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Pregnancy Idiosyncrasies

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I mostly keep my whining to myself as I feel like this is not a good conversation topic. . .but pregnancy is miserable for me.


:grouphug: Sending myself a group hug, lol!


I LOVE, ADORE, CHERISH the end results, and am SO, overwhelmingly grateful for my precious ones, but the process of getting there is. . .ugh. Please tell me someone else endures a host of idiosyncrasies during this time!


"morning", no make that ALL DAY sickness that last for many weeks - constantly nauseated or vomiting and have NO energy (ZERO, ZILCH!!) and once I vomit up something, I can't eat it again for years!


my palate becomes very quirkly, NOTHING tastes right


if I brush my teeth, I either throw up or have to rinse with warm salt water to try and get rid of the toothpaste taste


can't stand the smell of anything! (perfume, deodorant, cleaners, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, even foundation, etc.)


alternate between a cold sweat and a "whoa is it hot in here?" sweat


terrible heartburn and indigestion


dry bleeding nasal passages oddly combined and alternating with overproductive mucus causing me to constantly need a garbage can and roll of toilet paper handy. Yes, gross, I know! (A spitting, snotty woman is not attractive. :crying: )


can't stand to wear make-up or lipstick during the first 5-6 months, I finally found pure tasteless, odorless petroleum to keep my lips from rampant dryness!


insomnia - even in the early months, I wake up and stay awake for countless hours in the night.


general "I feel awful" on a daily basis


I'm sure there are many more things that are alluding me at the moment, because oh yea, I can't remember much of anything when I'm pregnant either :lol:


Did I mention. . .I've had a couple of 10lb babies? :D




¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


Edited by *~Tina~*
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I feel your pain. I am so miserable right now, I wish December would get here sooner.

I have horrendous heartburn and have for the entire duration of pregnancy which loves to rear it's ugly head at bedtime.


Sleeping is awful, aside from constantly flipping from side to side I get bad leg cramps, if I moved to quick I get a sharp piercing pain in my lower abdomen.


I have to sleep partially sitting up due to a constant stuffed nose.


I have trouble catching my breath and find it difficult to breath most of the time. When I read dd5 stories I find myself having to stop and take deep breaths because I feel like I am suffocating.


The baby is breech right now and some of the movements it makes are so intense I have to stopped and hold my breath until it settles.


I feel faint quite often and have to sit even after walking up the stairs until it passes.


So very tired all of the time and no motivation to do anything. I still have a billion things to finish before it's arrival.

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I'm sorry it's so tough right now. All those nasty pregnancy symptoms do stink. One you didn't mention for me is the emotionality, often leading to hysterical sobbing for sometimes an hour or more.


Just keep trying to focus on the good parts: feeling the baby move for the first time, feeling little body parts poking out and trying to guess what position they're in, listening to your husband talk and sing to your belly, discerning things about their personality from how and when they move and how they respond to noises or pokes, getting out all those adorable, tiny outfits, and most of all, picturing holding that precious little one in your arms.


Hold on, you'll get there soon.

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Tina :grouphug::grouphug:


I can honestly tell you that I endured every symptom you mentioned except the intolerance to make-up and the 10lb babies. I even the horrible nose....issues :tongue_smilie:


Add to your symptoms a horrible over production of saliva (yes, enough to spit it out like a tobacco chewing man), and major sciatica pain and I KNOW what you are experiencing.


It feels so lonely when others talk about what a wonderful time pregnancy can be. I know the inconveniences in no way lessen your joy about the baby, but the many unpleasant symptoms compiled on each other can drain the spirit.


Just know that you are not alone. In many ways I think the inconveniences of pregnancy made me much more tolerant of the newborn phase.....sore nipples, no sleep, bleeding for weeks.....who cares!?!....at least I can eat and breathe, and snuggle my baby. :)


As you can see from my sig., I thought the suffering was well worth it. ;)

You'll be in my prayers.

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I mostly keep my whining to myself as I feel like this is not a good conversation topic. . .but pregnancy is miserable for me.





Here's a few hugs from me :grouphug::grouphug:


And some sympathetic ears. :bigear:


Pregnancy was miserable for me too. It's a big part of the reason why I have an only child.


Hang in there---



What the heck-- here's a couple more for good measure!:grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm there right now, hon. Nothing like being on pelvic rest and having your hormones so out of control that you want your teA NOW!


I've done the hyperemesis thing three times. This time it's just gagginess.


Muscle soreness in the stomach from a muscles that have done more than their share and are telling me to "quit" (which we are doing after this one).


Tired...I'm tired of being tired.


I don't use toothpaste when pregnant...makes me gag and my mouth still feels unclean. I use baking soda. Love my baking soda!


oh yeah, soooooo am there!

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I started this pregnancy with a broken foot and sprained ankle. Really, I got my BFP the next day, completely unexpected.

Then I went through a week of paranoia, waiting for an u/s to check for a repeat ectopic.

This time, my heartburn started in the first trimester.

At 12 weeks, my screening came back with a 25% chance of Trisomy 18. Then I went through several days of waiting, a CVS, and several more days of waiting, to finally get the all-clear.

Later, I was told my blood results indicate high risk for IUGR. So far, u/s refutes that, but we still have 1 more check to go.

In the second trimester, I started with pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel in my left arm. Then reflux kicked in. And my abdomen was majorly separated by then.

At the end of the second trimester, I was informed that my mws would stop delivering in my hospital 2 days before my EDD.

Last week, relaxin kicked in big time. I can't walk comfortably. I can't sit comfortably. My pelvis is only happy when I'm lying down.

My esophagus disagrees, and reflux kicks up when I'm lying down.


Water hurts. Food kills me. I sleep *maybe* 5 broken hours at night, usually starting at 8pm. Yesterday, I cried for a half hour because dh wasted leftover chicken.


Right now, Baby is playing up in my ribs, and there are less than 6 weeks until he'll probably be born by induction, which I hate.


While I've never enjoyed pregnancy, this one is kicking my butt! I keep telling him he'd better be the easiest baby ever born!



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Tina :grouphug::grouphug:


I can honestly tell you that I endured every symptom you mentioned except the intolerance to make-up and the 10lb babies. I even the horrible nose....issues :tongue_smilie:


me too


In many ways I think the inconveniences of pregnancy made me much more tolerant of the newborn phase.....sore nipples, no sleep, bleeding for weeks.....who cares!?!....at least I can eat and breathe, and snuggle my baby. :)


People always look at me weird when I say, I can't wait to have this baby so I can sleep! :) (I sleep better and sometimes get more sleep when they are OUT of me!)

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So sorry! I feel your pain. I think I also had some "during partum" depression going on too. When dh even mentions the idea of having another one, I have a wave of horror go over me. I tell him that if he wants to birth one, or adopt one, I'm game, but me and pregnancy do not mix. It's nice to hear people being honest about their feelings though, or maybe I just know too many happy pregnant people. :grouphug:

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I'm so there with you on many of the things you listed. I suck at being pregnant and that was the reason we planned to have only one child. Eight years later, here I am, knocked up and miserable with a surprise baby. I just hit 4 months and don't require a 3 hour nap every day (I can get by on just a one hour nap).

I hate the nausea, the cramping, the weird smells, the irritability, the whacko emotions, the...well, pretty much everything. There is nothing fun about being pregnant except the end result.

Hang in there. Fortunately (for us) it doesn't last forever. :grouphug:

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I feel your pain! :grouphug:


I actually normally am one of those annoying people who find pregnancy delightful, but this one has been hard and different. Major mood issues, lots of anxiety made worse by questions about baby's health, terrible insomnia, and just not feeling well most of the time. And I'm sick of having to think about everything I put in my mouth, and feeling guilty when I eat some Halloween candy or anything else that's not nutritious.


I'm due any day now and irritable, tired of being pg, having constant lower back pain and contractions that go nowhere, and I just want to see my baby! I feel like he's a prize I've been waiting for for so long, and I'm getting cranky that he's still not here. Can't wait to not be pg anymore and have a baby to snuggle and sniff.

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Awww. . .ya'll are just precious! Thank you for commiserating with me. The truth of my experience always felt like one of those things you shouldn't talk about out loud, so with few exceptions I've always pretty much kept these feelings to myself. . .which of course, left the "guilty, shame on you for feeling that way chatter" playing loudly, round and round in my head.


Pregnancy always seemed like such a wonderful, enjoyable time for everyone else, and I felt terrible and shameful for thinking or saying otherwise.


It feels so freeing to be able to share my pregnancy reality and know that I'm not alone.


Blessing to each of you suffering the same :grouphug:

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
So sorry! I feel your pain. I think I also had some "during partum" depression going on too. When dh even mentions the idea of having another one, I have a wave of horror go over me. I tell him that if he wants to birth one, or adopt one, I'm game, but me and pregnancy do not mix. It's nice to hear people being honest about their feelings though, or maybe I just know too many happy pregnant people. :grouphug:

Adoption isn't any easier. Perhaps physically but certainly not emotionally.

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Adoption isn't any easier. Perhaps physically but certainly not emotionally.


Oh gosh, it was FAR easier for me! Adoption is a BREEZE compared to pregnancy. At least it has been for our family. I mean, sure there is paperwork and it's expensive but really...both times I walked into an airport (for the first one) and a hospital (for the second one), they handed me a baby, I went home. Piece of cake. Of course we still have to RAISE them regardless of birth vs. adoption. But that is a different topic. :D

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
Oh gosh, it was FAR easier for me! Adoption is a BREEZE compared to pregnancy. At least it has been for our family. I mean, sure there is paperwork and it's expensive but really...both times I walked into an airport (for the first one) and a hospital (for the second one), they handed me a baby, I went home. Piece of cake. Of course we still have to RAISE them regardless of birth vs. adoption. But that is a different topic. :D


Not for me or those I know who have adopted. It was SO HARD to have my choldren's pictures and then wait months for travel while they are in the care of others and growing older. I know many who are waiting 9 or more months after referral and I don't know how they are doing remaining sane.

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I despise pregnancy. Loathe it. When someone tells me how they just love pregnancy and feel all warm and happy with rainbows shooting out their ears, I just want to shake them and ask them what the heck is wrong with them. :D


I'll take the labor (epidural, of course) over the 9 months of agony....and I have pretty "easy" pregnancies too.


I cant stand the gagginess, the feeling like I can't move, the lack of comfortable sleeping positions, the always worrying about what's going on inside with my baby, the fact that I can't tie my shoes anymore, attempting to shave my legs, bladder pressure, heartburn, feet in the ribs, feet kicking my bladder and making me very nearly begin urinating on the spot, worrying about listeria in lunch meat, feeling uncomfortable in every piece of clothing and wishing I could just go naked.....but then, who the heck would want to see this whale naked? Oh, the joys of pregnancy. :lol:


But I'm head over heels with my end results. :D

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Just know that you are not alone. In many ways I think the inconveniences of pregnancy made me much more tolerant of the newborn phase.....sore nipples, no sleep, bleeding for weeks.....who cares!?!....at least I can eat and breathe, and snuggle my baby. :)




Yes! Agreed.


I do not enjoy pregnancy. I just don't. I'm sorry. I can relate very well OP (minus make up sensitivity and 10# babies ;) )


I have really easy/uneventful pregnancies, not including the first tri nausea (which often stretches well into 2nd tri). Sure, some sciatic pain that needs chiro visits. But really, that's minor still, right? But I just *feel* awful!!


I'm cranky, impatient, irritable, unmotivated, fatigued and did I mention cranky and irritable? Oh and very unmotivated and fatigued. Yuh. *sigh*


I have near panic attacks over impending labor during the last couple of months. Yet, I've had easy, uneventful births, most of which have been fast to boot.


Most would probably look at me and think I have it made, no reason to complain. Yet...I detest pregnancy.


And totally agree with the statement quoted above. I can TOTALLY deal with the newborn sleep/eat patterns of every 1.5-2 hr, etc. much better than I tolerate the pregnancy.


Also anxiously awaiting December.

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Thank you for this thread. I had a really rough first four months. Almost all the symptoms the OP described, including the awful taste in my mouth. To top it off, I had a digestive problem (turned out to be a virus), which went through the whole family. Yuck. I never want to feel like that again.


I'm 27 weeks now, and now I can't stand for long periods of time (church) without feeling faint, weak, or just plain, prickly hot. I HAVE to sit.

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Great thread! I have baby fever BAD (OK, I admit to being one of those sickos who is ready to go through it all again before I even leave the hospital! :D) yet my pregnancies are not so fun any more. I have more aches and pains, have a much harder time keeping in shape, sleeplessness, grumpy, irritable, and this especially:

I have near panic attacks over impending labor during the last couple of months.
Even with drugs I dread the thought of labor! I'm bookmarking this thread in an attempt to balance my near-insane desire to have another baby NOW with the reality of how things will be leading up to having that baby.
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I hear you all.


I am expecting number 4(go to my first appointment on Tuesday).

I got a long way to go and not looking forward to it if it's anything like the last one.

My nose is so sensitive that a lot of things make me ill. I gag a lot.

I do love the end result though :001_smile:


We have decided this will be our last one.

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I am wondering if there is a correlation between difficulties during pregnancy and difficult labors? (as in, if you have one, you are less likely to have the other?) I'm sure there are those who will say it is all miserable, but still.


I have been blessed not to be one to have "ladies' issues" (no PMS, no menstrual cramps, etc.) I didn't have any nausea with my 1st 2 kids, but did for the first trimester with this one. I've never experienced any of the other symptoms you mention. I have been a bit more uncomfortable this time (I blame it on age and weight), but actually this last trimester hasn't been a big deal.


However, I was in labor for 40 hours with my 1st, and 14 with my 2nd. Uncomplicated, normal deliveries, but horribly painful and miserable. I have tried not to think too much about it, but I know I am in the worst physical shape of all my pregnancies, and am so afraid that will come back to bite me during labor (particularly worried about leg cramps).


Hearing everything you ladies go through during pregnancy, I admire you for having kids at all, and many of you have several! Kind of makes me feel guilty for not having that many, considering pregnancy is fairly easy for me. Personally, it is the post-labor lack of sleep, dealing with colic, diapers, then the terrible twos, etc. that keep me from having more! :lol:

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
I am wondering if there is a correlation between difficulties during pregnancy and difficult labors? (as in, if you have one, you are less likely to have the other?) I'm sure there are those who will say it is all miserable, but still.


I have been blessed not to be one to have "ladies' issues" (no PMS, no menstrual cramps, etc.) I didn't have any nausea with my 1st 2 kids, but did for the first trimester with this one. I've never experienced any of the other symptoms you mention. I have been a bit more uncomfortable this time (I blame it on age and weight), but actually this last trimester hasn't been a big deal.


However, I was in labor for 40 hours with my 1st, and 14 with my 2nd. Uncomplicated, normal deliveries, but horribly painful and miserable. I have tried not to think too much about it, but I know I am in the worst physical shape of all my pregnancies, and am so afraid that will come back to bite me during labor (particularly worried about leg cramps).


Hearing everything you ladies go through during pregnancy, I admire you for having kids at all, and many of you have several! Kind of makes me feel guilty for not having that many, considering pregnancy is fairly easy for me. Personally, it is the post-labor lack of sleep, dealing with colic, diapers, then the terrible twos, etc. that keep me from having more! :lol:

:lol::lol: and congrats on your "caboose!"


My pregnancies were about averagely miserable but I had 1 miscarriage before each bio child and my cervix would begin dilating towards the end of my pregnancies. It made for short labors (2 1/2 hours and 1/2 hour) but had I had more bio children would likely have ended up progressing to an incompetent cervix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't use toothpaste when pregnant...makes me gag and my mouth still feels unclean. I use baking soda. Love my baking soda!


Thanks for this tip! I vomit just about everytime I brush, which of course, doesn't really leave me with clean teeth in the end :glare:


So, anywho. . .I picked me up some baking soda and want to give it a try! Do you just sprinkle it on your toothbrush or how does that work?

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Thanks for this tip! I vomit just about everytime I brush, which of course, doesn't really leave me with clean teeth in the end :glare:


So, anywho. . .I picked me up some baking soda and want to give it a try! Do you just sprinkle it on your toothbrush or how does that work?

Well, you lose most of it by sprinkling. I buy a small container just for myself (aka, no one else is to use it), wet my brush, then dip it in, then brush. It also whitens your teeth like no toothpaste can.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I have had awful horrible pregnancies too! I also had awful deliveries, 3 c-sections all Due to my 9lb. 8oz first baby!


I never got cold, just hot as an oven! Like short sleeves in the snow hot!

My dh and 2 boys cried during my last pregnancy that they were so cold all winter, but if I turned on the heat it made me nauseous.

I also would throw up if I had to read aloud with my 3rd baby, we became great friends of books on tape.:lol:


The only toothpaste I could use is cinnamon, Close Up.

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You have sooooooooo much sympathy from me right now.



At 11 days, I called Loverboy at work and told him that I was going to pee on a stick that night because I was so miserable. He could participate or not. Yep, pregnant and nauseous.


At 12 weeks, we met the obstetrician. He assured me that the nausea should subside at 16 weeks. I wasn't sure I would make it.


Now we are 5 DAYS from a planned C-section, and I've nearly yarped 3 times so far today. I've thrown up antacids, ginger, gum, etc in this pregnancy.


Heartburn, leg pains when laying down, hip pain too painful to walk at times, back pain, exhaustion/insomnia, gestational diabetes/insulin, and memory loss.


I told Loverboy we needed to remember to pick up dog food the next day. We don't have a dog. :lol::lol::lol:


I had to cook dinner twice because I forgot to turn on the oven the first time. :banghead:


Through it all, I hate to complain too much: I'm basically healthy; the baby is healthy. There is no bleeding or spotting or bedrest or emergency trips to the hospital.


But I'm miserable.


Many hugs to OP and the others who are pregnant today.


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My pregnancies have been a mixed bag. 4th was my easiest, this one (5th) has been my most difficult, and 1-3 were on the low end of miserable.


All of my deliveries (so far) have been easy on me, but #4's was difficult on him. #2 had a broken collar bone and #3 had some meconium issues. So my babies seem to bear the brunt of revenge. :001_huh:

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So agree with you.


4 pregnancies, ALl horrible. When I could pick myself up off the floor long enough to wobble like a drunk to the bed only to throw up again because the motion made me sick, I really wanted to just blow up every happy pregnant woman AND everybody who said "eat a cracker' LOL! At least with the last one, they dx me with hypermesis and gave me iv's throughout along with meds. But still....I've never had a that glowy happy pregnancy. I had the neo green look with the blue lips and ashy white skin covered in goose bumps from freezing to death. IN fact, we know I am pregnant before the pregnancy test can even test because I start throwing up. How many woman weigh less at delivery than they were before pregnancy? Starvation during pregnancy is rough. But..the end result is great!


And my labors are short/fast/ and usually under 2 hours. Maybe because the baby finally decides they are too cramped in there when momma throws up. 9 months pregnant due anytime puking in a toilet is neigh to impossible. I always said I went into labor because I puked them out.:D

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So agree with you.


4 pregnancies, ALl horrible. When I could pick myself up off the floor long enough to wobble like a drunk to the bed only to throw up again because the motion made me sick, I really wanted to just blow up every happy pregnant woman AND everybody who said "eat a cracker' LOL! At least with the last one, they dx me with hypermesis and gave me iv's throughout along with meds. But still....I've never had a that glowy happy pregnancy. I had the neo green look with the blue lips and ashy white skin covered in goose bumps from freezing to death. IN fact, we know I am pregnant before the pregnancy test can even test because I start throwing up. How many woman weigh less at delivery than they were before pregnancy? Starvation during pregnancy is rough. But..the end result is great!


And my labors are short/fast/ and usually under 2 hours. Maybe because the baby finally decides they are too cramped in there when momma throws up. 9 months pregnant due anytime puking in a toilet is neigh to impossible. I always said I went into labor because I puked them out.:D

Been there, hon...three times. I also know I'm pregnant within two weeks of conception.

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Thanks for this tip! I vomit just about everytime I brush, which of course, doesn't really leave me with clean teeth in the end :glare:


So, anywho. . .I picked me up some baking soda and want to give it a try! Do you just sprinkle it on your toothbrush or how does that work?


Mommaduck thank you SO much for the baking soda tip! I brushed, gagged a bit, but no vomit, no salt water gargling, nor horrendous aftertaste!



If only I'd had this knowledge sooner, LOL!

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Mommaduck thank you SO much for the baking soda tip! I brushed, gagged a bit, but no vomit, no salt water gargling, nor horrendous aftertaste!



If only I'd had this knowledge sooner, LOL!

:grouphug: I'm glad it helps. Beats the nasty taste and damage that vomit leaves us with. I've gotten to where I prefer baking soda even when not pregnant. I make the kids brush with some once in awhile as it whitens teeth also.

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I'll take the labor (epidural, of course) over the 9 months of agony....and I have pretty "easy" pregnancies too.



My last 3 have been completely natural and I STILL tell people I'd rather be in labor than pregnant any day. Labor is finite, pregnancy is an eternity.


OP, I so understand. I have so many friends who tell me they love being pregnant, love feeling baby move etc. I hate all of it. I really don't understand what's to enjoy. I don't even like feeling baby moving because it feels like the drop at the top of a roller coaster to me. And I'm not terribly fond of roller coasters. The only concilation is you will get a really cute bundle of joy at the end of it.

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