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Being nickle and dimed at a restaurant -- any good stories?

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I am a vegetarian because I have a meat intolerance. Nobody else in my family has this issue, so we often eat at places where I have to change up the order to make it work.


This scenario has happened repeatedly at Red Robin. They have a BLTA Croissant Sandwich. I ask them to take off the Turkey and the Bacon and substitute a slice of cheese instead. I get the bill...1.00 for extra cheese!:thumbdown: I always contest it and get it taken off because there is no way that the cheese is more than the cost of all the meat I had taken off the sandwich. Another pet peeve is that they often will put the meat on my sandwich and when I ask for another one since the meat will make me sick, then simply scrape it off. I can tell because it leaves behind all the juices and grease. And yes, I have to be picky about it because that little bit can make me sick. I am always friendly about it and try to explain that I really dont mean to be difficult, but I really cannot have meat-or meat byproducts in my sandwich. Sometimes they are nice and make a whole new sandwich, other times they are disgruntled and try to get away with scraping it off...and then of course add the extra charges!


Crazy! I hate that when I get nachos or tacos from Willy's and don't get cheese OR sour cream OR meat, but instead order guacamole, I have to pay an extra $1. The whole taco is only $2.50 A whole extra $1 for guac? Hate that. Also, recently I went to a restaurant and ordered a salad that had bleu cheese in the description. So, I asked not to have any thanks. But, when the salad came it was covered, and I mean covered in parmesan cheese. I know I should have asked, but can people please put such things in the dang description on the menu?



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But did she refund your $0.75? ;) I know it's only $0.75, but the principal of the thing would cause me to try and get it reconciled. She should be held accountable. And if the manager owner backs her up, only then would I not dine there anymore.


Nope. She kept the charge on because I ate the dressing. I am usually about the principle of it, too, but I was done by then.

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A couple years ago I had lunch at a restaurant in Port Jefferson, NY - right near the ferry dock. There were 6 of us (all adults) who all ordered entrees and soft drinks. The food was fine and the waitress was regularly at our table asking us if we wanted refills on our drinks, often refilling them from half full for things like iced tea (like restaurants do all over the place - iced tea and water are in pitchers, while soda is refilled from the fountain dispenser).


We get our bill and it's CRAZY expensive. Why? They charged us for every.single. refill. Often 3 per person. When we brought it up to the waitress she said simply, "the menu doesn't say there are free refills." So, we took it up with the manager, who looked to the wait staff and said "we charge for refills?" :001_huh:


We all stood there, dumbstruck, and asked "when was the last time any of you were in a regular sit down restaurant that CHARGED for refills on soft drinks?!"


And no, they didn't take them off the bill. We did point out that we received "half-fills" often because the server would top up half-full glasses, but the manager just looked confused.


Uh, 1985...when a pop cost about 50 cents a glass? :lol:

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We get our bill and it's CRAZY expensive. Why? They charged us for every.single. refill. Often 3 per person. When we brought it up to the waitress she said simply, "the menu doesn't say there are free refills." So, we took it up with the manager, who looked to the wait staff and said "we charge for refills?" :001_huh:


We all stood there, dumbstruck, and asked "when was the last time any of you were in a regular sit down restaurant that CHARGED for refills on soft drinks?!"


And no, they didn't take them off the bill. We did point out that we received "half-fills" often because the server would top up half-full glasses, but the manager just looked confused.


Wow! We learned the hard way during our first trip to Montreal that refills are not free. Each drink is full price. However, it is always a new glass. We found this in every restaurant we went to while there.

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I guess it would not have dawned on me that it was complementary. I don't ever remember a waiter saying "would you like to order a glass of wine?". It's usually something along the lines of "would you like a glass of wine? We have some specialty drinks tonight. Let me tell you about them." Even if it's in the bar area, standing room only, prior to be seated.


This was not in the bar area--it was in the front entryway. I thought it unusual that they were serving wine in the waiting area, but figured maybe it was going to be a long wait? I had never seen this done at an OG before this so I guess I was thinking it was a special deal. Possibly that woman who unwittingly bought herself a glass of wine was of the same mindset.

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I cannot imagine expecting a free glass of wine at any restaurant.

I have never had a server approach my table for the first time and ask if I'd like to 'pay for' a glass of wine. He asks, "Would you like a glass of wine."

Of course I intend to pay for it. It's a restaurant, not a pot luck.

He wouldn't mention the cost, as each wine is priced differently.




If you're at someone's HOUSE, then you can assume it's complimentary. If you're at a restaurant, it's safe to assume it's going to cost something.

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Wow! We learned the hard way during our first trip to Montreal that refills are not free. Each drink is full price. However, it is always a new glass. We found this in every restaurant we went to while there.


It was an adjustment while we were in England last summer, too. As was having to ask for water (and specifying tap water) if we wanted to drink on the cheap ;)


Here in the US we get used to water being free (and free flowing).


Of course, the service was different in England - many places were "order and pay at the counter" like in pubs and similar places. We had to have a lesson in "how to dine out in England" from family :)

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Can I add, mostly on topic, that i HATE it when restaurants don't include the price of cocktails on the liquor menu?


I very rarely order liquor when out because I"m cheap. We went out for my birthday earlier this month (just the 4 of us) and as a splurge I ordered a Lemon Drop martini even though the mixed drinks didn't have a price. I expected it would be around $6-$7 (we were at the Cheesecake Factory). It was $10.50. :eek:


There's a steak place (a la carte sides ;) , but sized for sharing) here in town and when we went out for our anniversary, I got a cocktail. It came with the shaker. I refilled my glass TWO more times. I think that drink was $13. Well worth the price (and tasty!).

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She had charged me $.075 for ranch dressing!!!



Yeah...her tip would have been half that 75 cents too. :)


We think it is outrageous that a local owned mom and pop place where I live charges $1.00 per glass for a refill on fountain drinks. If you get 6 refills, you pay $6 in addition to the original $1.25 fee for the drink. However, sweet tea refills are on the house. :confused:



Oh.oh.oh...and I remember one more! We went to cracker barrel about an hour from my house a few mos ago. We had all sorts of shopping to do, but the kids were starving, so we decided on dinner first. Well, the waitress dropped a bottle of A1 sauce and splattered it ALL OVER me...and the man behind me. The mgr came out and apologized and told me to send him the dry cleaning bill for my sweater. I was soaked in A1 and then soaked in water from trying to wash it off. I smelled AWFUL and had to go BUY clothing (and NOT from their little "country store" either) to change in to so we could finish our shopping. And would you believe that the waitress has the gaul to bring me the BILL for my food. I laughed in her face and told her to get the Mgr. He took off MY food, but I still paid for my kids' and dh! I should have written a letter of complaint!


In complete juxtaposition to that, we went to Chili's last weekened and the Mgr. gave me a free dessert because my spring rolls didn't come out with my appetizer...and I didn't even COMPLAIN! I said NOTHING - I was fine munching on what I had until they came and he walked over to the table and said, "dessert is on me since you are having to wait. That is not right - your food should have all come out at once."

Edited by Tree House Academy
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A few years ago, when my girls were still home we would go to a restaurant where "Kids Eat Free!". We would always go to this place when dh was out of town because he doesn't like it. The small print says one free kids meal for every adult meal. I would buy 4 adult meals for my teens and myself, and my youngest four children would eat free.


One night my three teens and I ordered adult meals, but the waitress only gave me one free kids meal. I questioned her. She said, "You are the parent of all these kids, you shouldn't get four free kids meals, just one." I said, "What if my 18yo dd were to come in here with her little sister, could she get a kids meal free?" Waitress said, "Of course!. You're just trying to get four free kids' meals." Then she said if it had been 4 separate checks and my teens could pay for their own check, they could put a free kids meal on their own checks. I proceeded to pass out $20 bills to my teens and ask for four checks. She stomped away and came back and slammed the four checks on our table.


Ironically, the very next week my sister was in town with her 7 children. She wanted to go to this restaurant b/c it's one of her favorite hometown things to do. My brother and his wife wanted to join us with their 5 dc. Then my parents decided to join us as well. We parade into the same restaurant with 8 adults, 5 teens, and 14 children. The waitress saw me and stated loudly to the manager, "I WILL NOT wait on THAT woman!" The manager waited on us, and I asked him whether we needed to have 13 checks so we could get a free kids meal for each adult meal. He said, "It doesn't matter who eats the adult meal, each one warrants a free kids meal." The waitress glowered at me from the counter and I just smiled sweetly. :D

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I can remember a long long long time My parents took us to a really fancy brunch. It was something like $15 for a kid to eat. This was WAY out of our normal living. We where a "kids eat free Tuesdays at the sizzler" type family. They had the most AMAZING orange juice we all have several glasses. no where did it say refills where not free. We got our bill and I thought my dad was going to die we had $70 in orange juice. I don't remember what happened but I know we never went back again :lol:


I recently saw a sign in a drive through (can't recall which fine fast food establishment I was at) it said "you will be charged for additional condiments" I was wondering what that meant meaning you could get 1 BBQ sauce but they would charge you for the 2nd? or maybe they limit you 2 packs of catchup.. so we just kept driving I didn't want to be bothered with it.

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A few years ago, when my girls were still home we would go to a restaurant where "Kids Eat Free!". We would always go to this place when dh was out of town because he doesn't like it. The small print says one free kids meal for every adult meal. I would buy 4 adult meals for my teens and myself, and my youngest four children would eat free.


One night my three teens and I ordered adult meals, but the waitress only gave me one free kids meal. I questioned her. She said, "You are the parent of all these kids, you shouldn't get four free kids meals, just one." I said, "What if my 18yo dd were to come in here with her little sister, could she get a kids meal free?" Waitress said, "Of course!. You're just trying to get four free kids' meals." Then she said if it had been 4 separate checks and my teens could pay for their own check, they could put a free kids meal on their own checks. I proceeded to pass out $20 bills to my teens and ask for four checks. She stomped away and came back and slammed the four checks on our table.


Ironically, the very next week my sister was in town with her 7 children. She wanted to go to this restaurant b/c it's one of her favorite hometown things to do. My brother and his wife wanted to join us with their 5 dc. Then my parents decided to join us as well. We parade into the same restaurant with 8 adults, 5 teens, and 14 children. The waitress saw me and stated loudly to the manager, "I WILL NOT wait on THAT woman!" The manager waited on us, and I asked him whether we needed to have 13 checks so we could get a free kids meal for each adult meal. He said, "It doesn't matter who eats the adult meal, each one warrants a free kids meal." The waitress glowered at me from the counter and I just smiled sweetly. :D


Did she keep her job?

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I recently saw a sign in a drive through (can't recall which fine fast food establishment I was at) it said "you will be charged for additional condiments" I was wondering what that meant meaning you could get 1 BBQ sauce but they would charge you for the 2nd? or maybe they limit you 2 packs of catchup.. so we just kept driving I didn't want to be bothered with it.


That reminds me, I used to work at a fast food restaurant when I was a teen. One day my manager got in a fist fight with a customer because he didn't want to pay .25 for an extra BBQ sauce.

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I recently saw a sign in a drive through (can't recall which fine fast food establishment I was at) it said "you will be charged for additional condiments" I was wondering what that meant meaning you could get 1 BBQ sauce but they would charge you for the 2nd? or maybe they limit you 2 packs of catchup.. so we just kept driving I didn't want to be bothered with it.


I know the McDonalds in my home town (before it was closed for health code violations) charged for condiments beyond "reasonable and customary." So, you couldn't order a big mac and fries and get BBQ sauce for the fries (because BBQ was for mc nuggets). You also would get BBQ in a reasonable amount for the amount of nuggets (so, no - you can't get 5 tubs of sauce for a 6 piece carton of chicken nuggets). You COULD pay for them, though.

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They had the most AMAZING orange juice we all have several glasses. no where did it say refills where not free. We got our bill and I thought my dad was going to die we had $70 in orange juice. I don't remember what happened but I know we never went back again :lol:

I have never been to a restaurant where juice refills were free.

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They had the most AMAZING orange juice we all have several glasses. no where did it say refills where not free.


Unless a menu or other sign specifically states that refills *are* free, I would assume I'm paying for everything I'm consuming.


This thread has been really interesting to me. We only eat at restaurants 2 or 3 times a year, so maybe I'm out of the loop. Still, I am surprised at what people feel entitled to when they are eating away from home.

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Wow, we eat out fairly often. I can't ever remember being charged incorrectly except once I believe a restaurant forgot to bring something out but still charged us for it. When we brought it to their attention, they apologized and removed the bill.


I have experienced the surprise upgrade. We went into a restaurant which is one of a local group of restaurants. We had to wait a long time for seating and then they had to sit us seperately (There were five of us). For that, they gave us free appetizers although we hadn't complained. Then it turned out that they had run out of two entrees and two of the party had to switch choices- this happened while we were ordering and didn;t cause any delay. They then comped us dessert. Again we hadn't complained. Well, they did themselves a good business idea since we have visited several of their restaurants a number of times more and will go again at least once before we move.

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One of our favorite food stories involves ordering Pizza Hut for delivery. It came with a large stick, as in a branch of a tree, a few inches long and probably 1/4 thick, baked under the cheese and toppings. We called, and all they did was bring us a new pizza 20 minutes later. No refunds or anything...just the extra wait while the kids went hungry. They couldn't explain where the stick had come from either, or how they didn't notice it while they made the pizza.


Recently, I took my son on a date in our old town. We waited forever for our food. I didn't time it but it was something like 45 minutes or so. And when we got it, his sliders were raw...completely uncooked/cold in the middle. I also didn't get my side of rings with my sandwich. It came out later, and they were nasty, cooking oil pouring out of them when you bit into them. We didn't hang around to get his free ice cream with kids meal because we had to catch the last bus to our parking garage before they switched to an infrequent schedule.

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A friend and I went to a restaurant one day. I have 4 kiddos and she has three (two of whom were 10 month old twins at the time). We were told we would be seated as soon as a table was ready, probably 10 to 20 mins. We opted to wait, but I was getting anxious because I could see where they had place to push a couple tables together for us. Finally, 30 mins later, they drag us to the absolute back of the restaurant. We promptly order (having had plenty of time to go over the menu). My friend and I both opt for salad bar with our meal and get ourselves something to eat. 40 mins later they come out to tell us that they do not have the Mac and Cheese all the kids order, so we place a new order. By this time we have been in the restaurant for over and hour and the kids have no food. 3 hours into this ordeal my friend goes ballistic - the kids have been absolutely angelic up to this point, but enough was enough, then when the food comes, the order is incorrect. The manager comes over and hands us coupons for 1/2 price breakfasts, which my friend laughs at and insists that our meal be comped in full. He agrees, and then the waiter asks us if we would like pie for all out trouble. The kids had dessert with their meals, so my friend and I say okay, and he brings it to us and then tries to bill us for it (it was very clear in his offer that the pie would be "free"). Needless to say we refused to pay for the pie, and refuse to go back.

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It always surprises me when people complain about chains not cooking foods a certain way, ie. leave this out, add this, substitute this, etc. They get their food frozen, or make stuff from powder mixes (VAST majority of it), and have people (who have NO cooking experience) just reheating it.... it's not like everything is made to order... there are not a bunch of cooks back there cooking all this food from fresh vegetables and such.



FYI: For those in my part of the country. Dixie and Delta Cafes make almost all of their food from scratch from real food. I know. My son's a cook there.

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One of our favorite food stories involves ordering Pizza Hut for delivery. It came with a large stick, as in a branch of a tree, a few inches long and probably 1/4 thick, baked under the cheese and toppings. We called, and all they did was bring us a new pizza 20 minutes later. No refunds or anything...just the extra wait while the kids went hungry. They couldn't explain where the stick had come from either, or how they didn't notice it while they made the pizza.

it into them.


WHAT????? That's just bizarre!

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I proceeded to pass out $20 bills to my teens and ask for four checks. She stomped away and came back and slammed the four checks on our table.


The waitress glowered at me from the counter and I just smiled sweetly. :D


That is hilarious!!! Way to go, Leanna!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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We recently tried out a new restaurant. My husband and I both ordered the same thing which included a combo deal with salad and free slice of pie. I ordered the salad, but my husband didn't want salad. At the end, we both ordered our pie, but when the bill came his pie had a charge of $3.95 and mine was free. When we asked about it, they said it's because he did not order the salad, so his pie was not free. WHAT? They refused to remove the $3.95 charge. Obviously we'll not be back.

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I remember something like that at an OG we went to years ago. They were offering glasses of wine to those of us waiting for a table. One woman in the room thought they were complementary. After all, she was asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Not "Would you like to purchase a glass of wine?" Or "Would you like a glass of wine? They're $." She took one, took a sip, then was told it would cost $ (I don't remember how much it was). She looked taken aback but paid without a fuss. I thought that was pretty underhanded of the waitstaff.


Hmmmm....this hasn't happened to me though at OG. They always told me if I would like a complimentary wine while waiting. I was never charged. Sometime they would come to our table and offer house wine. I always ask is it complimentary or will I be charged? They always told me complimentary. Could be different management.....

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We recently tried out a new restaurant. My husband and I both ordered the same thing which included a combo deal with salad and free slice of pie. I ordered the salad, but my husband didn't want salad. At the end, we both ordered our pie, but when the bill came his pie had a charge of $3.95 and mine was free. When we asked about it, they said it's because he did not order the salad, so his pie was not free. WHAT? They refused to remove the $3.95 charge. Obviously we'll not be back.

Did they charge the combo price for his meal? Or did they charge separately for the items he received?

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The worst.....getting a dinner at an inexpensive Chinese restaurant, and when I asked for an an extra plastic fork (the very cheap white ones that have sharp edges) for dd and I to share the dinner, the server had to ask permission from the cook/owner to give me one more fork. I had just spent $10 there, and apparently was only rationed one fork, and one thin napkin. The server then had to ask him, if he was supposed to charge me for it. This wasn't a new server, they were honestly, that cheap!


Beside the register there was a list of how many condiments each meal came with (very, very few) and then the charge list for extras like a single soy sauce packet.


They solved the soda issue, buy only selling cans of soda.

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We recently tried out a new restaurant. My husband and I both ordered the same thing which included a combo deal with salad and free slice of pie. I ordered the salad, but my husband didn't want salad. At the end, we both ordered our pie, but when the bill came his pie had a charge of $3.95 and mine was free. When we asked about it, they said it's because he did not order the salad, so his pie was not free. WHAT? They refused to remove the $3.95 charge. Obviously we'll not be back.


OMG!!! You have got to be kidding!

I would have pitched a fit the likes of which they had never seen before. Every manager who worked there would have had to address me. The store owner would have been called. This doesn't even make any sense! Please tell me what restaurant this was. I am dying to know. OMG!

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It always surprises me when people complain about chains not cooking foods a certain way, ie. leave this out, add this, substitute this, etc. They get their food frozen, or make stuff from powder mixes (VAST majority of it), and have people (who have NO cooking experience) just reheating it.... it's not like everything is made to order... there are not a bunch of cooks back there cooking all this food from fresh vegetables and such. The soups, etc. sit around all day waiting on you to eat it... it probably arrived in a 5 gallon bucket. The sauces are all pre-made from powder mixes... all they do is add water...


My better experiences have been with chain restaurants, and my worst experiences have been with privately owned places. There's the "upscale" restaurant that has been around for 50 years that had the cockroaches all over the curtains; there's the little local place where we sometimes get cheesesteaks that screws my dang cheesesteak up every single time (NO onions, people! how hard is that?!); there was the family-owned pancake restaurant that stank of cheap cleaning solution where the waitresses were smoking behind the counter and the pancakes tasted like they came right out of a box.


If I've had a negative experience at a chain restaurant, the server (I've never had to escalate to a manager) has always been responsive and eager to make it right. I hate tomatoes on my sandwiches too, and I've never had an errant one scraped off--I've always gotten a new sandwich. Maybe it's regional, but I tend to stick to chains these days. IME, the quality of the service is usually better, and the quality of the food is likely to be as good or better as many of the privately owned places I've been to--and I'm not easy to please (as my DH can tell you :lol:).

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We recently tried out a new restaurant. My husband and I both ordered the same thing which included a combo deal with salad and free slice of pie. I ordered the salad, but my husband didn't want salad. At the end, we both ordered our pie, but when the bill came his pie had a charge of $3.95 and mine was free. When we asked about it, they said it's because he did not order the salad, so his pie was not free. WHAT? They refused to remove the $3.95 charge. Obviously we'll not be back.


This reminds me of my last trip to pick up pizza. They had a special for 2 large, 2-topping pizzas. I ordered one with 2 toppings and one just cheese. The employee told me he would have to charge me more, because the special was just for pizzas with 2 toppings. I said, "OK, make them both ham and mushroom then, but leave the ham and mushrooms off of one of them". Surprisingly, it worked :lol:

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I forgot about this. I took dd9 to subway a few months back. Get got a kids meal. the bread was so stale and falling apart. I took it back up and the girl had to call her boss to see if she could make a new sandwich or refund me. She was on the phone for at least 10 mins explaining every last possible detail about the sandwich. They figured it was bread that was over cooked and that it was "crispy" and was fine to eat. I was like IT IS A PILE OF CRUMBS. She called he boss back again and he said to make a new sandwich but to use flat bread so it wasn't "too crumby" for me. I could hear him on the phone. I was so mad.. I was like REALLY? all this for a 3 inch sandwich with 2 pieces of salami and 8 black olives. I came home and complained on the subway FB page :lol:


I have never been to a restaurant where juice refills were free.


Unless a menu or other sign specifically states that refills *are* free, I would assume I'm paying for everything I'm consuming.


This thread has been really interesting to me. We only eat at restaurants 2 or 3 times a year, so maybe I'm out of the loop. Still, I am surprised at what people feel entitled to when they are eating away from home.


This was over 20 years ago. My parents apparently had not been to a restaurant that didn't have free refills. I know at least 1 place that does have free juice refills Eat n' park (at least on kids drinks I never ordered an adult juice)

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I have a story that still ticks me off to think about! My DH and I took a large group of family and friends out to dinner when my DD was baptized. It was a nice restaurant and DH paid for everyone (we're talking $150 tab several years ago). The waitress asks the entire table, not DH who was paying if she minded if she kept the change. :cursing::mad::banghead: Not only did they not know how much DH had given her, but she knew they were going to be polite and say okay. DH was in the bathroom at the time and I was taking care of my DS so we were completely left out. He was a student at the time ( so of course money was very tight), so it was a really big deal to us. He complained to the manager, but let her keep the tip...he's way too nice. It really ticks me off, because we would have left her a nice tip (DH always tips 20%) and she stole quite a bit more money than that! She probably blew it all on hair and nails while my DC ate mac and cheese for the week. :rant:edit.gif

Edited by Holly
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I guess it would not have dawned on me that it was complementary. I don't ever remember a waiter saying "would you like to order a glass of wine?". It's usually something along the lines of "would you like a glass of wine? We have some specialty drinks tonight. Let me tell you about them." Even if it's in the bar area, standing room only, prior to be seated.


I don't know...sometimes places offer complimentary stuff to those waiting in the lobby. It's happened to us.


I'm repeating myself but I guess the lesson really is buyer beware.


Or maybe: Beware! You're buying it!

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Here's mine. Went to a pizza place with a friend and she found a roach in her drink. :ack2: They tried to make us all pay full price for everything and just give her a 20% coupon for next time she went. End result after lots of arguing was her drink was free and that was it. Never again!


Brain bleach, please...

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Here too. I actually like it, but I can see how it would be annoying if you weren't expecting it.


Someone mentioned Ruth's Chris and Morton's not doing a la carte, is that a recent thing because it sure wasn't the case when we used to go 10 years ago.


It's funny...we don't have those here. The big chain steakhouse it Outback.

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Crazy! I hate that when I get nachos or tacos from Willy's and don't get cheese OR sour cream OR meat, but instead order guacamole, I have to pay an extra $1. The whole taco is only $2.50 A whole extra $1 for guac? Hate that. Also, recently I went to a restaurant and ordered a salad that had bleu cheese in the description. So, I asked not to have any thanks. But, when the salad came it was covered, and I mean covered in parmesan cheese. I know I should have asked, but can people please put such things in the dang description on the menu?




Did you ever ask to substitute?


Is the guac good? Is "worth" a dollar? I hate when I order it and it's like gushy flavorless paste.

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This was not in the bar area--it was in the front entryway. I thought it unusual that they were serving wine in the waiting area, but figured maybe it was going to be a long wait? I had never seen this done at an OG before this so I guess I was thinking it was a special deal. Possibly that woman who unwittingly bought herself a glass of wine was of the same mindset.


That's what I would have thought.

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Can I add, mostly on topic, that i HATE it when restaurants don't include the price of cocktails on the liquor menu?


I very rarely order liquor when out because I"m cheap. We went out for my birthday earlier this month (just the 4 of us) and as a splurge I ordered a Lemon Drop martini even though the mixed drinks didn't have a price. I expected it would be around $6-$7 (we were at the Cheesecake Factory). It was $10.50. :eek:


There's a steak place (a la carte sides ;) , but sized for sharing) here in town and when we went out for our anniversary, I got a cocktail. It came with the shaker. I refilled my glass TWO more times. I think that drink was $13. Well worth the price (and tasty!).


AND...when you ask and the waitress doesn't know the price.

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Yeah...her tip would have been half that 75 cents too. :)


We think it is outrageous that a local owned mom and pop place where I live charges $1.00 per glass for a refill on fountain drinks. If you get 6 refills, you pay $6 in addition to the original $1.25 fee for the drink. However, sweet tea refills are on the house. :confused:



Oh.oh.oh...and I remember one more! We went to cracker barrel about an hour from my house a few mos ago. We had all sorts of shopping to do, but the kids were starving, so we decided on dinner first. Well, the waitress dropped a bottle of A1 sauce and splattered it ALL OVER me...and the man behind me. The mgr came out and apologized and told me to send him the dry cleaning bill for my sweater. I was soaked in A1 and then soaked in water from trying to wash it off. I smelled AWFUL and had to go BUY clothing (and NOT from their little "country store" either) to change in to so we could finish our shopping. And would you believe that the waitress has the gaul to bring me the BILL for my food. I laughed in her face and told her to get the Mgr. He took off MY food, but I still paid for my kids' and dh! I should have written a letter of complaint!


In complete juxtaposition to that, we went to Chili's last weekened and the Mgr. gave me a free dessert because my spring rolls didn't come out with my appetizer...and I didn't even COMPLAIN! I said NOTHING - I was fine munching on what I had until they came and he walked over to the table and said, "dessert is on me since you are having to wait. That is not right - your food should have all come out at once."


I'd like to go back to the days when a pop was a reasonable price (like 75 cents) and then you pay per refill.


It'll never happen, I know.

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A few years ago, when my girls were still home we would go to a restaurant where "Kids Eat Free!". We would always go to this place when dh was out of town because he doesn't like it. The small print says one free kids meal for every adult meal. I would buy 4 adult meals for my teens and myself, and my youngest four children would eat free.


One night my three teens and I ordered adult meals, but the waitress only gave me one free kids meal. I questioned her. She said, "You are the parent of all these kids, you shouldn't get four free kids meals, just one." I said, "What if my 18yo dd were to come in here with her little sister, could she get a kids meal free?" Waitress said, "Of course!. You're just trying to get four free kids' meals." Then she said if it had been 4 separate checks and my teens could pay for their own check, they could put a free kids meal on their own checks. I proceeded to pass out $20 bills to my teens and ask for four checks. She stomped away and came back and slammed the four checks on our table.


Ironically, the very next week my sister was in town with her 7 children. She wanted to go to this restaurant b/c it's one of her favorite hometown things to do. My brother and his wife wanted to join us with their 5 dc. Then my parents decided to join us as well. We parade into the same restaurant with 8 adults, 5 teens, and 14 children. The waitress saw me and stated loudly to the manager, "I WILL NOT wait on THAT woman!" The manager waited on us, and I asked him whether we needed to have 13 checks so we could get a free kids meal for each adult meal. He said, "It doesn't matter who eats the adult meal, each one warrants a free kids meal." The waitress glowered at me from the counter and I just smiled sweetly. :D


I wonder what her problem was...it's not like she was paying for your kids free meals.


She actually made more work for herself.

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I can remember a long long long time My parents took us to a really fancy brunch. It was something like $15 for a kid to eat. This was WAY out of our normal living. We where a "kids eat free Tuesdays at the sizzler" type family. They had the most AMAZING orange juice we all have several glasses. no where did it say refills where not free. We got our bill and I thought my dad was going to die we had $70 in orange juice. I don't remember what happened but I know we never went back again :lol:


I recently saw a sign in a drive through (can't recall which fine fast food establishment I was at) it said "you will be charged for additional condiments" I was wondering what that meant meaning you could get 1 BBQ sauce but they would charge you for the 2nd? or maybe they limit you 2 packs of catchup.. so we just kept driving I didn't want to be bothered with it.


Your poor parents.

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I know the McDonalds in my home town (before it was closed for health code violations) charged for condiments beyond "reasonable and customary." So, you couldn't order a big mac and fries and get BBQ sauce for the fries (because BBQ was for mc nuggets). You also would get BBQ in a reasonable amount for the amount of nuggets (so, no - you can't get 5 tubs of sauce for a 6 piece carton of chicken nuggets). You COULD pay for them, though.


The condiment rules around here vary by fast food restaurant location.


At the McD's across from the university, they are superstrict and have the ratios of sauce to nuggets posted. There are also no napkins or straws "out." You have to ask for everything.


At Another McD's, they'll give you a handfull of sauce if you just ask for one.

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Unless a menu or other sign specifically states that refills *are* free, I would assume I'm paying for everything I'm consuming.


This thread has been really interesting to me. We only eat at restaurants 2 or 3 times a year, so maybe I'm out of the loop. Still, I am surprised at what people feel entitled to when they are eating away from home.


Really? Like what in particular?


None of these posts surprise me. There have been some misunderstandings but no one asked for anything that surprises me.

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