Or even t-shirts if all we do is stay home.) I don't have a routine though. Part of it depends on what I'm doing and therefore what jeans I wear. Most of mine are too big for me, so they are my 'kick around' pants. I have one pair that actually fits me good. So if I have worn one pair for a couple days and then switch for some reason - the other pair will go into the laundry, even though they've only been worn for 1 day.


We are in a small apt with no washer/dryer, so I'm seeing how expensive it is to have so much laundry to do! We do it once a week, and right now we are spending $15+ a week. If I can shrink us by a load, that will save about $3/wk. That's a lot.


My biggest problem is that since having DS I've got weak bladder control - so if I have a cold and will be sneezing and/or coughing a lot, I go through a LOT of pants. Also, my Aunt Flo (what's the Hive's word for that?? :confused:) can be rough on my pants too. So some weeks I'll only wear one pair of jeans and then other weeks I have to run out do a load 1/2 way during the week!


I love the article that happi duck posted. When I buy new jeans, I will be taking better care of them!

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Depends ont he dirt. They get one wear outside the house. Then if I'm staying home the next day and gardening, ie, they will hit the wash after the gardening.


The problem is that if I ear them longer than two days, they start falling down and I hate the saggy diaper look. Not appealing.

Edited by justamouse
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Like most of my clothes, I was them when they look dirty or I think they are stinky. I can go for days without leaving the house and sometimes hangout in sweats and only get dressed to go somewhere. I change when I get home. Why would I wash something if I only wore it an hour?


My kids are older, I don't own pets. I don't get very dirty.

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I'm starting to feel that I'm washing my jeans TOO much. I used to wear my jeans around 3 times, sometimes more around the house, but a friend of mine AND her teenage dd's told me they looked like they had been worn forever due to the wrinkles behind the knees. I started to wash more often after those comments.


I'm tired of washing clean jeans, though.

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I'm starting to feel that I'm washing my jeans TOO much. I used to wear my jeans around 3 times, sometimes more around the house, but a friend of mine AND her teenage dd's told me they looked like they had been worn forever due to the wrinkles behind the knees. I started to wash more often after those comments.


I'm tired of washing clean jeans, though.



I have never in my life noticed wrinkles behind the knees of jeans (or pants). Mine or anyone else's. Definitely not anyone else's. Seriously, if you notice wrinkles behind someone else's knees......you need more going on in your life. (general you)

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I have never in my life noticed wrinkles behind the knees of jeans (or pants). Mine or anyone else's. Definitely not anyone else's. Seriously' date=' if you notice wrinkles behind someone else's knees......you need more going on in your life. (general you)[/quote']


I was SO self conscious when my friend and her dd's pointed mine out! This while their dad/husband was dying of cancer!

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Twice (unless they get dirty the first day). However, if I've worn them to go out the first day, then depending on where I went and/or how long the day was, they go in the wash right then. For example, if I've spent the day traveling and at the hospital, they go in.the.wash. Period. It is a rare occasion that I'll wear the same jeans three days in a row. :001_smile:

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Honestly, until they get dirty (dirt or food on them, the kids blowing their nose on them, something gross like that) or I realize I haven't washed them in a long time. I definitely go longer between washes in the winter than the summer.

:iagree: Yep, this is me. Unless they look dirty or smell, their good to go.

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When they're dirty = after one wearing

I have a toddler (need I say more?), a dog (that sheds), dirt/dust/mud in my yard, and a barn/livestock. Sometimes I wash them after wearing them for only a few hours.


Very occasionally I have had the opportunity to wear them for two days before washing -- usually if we're on vacation in a city. :D

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My good/town jeans get worn 1-4+ times--depending on for how long I had them on, if they got dirty, etc. If they are dirty, they get washed but often I wear them for 1-2 hours to run in to town and then hang them back up.


My barn jeans go, oh, 4, 5, 6 days or until I think of washing them. Yes, they get dirty the first day but really, if I wash them they will just get dirty again as soon as I put them on. When they about stand up by themselves they get washed. If they get manure on them, etc. then I would wash them earlier but most of the time it is just basic dirt.

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I will wear them three days in a row if nothing gross gets on them. After that I can't keep them pulled up ! But sometimes they don't even make it through one morning. If I get something on them like syrup, shortening, urine (not mine...), dog slobber, etc, I'm done with them.

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I wear mine until they can walk down the hall, push the button for the elevator, go downstairs and hop into the washing machine by themselves.


And the kids' jeans, forget it, you don't even want to know.


I might be more assiduous about our laundry hygiene if we had our own washing machine. Or, I might not. Hard to tell.

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Guest RecumbentHeart


I know I say this all the time, but....


I thought I was the only one :D


3+, until I think they're dirty ;)


Dirty jeans party :party:



:lol: Me too. I was almost scared to read this thread but I'm glad I did now. :D


I usually do a couple/few days. Some jeans start to feel baggy after a couple of wears so they'll get thrown in the wash at that point even if they're not dirty.

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I was SO self conscious when my friend and her dd's pointed mine out! This while their dad/husband was dying of cancer!



I think they were lashing out at you, since they couldn't give the cancer what-for.


Checking out your knee pits was a bit of a stretch.

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I have never in my life noticed wrinkles behind the knees of jeans (or pants). Mine or anyone else's. Definitely not anyone else's. Seriously' date=' if you notice wrinkles behind someone else's knees......you need more going on in your life. (general you)[/quote']




Never in my life have I thought of Jean wrinkles behind the knee. Never.

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If I wear a pair of jeans, I will usually wash them in the next laundry load. I very rarely wear them more than one day. I am sensitive to smell and, for some reason, clothes that I wore the day before are just not as clean and fresh as I want them to be and I can smell the difference (even though I doubt anyone else can).

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I voted 3+. I would say I usually wear them 3-5 times before washing. I don't usually have my jeans on for very long during the day. I wear yoga pants around the house and only put my jeans on when we're getting ready to leave to go to ballet, swim lessons, etc.

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I say 2 but that is a minimum.


It depends on what I am doing. I often change clothes a few times a day. I work odd hours so sometimes, I get up, put on jeans to drive the kids to school. Then I change into my work clothes. OR, I work early and change into jeans when I get home. LOL I may only have them on for an hour or so before I change into something else.


If I am off work, I wear jeans all day. If I work outside, I will put on older jeans.


It really is hard to say how long I wear one pair.

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Honestly, until they get dirty (dirt or food on them, the kids blowing their nose on them, something gross like that) or I realize I haven't washed them in a long time. I definitely go longer between washes in the winter than the summer.



We lived in Uganda for a year I learned quickly there that clothes don't need to be washed as often as we thought. There I would hang up my dresses to air them out before putting them back in the closet.


I usually wash them now when I feel like I can't remember when they were last washed.


But for my jeans I don't wear them all day every day either. It is usaually a few hours while I'm out of the house.

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