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What's your to-don't list?

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I loved WTMCassandra's to don't list:


Yes, A To Don't List. You can't do it all. I homeschool, but I don't bake. I don't make fancy meals. I don't have a huge variety of meals. I don't have clothes that require special treatment (lots of ironing, dry-cleaning, etc.) I don't can/preserve. I don't scrapbook (not a hardship--I would hate it). Our photos are dated on the back and put in order in albums (very quick). I don't have knicknacks out that require lots of dusting. I keep my house decluttered so that cleaning is easy. My To Don't List is endless.


What are your to Don'ts? After I get a good list, I may make a new poll for everyone to pick their favorite to don'ts.

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Love her list! I know I will also probably say, "Yeah, that too!" to whatever others add, but I can only think of a couple of things.


I don't do fancy fingernails. Clean, short & natural.


I don't say "yes" unless I *really* want to. This keeps me out of a lot of trouble and time consuming commitments.

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Very similar to mine.

No scrapbooking. No crafts. Also put photos in album in order. Just like her.

Very little baking these days.

Very little cooking also (thanks to my mom).

Barely any major housework, thanks to where we live. Help here is much less costly than in the U.S.

Cannot stand using the dishwasher. I'd rather wash the dishes myself, thank you very much.

I don't dye my hair, wear make up (other than tinted lip balm) - and I used to wear a TON of it.

Like Auntie M, I also seldom have my nails done. They're always short. I'm low-maintenance.

These days, my exercise is moderate. Used to be too extreme and get fewer results.

No longer do every thing for my dc. They need to learn to stand on their own two feet more. Don't do much in the way of outside activities. Very, very selective. Less chauffering! :D

I seldom entertain. And if I do, I no longer wish to go all-out.


I do laundry daily. I also never iron. All our clothes are pretty much no-iron.

I do nap pretty much daily and for a long time, may I add. :)

I need to work on clutter.

I love reading aloud to my dc.

I need to say "no" more often. Thanks for the reminder, Auntie M. I'm currently struggling with a "no" that needs to be said. :confused:

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Very similar to mine.

No scrapbooking. No crafts. Also put photos in album in order. Just like her.

Very little baking these days.

Very little cooking also (thanks to my mom).

Barely any major housework, thanks to where we live. Help here is much less costly than in the U.S.

Cannot stand using the dishwasher. I'd rather wash the dishes myself, thank you very much.

I don't dye my hair, wear make up (other than tinted lip balm) - and I used to wear a TON of it.

Like Auntie M, I also seldom have my nails done. They're always short. I'm low-maintenance.

These days, my exercise is moderate. Used to be too extreme and get fewer results.

No longer do every thing for my dc. They need to learn to stand on their own two feet more. Don't do much in the way of outside activities. Very, very selective. Less chauffering! :D

I seldom entertain. And if I do, I no longer wish to go all-out.


I do laundry daily. I also never iron. All our clothes are pretty much no-iron.

I do nap pretty much daily and for a long time, may I add. :)

I need to work on clutter.

I love reading aloud to my dc.

I need to say "no" more often. Thanks for the reminder, Auntie M. I'm currently struggling with a "no" that needs to be said. :confused:


I like yours, Negin.

I dont scrapbook either...although it does appeal a little, I know myself too well to start. I am lucky if photos make it to albums at all (although last week I did put a bunch in albums and they were not in very good order. I don't date them. Never thought of it- great idea! Too late now though for all those baby photos!).

I dont dye my hair.

I dont drink coffee

I dont iron much.

I dont do my nails.

I dont like clutter and dont have many knick knacks any more.

I dont call people much, at all.

I dont like eating out much (prefer my own healthy cooking).

I dont vacuum much or change sheets more than once a month.

I dont feel a need to be busy all the time. (I also have long afternoon naps).

I dont worry a lot about things I can't control.

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I love everyone's so far, and don't do many of your don'ts as well!!


I can only think of one to add that I don't do:


I don't mess with my hair, I don't even dry it unless it's 20 degrees or less out and it hasn't dried naturally yet.


Also, one thing I do that I wish was on the don't list is move about every year for the last 8 years! However, it cuts down some things--you get to re-evaluate all the things you're doing and start fresh every move, almost all the thing you were doing get moved to the don't list. We don't expect to have to move this summer for the first summer in a while, so that's nice. Of course, you accumulate more do's that way, too, but then there are no moving things and boxes to unpack.

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Some of the same already mentioned, plus:


I don't decorate for holidays other than Christmas.

I don't do Facebook.

I don't do crafts.

I don't shop unless I actually need something.

I don't watch TV (well, maybe a little :)).


Thanks for this one. I thought it was a requirement for being a SAHM and it isn't something I do. I do some needle point at times, but paper, glue scissors, glitter...bleh:D Will my dd be ruined for life?:lol::lol:


I don't do stuff just because others think I should and it is what "everyone" else does.

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Some are the same as pp, some are not...


I don't scrapbook, read romance or popular novels, decorate my home for everyday or holidays, shop as a hobby, spend time on Facebook, read twitter, keep a regular blog, watch (much) TV, do all the cleaning and laundry (dc and I split it up,) own or buy a lot of clothing, entertain my younger dc, or have a job outside the home.


I do have a few things, though... I do wear makeup, do my hair (usually,) paint my toenails (dh likes it ;),) exercise/walk with dh each AM or dc during the day, and go out to dinner or an event with dh once a week or so. I go out with friends on a regular basis. I also cook and bake a lot, mostly with dh or the girls, but also by myself. Some of those I would drop if it weren't for dh or social situations here, but some keep me sane. Most of them I didn't have time for until my dc were old enough in the last few years. I also make it a point to spend time on others outside of our family.


It does depend on your season of homeschooling. For years, I did the bare minimum to keep my head above water. If you work really hard in those years, though, it pays off when things get easier in later years. :001_smile: I still have a lot of work (more, I'm sure,) but more of it now is spending quality time with my teen girls (which is enjoyable,) and high school level reading and discussion, which I enjoy.

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Thanks for this one. I thought it was a requirement for being a SAHM and it isn't something I do. I do some needle point at times, but paper, glue scissors, glitter...bleh:D Will my dd be ruined for life?:lol::lol:


They'll be better off! We skipped over paper and glitter projects and went straight to art (painting, sketching, sculpting) and hand crafts (knitting, wood working, etc.) :001_smile:

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They'll be better off! We skipped over paper and glitter projects and went straight to art (painting, sketching, sculpting) and hand crafts (knitting, wood working, etc.) :001_smile:


Thanks, I'm not much of an artist, but do see the value in enjoying painting, sculpting, etc. Knitting, wood working and that sort of thing is more up my alley. I did paint ceramics when I was about 8 or 9 and enjoyed that.

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I don't do chit-chat.

I don't wear make-up or fingernail polish.

I don't dress-up.

I don't grind my own wheat.

I don't raise animals for food.

I don't do "shopping".

I don't own more than one purse.

I don't want to eat salad at a dumb women's event I paid $15 to attend.

I don't do girl crying.

I don't mow the lawn.

I don't zumba.

I don't knit or crochet or sew or grab sheep and sheer off their wool...(though I've always wanted to)

Edited by Daisy
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Thanks, I'm not much of an artist, but do see the value in enjoying painting, sculpting, etc. Knitting, wood working and that sort of thing is more up my alley. I did paint ceramics when I was about 8 or 9 and enjoyed that.


The good part is that you get to be an artist to your dc. They think everything mom does is beautiful! :D It's nice for those years that you have a fan base... until they get much better than you.

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I need a "I do rarely" section!


But, here goes:


I don't wear dresses or skirts, don't even have any right now!

I don't wear high heels

I don't style my hair, wash and go only!

I don't wear expensive jewelry and rarely wear it at all.

I don't have chickens or goats or my own farm animals.

I don't do my nails, fingers or toes (I have NEVER had a mani/pedi and don't even want to.)

I don't wear panti hose

I don't go to women's retreats

I don't go to homeschool conferences

I will never wear a denim jumper!~

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I don't bathe the girls, mow the lawn or take out the trash - my dh does all this.


I don't do anything with my hair (always in a ponytail)

I don't drink, smoke or swear or "party".

I don't stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve.

I don't wear nail polish or pantyhose.

I don't wash clothes in a special manner (like whites and darks in different loads).

I don't go "shopping" either.

I don't exercise.

I don't scrapbook or do crafts (like knitting and such).

Edited by MissKNG
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Except for gifts, and then, it's often either online, or a specific trip to one place for one item I've already chosen in advance. All grooming is low-maintainance and quick. No hair dye or haircuts! I just have plain shoulder length hair that my mom or dh trims occasionally if I hand them the scissors. Boy, I *really* trust him, huh?

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I don't



  • Facebook
  • Blog
  • Twitter
  • Own or watch a TV


I don't



  • Have a garden (wish I did)
  • Can tomatoes
  • Grind wheat
  • Make pickles


I don't



  • Do my nails
  • Dye my hair
  • Wear make up
  • Go to the gym


I don't



  • Teach a class at church
  • Volunteer for anything, anywhere (except to sew all the Christmas costumes)
  • Visit my friends like I used to do
  • Go to any women's Bible study... or any women's anything (I miss this, and will probably take it off my "don't" list in a year or two when the girls are older)


I don't



  • Iron our clothes (we still look okay)
  • Hang everything out on the line (I used to)
  • Sew clothes from scratch (I know how)
  • Keep every hand-me-down from my sister's kids (purge, purge, purge)


I don't




This helps. Oh, and I shave my legs about once every other month. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't clean as often as I should.

I don't scrapbook, although I keep the pile of stuff I bought 6 years ago!

I don't read newspapers - only online news.

I don't bath the kids every day.

I don't do Facebook.

I don't shop unless in desperate need of something.

I don't blowdry or style my hair.

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I loved WTMCassandra's to don't list:




What are your to Don'ts? After I get a good list, I may make a new poll for everyone to pick their favorite to don'ts.


I don't sweat the small stuff.

I don't compare my kids to other peoples kids

I don't compare myself to other homeschool moms

I don't worry about things I do not have any control over

I don't buy curricula unless I am absolutely sure i will use it and I have no problem using it how I want to use it..not how someone tells me i should use it.

I don't beat myself up for making mistakes

I don't beat my kids up for making mistakes

I don't allow other things to come into conflict with our goals for our kids

I don't criticize my son in law

I don't give unsolicited advice :001_smile:

I don't do dishes (I hate them...my kids have to do them)

I don't wear make up (except occasionally)



This is fun...I am going to think of some more.....



ETA: I don't teach Sunday School.

I do not volunteer outside of my home....I volunteer to stay home and take care of my kids for now.

I do not scrap book or photo album etc. I just download...or shove in a box for later.

I don't sew, or iron, or pair socks.

I don't can, pickle, grind or do other suches of the sort. I used to...and i love too...but priorities!

I do not conform to anyone else's definition of what a wife, mother, homeschooler, Christian etc. SHOULD be.

I don't kick my own butt (anymore)

I don't allow anybody to stop me having my worlout time...It is MY time and I take it.

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I don't watch tv.

I don't keep in touch with old friends. (not on purpose, it just doesn't happen)

I don't make my bed.

I don't do my nails.

I don't buy clothes or cut my hair unless absolutely necessary.

I don't do arts and crafts.

I don't organize closets.

I don't keep my house spotless.

I don't scrapbook.


However, I do have chickens and sheep, a garden (soon), make meals from scratch, mow the grass, and teach classes at church. I noticed those on some don't lists.

And I have such a hard time saying "no", especially to my Amish neighbors who want me to drive them places. :glare: That's getting old. I need to grow a spine really soon.

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I don't blow dry my hair or do my nails.

I don't do crafts.

I don't iron, and I don't 'hang-dry' clothes that aren't supposed to go in the dryer. Everything goes in the dryer...if it doesn't come out okay, it wasn't destined to live in my house. ;)

I don't scrapbook or have any desire to.

I don't do pets that require any work from me. Maybe when the kids are older...maybe...

I don't do dishes. Ever. It goes in the dishwasher or dh does them. If I need a dish that has yet to be washed...well, I might just decide to cook something else. :lol:

I cook from scratch, but don't make anything fancy unless it's a special occasion.

I don't 'play'. I'll teach them board games and cards, but I'm not interested in pretend tea parties or hide and seek. That's why they have siblings and friends. :tongue_smilie:

I don't usually watch television, and I don't keep up with the news...it causes me far too much anxiety.

I don't 'decorate' my house while the kids are this little. It's 'decorated' enough with tiny-people messes and crayon scribbles. :glare:

I don't garden.


That seems like SO MANY don'ts! :lol:

Sadly, my to-do list is still even bigger.

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I don't go to women's retreats


I don't sweat the small stuff.

I don't compare my kids to other peoples kids

I don't compare myself to other homeschool moms

I don't worry about things I do not have any control over

I don't buy curricula unless I am absolutely sure i will use it and I have no problem using it how I want to use it..not how someone tells me i should use it.

I don't beat myself up for making mistakes

I don't beat my kids up for making mistakes

I don't allow other things to come into conflict with our goals for our kids



I don't keep in touch with old friends. (not on purpose, it just doesn't happen)

I don't make my bed.

I don't buy clothes or cut my hair unless absolutely necessary.


I don't scrapbook or have any desire to.

I don't do pets that require any work from me. Maybe when the kids are older...maybe...

I cook from scratch, but don't make anything fancy unless it's a special occasion.

I don't 'play'. I'll teach them board games and cards, but I'm not interested in pretend tea parties or hide and seek. That's why they have siblings and friends. :tongue_smilie:

I don't 'decorate' my house while the kids are this little. It's 'decorated' enough with tiny-people messes and crayon scribbles. :glare:




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I don't:


-knit, crochet, sew (beyond tacking up fallen hems and replacing buttons)


-wear makeup, dye my gray hair


-answer the phone during the day. Our answering machine says "We don't pick up the phone during lesson times, but we will answer your call [or not] in the afternoon."


-organize homeschool activities, teach co-op, or otherwise be a responsible member of the "homeschool community." I swap tutoring with other moms purely on a one-to-one basis (I can teach writing and poetry; I can't teach languages or piano).


-put my dds in co-op or other classes taught by homeschoolers. Clubs, fine; classes, no.


-spend time on the internet when I should be doing other things. Oh, wait, I do do that one.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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I don't do my hair (dries naturally even in winter)

I don't get my hair cut (cut my own bangs when needed).

I don't dye my hair.

I don't do my nails.

I don't dress up (dd wants to nominate me for what NOT to wear).

I don't wear make-up.

I don't make my bed.

I don't cook.

I don't iron.

I don't do any crafts myself.

I don't stay organized.

I don't exercise (but I should).

I don't can/preserve (but want to).

I don't garden (maybe next year).

I don't spend time outside in winter (brrrr).

I don't like to talk on the phone.

I don't compare my kids to other kids.

I don't bathe the kids every day.

I don't shower every day (but I'd like to - just hate going to bed with wet hair).

I don't like to shop.

I don't clean enough.

I don't read newspapers or watch tv news.

I don't drink.

I don't smoke.


Wow, I didn't think the list would be so long when I started.

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I don't do crafts, christmas cards, high maintenance personal care, large-scale entertaining, long telephone conversations, deep cleaning, clutter, interaction with people I don't like, or cheap wine. Anything else, I'm open to. ;)

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I need to say "no" more often. Thanks for the reminder, Auntie M. I'm currently struggling with a "no" that needs to be said. :confused:

I had dh unvolunteer us for something that we had been asked to do, and he had agreed to on our (my?) behalf. I wasn't there at the time, but it was something we've done before and normally would have been fine doing again. But I'm having trouble with my feet, am on anti-inflammatory medication for them, and going to physical therapy, and this particular activity would be too much for my feet. Probably a step backward in recovery. So he had to go back and say no. Hopefully in a few months we'll be able to help again.

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I don't go to all of my boys' basketball games.

I don't do team fundraisers.

I don't have birthday parties for my kids every year.

I don't make or buy birthday cakes.

I don't print our digital pictures.

I don't clip coupons.

I don't clean up the breakfast dishes until after lunch.

I don't sell used curriculum - I just give it away.

I don't do Facebook.

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I don't do chit-chat.

I don't wear make-up or fingernail polish.

I don't dress-up.

I don't grind my own wheat.

I don't raise animals for food.

I don't do "shopping".

I don't own more than one purse.

I don't want to eat salad at a dumb women's event I paid $15 to attend.

I don't do girl crying.

I don't mow the lawn.

I don't zumba.

I don't knit or crochet or sew or grab sheep and sheer off their wool...(though I've always wanted to)



:D Love it. But the dogs and I do grab sheep once in a while. :D No sheering yet. Oh, and I would like to grind wheat. :D

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I try to be simple here as well but have my own priorities of things I do like to do.


I dont' do my fingernails, although sometimes the toenails get painted- my dh likes it as well.

I don't iron or dry clean, anything, like a pp, if it doesn't make it through the washer it doesn't make it here.

I don't read a newspaper, too cheap to buy it, I do catch some news on the AM though and headlines on google.

I don't sort clothes, when there is enough for a load they get dumped in together.

I don't scrapbook, although I did my wedding album, I gave up on the rest of it'

I don't Facebook or "tweet" either, no desire, I refuse!

I don't shop for fun.

I don't lie but I try not to be mean.

I don't wear heels.

I don't wear pantyhose.

I don't wear jewelry- my wedding ring and occasionally a watch.

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I don’t:




Shower every day

Wear deodorant

Sweat or smell bad.

Dye my hair

Style my hair

Wear Make-up

Wear Perfume

Have my nails done

Wear heels (ever)

Wear panty hose

Wear dresses

Wear Jewelry (except one piece)

Dress Up or even get dressed sometimes

Own more than one purse or pair of shoes

Buy Clothes for myself unless absolutely necessary



Do clutter

Do knick knacks

Stay organized.

Clean as often as I should

Do major housework

Keep my house spotless.

Make my bed.

Do dishes






Put away Laundry

I don't decorate for holidays.





Go Outside

Take out the garbage.

Mow the lawn.


Raise animals for food.

Raise farm animals for any other reason.

Grind my own wheat.

Bake my own bread.



Clip coupons

Shop unless absolutely necessary (as in we are out of TP)

Scrapbook, organize or even take photos.

Do any arts & crafts of any kind (even for children) other than crocheting




Answer the phone

Talk on the phone.

Answer the door





Do social shopping

Go to women's retreats

Go to homeschool conferences

Teach anyone other than my children and grandchildren

Volunteer for anything,

Organize activities

Go to all of my children’s activities.

Do team fundraisers.

Have birthday parties for my kids every year.

Give unsolicited advice


Play with or entertain my children




Do Facebook




Take pictures

Have an Ipod

Even know what Zumba is.

Read fiction



I am sure that there is more but I don't remember. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't scrapbook anymore...I used to, but now I make photobooks at Shutterfly. Faster, simpler, virtually clutter-free and the books don't sit around waiting for me to write out the journaling/text.

I don't do laundry more than twice a week. Why do people do laundry every day (unless they have 10 kids)? I never got that.

I don't do homeschooling projects that involve glitter or Plaster of Paris.

I don't talk on the phone unless it's crucial.

I don't say "yes" to invitations or volunteering unless it brings me joy. No "yeses" out of obligation/shame.

I don't complicate the food situation. No "organic only" or "meatless only" or "free-range only" or any other arbitrary food restriction.

I don't balance the checkbook; I just keep a fair amount of dough in there for backup and call to check the balance if I need to pay a large bill.

I don't sew or craft anymore unless it's unavoidable.

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I don't:


*color or treat my hair. I a have zero patience for that. Wash it, towel dry it, brush it out. When it's dry, pull back, spray hair spray, let it go. It stays in place and outta my face!


*do nails. I can't stand long nails, despite how pretty long nails are on others.


*wax anything.


*can vegetables.


*bake my own bread.


*bake anything else, for that matter.


*separate laundry, unless it's a new item that might bleed. I'll wash that with like colors a few washes, after that, it all goes in together.


*scrapbook. I can't think of anything more tedious! I admire the work others do, but no thanks for me.


*buy fancy coffee. I do have a friend who works for Starbucks, and sometimes he'll get me something either free or for very very cheap, but as a rule, I don't pay out the nose for coffee.


*watch other people's kids (except in an emergency, of course).


*go to the mall. I do enjoy shopping on rare occasion, but I abhor the mall.




*small talk.


*romance novels. I enjoy mind candy every now and then, but romance novels make my teeth itch.


*work in the nursery or teach Sunday School. Not. My. Gift! (I do minister in other ways at church; just not in the children's department.)


*try to be everyone's best friend. It's ok if I'm not your cuppa. You're probably not mine, either! But, I can still help you if you need it, pray for you, work along side you. We're just not gonna do lunch.

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