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Wolf Needs Prayers, Support (CC) Adult

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Wolf works at different townhouse/apartment building sites.


Week before Christmas (might have been the week of) he find out that a woman who had just split with her dh had moved into 'his' complex, in order to facilitate easy family time with the kids, since her stbx lived right across the street.


The ex killed the children the first wknd he had them, and failed to commit suicide.


While you're praying for the mother in her loss, would you mind praying for Wolf too? He knew the kids. He's a mess going into work right now, wanting to quit, praying God delivers us from this.


Thanks all.


ps: I may have garbled some of the dates, but the situation is accurate.

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Thank you.


He's so angry. I know that its hurt being expressed as anger, but man oh man, it can be tough to deal with.


He calls me, and its literally like listening to a kettle letting off steam before he tells a few of the guys where to go and exactly how to get there.


He's a bit of a perfectionist at work. If you're getting paid to do something, then you work your butt off and do it. The guys he seems to be surrounded by tend to give things 'a lick and a promise' which drives him nuts...cause guess who gets to clean up their mess? Yup, him.


Normally, it would tick him off, sure...but not to the extent he'd be calling me. I'm his safety valve, I guess.


I wish I could just hold him while he cries. He needs to, and I'd be honoured to be there, if that makes any sense.


I've cried more about it than he has. I can't imagine seeing two little kids at work (Wolf builds the kids sledding hills, etc...fixes bikes, etc) and suddenly they're gone, and you know they didn't simply move, they were ripped away.

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I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, but not anymore. I just can't imagine what this mother is going through and your poor dh. I will definitely lift him up in prayer. You might let him know that it's ok to cry, with you at least. He may hold it in all day and need to just let it all out when he gets home. Give him some alone time, tell him to write down how he is feeling--everything--don't hold back. Maybe reaching out to the mother will help him and her heal.

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:grouphug:Praying for the mommy and you and your dh!:grouphug:


I just can't imagine! I will pray that God will heal the hurt and pain and anger and shock that you all are going through now! I hope your dh will let it out so he can work on healing!


:grouphug: So very, very sorry! :grouphug:

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Wolf works at different townhouse/apartment building sites.


Week before Christmas (might have been the week of) he find out that a woman who had just split with her dh had moved into 'his' complex, in order to facilitate easy family time with the kids, since her stbx lived right across the street.


The ex killed the children the first wknd he had them, and failed to commit suicide.


While you're praying for the mother in her loss, would you mind praying for Wolf too? He knew the kids. He's a mess going into work right now, wanting to quit, praying God delivers us from this.


Thanks all.


ps: I may have garbled some of the dates, but the situation is accurate.


OMG! IMP!!!! This is terrible. I am so sorry, Of course this would effect Wolf. I will pray for him and the woman too. Poor Mommy....




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Prayers from here. How in the world does a mom survive that?


What is WRONG with people?




Not to be flip, but we are sinners. And have been since the dawn of humanity.


I am reading a book called True Crime. It is about crime in America, from the earliest European arrivals. Yesterday, I read a story about a man who axed and blugeoned his wife + 4 kids to death...in 1783 near Albany, NY.


It is a "good" book in a sense b/c the stories are excerpts from when the crime was committed so you can see what the people of the day thought of the crime.

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Thanks to all of you that are praying for the mom, and for Wolf.


I think the extra time (b/c of the holidays) helps him a bit...he throws all he has into the kids. But then the holidays end, and it slaps him in the face again.


He talked about it when it first happened. Mostly bemoaning that the father didn't succeed in committing suicide. He's a wee bit angry, to say the least.


I try and get him to talk, but so far, not getting through very well. Hopefully that will change.


The areas Wolf works in, he's forever keeping an eye on the kids that are just running wild...reminds them to stay out of the parking lot, explains how the machines work...He has his own lil posse following him around until he shoos them away, explaining he's doing something dangerous, and they need to be well away.


He even built them a sledding hill.


So yeah, he's taking it hard. And, I think, he's feeling guilty for it. The Mom is the one that's going through hell...that's where all prayers and support should be going...he's not even a relative. So its hard for him.

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