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What would you do if the Gov. made

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EEks, I'd want to blow my nose in his general direction and go underground. What state is this? Whoops, edit, I'm assuming Georgia. Is this something they 're considering or what?


I noticed the post about TN and the state is suggesting that homeschooling parents have a B.A. when teaching highschool

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question WHY they're making the decision. I have a BS in education (which, incidentally, is BS to require a degree to teach one's own children:confused:), but still doubt whether the state should require a particular education level. It might be beneficial to require the students to pass state tests (have I let it be known my disdain for standardized testing??!!) in lieu of mandating a college degree.

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I live in Virginia and last year the law changed to allow only a hs diploma to be enough to teach kids at home. There were other options but they required using certain curriculum or a tutor. But now it is just a hs diploma to file our 'option 1'.


I have my degree, but I can see where some parents who barely got through high school 'may not' be prepared to teach higher subjects and I think if the Gov made a college degree required it's b/c they are scared some kids aren't going to be solid in higher up classes with parents who themselves did not take those types of classes or are prepared to teach at that level.


At that point I think most parents would seek out a co-op, online class or tutor, but the Gov doesn't trust us, so they may require more?


Is your state requiring that now? or planning to in the future? I think until it would be required I wouldn't worry about it. But if you are, why not take online classes to get a degree?


I haven't ever taken the time to look at all the states but I am sure some do require a college degree, but like I said, in Virginia they lowered it down to just a hs diploma rather than increase the parent's educational level to teach.


and after rereading my response I feel like I talked in circles and said nothing of value, lol!

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I would not want to discourage anyone from homeschooling high school just because they are lacking a degree - heck, there are so many programs, etc. available that almost subject can be done via distance learning, tutors, 'puter cds (yeah Videotext, Teaching Textbooks, etc.!) and for others there are (gasp)

teachers editions and answer keys! By high school the kid is, or should be, mostly self-learning anyway, not sitting like a baby bird with an open mouth waiting for Mom/Teacher to jam the educational worm down their teenage gullet.

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My dh and I will be paper everyone that we have addresses for with letter and emails. My dh might even make a few phone calls. We are hoping to smack this down before it even gets a foothold. I am adamantly opposed to this malarky. I'm not exactly sure what I would do if the law was passed and I didn't not agree. I am thinking civil disobedience but I began way back before it was definitively legal to begin with. I just hope that we can rally the kind of support that they did in CA.

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I'd get on my fightin' gloves! :D Can't stand gov't interference...can't.stand.it! My blood starts boiling just thinking about it! I have my BA but it would be the principal of it, KWIM? My dh has a high school teacher's certificate and went through all the classes and such to get it. Wanna know what most of those classes were about? CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT and BEHAVIORAL ISSUES! 90% of those classes to be certified had absolutely nothing to do with content area. Now, I know the rules have changed, at least in MD. The rule now is you must be "highly qualified" in the field of study you wish to teach (middle and high school only)...that means a degree in your content area as well as the TC. Oh goodness...blood pressure on the rise. Gov't interference in how I raise and teach my children is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. They have NO right! NONE! Okay, must.go.calm.down. Here is me...taking a :chillpill: :D

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......My dh has a high school teacher's certificate and went through all the classes and such to get it. Wanna know what most of those classes were about? CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT and BEHAVIORAL ISSUES! 90% of those classes to be certified had absolutely nothing to do with content area. .......


Maybe they should change the proposed rule to a BA/BS in any field but education ;)



......Now, I know the rules have changed, at least in MD. The rule now is you must be "highly qualified" in the field of study you wish to teach (middle and high school only)...that means a degree in your content area as well as the TC.


Is that to be a public school teacher? I haven't seen any homeschool regulations stating that in MD. In fact, I don't think there is a requirement for any degree of formal education in MD to homeschool.

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Just the thought of this requirement makes me angry! Let's lay aside the totally emotional issue of government interference in the choices I make for my child, and focus on the fact that making such a requirement is irrational and illogical!


It is my understanding that in order to be awarded a high school diploma, one must pass certain basic classes. In order to pass those classes, I must demonstrate that I understand the concepts being taught, and can apply said concepts in the "real world." If I am unable to explain or describe these concepts adequately to another person (and isn't that really what teaching is?), then why on earth was I awarded a diploma?! If the state tells me that my high school education was in some way "insufficient," then are they not saying that the public schools are unable to produce competent, intelligent graduates? And why on earth would I want to send my child through a public school system that did such a horrible job educating me? (Not that education is the purpose of the PS system. But that's the argument the state would use.)


BTW- I do have my BA (and if we ever finish paying off DH's student loans, will finish up that MM degree.....*sigh*). This is just one of my pet peeves!:angry:



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That requirement does not mean that someone is capable or more able to teach their children. I understand that some think this is the way to make certain that kids are educated properly. I agree with the fact that kids should be educated. But the parent having a degree does not mean that the end result will be a prepared student.


I am concerned for those kids who are not prepared. And the definition of prepared will vary by child. Different children have different strengths, gifts, and paths they are meant for in their lives. They aren't all meant to follow the same stamped out routine as everyone else. That is why many of us are doing what we do. To customize education to meet our children's needs.


There are people that are not qualified to teach their children or anyone's children. But having a degree or not doesn't make that determination. I would love there to be answer to the situation so that everyone is taken care of but still having the freedoms that we require in order to best meet our kids needs. It is scary to think that might be taken away for many.


We are not in that situation, but I don't know what I would do if we were. I guess we would send to school. The schools here are very good. I do have a degree but I would bet that there are many of you that do not that are far better teachers for their children than I will ever be. So I hope, for the sake of those, it does not come to pass.

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all homeschooling moms/dads have a B.A. in order to teach highschool?


I only have my highschool diploma.


[insert tongue in cheek here]...Does this mean the Gov't. will be providing all hs parents a FREE college education in order to meet the requirement??? Hmm? :glare:

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Well, since that is a real and present danger today in my state, I am making phone calls. At 3:00 pm today that scenario could become reality for my state. If so, I will have to try to figure out what do with my rising senior, my oldest child's diploma will be worthless, and I will have to spend the upcoming year preparing my 13 year old for the unhealthy social environment of public school.



And I will cry, and cry, and cry.

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Well, a governor couldn't do that alone. There has to be a legislature to pass a bill before it reaches the governor for a signature/veto.


I would fight like crazy before it came to a vote in the legislature. And if it passed, I would lobby the governor like crazy to veto it.


And if it was signed into law, I would want to move to another state because it had just been proven to me that the leadership of my current state was unfit. :D


Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. And I have a B.S. and a Master's degree.


I truly believe a dedicated parent can do an excellent job of leading their dc through high school if they are committed to: (1) learning along with (or ahead of) their dc, and/or (2) searching out learning opportunities for their dc with which they aren't involved (video learning, online classes, co-ops, community college, etc.).


Heck, there may be some parents whose high school education was actually a good one, and they already know everything that they want their dc to learn in high school. I, however, am not one of those fortunate people. :D

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Kelli, what can we do to help?


If you are inclined to pray for Tennessee homeschoolers today, that would be great. Beyond that, I don't know. I think the legislators only take seriously the calls from within their state.


My husband hopes that this will settle the issue once and for all. It would be nice if we had laws to protect the right to homeschool. I think our current law is fuzzy and not hard to challenge.


What state is it that has the right to homeschool in the state constitution? Is is Oklahoma? Wherever it is, I want to live there!

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It's sounds like BS to me as well. Hypothetically, I'd go underground or immigrate to Costa Rica :D.

:iagree:Sounds like a good plan! I don't know about the Costa Rica thing, but...I wouldn't be putting my kids in ps....I actually have a BS, but not in education and even if i didn't...I like homeschooling...i will keep homeschooling...even if it meant moving.

By the way, Kelli I think it is Oklahoma... wow, if we all moved there it would get really crowded!

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Start writing, calling, visiting everyone and anyone involved that will listen and see my childrens test scores, reading level from thier bench mark tests, the teachers comments of what good writers they are "they write with voice, something that can't be taught" was one comment from a teacher. I taught them to read, write, math, science, history etc. With my hs diploma and some college. They would have to answer me and tell me why do I need a BA when I can prove to them I can do it better than their "trained professionals" Love seeing the jaws drop of various teachers when my ds's have been in school sitting in parent teacher conferences they smuggly tell me how well they are doing. I always say "I taught them well didn't I" "what?" "Yes, I hsed through grade x." "How did you teach him how to read"" How can they pass a law with such a requirement when there is so much proof out there to contradict the need for parents to have BA to teach their children well. Now I'll admit I do a lot of research and ask a lot of questions to find the best of the best for my children. That amount of research has earned me a BA, no?:D

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A degree doesn't necessarily qualify you...After all it's not even a teaching degree they usually require...Those who have a degree may then be required to get a teaching degree and where does it stop? I know more learning comes thru hands on teaching of children, than from writing papers, and reading textbooks...Just becuase you have only a HS dilpoma doesn't mean you barely scraped by either..Many choose higher learning outside college..

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What state is it that has the right to homeschool in the state constitution? Is is Oklahoma? Wherever it is, I want to live there!


I believe it is NC...if I am wrong, I am at least certain that we are protected by 3 Supreme Court cases that uphold the right to home school!


I'll be praying for TN. Got to take care of our neighbors, afterall! Oh, and BTW...I have a master's degree and personally, I don't think it makes me a better teacher! I think the best teacher for any kid is their parent...diploma or not!

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Well, once again, there's that assumption that having a degree or having credentials means you are better educated or better equipped to do a particular job. Everybody needs credentials nowadays to do anything it seems. Sorry, but I should not need a credential to be permitted to educate my own child. There are other ways to ensure a parent is doing an adequate job home educating. I have a degree, but so what? It should not matter. Perhaps "they" will eventually say we can't keep our own babies because we aren't certified in baby care and early childhood development.

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What state is it that has the right to homeschool in the state constitution? Is is Oklahoma? Wherever it is, I want to live there!


It's absolutely a state constitution-protected right, here.


And I have plenty of room at my house until you find a permanent home. :)

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