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My son was injured! Prayers and Legal advice.

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Oh gosh! My tongue went immediately to my front teeth. Ouch! By all means get oral / cosmetic surgeons, whatever it takes. I bet he will look fine when it's all healed. There is a lot that can be done these days. It's just going to be a road nobody wants to walk.

And...if necessary select a lawyer to help you file claims.

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OMg, that sounds really, really horrible!


Please don't be afraid to sue them. In this instance, you are not being vindictive or a gold-digger. You are truly trying to get compensation for an accident that is going to cost a lot of money.


When I was a kid, my babysitter's youngest son (who was a teen at the time) was injured at his uncle's lake property. He fell out of the ski-boat and the propeller cut off one of his legs. It was a total freak accident and no one had caused it by inattention. The uncle insisted that my babysitter, who is his sister, sue him. Uncle said the insurance would cover the cost. And really, that's what insurance is for.


And in your case, that is true, also. This accident is exactly why the parks carry insurance. It was a freak accident and it's going to get expensive.


I'm so very sorry your poor ds is going through that right now.

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Ds is doing okay today. He is normally very stoic, but today he was asking for pain meds consistently before I could give them to him :sad:.


His lip is incredibly swollen and his tongue keeps going to where his tooth used to be.


At one point he came up to me and said, "I miss the old me. The me before the accident." :crying:


We also found out that our dental insurance dropped us last month without telling us. It was automatic bill pay so we weren't behind. We had requested a change of address form, but not to be dropped. Dh is going to be fighting this one out. :glare:


I think I have just hit overload and am going into a bit of denial. I have no idea how this is all going to work out, but something is going to give.


Thanks for all the good thoughts!

Edited by simka2
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If you are feeling brave, here's a photo. This is after the 2nd tooth adjustment and with a new splint.


Not for the faint of heart. :glare:



Oh my gosh. The poor boy. :( I've been reading this thread, but... oh my. :crying:


My ds was 3 when he ran into a statue and knocked his front two teeth back, but they weren't knocked completely out and they were baby teeth. And I remember how stressful THAT was & how freaked out I was. I can only imagine if it were to happen now that he is older with permanent teeth. :(


My prayers are with your whole family as you all deal with the stress of the situation and the ordeal of making your ds comfortable and not in pain as he goes through the future dental procedures.





(and I don't think I am ever going to let my kid ride on a slide again. Who would have thought?!?! !!!)



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Simka, I have no legal advice, but I've been there with the teeth knocked out kid. Dd managed to catch a rock with her face when she was 12. She damaged several teeth. She now has a root canal/cap over one of the top front; completely lost/has a bridge with a fake for the one beside the capped front; and broke off a good portion of a bottom front which has been bonded with some gunk (how technical is that!) to build it back up. It was a traumatic and scary time. BUT, her mouth healed very quickly.


If your dental insurance is not going to come around, this IS covered under MEDICAL insurance. It is difficult to get the correct coding, but medical will cover it. Well, at least they cover some of it. They will only pay for the medically necessary treatments. Some stuff they consider to be cosmetic. They did not cover the braces. They will not cover the implant. It is not medically required; the bridge is considered sufficient. Dd is excited because she is now only a year and a half away from that implant being a possibility. She still mourns her pre-injury self. I hope your ds is feeling better soon. Mouthes really do heal quickly.:grouphug:

Edited by Lolly
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Thank you, everyone!!! It is wonderful to know so many are thinking of him.


Simka, I have no legal advice, but I've been there with the teeth knocked out kid. Dd managed to catch a rock with her face when she was 12. She damaged several teeth. She now has a root canal/cap over one of the top front; completely lost/has a bridge with a fake for the one beside the capped front; and broke off a good portion of a bottom front which has been bonded with some gunk (how technical is that!) to build it back up. It was a traumatic and scary time. BUT, her mouth healed very quickly.


If your dental insurance is not going to come around, this IS covered under MEDICAL insurance. It is difficult to get the correct coding, but medical will cover it. Well, at least they cover some of it. They will only pay for the medically necessary treatments. Some stuff they consider to be cosmetic. They did not cover the braces. They will not cover the implant. It is not medically required; the bridge is considered sufficient. Dd is excited because she is now only a year and a half away from that implant being a possibility. She still mourns her pre-injury self. I hope your ds is feeling better soon. Mouthes really do heal quickly.:grouphug:


Lolly, it feels good to here another's story. I really appreciate you sharing this and letting me know it covered by medical. It is true what they say...information is power. It is amazing to be able to come here and get so much help and support!

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Gosh, those pictures... I really feel so awful for him! And can't imagine how stressed you must be! If you continue to have a hard time finding a lawyer I wonder if you should contact your local news station and get your story out there and maybe that will help you get some help (as well as make other parents aware of the danger)!

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