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30 day song challenge - day 2: A song you hate

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Oh drat! I thought it was a month of favorite songs. :blush:

A least favorite would have to be The Cars, Drive


The lyrics make me gag (and laugh, because I like to change the words). :001_smile:



You get to post many more favorites in different categories. There are more "favorite" categories than not.

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You get to post many more favorites in different categories. There are more "favorite" categories than not.


Ah, got it. Can I add anything by Manhattan Transfer?? I could never understand how my parents, who had great taste in music, could like this band. My mom and I were just talking about it last week, all she said was, "No way they were good!". :ack2:

Funny thing, my husband grew up with same scenario..

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I don't know the title or who sings it but someone wrote a song about how cartoon characters would say "Hallelujah" (Scooby Doo, etc.). The first time I heard it in church I was so appalled I cried, then got up and left. It offends me greatly.


I also detest "Butterfly Kisses" and any other song like that. blech

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Anything by Nickleback! Bleck. I always think his throat sounds like it ripping out as he sings it's so raspy, not to mention all their songs are pretty lame. The one called "I want to be a rock star" (at least I assume that's what it is called) is probably at the top of my most hated songs.


That's funny....I can't stand Nickleback either, but I love the Rockstar song:)

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Guest Katia

I simply cannot stand the song that they used to sing at the end of Sherri Lewis' Lamb Chops show:


"This is the song that doesn't end....it just goes on and on my friend.....some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because....this is the song that doesn't end...." etc. etc.


Over and over ad nauseum. And, it doesn't end. Blech. What sadistic mind thought up such an annoying song?

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Will this be easier than picking a favorite song? It was for me.


I hate the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. I love the simplicity of the original by Dolly Parton but I think Whitney destroys it.




Excellent choice for a song you hate. I completely agree.

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Oh, this is much harder, but of have to go with "The Tide is High" by Blondie. I'd rather listen to ABBA, and that's saying a lot. I also have a visceral dislike of "Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2. A glib glorification of martyrdom just doesn't do it for me. :glare:

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Sarah McLachlan's "In the Arms of an Angel." Every time that animal cruelty commercial comes on TV the song makes me want to kick my dog.


:lol: Thanks for the laugh! I used to LOVE that song but b/c of that stupid commercial, I now loathe it. Hmmmm...I don't really hate many songs but there was this one song out there by some rap punk (Little Wayne maybe?) that just made my skin crawl. It was/is pretty popular and I want to vomit every time I hear it but I can't recall the name.

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"girl you are to mee, allll that a woman should be, and I dedicate my life to you allllllways....". I can't think of the name of it or who sings it. Blech!!!



oh! i love that song!!


reunited and it feels so good! .... there's one perfect thing and baby this one is it....



is that the song??



LOL. no that's not it. i just googled it. i love both of those songs though!

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