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Munschhausen by Internet? News to me.

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I agree with you there, Jean, but what about when people are making it up? I felt like an enormous fool after JGEMom was exposed. I stayed away from the old boards for months after that. I felt completely embarrassed to have been so gullible. I kind of got over that when I realized I wasn't the only one -- that many of us took her bait.


So now I tend to put up my guard quite quickly. To be honest, that doesn't feel very good either, but I don't think I could stand getting burned again.


Audrey, it does not matter. What have you lost by being compassionate and helpful? The egg is on the emotional vampire's face.

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I've been on this board since waayyyy back when the board still *flipped* but I don't remember this JGEMom either. Finally something I did not fall for?

I cannot understand people like this???? Wouldn't you rather post something good, something GREAT happening, rejoice with others...??? Totally lost on this one.


I can see posting about the death of a spouse or a child - probably not immediately or if it were soon afterward, just a note from the boardie or someone who knew them, asking for prayers.


I can also see posting about something traumatic happening to a child because I would need support and advice on how to handle it. Though I would hide as many of the identifying details as possible to protect the privacy of my child. Actually I did have one major thing happen with the kids and I chose not to post on the general board at all but PM'd a few trusted and wise boardies for their advice.


I can't imagine wanting more than prayers/sympathy or in the latter case, advice. If people asked if they could send money, I'd say "no".


What I can't imagine is posting a bogus story - particularly about a death in my family. I can't see how anyone could possibly see that as the material of a joke (as some who've done it have claimed) and the dysfunction involved seems great.

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Yes, exactly. I did not mean to imply that I think nobody should post something other than wonderful news. What I meant is that I could not understand what these "emotional vampires" (as Sebastian called them) get out of it??? Sympathy and drama - and in some cases evidently money?

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Seems accurate.


I always keep in mind that a chat board (any chat board) isn't the real world. While I'm sure most of the folks here are honest, caring people, there is always a difference between our perception of ourselves and our situations and reality. We only get (usually) one persons view (the storyteller's) of reality here. It's the difference between knowing a person IRL, looking them in the eye, hearing them speak, and reading that person's diary anonymously.


I think there are people who get something out of emotional drama. My word for them is emotional vampires (in the sense that they like to feast on the emotional crises of others). I think that whole sections of the media feel this, with its steady flow of news and special reports on this or that crisis, emergency and hidden threat.


I think there are people who thrive on putting out their family drama in such a way that folks will line up to tell them how they are right and all of their family members are wrong. I sometimes wonder if the person posting is the toxic relative or friend without boundaries that all of their friends complain about.


Most of the people here seem pretty genuine. A few rub me the wrong way. A few REALLY rub me the wrong way and my ignore list gets to handle them.


But for the most case, all that anyone is going to get is my kind thoughts, ferverent prayers and in special cases, bow tie lasagne or hot dog caserole. So I guess I don't worry about it too much.

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I know someone IRL who definitely has this. One time she called me, really upset that her father and stepmother had come over and just out of the blue started rearranging her furniture, and how dare they, and she was so upset, etc. Later I found out that the furniture was a birthday gift from them, and that she had invited them over for the express purpose of rearranging her furniture!!!!! These people live on drama and being the center of attention, and if nothing is going on, they will create something.


Oh my goodness! You know my MIL!!! :tongue_smilie:

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what's wrong with me? Do I really miss that much? Or is it my memory? I seriously just have no recollection of seeing any poster like this!!! I've seen this mentioned before and have kept a little more of a lookout for this type of poster........ I guess I just....... well I don't know! Maybe my selecting to read threads that only interest me have me missing a lot of drama?


I guess ignorance truly IS bliss. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, this is me! You're in good company! :D

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Yes. There was one on the other board I'm on who completely SNOWED everybody years ago. She had multiple usernames and they would back her up. She was, of course, raising money for her daughter's illness.


There is one on here that I am leery of. The things she posts are HUGE RED FLAGS in the professional community. I mad the mistake of pointing ONE of those things out and was darn-near crucified. Fine. Believe it. Believe it ALL. Whatevs. :glare:

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I guess I don't understand these people that would post about a death in the family and make it up! On another board I am on there is was a woman who posted about her husband being dead. She even went so far as to have a fake obituary done up for him. Then tried to get people to donate money so she could have a memorial service for him. Unfortunately for her, the news did a story about a family that had something tragic happen to them and they interviewed her "dead" husband and someone from the board saw it....she was banned and that was that....


But seriously, isn't that like tempting fate or something? Taking a chance that it might come true. Maybe I am too superstitious, but that gives me the willies! I have kids with health problems and I don't even like to talk about that because it makes me self conscious when people offer all the support!

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What a fascinating topic . . . to be honest, that article makes me feel somewhat vindicated. I've belonged to a couple of boards for years, and there are two long term posters I've always been suspicious about. One in particular was:


1. one lady who apparently was the most fertile woman alive EVER . . . she had a bazillion kids including two sets of naturally occuring twins in a single calendar year. :001_huh: I honestly think she posted about a positive pregnancy test every ten months or so. Like clockwork. For YEARS. And I couldn't help thinking that, if someone had actually had like 5 sets of twins and a set of triplets plus another 10 singletons or so . . . wouldn't it have made the news or something? ;)



Ahhh, it just feels good to finally admit that I've always wondered about these situations and thought, REALLY?!?! Of course, maybe I am completely wrong and have been unfairly suspicious of these posters. I sincerely would feel bad if that were the case.

Edited by LynnG in Hawaii
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For several years in a row there was someone who would come on these boards right before Christmas with a huge sob story (different each year) of how they'd had tons of tragedy and just didn't know how they were going to get through Christmas with no food, etc., etc. Each time, they'd post for a short time before hauling out the sob story, but they didn't really post at all the rest of the year....

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What have you lost by being compassionate and helpful? The egg is on the emotional vampire's face.


Except it's not (the egg on their face). People with Munchausen Syndrome crave the sympathy and pity like alcoholics crave the alcohol. Giving it to them can be seen (from a certain perspective) as enabling.


Someone very close to me has Munchausen/Munchausen by Proxy (in addition to a whole host of other issues -- sigh).


I must admit to being rather distrustful of sob/pity stories from people I don't know. Because I've experienced interactions with IRL Munchausen's, it's very real to me and doesn't feel "rare" at all. I'd not be surprised if there were quite a few on these boards with this issue. After all, the internet is a rather risk-free place for them to go to get the sympathy they crave.

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There is one on here that I am leery of. The things she posts are HUGE RED FLAGS in the professional community. I mad the mistake of pointing ONE of those things out and was darn-near crucified. Fine. Believe it. Believe it ALL. Whatevs. :glare:


Dying of curiousity. Just. Dying. ;)

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if you find out, will you share?;)


That'll cost ya! ;)


Come on, Cyndi! Inquiring minds and all! :bigear:


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: that's SO FUNNY!!!! Was my house clean? :lol:


It was awesome! It was this cool A-frame house on a huge lot! Is that the funniest thing? :lol:

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Audrey, it does not matter. What have you lost by being compassionate and helpful? The egg is on the emotional vampire's face.


:iagree: I had an incident in my family recently where I was taken in by a niece who was lying about basically everything she was telling me. When I first found out, I felt so stupid. Then I thought, no, I wasn't stupid...I was trusting. Because those of us who would never consider behaving that way, have hard time suspecting someone else who would. And you know what? That's ok with me.


I am, of course, referring to giving sympathy and care, and not money or something else like that, where you would need to be more careful and practical.


When another person is deceptive like that, it reflects on them, and not on you. YOU are still a person willing to love and care -which is a worthy thing.

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That'll cost ya! ;)


Come on, Cyndi! Inquiring minds and all! :bigear:






I'm really not looking to publicly out anyone here, because I'm SURE what would ensue is a detailed list of "reasons" that her story is actually true.....along with a 'you just don't undertand what it's like to be me'. :001_huh:


PM me if you'd like.



P.S. The TRUTH is that I just don't understand what it's like to be anyone but me. :001_smile:

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I'm really not looking to publicly out anyone here, because I'm SURE what would ensue is a detailed list of "reasons" that her story is actually true.....along with a 'you just don't undertand what it's like to be me'. :001_huh:


PM me if you'd like.



P.S. The TRUTH is that I just don't understand what it's like to be anyone but me. :001_smile:


I really didn't want you to out anyone--I was more teasing than anything, although I may take you up on that PM offer! I totally get your P.S.! I feel the same!


Did you have to take your shoes off before you could go in? :D



(totally kidding here...)


I don't remember ever making it inside the house. I was probably tripping over shopping carts left strewn about in the driveway! ;)

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You know what I find most sad about all of this stuff is the people for whom it prevents them making REAL friends out of internet friends. Every. single. one of my really close (IRL) friends are people I met on the internet, I feel blessed every day that they are in my life.

I have also met some really special people when I've travelled to the USA who I first met on the net, one even had us to stay in her home for 3 days, and it was the best time! I feel privileged every day to have the people in my life I do, all because of the internet. How sad to miss out on that!

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I feel really naive. I only read one other board regularly and it is homeschooling too, so maybe there is less drama than pregnancy/parenting boards. But in real life I know people very well who sail through life with barely a problem, and I know people with so many problems that they have no control over. I can't imagine how you could know online if someone is being honest but I guess like everything else, if you have been scammed before, you start to see the signs. So sad though.

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Honestly, I avoid almost all of the drama posts here since being suckered in years and years ago. Susan had a great post at the time about how most of us don't really *know* each other in spite of feeling like we do.


Who gives their online password on their deathbed to their sisterunclemothercousinunclebrother just to come online to post a defense or to relay tragic information updates every half an hour!? No one except liars.


This. I've seen this happen recently and I felt :glare:

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I don't find anything suspect about family members posting about emergencies and asking for prayer, though maybe if it were a frequent occurrence I would. They wouldn't even have to enter a password in most cases, as most forums save login information so that you don't have to enter it every time you visit the site.

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You know what I find most sad about all of this stuff is the people for whom it prevents them making REAL friends out of internet friends. Every. single. one of my really close (IRL) friends are people I met on the internet, I feel blessed every day that they are in my life.

I have also met some really special people when I've travelled to the USA who I first met on the net, one even had us to stay in her home for 3 days, and it was the best time! I feel privileged every day to have the people in my life I do, all because of the internet. How sad to miss out on that!


This. I think there should be caution but not paranoia. I am so glad that I know so many of the people on this board in real life. 99% of them are people who live in my state but I've gotten to know Rough Collie really well through this board. I've talked to her on the phone, talked to her kids (yes, they are funny in real life too) and seen pictures. The hilarious thing is that I found out that I had bought used books from them long before I ever met her on this board! Small world. . . I'm looking forward to meeting some other boardies soon.

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You know what I find most sad about all of this stuff is the people for whom it prevents them making REAL friends out of internet friends. Every. single. one of my really close (IRL) friends are people I met on the internet, I feel blessed every day that they are in my life.



I have "internet friends" who I've been friends with for at least 15 years. I've met most of those in real life at some point, or, at the very least, one step removed (someone else within our internet social group whom I've met has met them).


Most internet people are as genuine as anyone you'll meet in real life. It's too bad there are a few that make everyone wary.


I don't find anything suspect about family members posting about emergencies and asking for prayer, though maybe if it were a frequent occurrence I would. They wouldn't even have to enter a password in most cases, as most forums save login information so that you don't have to enter it every time you visit the site.

Yep. I have this site (and several others) open and logged in basically all the time on my computer. A family member wouldn't even need saved login info to post something as me.

Edited by ocelotmom
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Yes. There was one on the other board I'm on who completely SNOWED everybody years ago. She had multiple usernames and they would back her up. She was, of course, raising money for her daughter's illness.


There is one on here that I am leery of. The things she posts are HUGE RED FLAGS in the professional community. I mad the mistake of pointing ONE of those things out and was darn-near crucified. Fine. Believe it. Believe it ALL. Whatevs. :glare:


I don't point things out anywhere anymore, either. And there is more than one.


Except where I work. 'Cause, well, that's my job. ;)




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There have been some obvious fakes on the boards, and in the old board days, some were out'd due to multiple accounts. This board moves so fast and has such a high amount of members, it is probable that we always have a few scammers here. I trust my gut on here and if someone seems suspicious, I take a wait and see approach. I also will stop and think....'even if this is a lie, could offering advice/support help someone else' who isn't the OP? I have learned a lot by reading posts that have nothing to do with me but then can use the information later to help someone else.


If I posted my whole families' sagas....I would be absolutely seen as a troll. LOL Even dd4's caseworker said my siblings lives are like a soap opera.....and one of the most screwed up ones she has seen. LOL (DD4 is my great niece, the caseworker was talking about my sisters and how absolutely bazaar they are). I don't have anything to do with my sisters, that is the only reason I was given dd4 in the first place. Figuring this comment was coming from someone who deals with families in crisis or drama at all times....that was a strong statement.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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If I posted my whole families' sagas....I would be absolutely seen as a troll.


One of the things that has been enlightening for me in a positive way has been how common even some of the big traumas in life are in other people's lives. Look at the NPD parent's and IL's threads. Look at the threads on assaults and violence in people's lives. Look at the threads on death of a loved one. And the threads on DV. And the threads on other kinds of abuse, or RAD or mental illness issues esp. when unmedicated, and chronic illness etc.


I was thinking about this thread in the shower (the best place to think!) and realized just how many of the above categories I have some first hand experience with. Many of the most harrowing stories come from 20 years ago or more when I would foolishly rush in to help where angels feared to tread. Since marrying my wise and stable dh my life story is much more boring:lol: But that doesn't mean that I'm not touched by the nephew who was in jail, the neighbor with boundary issues etc.


For someone who knows a lot of people on this board in real life (and they know my board name!) I've shared a lot of pretty intimate stuff. But really, it's just a broad stroke of the details. In my case I've made a conscious choice to share some of my journey in the hopes that some of it might help others - by warning them, or by showing them a little of how one person anyway has experienced some healing. And I've been touched by those who have shared their journey.


What is important to me in any poster is their heart as shown in their posts. I don't think that someone with Munschausen or NPD can really show a caring loving heart no matter how hard they try.

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There have been some obvious fakes on the boards, and in the old board days, some were out'd due to multiple accounts. This board moves so fast and has such a high amount of members, it is probable that we always have a few scammers here. I trust my gut on here and if someone seems suspicious, I take a wait and see approach. I also will stop and think....'even if this is a lie, could offering advice/support help someone else' who isn't the OP? I have learned a lot by reading posts that have nothing to do with me but then can use the information later to help someone else.


If I posted my whole families' sagas....I would be absolutely seen as a troll. .


I've posted considerable amounts of personal details (and left a lot out :lol:). My life actually has too much content to make up. :D


*shrug* I think message boards are mixed. They are intentional communities AND anonymous gathering places. I've made actual friends, and hundreds of online status of friends. I have an equally involved, people heavy in face/in person life.


I was on a board with a poster who eventually killed her son (accessory to her then husband). It was so tragic and creepy.

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I don't think that someone with Munschausen or NPD can really show a caring loving heart no matter how hard they try.


Hey now, some of us aren't really NPD, we are just inherently anti-social and desperate to rant to someone else who might understand our educational woes... ;)


In all seriousness, Jean is a good friend. And probably a better friend than I am. Although if you want in on my overspent and overexcited homeschool chem labs for next year Jean, send a PM, I suspect our host family would be more than happy to have another kid. :)

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Hey now, some of us aren't really NPD, we are just inherently anti-social and desperate to rant to someone else who might understand our educational woes... ;)


In all seriousness, Jean is a good friend. And probably a better friend than I am. Although if you want in on my overspent and overexcited homeschool chem labs for next year Jean, send a PM, I suspect our host family would be more than happy to have another kid. :)


How about we trade with my ds13 - you've done 13 already so it should be a piece of cake!


Your ds is strong - I have lots of yard work to do!

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How about we trade with my ds13 - you've done 13 already so it should be a piece of cake!


Your ds is strong - I have lots of yard work to do!


:lol::lol: My ds13 just got himself a dog walking job... Though I often do want to trade him off, if only to get out of 8PM pickups every. single. weeknight.

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Other than a few trolls, I think we've been relatively unscathed since the JGEMom incident.


Many of the people on this board have been here a long time and have built up friendships and a sense of community here. Posting their difficulties and asking for prayer is part of our community culture.


Yeah. When I get in an ambulance, I tell the kids to post here for prayers. Knowing they will do that (or that you will, Jean) gives me great comfort.


The JGEMom incident was pretty amazing -- so many people turned into sleuths, and I learned a lot about IP addresses, IIRC.

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I have a friend IRL (though I don't know her well in real life, mainly through e-mails) whose life is so crazy, if i were to post it here, NOBODY would believe it. It's so crazy, I don't share her stories with anybody, not even real life friends, because NOBODY would believe it.


It's so crazy that I have to keep reviewing it in my mind: "I met her husband; that part is real. I met the daughter; that part is real. I was at that wedding; that part is real. I met the nurse (which validates the illness); that part is real. I was actually present when x happened (the craziest thing); so I KNOW that part is real..."


Even then, I sometimes wonder if it is possible that I'm being scammed, or if she's nuts. It's that crazy.


In the end, I know some people do have crazy, complicated, tragic lives; and it's a shame that our life experiences have taught us to be skeptical.


BTW -- I do think we're confusing stories here. The lady whose daughter got pregnant having sex in the bathroom at the Christian school (or something similar) -- that wasn't JGEmom, I don't think. That story happened on this board (the new board), did it not? JGEmom (aka Classical Mom) was on the old board, and, yes, she posted that her husband died, among many other things. That happened on the old boards.


Can somebody who remembers the whole story post a good summary? I remember how JGEmom got busted, but I don't remember how the mom with the "pregnant" teenage daughter got busted. I do remember the supportive posts. Many were agonizingly intimate, and I totally understand why everyone felt abused by the situation.

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I am new to WTM, but not message boards in general. Sadly, I have encountered a few. I don't share very openly here as I am not that comfortable here yet. My life is insane, crazy, bad things happen sure. I try real hard to be positive about the ups and downs I have experienced. I do always lend a prayer weather its a fake issue or not I try not to determine that. my own screwed up life pretty much makes me believe ANYTHING is possible :lol:. I figure if I am praying for someone, if it is fake God will redirect my prayers to the underlying issue :001_smile: I generally don't send $$ but I have sent a many cards or items someone may need. again if its fake at least I cheerfully gave and sure it would miff me some but I would forgive them and pray they get help/see the light what have you.


gosh its late no idea if that made any sense at all.

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