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Confession Thread

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I confess I don't floss my children's teeth. There I said it. I use to do it. I need to start doing it. But I don't want to.


I confess my kids have played many hours of computer today. And not education.


I confess that they have only had Mac and Cheese to eat all day.


-- My eldest had to get two teeth pulled today to make room for the adult teeth. So He got to pick what to eat from brunch, and what to do every since brunch.


Now for non related teeth stuff:


I confess I don't wash my boys enough.

My eldest never seems to stink or appear dirty so I don't wash him often. He doesn't have dry skin so I'm not avoiding it for any reason other then I can't see it making a difference for him. Whenever I put my youngest to bed (he sleeps naked) I notice that his butt smells like a fart - that is unless I have given him a good scrub down before bed. Yes I do all the wiping for him and always have, no cling-ons. Just SBS. (Stinky Butt Syndrome) My eldest never had this problem.


My standards of clean are likely lower that some people.

Mind you my housekeeper (who is a very good friend of mine) says it's better then almost all her clients, including the ones she sees every week for 2 to 3 hours.


I have the sweet tooth in the family.

My dh is avoiding sweets cause of his diet. My kids would often pick oatmeal, carrot, or banana muffins over chocolate. When I make cineman buns they will sometimes ask for no icing since it is sweet enough already.


I confess I have to post this message without rereading it, because my kids need me.

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This is my kind of confession!

Lol! :D

Okay, so the game was really, really *awesome*. So fun!


I made homemade chili dogs using light hot dog buns, reduced fat hot dogs, 2% cheese, and homemade chili with a very very minimal amount of ground beef. They weren't quite the same, but they did ease my craving. How many did I actually eat? Not as many as I thought, but close. :D


I'm taking care of the egg today (really!).


The moth problem--ugh. I've got to do something. Each time I think I've taken care of it, another wave comes. I'm pretty sure it comes down to the fact that they've taken up residence in the paper goods--paper plates, etc, and I've been unable to bear throwing all of them out. :glare:

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The most galling thing about you, Helena, is that you like Creeping Charlie, a.k.a. ground ivy. Thinking of that always gives me a good chuckle when I'm out battling weeds.


My confessions:


I've *warehoused* my children at schools.

I watch The Real Housewives.

I don't iron or sew on buttons for anyone unless under duress.

We sometimes eat in front of the TV while watching feel-good drivel.


As Mr. Bill would say, "Oh, nooooooo!" :D



I've been working really hard to make that stuff grow!! It's green, therefore it is good. :tongue_smilie:

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More confessions:


Gross ones:


I once found a dead lizard underneath the bottom drawer of my fridge. We used to find lizards in the house occasionally, I have no clue how long the poor critter had been in there.


I leave dead spiders under heavy books until dh will come and pick them up.


I found the alligators that lived at the end of our old driveway oddly fascinating. Granted they were about 18inches and 2 ft long, but I was sad when they disappeared (probably back to the river down the road).


We've had ants in the house in the last two weeks. They were in my pantry and kitchen at 4am. Ds and I cleaned them all up because dh was out of town. They were in the bathroom the other night. I washed them all down the drain. We used duct tape to cover the tiny hole in the caulk where they were coming in. I can't spray because I'm extremely sensitive to smells. The bait traps have worked through.



Weird confessions:


I still buy some stuffed animals. I have a gold dragon sitting on my desk.


I am a listmaker. It makes school planning really exciting. I have numerous lists of what we might use through high school in a notebook. It's almost a nervous habit at some points.


I hugged my house recently. Yes, I hugged the wall. I told dh I love our new house so much. That was before the ant incident, but that still doesn't change my adoration for our new abode.


Neglectful confessions:


Ds and I would rather do anything besides school at this point. I'm taking spring break next week because we're both burnt out.


We moved into our new house in December. I haven't had a washer or dryer since then. They are still in storage 900 miles away. Laundromats are expensive, my parents house is 30 minutes away, but we've been handwashing stuff and dh has been dragging most of the laundry to his families house out of town where he is working. We've probably pushed our comfort levels on wearing items too much.


I cook as little as possible. With dh out of town, we eat a lot of cold dinners.


My ds had soda for breakfast the other day. We don't normally buy soda, but my parents brought it up. I have asked them to stop.



Random confessions:


I worry about too much.


I can't take stress and put too much on dh to do. My body reacts badly to stress, so dh deals with it.


I overthink most things, including this post.


I hate my curly hair, sorry. The only saving grace is that I can wear it kind of messy and it looks intentional.


I hate my short legs, I feel like a Hobbit.


I hate my surgical scar that screwed up my abs and looks like a zipper. I'm grateful for it too. Two surgeries, one scar. If I hadn't have had the first surgery (to check for cancer) I would have had radiation on my abs. Then I probably wouldn't have never needed the second surgery (c-section), because I would have probably never been able to have kids. I never wanted a lot of kids, but I am eternally grateful for the one I do have. Still don't like the scar (no money to have it fixed).




Bottom line, I have things I hate about myself that I can not change. I have things I need to change about myself that I do not hate. I am human, I am imperfect. Even in that imperfection someone loves me (two someones at least), one dog thinks I hung the moon, and one cat thinks I like to play in the middle of night when I have insomnia. Life is grand, life goes on.

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Have you tried spearmint? Get a big pack of cheap spearmint gum and strew it around in your pantry. It works on those larvae that sometimes turn up in flour, keeps them from jumping to new packaging.. The other thing you can try is taking everything out of the paper packaging, labeling the plastic and putting in ziplocks to reinforce as needed, and freeze everything for a week. That said, I'm pretty sure there are moth larvae in DD's closet, in the boxes of handmedowns and too-big diapers. I will clean that out...this summer, probably.


The moth problem--ugh. I've got to do something. Each time I think I've taken care of it, another wave comes. I'm pretty sure it comes down to the fact that they've taken up residence in the paper goods--paper plates, etc, and I've been unable to bear throwing all of them out. :glare:

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I confess that all this talk about cookie dough made me go and make myself some chocolate cookie dough and put it in the freezer so I can eat it tonight while watching "The Mentalist".



1/2C butter, softened

3/4C sugar

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla

1C flour

1/3C cocoa powder

1/4 tsp salt


Beat together butter, sugar, egg, and vanilla. Mix together flour, cocoa, and salt and stir into butter mixture. Eat 1/4 of the dough with your mixing spoon and wrap the remainder in waxed paper and keep well hidden in the freezer until needed.

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1. I walked 2.5 miles today so I could justify eating badly.

2. I am considering sneaking out to go get gas and actually eating Chinese food for lunch.

3. I hate Scouts too.

4. I can't wait for co-op to be over.

5. I am letting the DS take a few (okay several) open booked Chemistry test because I lost his test.

6. I don't care if he understands stiochemistry or not. It is just something we have to get through.

7. I have enough dog hair on my couch to create another dog.

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I confess that I did not even know some of the things people confessed were bad. Ex. Macaroni for lunch- do it all the time. Wear a bra for a week? I only own three bras because I'd rather spend money ON books than on holding UP my books (I wear a size that must be special ordered and it's expensive). Not changing the sheets? I could go months- DH is the one that decides they're gross and changes them. Those are a couple but I seriously read some of those and decided that I must gather my guilt and recognize what I've done:lol:.


I have had my spring clothes box in my bedroom floor for a week and still haven't summoned the energy to clean out the closet and change out the winter clothes.


My daughter has captured a ladybug and is keeping it in a bug house and I think it's cute.


There is a line of ants to and from the bug house (there's hummingbird food in it) and I haven't yet done anything about it.



Now I have to go clean up those ants and my closet! I LOVED this thread. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who has things I wish were different. I feel more normal now. Like everyone who seems like they have it all together still has SOMETHING they wish they did better, so we're not so different after all.

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2. I can say "me too" to way too many of everybody else's confessions.


:iagree: I was trying to click on the multi-quote button for the posts I totally identify with, and there were far too many :blush:


Here are my confessions of the moment:


1) My parents have the kids for a few hours and I'm supposed to be working. I have 18 pages of tiny type to edit by 11:30 a.m., and I haven't even started :(


2) I have to take my girls on a sleepover tomorrow night at a local museum, and right now I'd just about rather cut off my pinky than go. There's so much stuff to coordinate, pack, haul...then there's the sleep deprivation, the sleeping bags on the hard floor, the lack of access to my own private bathroom and kitchen... I don't know WHY I thought this was a good idea! But I'm trying hard not to let on, because the girls are so excited.


3) I'm on day 5 of South Beach, and I'm contemplating making myself some cookie dough in the kitchen :svengo:


4) Most days I am so overwhelmed that I feel like I'm spinning in circles. I need a week alone in the house to catch up on my life!


There are so many more that I don't even have time to write them all out! I have to go work. Thank you all for sharing and making me feel better about all my secrets :grouphug:

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I can't speak for her of course, but for myself I lose it sometimes with the kids. I think the difference is that you can't alwas get away from them, and they know exactly which buttons to push.


In addition, some of us simply were not raised in households where people spoke to each other calmly and kindly, even when there's no conflict happening. Objectively, we know what needs to be done and said and how we should calmly and respectfully do and say it. But when reality sets in, we turn into our fathers (or mothers) and don't even realize it until afterward. We carry a lot of guilt about it, but it's a model that is very, VERY difficult to step out of :(


But while we are confessing my adult children love telling the story of when Mom came home from work and smashed the dirty dishes in the kitchen floor. They were all older teens, the youngest was 16, and I had tried everything I could think of to get them to clean up the dishes after themselves so that when I got home from work I didn't face a pile of dishes in the sink before cooking dinner. Oh and of course none of them claimed the dishes and blamed the others. So one day I came home, took one look and calmly started throwing the glass plates, bowls, and glasses in the floor breaking them. Everyone came running and I kept breaking them. I told them since none of them could wash them, we didn't need dishes anymore. I then went upstairs to get changed and cry. The kids cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, and poor DH took me out to dinner that night. Interestingly enough I never came home to a pile of dishes in the sink again. :D


This is awesome!!!


I confess that I am happy that DH is head of the household and therefore I take less responsibility for our decisions as a family.


I confess that, in spite of my problems with the paradigm, there are days when I wish DH was the head of our household so I could take less responsibility and make fewer decisions *sigh*

Edited by melissel
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I confess that I am happy that DH is head of the household and therefore I take less responsibility for our decisions as a family.


I read the above as 'happy that DH is OUT of the household'. I was all :confused:



:iagree: I did the same thing! Does that mean we need to work on our powers of observation? :001_huh: :tongue_smilie: :lol:


I agree though.... I am usually very happy to allow dh to be the head of the house and make decisions!

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I confess that I did not even know some of the things people confessed were bad. Ex. Macaroni for lunch- do it all the time. Wear a bra for a week? I only own three bras because I'd rather spend money ON books than on holding UP my books (I wear a size that must be special ordered and it's expensive).


That was Mac and cheese I gave them for brunch, the dentist appointment was at 11 . Instead of having our usual breakfast at 930, we had the first meal of the day at 1030 and ate nothing but lots of mac and cheese.


I have my reasons, but right now I have only 1 bra that fits me right.

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Thanks, I'll try that.


I'm conflicted about the ants, they're nasty, but I keep thinking of Bug's Life and feel badly for them.


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Oh, I ADORE you! I've been smashing the ants today. I normally capture bugs and let them outside. Dh finds it VERY funny.

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Forgot one, the only reason I got up at 8 this morning was because I remembered there was cookie dough in the fridge.


This made me bust out laughing. I have a um...er....cookie dough issue too. It does not come in the house anymore because of that.


I think we confess to be real. I guess it makes some of us feel better. Some of us see we are not alone in our struggles. More than likely some of us feel better about ourselves after seeing others struggles, although that is sad. So many I read and wish I knew you and could just give you a hug and maybe clean something if you need me too. My house is not immaculate by any stretch of the measure, but it is better than it has been in YEARS (read-someone can come inside without me cringing). I like to clean other people's houses more than my own somehow. I guess I get to see it clean, leave and not see it instantly dirty (not that this doesn't happen!) like my own.


1. I abhor science experiments. I try to push them onto DH, but it never happens. I am with most of you on crafty stuff. Argh. He never helps with anything school related. I really wish he would.


2. I dislike my younger children (sometimes even my oldest) "helping" me do a lot of the chores, but then am unhappy that they don't help enough. :confused:Apparently I have control issues and they don't do it right. I try to show them the right way, but somehow I am not as patient as so many. Sigh.


3. I resent my DH going back to school. It is like many of you with DH's who travel and are gone. Mine is here, only gone studying. We can never just go somewhere or do something since there is school work to do. It seems never ending at this point.


4. I also HATE where I live. I grew up in the Midwest and this climate is the pits. I despise it. It is also very "big city" here and there just seems to me to be a mad rush and no peace. I need peace.


5. I constantly say I hate my life too. I really should stop that. I am so horrible! My life could be so much worse!


6. I am jealous of people with "normal" children sometimes. I love my autistic son, but sometimes his disability is so confining and I am surrounded by people who go and do whatever they please as a family, while we must plan every step with him in mind and how he might react. Many things my children will never get to do as a result. We do take them and do some things while he is in school or separately, but that grows tiring to always have the family apart. I wish he were easier in that respect.


7. I have had far too many chip ahoy cookies today and I don't even like them so much. There are just here and I am in a mood.


8. I would rather be somewhere quiet and beautiful with a book than with most people I have met. I crave alone time and never get it. How do some of you go off to your room to be alone? My children would pester me to death. I am jealous. I rarely am alone. I can't remember the last time I was alone in my house. They even follow me to the bathroom. :001_huh:Some things you should be able to do um...alone.



Edited by Hebrews3:13
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1. My house is never clean enough yet I spend two hours a day just picking up after my husband (mostly) and kids.

2. I am on the verge of calling Hoarders on my husband.

3. We haven't done Latin in 3 weeks.

4. I am addicted to making lists and planning but I don't always like the reality of teaching "real" kids as much. List making is a calming activitiy to me.

5. We haven't had dinner before 8:30 in several weeks due to our busy schedule.

6. We haven't eaten at the table since before Christmas (when we moved said table to the school room so that we could put tree in dining area -tree is down but DH hasn't moved table back and in reality table is probably in it's new permanent area unless I can get someone else to come over and help me move it.)

7. I am not so thrilled with my daughters new hobby of cake decorating -it's making me gain weight.

8. I am addicted to coffee which I like to drink while I'm making my lists.

9. My yard looks horrendous but I am barely keeping afloat with the inside and homeschooling and all the other jobs I do.

10. I am on the verge of collapse as we speak.

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:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Oh, I ADORE you! I've been smashing the ants today. I normally capture bugs and let them outside. Dh finds it VERY funny.

:D I keep thinking I'll step outside and some faux bird will swoop down on me, trying to peck my eyes out or something.



This made me bust out laughing. I have a um...er....cookie dough issue too. It does not come in the house anymore because of that.





I believe that Pringles are evil. They are canned temptation, that aren't even fully potato chips. Did you know Pringles contain wheat? I'm supposed to avoid wheat, but I can't avoid Pringles if they are in the house. I made ds take the last can to his room.


I'm tasting cookie dough right now, though. Sheesh, good thing the coffee is reheating. :lol::lol:

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nm. it all has gotten out of hand


What??!! This is THE BEST thread----and I mean T H E B E S T!!! thread I think I have ever, ever seen!!! WOW---did I ever need to read the 13 pages of 'confessions' to realize I am not alone!! This is wonderful. And I am going to add my confession after I get a glass of wine and relax a bit :tongue_smilie:

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But while we are confessing my adult children love telling the story of when Mom came home from work and smashed the dirty dishes in the kitchen floor. They were all older teens, the youngest was 16, and I had tried everything I could think of to get them to clean up the dishes after themselves so that when I got home from work I didn't face a pile of dishes in the sink before cooking dinner. Oh and of course none of them claimed the dishes and blamed the others. So one day I came home, took one look and calmly started throwing the glass plates, bowls, and glasses in the floor breaking them. Everyone came running and I kept breaking them. I told them since none of them could wash them, we didn't need dishes anymore. I then went upstairs to get changed and cry. The kids cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, and poor DH took me out to dinner that night. Interestingly enough I never came home to a pile of dishes in the sink again. :D




This is hilarious! :lol: You GO girl!

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I confess that sometimes I sit at the computer having fun on the Hive until my butt hurts. That's NEVER good.







I confess that I pick up the computer to get on the boards while I'm nursing....and she falls asleep and I pretend she's still nursing so I have a legit 'reason' to stay on the computer!


I LOVE this thread! Every post makes me think of something else I could (should?) confess!


Oh-I thought of another one. I washed ds's sheets today, but forgot to put them back on the bed. While I was dawdling at play practice, dh was putting ds to bed- when I got home, I saw that dh had just laid a blanket on top of the mattress?!?!? I asked how he could have not realized there weren't sheets on the bed and he said he didn't know if the sheets were clean. Really?!? The fact that they smelled like fabric softener instead of pee wasn't a clue?

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I don't even know where to start. I could relate to something in almost EVERY post!


This thread was AWESOME!


A few of the many things that I could confess:

-the house is never really clean, I get it about 90% clean (not often) and then it starts backsliding.

-my closets, laundry room, pantry are a disaster

-I don't wash our sheets often enough

-I don't wash the kids often enough

-I can totally relate to bugs in the pantry, btdt

-something needs to change in the bedtime routine because I get angry EVERY night when the kids are not following directions and getting ready for bed in a timely manner.



Ahhh, there is so many more I could share.

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Don't you dare apologize for this thread! It was a breath of fresh air. Really! I feel so imperfect sometimes. Actually, I often feel like a failure because I *think* everyone else around me is managing to keep a clean house, feed their kids all homemade organic food, grind their own wheat, sew their own clothes, get all the school work done (plus things like instruments and foreign language lessons), AND get to the end of the day with a smile on their face because they're always so patient and understanding with their children and they never, ever yell at them like I so often do. It is SO nice to know I'm not alone in all my imperfections!!!!!!!

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I confess I've never seen this thread till now but I'm mentioned several times as having participated. :lol: It's okay, I love you Denise! All us fabulous Albertan mamas are swell and special dontchaknow! ;)


OK OK, I confess that I've run the same load in the washer about 6 times now. I just leave it. It stinks. I rewash. Cycle repeats. Where are my socks? Oh, right, they're really stinky. Time to wash them. Again. And I haven't even worn them! :tongue_smilie:


I confess that I needed a break from my dd today. She talks. A lot.


I confess that I turn the phone off a lot or just don't answer it.


I confess that I'm having horrible medical issues right now and I can't get through save the grace and strength of my Saviour.


I confess that because of my Canadian-osity, I often feel pressured to spell things the American way. I picture you all laughing at the extra U's in words. Oh well. Live on. British spelling is used here, so that's what my keyboard recognizes as proper. As in a proper tea. In Britain. And here. So there.


I confess that my son wiped his butt with a hand towel today. That one will be washed an extra 3 times (with bleach) in addition to the 6 standard times.



I confess that my dh loves his shirts ironed for work and that it is the one chore I've struggled with doing. He gets about 3 ironed shirts every few months. :001_huh:


I confess that I haven't made my bed in about 2 years. (ok, make that 2 chores I struggle with.)


I confess I am struggling with an image of a washboard with a shield. Oh man. I'm just... wow... heart palpitations here... *sigh*


I confess that I haven't shaved my legs in 2 months. I have really bad psoriasis on my legs so shaving is not good. No shorts or short skirts for me. Who wants to see hairy cornflakes?

Edited by specialmama
math. 1 chore + 1 chore = I dunno.
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LOVE this thread! :D


I loathe doing crafts. Absolutely detest them. Anything that involves gluing stuff together makes my skin crawl.

I really wish my kids hadn't won awards in the music festival. Now we have to spend another three hours driving so that they can go to the honours performance.

I have eaten way to many Reese's Pieces recently. Pregnacny cravings.

I can't stand listening to audio books; even if it's Jim Weiss.

I spend far to much time on the computer.

I've been a Lenten failure this year.

My kids stay up late; I stay up even later.

I think my kids had ice cream for lunch today. I was in the bathroom throwing up. When will my morning sickness end?

My house?:svengo: It's beyond a disaster.

Edited by Aquinas Academy
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I confess that my son wiped his butt with a hand towel today. That one will be washed an extra 3 times (with bleach) in addition to the 6 standard times.



That reminded me, I walked in to the bathroom the other day, DS was sitting on the toilet going #1. He reached over and used the shower curtain to wipe his penis :001_huh::lol:. I really got the impression that this was not the first time he has done this.

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I've read through this thread and all the related threads and just want to say wow. I appreciate all the honesty, all the apologies, all the humor, all the crazy zany stuff...I guess I just wanted to say thanks for being real. This is a special group of ladies and a special board. I relate to many, many of your confessions and stresses and lives.

I'll confess I never answer my home phone, and I often wonder why we have one. I answer my cell somtimes. :) My house is always in some state of disarray; we have too much clutter; half our garage is full of it. Our bathrooms do not get cleaned often enough (we have 3 boys). We also have 4 of my extended family members living in our basement...and that means 8 people are using one shower, thankfully my dh and I have our own. (yes that adds up to 10 people in the house). We have one washer and dryer for those 10. You can imagine, I don't get laundry done often enough, and if I do, it stays in baskets. My bedroom is always a mess and I hate that but then never get it cleaned up. I spent most of this year hating homeschooling, but I'm feeling better about it now. Not that I enjoy teaching, I don't. I just feel better about my purpose for doing it.

Thanks again for letting others look into the "real" life of homeschooling and motherhood.

Blessings, Angie

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ROFL while reading much of this. Especially just now, reading about Specialmama doing her wash 6 times. :lol: Makes me feel so wonderfully normal.


The other day I was reading Confessions of an Organized Homemaker while sitting on the sofa nursing the baby. I was literally surrounded by clean laundry I had tossed on the couch and hadn't folded yet, toys, baby items, blankets, and all kinds of stuff strewn all over the living room. Even popcorn from the kids' snack on the floor. The irony was not lost on me, so it's good to read of others who struggle in that area too. :001_smile:

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hmmm..I have a bunch

1. this is our first week HS'ing in 2 years and I know I have been way to easy on the kids


2. I planned a 5 day lesson plan but we finished everything in 4 days other than spelling test so I told the girls I would do an oral spelling test and if they got 95% of better we would go get a rebox movie (when secretly I just wanted to keep them all watching tv so I could scrub the floors)


3. the Movie was Toy story 3 and I should of read some reviews because my 5 year old cried near the end and I wasn't watching enough to know what upset her so badly and I felt AWFUL


4. I moved and unpacked my entire house in 8 days and I was less than nice to those who where not being helpful


5. its 2:41amand my dinner dishes are not done and it is going to bug me until I get up and do them


6. In moving we had to leave our church and I am not in a huge hurry to go church shopping and my girls have not had any social contact since we moved on the 3rd because of it


7. We have a very low income and simply can not afford curricula for 3 kids and I am terrified my kids educations will suffer because I am not so good at winging it.


8. back to the movie night, a big part of it was letting them stay up late so I can sleep in for the first time in a long long long time.


9. I am "borrowing" someones internet picked up by my wifi to make said confessions because at&t is taking forever to get our internet set up.


10. after 1 week of FIAR I am not sure I like it at all but dd5 loved it I would feel terrible to stop doing it but it truly bored me to tears.


11. dh and I snuck out for chinese food and I gave the kids mac n cheese dd12 later busted me by finding fortune cookies in my purse :lol:

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I LOVED this thread. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who has things I wish were different. I feel more normal now. Like everyone who seems like they have it all together still has SOMETHING they wish they did better' date=' so we're not so different after all.[/quote']
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I could quote so many on this thread, it's embarassing.



I confess I've never seen this thread till now but I'm mentioned several times as having participated. :lol: It's okay, I love you Denise! All us fabulous Albertan mamas are swell and special dontchaknow! ;)


OK OK, I confess that I've run the same load in the washer about 6 times now. I just leave it. It stinks. I rewash. Cycle repeats. Where are my socks? Oh, right, they're really stinky. Time to wash them. Again. And I haven't even worn them! :tongue_smilie: You mean it doesn't say to do that in the machine's instruction manual?


I confess that I needed a break from my dd today. She talks. A lot.


I confess that I turn the phone off a lot or just don't answer it.


I confess that I'm having horrible medical issues right now and I can't get through save the grace and strength of my Saviour. I don't have the medical issues (saying a prayer for you!), but as I was reading this thread, the same thought came to my mind. Without Him, for me, this thread would not be as funny and as uplifting as it has been. I confess this thread has made me even more thankful for His abundant, all sufficient Grace.


I confess that because of my Canadian-osity, I often feel pressured to spell things the American way. I picture you all laughing at the extra U's in words. Oh well. Live on. British spelling is used here, so that's what my keyboard recognizes as proper. As in a proper tea. In Britain. And here. So there. Aww, I love the Queen's English! You can spell colour with a "u" anytime!


I confess that my son wiped his butt with a hand towel today. That one will be washed an extra 3 times (with bleach) in addition to the 6 standard times.



I confess that my dh loves his shirts ironed for work and that it is the one chore I've struggled with doing. He gets about 3 ironed shirts every few months. :001_huh:


I confess that I haven't made my bed in about 2 years. (ok, make that 2 chores I struggle with.) Why make it when you are just going to mess it up again in a few hours anyway? Well, am I right?? :tongue_smilie:


I confess I am struggling with an image of a washboard with a shield. Oh man. I'm just... wow... heart palpitations here... *sigh*


I confess that I haven't shaved my legs in 2 months. I have really bad psoriasis on my legs so shaving is not good. No shorts or short skirts for me. Who wants to see hairy cornflakes?

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I confess that sometimes I sit at the computer having fun on the Hive until my butt hurts. That's NEVER good.





Well, I for one, have never been in a hurry and put a blanket on top of the mattress instead of putting the sheets on.


Oh, neither have I! :leaving:


Don't you dare apologize for this thread! It was a breath of fresh air. Really! I feel so imperfect sometimes. Actually, I often feel like a failure because I *think* everyone else around me is managing to keep a clean house, feed their kids all homemade organic food, grind their own wheat, sew their own clothes, get all the school work done (plus things like instruments and foreign language lessons), AND get to the end of the day with a smile on their face because they're always so patient and understanding with their children and they never, ever yell at them like I so often do. It is SO nice to know I'm not alone in all my imperfections!!!!!!!




I confess that I'm having horrible medical issues right now and I can't get through save the grace and strength of my Saviour.


I'm sorry, mama :grouphug:


That reminded me, I walked in to the bathroom the other day, DS was sitting on the toilet going #1. He reached over and used the shower curtain to wipe his penis :001_huh::lol:. I really got the impression that this was not the first time he has done this.


:lol: This may explain why another poster's bathroom always smells like pee!

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I've read through this thread and all the related threads and just want to say wow. I appreciate all the honesty, all the apologies, all the humor, all the crazy zany stuff...I guess I just wanted to say thanks for being real. This is a special group of ladies and a special board. I relate to many, many of your confessions and stresses and lives.

I'll confess I never answer my home phone, and I often wonder why we have one. I answer my cell somtimes. :) My house is always in some state of disarray; we have too much clutter; half our garage is full of it. Our bathrooms do not get cleaned often enough (we have 3 boys). We also have 4 of my extended family members living in our basement...and that means 8 people are using one shower, thankfully my dh and I have our own. (yes that adds up to 10 people in the house). We have one washer and dryer for those 10. You can imagine, I don't get laundry done often enough, and if I do, it stays in baskets. My bedroom is always a mess and I hate that but then never get it cleaned up. I spent most of this year hating homeschooling, but I'm feeling better about it now. Not that I enjoy teaching, I don't. I just feel better about my purpose for doing it.

Thanks again for letting others look into the "real" life of homeschooling and motherhood.

Blessings, Angie


I'm scared to go in our garage. DH takes a day off every spring and we spend the day purging and taking stuff to the dump and Goodwill and now its just as bad as it was before. I think it multiplies when we aren't looking.


I also loathe laundry and believe it should jump out of the dryer, onto hangers and socks should pair off and fold themselves and then everything can hop into drawers on their own.


And right now I can't really bring myself to feel guilty as what I thought was a simple sinus infection could be a mini stroke and DH is having issues at work again. :sigh:


But this thread makes me feel like I'm not a failure and I appreciate that. :001_smile:


ETA: Why can't boys hit the toilet when peeing? It seriously drives me nuts. I do clean that daily - sometimes more than 3 times a day - because I cannot stand the smell.

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I confess that when my daughter was 3, we were in a waiting room with a toy iron. She started moving it back and forth saying, "Vroom, vroom." She had never seen an iron.


I'm not sure she has yet. My husband used to iron his Air Force uniforms, but neither of us has ironed anything since then.


I confess that my kids are watching "Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiago," "Timeblazers," and "Magic School Bus," and I am counting it as science and history/ geography.

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What??!! This is THE BEST thread----and I mean T H E B E S T!!! thread I think I have ever, ever seen!!! WOW---did I ever need to read the 13 pages of 'confessions' to realize I am not alone!! This is wonderful. And I am going to add my confession after I get a glass of wine and relax a bit :tongue_smilie:



-I haven't changed our bedsheets in close to........well, it's too embarrassing. I rarely make the bed. I'm not sure my kids even KNOW how to make their beds.


-there is spilled dirt from the kitten knocking a plant over that has been on the floor being walked on for 2 weeks.


-I just told off a person I have been 'friends' with since high school I should have told off months ago. I never tell anyone off---I just walk away and turn the other cheek----but I was feisty last night :001_huh:


--I seem to be able to only correct one of my kid's school work at a time----so dd's work goes weeks without being looked at and when we do go over it---it's frustrating because she can't remember it.


-I plan, and replan and plan again my kids school. I think I like planning sometimes more than doing.


-I HATE where I live so much that I think I am becoming a bitter whiner. We are from coastal CA and live in a crappy, dusty small mountain town literally 150 miles from anywhere significant and I can't believe we have lived here for 16 years........Now that our business has lost about 50%---it's worse than ever.


-I HATE having Super Sensitive Celiac disease + chemical sensitivities and have been a terrible role model for my children because I reguarlly complain about not being able to eat out or eat anything from a package. We all have Celiac and I complain about the unfairness of that too because it is isolating and disabling, especially for the kids if they want to go to college and live in a dorm or go anywhere food is served to them.


-Said loss in business has made it impossible for us to meet all of our financial obligations--------so I let my teenagers answer the collection calls and mess with them :001_huh:


-When times were good, my husband and I helped out all of his family with houses, finances etc. Now that hard times have hit us----they barely have anything to do with us and we all live in this same small town. There are times I will admit I feel hatred for them....


-I don't enjoy cooking because everything has to be from scratch, so my husband cooks most dinners. Sometimes we don't eat until 10pm.


-We eat breakfast together at the table, but dinner is on the couch in front of Netflix or we scatter to our computers. The dining table is our school table, so usually covered with books.


-I was SO honored to get my grandmother's baby grand piano----but now I find it just an unused room hog and I want to sell it for the room and the money to help with finances.

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I confess that when my daughter was 3, we were in a waiting room with a toy iron. She started moving it back and forth saying, "Vroom, vroom." She had never seen an iron.


I'm not sure she has yet.

I don't iron regularly either. I will for special occasions like a couple times a year. I save the ironing for when my mother comes to visit (1-2x/month). There isn't very much anyway - just a few of DH's shirts that aren't wrinkle-free.


I'm scared to go in our garage. DH takes a day off every spring and we spend the day purging and taking stuff to the dump and Goodwill and now its just as bad as it was before. I think it multiplies when we aren't looking.


I also loathe laundry and believe it should jump out of the dryer, onto hangers and socks should pair off and fold themselves and then everything can hop into drawers on their own.




I confess I've never seen this thread till now but I'm mentioned several times as having participated. :lol: It's okay, I love you Denise! All us fabulous Albertan mamas are swell and special dontchaknow! ;)


OK OK, I confess that I've run the same load in the washer about 6 times now. I just leave it. It stinks. I rewash. Cycle repeats. Where are my socks? Oh, right, they're really stinky. Time to wash them. Again. And I haven't even worn them! :tongue_smilie:


I confess that I needed a break from my dd today. She talks. A lot.


I confess that I turn the phone off a lot or just don't answer it.


I confess that I'm having horrible medical issues right now and I can't get through save the grace and strength of my Saviour.


I confess that because of my Canadian-osity, I often feel pressured to spell things the American way. I picture you all laughing at the extra U's in words. Oh well. Live on. British spelling is used here, so that's what my keyboard recognizes as proper. As in a proper tea. In Britain. And here. So there.


I confess that my son wiped his butt with a hand towel today. That one will be washed an extra 3 times (with bleach) in addition to the 6 standard times.



I confess that my dh loves his shirts ironed for work and that it is the one chore I've struggled with doing. He gets about 3 ironed shirts every few months. :001_huh:


I confess that I haven't made my bed in about 2 years. (ok, make that 2 chores I struggle with.)


I confess I am struggling with an image of a washboard with a shield. Oh man. I'm just... wow... heart palpitations here... *sigh*


I confess that I haven't shaved my legs in 2 months. I have really bad psoriasis on my legs so shaving is not good. No shorts or short skirts for me. Who wants to see hairy cornflakes?


Minus the health issues & the Canadian stuff this is me too. :grouphug: to everyone - great thread!

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I confess that some things people are confessing to, for me aren't confession worthy.


My house is usually close to tidy. But then again I measure my clean standards against my dh, who when single had the curb size garbage can in his kitchen and it was overflowing, and he lived in a apartment, next to a garbage shute.

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I confess that when my daughter was 3, we were in a waiting room with a toy iron. She started moving it back and forth saying, "Vroom, vroom." She had never seen an iron.




Ha ha! So cute!


My DD was about that age when she saw an ironing board for the first time. It was in a Magic Cabin catalogue. She said, "What is that, Mommy?"


(I don't iron much, and until she stopped napping, (a dark, dark day indeed), she never saw me do it or saw the ironing board out.)

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I made my children get dressed today at 4:15 so it would appear that we did something besides sit in the family room and played computer games all day. (We are on spring break, but still....)


When they asked what was for lunch, they got 'whatever you can find'. the 7 yr old had 2 (organic) lollipops.


I NEVER make my bed. I'm not sure that my girls even know how to make a bed.


I am overweight (VERY) but I hate to exercise and I LOVE ice cream. Period.


I have a favorite child. She's the cuddly one.


I sometimes wish we hadn't had children.


I homeschooled this year only becasue DH agreed to put enroll them in co-op ALL DAY on Wednesdays. 10-4. All. Day.


I just bought my dd 2 tankinis from LE because she has completley lost one, and only has the bottom (or top?) to the other one. And we are going to Fl in 3 weeks.


Which reminds me. I would rather walk on hot coals than go on this vacation. But DH bought 4 plane tickets before telling me.


I hate being in constant pain, but the pain medicine helps so much with my ADD that I can get a TON of work done when I take it.


That's all for now.


Oh, and I *LOVE* men in kilts.


I'm addicted to farm town. And have used my paypal account to 'buy' farm cash.

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