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Frivolous poll for the day...do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?

Do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?  

  1. 1. Do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Other ('cause there's always an "other")

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I voted *no*, even though on rare occasion my dh just walks right in to talk to me about something. :001_huh: I read a book once that suggested spouses should never do this, because it lessens the 'mystery' for your spouse. It's that feeling of not knowing 'everything' about your spouse that keeps them exciting. ;)

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Right! LOL He had to take me to the toilet plenty of times during labor while hooked up to stuff in the hospital. So after that it wasn't a huge deal, but not something we do unless circumstances are desperate. Only pee, though. LOL!!!!


That's why I voted "Other" because I can't remember the last time it happened, but I wouldn't care and he wouldn't care to share the bathroom for a number 1. hehe :tongue_smilie:

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I voted yes, but it isn't often. It is more of a he comes in to ask me something while I am going, or comes in to remove one or more small people who are keeping me company. It doesn't bother me, but it isn't a daily or even weekly occurrence. Now small short ones on the other hand...

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No. And dh is even more private. He will not even talk through the door (not that I want to have a conversation, but sometimes you have a question that needs a quick answer.)

Yes, he saw me give birth to our three children - heck, he even delivered one of them - but that's a very different situation than using the bathroom (in our opinion).

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I voted no. I have, such as when I was in labor and he went into the restroom with me. I have when he was in the shower and I really, really needed to go. He has walked in on me and then, well, what can you do? But given a choice, no, I will hold it next to forever rather than pee in front of my dh.


I don't even want to *hear* him peeing in the restroom.

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:lol: I laugh because I can relate :tongue_smilie:


Does not bother me in the least. Bothers dh quite a bit and he will ask me to leave and if I'm in the shower ask me to turn around. :lol:


You and I are living in parallel households! DH can't stand for me to even talk through the door.:lol:

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It looks like I'm not the only one whose first experience using the bathroom infront of dh involved a hospital and a bed pan.


I never used to, dh and I joked that I didn't even have the parts to go potty with :p Then, I was laid up in a hospital bed and my options were wet the bed or let dh help me with a bed pan. After that not using the bathroom with him in there seemed silly.

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NO! And never will.


Seriously, dh said that should be a part of e marriage vows.


My parents did that all the time and my dh was absolutely horrified and appalled.


I wasn't that stricken, but I never have liked it either.


Some things should stay a mystery.

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It looks like I'm not the only one whose first experience using the bathroom infront of dh involved a hospital and a bed pan.


I never used to, dh and I joked that I didn't even have the parts to go potty with :p Then, I was laid up in a hospital bed and my options were wet the bed or let dh help me with a bed pan. After that not using the bathroom with him in there seemed silly.


See now my dh's reaction was wth am I paying that big hospital bill for anyways and to press the nurse button.


The closest we've ever gotten was helping me to the toilet and then standing outside the door to help me back to the bed.


I imagine if it was absolutely necessary, he'd man up to it, then we'd both forget it and pretend it never happened.

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See now my dh's reaction was wth am I paying that big hospital bill for anyways and to press the nurse button.


The closest we've ever gotten was helping me to the toilet and then standing outside the door to help me back to the bed.


I imagine if it was absolutely necessary, he'd man up to it, then we'd both forget it and pretend it never happened.

A big part of the problem was the nursing staff. :glare: Dh had to find the pan himself.


:lol: I wanted to forget, but I was on crutches and so... dh had a lot of potty help to offer in the next six weeks.

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See now my dh's reaction was wth am I paying that big hospital bill for anyways and to press the nurse button.


The closest we've ever gotten was helping me to the toilet and then standing outside the door to help me back to the bed.


I imagine if it was absolutely necessary, he'd man up to it, then we'd both forget it and pretend it never happened.



When I had my surgery this year, DH would not leave or call the nurse. His mom (who was watching our kids) called the room at midnight and told him, "You realize you're paying those nurses to take care of her, right?":lol: She was right to make him come home, he was so exhausted.

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When I had my surgery this year, DH would not leave or call the nurse. His mom (who was watching our kids) called the room at midnight and told him, "You realize you're paying those nurses to take care of her, right?":lol: She was right to make him come home, he was so exhausted.


Nope. My dh never leaves me at the hospital. He makes sure those nurses take care of me and does anything they don't do. My mil is no longer asked to watch the kids bc she doesn't like that.

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No way, Never (except for one occasion when I was in labor and the nurses were too busy to help me and they asked dh to help and I HAD NO CHOICE). After 25 yrs of marriage, I could say he's seen everything, but it's sort of nice to keep certain things private. Anyway, it's my alone time behind a locked door.


Really, it makes me feel yuck! Probably another hang up I have.

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I don't think I've ever seen a poll on here so evenly matched.


I voted yes because we only have one bathroom and during my pregnancies there was no way I could wait if he was in the shower or brushing his teeth/shaving.



Again, never been a problem.


Everyone in the house knows, ask pregnant gal if she needs to use first and even if she said no, be prepared to vacate pronto if baby kicks her in the bladder.


I think the only issues I ever had was during potty training. There were some close calls for me a couple times then.

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I voted no. I have, but I don't like to. I don't even like using a public restroom if there are others in there. I just want the freedom to make "potty noises" (as my kids say) without others hearing it. I know! Everyone does it, but I don't like others hearing me!

That was hard for me to get over. I still hold back ;)

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I will pee if he is there. I pee often with the door open... :001_huh: But, if the door is locked, it means LEAVE ME ALONE! DH does not understand that. He will use the bathroom with me there. Even if it is a noisy one. He tells me to turn on the fan. EXCUSE ME! I was there first! I don't want to brush my teeth with you making a stinky!


Poll was EVEN before I voted lol

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I will pee if he is there. I pee often with the door open... :001_huh: But, if the door is locked, it means LEAVE ME ALONE! DH does not understand that. He will use the bathroom with me there. Even if it is a noisy one. He tells me to turn on the fan. EXCUSE ME! I was there first! I don't want to brush my teeth with you making a stinky!


Poll was EVEN before I voted lol

Oh yeah, my dh has no problem letting fly while I'm in there... :lol:

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I don't know. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.


We obviously prefer to be alone but sometimes, he's in the shower and I've got to pee or I'm getting ready for church and he needs to go pee. We have a small bathroom and the kids have the other one.


But there are some bodily functions that just demand privacy.

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