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Self Loathing Worst Mother of the Year

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Okay, I know none of you know me at all. And I have been on the forum for only a week; but I promise I am not usually a "poor me, hear all my problems" type of person. I don't have anyone else to vent my frustrations to right now, so I'm going to have to do it here.


Last weekend my son turned 4. At his party he was whiny-er (so not a word but it works) than normal but we chalked it up to being tired. When we got home he took a nap then went outside to play with his sister. He fell weird on the trampoline and came inside crying. Fast forward to Sunday morning and he is holding his neck severely to the right. Oh crud we think, he messed up his neck on the trampoline. I call everyone I can think of and get a rec on a chiropractor whom specializes in children. We saw her everyday last week. Tail end of the week to now he has had a low grade fever. Over the weekend we decided even though his neck has improved, the fever for so long was worrisome and wanted him to see his pediatrician. Apparently what the chiropractor said was a huge knot was actually an inflamed lymph node, and ds might be REALLY sick. He got a TB test at the doctor's office and I am taking him to get some blood work after his nap.


I feel awful. My son has been in pain for a week and I went about treating him ALL WRONG. I should have taken him to the doctor's last week.

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Sorry. Not award worthy. When my ds was a toddler, he fell while holding my hand and his elbow was dislocated (nursemaid's elbow). I just assumed that he was having a tantrum because we were on the way to change his diaper, so I scolded him. Boy, did I feel about 1 centimeter high when I realized that he was crying from pain and not a tantrum.


When my brother was a teen, he and his friend were wrestling and his friend started to cry. My mom basically told him not to be a baby but to shake it off (she said it much nicer than that!) She was soooo appalled when she found out that he had actually broken his leg!


I could go on. . . . (Feel a bit better now?)


I hope they discover the source of his infection and he gets better soon.

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I agree with the others--you did the best you could with the information you had.


The first time my dd fractured her arm, I actually took her to gymnastics before I realized that she really did need to go to the doctor. Yes, I made my dd do a gymnastics class with a broken arm. :svengo:


Shake it off, mama, and keep on truckin'. I hope he feels better soon!

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Well, when i was 12, i complained of a stomach ache to my mom. She thought I was trying to get out of a test that day, but she let me stay home, reluctantly, telling me how disappointed she was in me. She basically ignored me all day and wouldn't let me watch tv or do anything "sick day"-like. A few hours into the afternoon, after crying that my stomach really, really hurt, she took me to the doctor. The doctor told her that I had acute appendicities and my appendix needed to be taken out RIGHT AWAY.


I have never seen my mother drive faster as we raced to the hospital. I was under the knife in under 3 hours. :001_huh:

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Well, if that is the criteria, then I'm the worst mother in the world too. This happened to ds a couple of summers ago as well and it turned out to be mono, which in younger children apparently causes huge lymph nodes. Did they test for mono? I hope he feels better soon!

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I agree with the others - this is not award worthy!!! You ARE an awesome mom. You got him to the doctor he needed to get to. How could you have known until the fever started?


My mom didn't believe my brother when he broke his arm once. He went a week before she took him in. And, she only took him to prove him wrong!!! She felt HORRIBLE!!!!!

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Well, you can come stand next to me ok?


last thursday, my elder son, 10, had a music performance. He actually vomited at the end of the performance. This has never happened to him but I chalked it up to nerves. He seemed fine after that. Later in the day, he said he was tired. Well, I am sorry to hear that but you still have to go to ballet. He attends a very rigorous ballet school and missing a class is a big deal, especially with a performance coming up. So, he drags himself through class. We all figured out that night that it wasn't nerves that made him puke early in the day. Poor kid has a virus.


I am getting payback though. I have it now. Serves me right for making him go to dance.

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The pediatrician that my kids go to tells the story of when her son fell and "hurt his ankle" and she thought, "Oh, I don't wanna be one of those typical medical people who always thinks that the worst has happend to one of their family members". So, she told him to quit whining about it and go play.


It was broken. She felt terrible. He lived.

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Aha. I didn't make my worst mother confession. Last May, DD complained about being tired and dizzy all the time. I thought she was trying to get out of chores b/c she has always been tired or her stomach hurts whenever she has chores to do.


Nope. In late August, we found out she had severe anemia. The doc couldn't figure out how she could remain standing, it was that bad.


She is much better now.

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Last November, my DD complained of an itchy bottom. I took her to the pediatrician, thinking it was a yeast infection. Doctor said that there was no yeast, and sent me home to use a cleansing lotion on her. I also gave her oatmeal baths. I treated her for pinworm. The itching persisted, but what with one thing and another, it was almost a month before I got her back to the doctor.


We saw a different practitioner that time. She thought it might be pinworm, even though I'd treated for it, and was going to give me a prescription for a med that was stronger than the OTC one. When she was writing out the script, she stopped and said, "I'm going to test her for strep!" Sure enough, my poor dd had had a raging strep infection on her bottom for weeks! I was sure I was the world's worst mother then!

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I am overwhelmed by the amount of support from you all.


I have to admit, some of your stories made me chuckle!! My dh is home now, and after repeatedly telling me it is not my fault I do feel better.


They took two vials of blood, but I cannot remember what tests they were supposed to cover, the dr. listed a few, mono could have been one of them. D didn't even cry when they took blood, which was pretty cool. He was excited to have his arm wrapped and said he looked like me! (I am a regular blood donor) I am so proud of how he handled himself.


When I was a kid (9 or 10 maybe?) I feel out of a tree house while visiting my grandma. My Uncle was the only one around, so he took me to the doctor. Doctor said I was fine, stayed another week at Grandma's before I went home. Once home and still complaining about my arm my Mom took me to my pediatrician and found out that my arm was broken!



Thanks again for all the support, I really appreciate it!

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are not the worst mother.


A couple of years ago, the kids were all in the yard playing on the trampoline. DD8 (at the time) was walking around the perimeter of it and she fell. She hurt her wrist, we iced it, and that was it. DH and I noticed at the end of the week (she had fallen on a Sunday) that she was really favoring her right arm and holding it very close to her body and not moving it.


We went to the ER for an x-ray and sure enough, she had been walking around with a broken arm for a week. And at the same time this was going on, I already was in a cast for a broken leg and broken ankle.


Trust me, you are not the worst mother -- this stuff happens. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Ah, can I top you with a dd who, for over a YEAR complained of tummy aches - one night last summer she had a really bad tummy ache but no symptoms of appendicitis so we did not take her in (and she was better by morning.)


Found out, after mentioning the tummy aches when I took her to the doctor for something else, that it could be her gall bladder. Ultrasound confirmed it - surgeon removed it - malformed and full of stones! Her tummy ache last summer was probably a gall stone!!!! Poor baby!!!!

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You're not alone - and if it helps, doctors don't always get it right first time. Ds had intussusception (telescoping of the intestine) when he was 8 months. I took him to the doctor 3 times before they diagnosed the problem. For nearly 3 days the poor guy threw up every time anything went into his mouth, and periodically screamed and tried to "climb" away from the pain. Nothing helped, and the doctors couldn't help, and by the end we were all so tired we'd just lie on the bed next to him as he tried to crawl away from his own tummy, complaining about his screaming. Not our finest hour...


And when dd first started to complain about abdominal pain I figured she was trying to get out of going to the beach with me, so I planted her at a coffee shop on the edge of teh beach with a drink and a book and went down to the sand with my son and another mother and her child. Of course dd had appendicitis and needed her appendix out that evening!

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When my son was 18 months old, he was going through a major tantrum phase. One day while getting ready for work he was out of control screaming. He was behind me walking to the car and decided to slam his head on the sidewalk (nothing new). I was thrilled that he'd stopped screaming and we could go on our way. Well, he gets up and walk in front of me and there's blood pouring out of the back of his head! Some staples and few days home from daycare and he was fine.

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Well, when i was 12, i complained of a stomach ache to my mom. She thought I was trying to get out of a test that day, but she let me stay home, reluctantly, telling me how disappointed she was in me. She basically ignored me all day and wouldn't let me watch tv or do anything "sick day"-like. A few hours into the afternoon, after crying that my stomach really, really hurt, she took me to the doctor. The doctor told her that I had acute appendicities and my appendix needed to be taken out RIGHT AWAY.


I have never seen my mother drive faster as we raced to the hospital. I was under the knife in under 3 hours. :001_huh:


My mom did a similar thing. We lived on an island when i was in high school and you had to take a ferry to get to the mainland. I complained of stomach ache, threw up until there was nothing left to throw up, cried, kicked the walls in my bedroom and finally my mom decided to take me in. The doctor at our island's clinic said to take me to the main hospital on the mainland and the whole time we were on the ferry my mom kept saying, "You had better just be good and sick!" I was in surgery having my appendix removed about 2 hours later. It was a great story to tease her with through the years.:)


The boards remind of the movie Groundhog Day. You too, Mariann?




I know it's already been said, but please do stop kicking yourself, ok? Even doctors, who are supposed to know what's wrong with you, mess up a lot. We took dd18 to the emergency room when she was 4 years old because she was coughing a lot. They told us it was allergies and sent us home. Turned out to be whooping cough - we ended up having a epidemic at our church. Allergies?? Unbelievable!!!

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Yeah - I had tonsilitis and my mom made me go to school and participate in a school play (she thought the play had made me nervous and I was faking sick).... Boy did she feel bad!


I think, after a few years, all moms can claim this title for various similar reason! I know I can......

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The boards remind of the movie Groundhog Day. You too, Mariann?







Holy Ca*p! I just saw that. I was trying to post last night and it would not go through -- I just checked in and saw that.





Let's just chalk it up to me being a real overachiever!:lol:

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Agreeing that you are not a bad mother. My son was playing kickball and another kid threw the ball and hit him in the wrist. He kept complaining and I kept telling him to stop whining, because how can a soft kickball really do any damage, right?


Finally, TWO WEEKS later I took him in and found out it was broken. Of course, I felt terrible.


Hope your little guy feels better soon.

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IMO, you are only a bad mother if you are in possession of a working and accurate crystal ball, and you failed to consult it.


I hope your child feels better soon and that it is nothing serious.


Unless you have some amazing psychic abilities, there's no way you could have known. Guilt isn't a worthwhile emotion. I hope you're little guy feels better soon!

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Doctors don't get excited about a fever for a few days anyway. He's on the road to good health now! I would question a chiro that can't recognize a lymph node.

I was thinking the same thing.



My bad mom award was won when I made dd (4 at the time) stay in the car for two days with a double ear infection. We were moving from AZ to MT. We pulled into Las Vegas to stop for the night and she promptly tossed cookies on dh's shoes as he got her out of the car seat. I did get her to urgent care that evening, but we couldn't spend two days in Vegas waiting for her to get well enough to travel.

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