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What's your "instant tranquilizer"?

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or oxygen mask when homeschool doesn't go the way you planned or when kids put off their work or simply when you feel you are left alone to tackle problems?


This is just the end of my second year of HS. Still got a lot to learn.


So many parenting books tell you to "just take a deep breath", or "put on your oxygen mask" before you should get upset and yell. But when kids push that botton, before I have time to take a breath, my brain switches to the "fright or flight" mode.


Where do you find your oxygen mask??:confused:


Obviously, mine is still lost somewhere in the mess of my living room....

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I bake cookies when stressed out. It really helps my attitude and seems to improve everyone else's as well. Especially Chocolate Chip.

Cooking used to be my stress-relief when I had only one child. Once upon a time I even follow Julia Child's recipes for my daily meals....Now this is the way my DH does to calm me down. ha ha


When I'm anxious or experience very strong emotion in a very short period of time (anger, for example) my tranquilizer has been this:




It takes effect amazingly fast and does great things for my stress levels.

Will try this tomorrow first thing!!
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Guest CarolineUK

I used to find breastfeeding acted as a very powerful instant tranquiliser :001_smile:. Obviously it is limited, and no longer available for me, sadly.


I generally ban the offending child/children to their bedroom then throw my frustrated energies into cleaning the mess in the living room :D, or whatever other mess has been irritating me - very therapeutic. Then I take the breath, compose myself and try again. It's very rarely that the second attempt results in problems enough to wind me up to such an extent again.

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I have to have alone time for at least half an hour every day or I go bonkers. I used to feel bad about it, because there is always something to do or someone to talk to, or something to plan. But if I don't take that recharge time I am worthless. I usually spend that time in my bedroom piddling, reading a junk book, outside in the sunshine knitting, or whatever. But the important part is that no one talks to me or touches me. If I can get that time then I can handle the 50 millions questions, comment, and the togetherness that comes with homeschooling. In fact I love having the kids cuddle up with me. Without alone time, it becomes annoying instead of loving.


Oh and good chocolate helps too.

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I have to have alone time for at least half an hour every day or I go bonkers. I used to feel bad about it, because there is always something to do or someone to talk to, or something to plan. But if I don't take that recharge time I am worthless. I usually spend that time in my bedroom piddling, reading a junk book, outside in the sunshine knitting, or whatever. But the important part is that no one talks to me or touches me. If I can get that time then I can handle the 50 millions questions, comment, and the togetherness that comes with homeschooling. In fact I love having the kids cuddle up with me. Without alone time, it becomes annoying instead of loving.


Oh and good chocolate helps too.


:iagree: I NEED my alone time. It is not a luxury. I usually take a walk or get some kind of exercise.



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Coffee. :001_smile:


And I go on a mad cleaning spree -- usually something of little importance gets a really thorough cleaning (like behind the washer and dryer) or I reorganize a closet/shelf/room. As long as it is something that will take a few hours to complete, it relieves my stress.


I wish exercise was my "instant tranquilizer".... that would be awesome.

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It takes effect amazingly fast and does great things for my stress levels.

Yes, I haven't tried this, but have read fabulous things about it. Next time we travel or if someone is returning, I need to stock up on this.

The Bach Flower Remedies represent a form of psychotherapy in a bottle, a noninvasive modality to address negative emotional states like:

• Anxiety

• Depression

• Impatience

A Welsh homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach recognized in the 1920s that, if herbs have healing powers, so must flowers. Over many years, he experimented with numerous flowers and trees to create a total of 38 plant-based Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach Rescue Remedy is used in many emergency rooms to help alleviate trauma.

Centuary is useful for boundary issues, especially for people who give too much of themselves

Impatiens is good for irritability and short tempers.

Oak is for those determined types who struggle on (despite setbacks) through adversity or illness.

Rock water can ease tension for those who tend to be hard on themselves.





I swear by naps. For me. Or a shower.

Or, if I needed to feel productive amidst the chaos, I would just read aloud and we could cuddle on the couches.

Agreeing with all 3 - this is exactly what I do.

Daily naps are essential for me.

Read-alouds help me a lot when I get very upset. Even now as they're older.


I have to have alone time for at least half an hour every day or I go bonkers.

Me too. Except I need MUCH more than half an hour. Hence why I wake up at such crazy hours. :)

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Coffee. And wiping things down with bleach, vacuuming, and perhaps finding some things to donate or throw out. Always makes me feel better.


All of the above! :iagree:



In all seriousness

this morning I had to cry and pray in private for a few minutes and beg God to help me not ruin this day.

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First I try to prevent myself from getting them.


I find I need to exercise a certain amount to not get anxious. I am able to stay off medication if I get in my exercise time. For me that is a 3 to 4K run every other day. The days I don't run I need to do something. A 6 K bike ride, a 2 to 3 hour walk around town doing errands with a back pack full of books.


If that is unsuccessful, or something happens and I notice my anxiety, stress or grumpiness increases I:

- Explain to the people in the house that I am feeling anxious, stressed, grumpy... and that I need to do something to feel better.

- I have some quiet time in my room, or a warm bath, or something to eat, or if possible I go for some exercise.


If that is unsuccessful I do have some prescription drugs. My :chillpill: pills. :p

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DARK chocolate, and locking myself in bathroom door reading my Bible or HS devotional for about 3-5 minutes...


If all else fails, and we're all needing a bit of peace, we do naps/quiet time on the beds... books, drawing, etc, but alone & quiet

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Oh, you meant it in a figurative sense! Just kidding!


I like to take a hot shower and either cry or totally gripe to God, then end in a little thankfulness before I get out. ;) If the weather is nice, I will just go out into the sunshine and walk around a bit, listen to the birds or the sounds of the creek and chill.

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This. Or vanilla frosting. Sometimes both together (that works better on the actual baked cookies though).


You didn't say it had to be reasonable!


Ever since I was a kid I liked white icing on white bread. I still prefer it to cake. I find cake can sometimes be to messy, and I find most cakes have way to much icing. I just put on the thin layer of icing. But I imagine it is no worse for you then eating cake.

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in no particular order:

good chocolate

a cup of tea

reading a novel for a while

prayer/reading Scripture



organizing or cleaning something

playing with my dog



any of the above while 1) kids are outside 2) kids are in their rooms for rest time 3) kids are watching a movie 4) kids are with DH somewhere else.


I really need the alone time!! As a pp said, no one talking to me, no one touching me...


I haven't tried any of the homeopathic helps, but will check those out! :D

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