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MOtivated Moms--is anyone starting it for 2011?

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I used it since last summer and found it very helpful, and I was able to assign several of the chores to my boys (they especially enjoyed washing the dining room walls!). There is now an app for Motivated Moms that I just put on my iPad - I think I'll like this even better than printing out the pages (which is what I did for 2010). I love how she has "clip children's nails" on there each week, somehow I always used to forget that until they had embarrassingly long claws! ;)

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I've been doing Motivated Moms for two years now and love it. I'm trying to decide whether to get the app for my itouch or just to the paper version again. I'm leaning toward the paper version as I have my kidlets trained to check it for things that need done and also I use the pages for menu planning and grocery lists. I think I may mess up my system if I switch to the app.

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2011 will be my third year using Motivated Moms. I used to use the full page daily calendar but found there was a lot of empty white space because I use Google calendar to keep track of appointments, etc. So for 2011 I am using the full page weekly calendar (a lot less wasted paper for me!)

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I'd really like to start the new year with something like this. What makes Motivated Moms different than FlyLady? I've never done FlyLady, but I've heard about it a lot.


This is like super simplified Fly Lady. I tried Fly Lady but then I was getting a million emails a day to reminding me to do........... yet I spent a lot of time on the computer deleting emails, etc.


The motivated moms might not get your house in perfect condition but she covers the basics and then little things like furnace filters, cleaning the car, clipping kids nails, checking batteries in smoke alarms, etc.


Last year I had the full page 1 week schedule and it was nice as the kids could check off things and I could easily see what was coming up for the week so if I knew that a certain day was really busy, I could just do that days chores before or after that date.


Really nothing magical about the program but IF you DO it, it WORKS and build good habits.

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Oh wow! I totally need that. Love the app. It is too bad you can't add your own tasks though. Hmmm, might go with the printed version. At least then it might be more visible and more accessible for the family. Is the app and printed the same? So if I got both, they'd line up?

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Oh wow! I totally need that. Love the app. It is too bad you can't add your own tasks though. Hmmm, might go with the printed version. At least then it might be more visible and more accessible for the family. Is the app and printed the same? So if I got both, they'd line up?


They should be exactly the same. They have samples of each version you can see online to see which one you like best.

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Another app to try is Home Routines. It's customizable, and it's only 99 cents. It's similar to Flylady, with morning and evening routines, and it works with zones. I love the built in 15 minute timer on the bottom of the screen! I only bought it yesterday so I'm still playing with it, but so far it's awesome!

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I've been doing Motivated Moms for two years now and love it. I'm trying to decide whether to get the app for my itouch or just to the paper version again. I'm leaning toward the paper version as I have my kidlets trained to check it for things that need done and also I use the pages for menu planning and grocery lists. I think I may mess up my system if I switch to the app.


I switched from daily page to weekly page this year. I like to put it on the fridge because I need the visual reminders. Also, I occasionally wait until Saturday for cleaning and I don't have check a whole bunch of pages for our check list. Love MM!

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Another hint for those of you that do go with the paper version---print it out on BRIGHT colored paper to make it easy to find and really stand out. I use neon yellow or orange or even pink most weeks. Then my weekly sheet isn't likely to get lost in the mess of other papers on the counter----oh, yeah, if I DO motivated moms, that pile of papers will be dealth with as well :-)

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This is like super simplified Fly Lady. I tried Fly Lady but then I was getting a million emails a day to reminding me to do........... yet I spent a lot of time on the computer deleting emails, etc.



I tried Flylady, too, but having everything come to the computer does not work for me. Once I'm on the computer, I really get sucked in. Plus, she sent soooo many testimonials that it annoyed me. :D


I told a friend about Flylady years ago and it has worked wonders for her. MM works much better for me, though.

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I used it since last summer and found it very helpful, and I was able to assign several of the chores to my boys (they especially enjoyed washing the dining room walls!). There is now an app for Motivated Moms that I just put on my iPad - I think I'll like this even better than printing out the pages (which is what I did for 2010). I love how she has "clip children's nails" on there each week, somehow I always used to forget that until they had embarrassingly long claws! ;)


I have used it for the last four months and it's been very helpful especially with the fingernails lol. I was pondering whether or not to get it next year but I didn't there was an app. An app would be perfect for me.

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Another hint for those of you that do go with the paper version---print it out on BRIGHT colored paper to make it easy to find and really stand out. I use neon yellow or orange or even pink most weeks. Then my weekly sheet isn't likely to get lost in the mess of other papers on the counter----oh, yeah, if I DO motivated moms, that pile of papers will be dealth with as well :-)



I like this idea!


I tried Flylady, too, but having everything come to the computer does not work for me. Once I'm on the computer, I really get sucked in. Plus, she sent soooo many testimonials that it annoyed me. :D


I told a friend about Flylady years ago and it has worked wonders for her. MM works much better for me, though.



OK, I think the decision was just made for me regarding which program to use. My other goal for 2011 is to stay off this blasted computer for more time. It is a huge time suck for me and it is something I want to change. I signed up for Flylady last night, since it's free, and I could see what it was all about. I woke up to no fewer than three e-mails from her this morning (including a testimonial). I'm already irritated. If I need to come to the computer to find out my task, there's a really good chance I'll lose 30-45 minutes (or more :glare:) on the internet because I'm an information junkie and stuff can't be going on without me knowing it. Darn it.


Motivated Moms sounds like a better system for me!

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I downloaded it last week. I started it last summer and it worked until I got completely overwhelmed with my classes and stopped doing it. Now that I've graduated and can establish more routine, I think it will work better.


I'm another who liked FlyLady's ideas but found the gazillion emails and sticky-sweet testimonials too annoying. MM is much better - I love checklists.

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Has anyone had trouble downloading this? How long did it take? I ordered it and the download window sat there for half an hour with no progress. So I cancelled the download and tried again, I got an expired message, so I e-mailed the company.


It doesn't take long, but for whatever reason sometimes clicking the download button doesn't work, and it seems to take forever. When you get your new download link, instead of clicking it, right click it and choose "save link as". Then click "save" and it will download for you. That's what I had to do.

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Thanks for reminding about this. I found MM and tried it the last few months of this year and I really liked it. My son really liked checking off the boxes and the easy chores... for about 3 days then I had to take over.


I'm printing out my whole year now. I feel so organized!!


Thanks also for the discount code.

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It doesn't take long, but for whatever reason sometimes clicking the download button doesn't work, and it seems to take forever. When you get your new download link, instead of clicking it, right click it and choose "save link as". Then click "save" and it will download for you. That's what I had to do.



I just got it today and had the same trouble. I emailed her though, and within a few minutes (literally!) she replied with the file attached. Now THAT is fabulous customer service!


If I'd read here first, I would have saved her the trouble. I'm still impressed. :001_smile:

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Another hint for those of you that do go with the paper version---print it out on BRIGHT colored paper to make it easy to find and really stand out. I use neon yellow or orange or even pink most weeks. Then my weekly sheet isn't likely to get lost in the mess of other papers on the counter----oh, yeah, if I DO motivated moms, that pile of papers will be dealth with as well :-)


This is an EXCELLENT idea! I have lots of bright paper that I'm not using for anything else.


I have the full page daily version. I want to print it out and put it up where the girls can see, too. They're going to have their daily tasks assigned from MM.


I am off to see about that app! Do I want the iPhone or iPad version, that is the question...

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Another app to try is Home Routines. It's customizable, and it's only 99 cents. It's similar to Flylady, with morning and evening routines, and it works with zones. I love the built in 15 minute timer on the bottom of the screen! I only bought it yesterday so I'm still playing with it, but so far it's awesome!


Thanks for this. I like the price, and it seems like it's all I need.

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2011 will be my third year using Motivated Moms. I used to use the full page daily calendar but found there was a lot of empty white space because I use Google calendar to keep track of appointments, etc. So for 2011 I am using the full page weekly calendar (a lot less wasted paper for me!)

This sounds like a good idea. I haven't tried this, but I will check it out.

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Do any of you use this as a combo mom AND kids chore system? I was thinking that I could just use different colored highlighters and for every day, highlight one of the chores per child so that we are all working on the tasks together--since it seems like it's a pretty complete system for those of us who have had low standards thus far... LOL!!


Are there any chores that you feel are lacking and that should be added in? For example, I'm sure it doesn't tell you when to unload the dishwasher because that would be different for every family, but I don't need that on the planner.

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Oh wow! I totally need that. Love the app. It is too bad you can't add your own tasks though. Hmmm, might go with the printed version. At least then it might be more visible and more accessible for the family. Is the app and printed the same? So if I got both, they'd line up?



This is what I need.....a place to add one thing each day and a master list for homeschooling jobs that are quick and easy to do and make it feel like I am flying through the job, on top of things before they become necessary.



I started another thread but it died quickly for homeschooling tasks. I appreciate that many homeschoolers use this but I need the homeschooling element as much as the housekeeping one.


Anyone have ideas?

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Do any of you use this as a combo mom AND kids chore system? I was thinking that I could just use different colored highlighters and for every day, highlight one of the chores per child so that we are all working on the tasks together--since it seems like it's a pretty complete system for those of us who have had low standards thus far... LOL!!


Are there any chores that you feel are lacking and that should be added in? For example, I'm sure it doesn't tell you when to unload the dishwasher because that would be different for every family, but I don't need that on the planner.


This is what I've decided to do. I got a blue highlighter for one boy and green for the other and highlighted a couple things that I knew they'd be able to do each day.

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I just want to say THANK YOU!!! This was the first I had heard of this and I love the app on my phone...very handy and helpful:)

I bought this a couple of weeks ago and went ahead and started with Dec of next yr for now. I really like it, it is pretty basic and helps me remember the little deep cleaning tasks and breaks them down in small chunks. I have the basics down but the other stuff is hard to keep track off and the $8 was well worth me not having to design some spreadsheet of my own and figure out what days to do everything- rather it was amonthly, seasonal or weekly job.


I am finding that it doesn't cover everything though. It seems to have tidy up the rooms on there once a week. I would drown in toys if I did that. I could also do every job on the list and still have a mess. The kid's rooms have to be down daily. However, everything else seems pretty on par. It doesn't take that long either and it seems to keep my standards fairly well.

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