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My inlaws are sending a check for our curriculum for the year.

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I got home tonite after having dinner out with a friend. My mil had called and wanted me to call back. She said that since they didn't have a chance to help with putting a new roof on our home they wanted to send a check for our curriculum for the year and hoped it would get there before I leave for the Cincy conference. After I picked myself off the floor I said how much that would mean because i didn't know how we would pay for it this year.


She literally asked how much I needed to get everything and I told her. She said I am writing a check out right now and dropping it in the mail tomorrow. Now, I hope it gets here before I leave on Thursday.

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I am putting this in my "What to do for my grandchildren" file. Simply speechless. You are a blessed woman.




:iagree: That is very awesome. My grandparents paid for me and my siblings to attend a private Christian school and then helped put us through college. I pray that I am financially able to do the same for both my kids (college for sure and private school if we end up putting them in school down the road) and for my grandkids.

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I am putting this in my "What to do for my grandchildren" file. Simply speechless. You are a blessed woman.





You and my dh think alike! When I showed him this thread, the first thing he said was, "We're going to be those kind of grandparents."

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After the many in-law threads that are less than positive, this was a burst of sunshine. I'm so happy for you!


Note: I would give anything for my MIL to have lived to know my boys - she was the most wonderful, thoughtful woman and I could have seen her doing something like this.

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