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So, what TWTM forum posts do you shake your head at?

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Her doctor is tired of it as well. I had a patient, about 65, who I ended up doing a pelvic exam on every darn visit, because she always had "a discharge" after a weekend retreat with some man or another. One day, as I was leaving the office, I was behind her car. She was driving (I'm not joking) a HUGE, early 70's bright pink convertible Caddy. She was driving a huge v*lva down the road! She wanted to come in a tell me of her exploits in bed and get a pelvic. :lol: and ewwwwwwww at the same time.


I hope we'll be the first to know when your book goes to print, Kay.

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"in utero genius"...... That made me really laugh. :lol::lol::lol:



There used to be a poster on the old boards who had a very young child and was expecting another and actually did ask about "curriculum" for her yet-to-be-born, but obvious genius. IIRC, the question was about which foreign language to play for the little Einstein while in utero. :001_rolleyes:

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There used to be a poster on the old boards who had a very young child and was expecting another and actually did ask about "curriculum" for her yet-to-be-born, but obvious genius. IIRC, the question was about which foreign language to play for the little Einstein while in utero. :001_rolleyes:

LOL I can believe it.

I vaguely remember the idea being promoted years ago that we should play music and talk to babies while they are in utero. I think some of these types of ideas are promoted simply to sell books and other products to nervous and gullible new parents.

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Okay. I'm in a p*ssy mood today, so I'll play.


The ones that irk me most are the old re-hashes of old re-hashes. Things that have been asked and answered a freakin' thousand times, like:


The ubiquitous Halloween is evil/not evil threads.

The ubiquitous we do/don't celebrate Christmas/Halloween/Easter/whatever because.... threads.

The ubiquitous summer swim wear threads.

What curriculum do I use for my pre-schooler/toddler/infant/in utero genius? threads.

What political or religious affiliation are you? polls.

Requests for crockpot recipes (Google! It is your friend, people!)


All of these have been asked every year I've been on these boards, and that's been since 2003 (or 2002 -- I can't remember). All one would need to do is use that handy-dandy "search" function at the corner of every forum. It's all there, folks. Every single one of those questions... asked and answered ad nauseum.


I'm also starting to be downright p*ssed off from the recent threads asking why/what non-Christians believe/do/don't believe/don't do, etc. I'm not answering in any more of those threads because they seem to go downhill fast and the intentions of the OPs are starting to feel icky. Play with someone else on that. If you REALLY were so keen on getting to know what I think spiritually, you'd have already asked me in a pleasant PM. Otherwise, I think my sig line sums it up well enough.


Well, sometimes you don't know what crockpot recipes are good and which are icky. :lol:



I dislike the things on your list except the crockpot question because I am not always a good judge of a good recipe before hand (unless it is mexican)


But in addition to that thread I would add the cleavage threads. I really dislike the whole "stumbling block" thing. If my dh was all "stumbling block" I would stumbling block him upside the head. Be a man! *wack*



*I don't actually endorse violence :blush:

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The ones that really get me are about how hard it is to find enough material to stimulate their gifted child. And how hard it is for anyone to understand the difficulty of their child being such a genius. :001_rolleyes: Those really bug me.


I've never understood this one either. Maybe that's why I have to stay away from that board.


Not to toot his horn, but kid is a baby Feynman (albeit a 16 yo). So what? I buy him college books. Problem solved. I can't afford (and even if I could, I don't have access to) fancy programs and camps for him. We muddle through.


There are a LOT of books in the world. "Curriculum", last time I checked, didn't need to come in the form of a pretty, pre-packaged box of worksheets and "here, mom - we've done all of the work so you don't have to!" -- Wait: Isn't using whole books instead of pre-packaged curriculum the basis of a Classical Education? GASP!


Yeah, I'm a judgmental gint in real life, too. But kid is fine...




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I have the tights for that outfit, but I could just never pull off the cape.


No capes! (if you've ever seen The Incredibles, you know what I am talking about!)




But in addition to that thread I would add the cleavage threads. I really dislike the whole "stumbling block" thing. If my dh was all "stumbling block" I would stumbling block him upside the head. Be a man! *wack*





Thanks for the laugh! I needed it!

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."



I refer to these as the "I think my fetus is gifted" posters.


Thank you!

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Sorry... I am quite guilty of not googling some things and coming here for an answer. I probably do that a few times a year. But, I usually say so in my post... I admit upfront that I have not researched it and want to know what other's think or if they have a resource. I think I do this because sometimes google gives you so many choices and I get overwhelmed and I think "Hey, the gals at twtm have got this." Another time I might be in the middle of a crazy, busy schedule and don't have time to dig around google looking for the answer... and usually a few people here can respond and save me that bit of time.


But, yeah, I do that. Guilty.

I do this once in a while too, but staunchly defend my reasons for doing so! :D

Sometimes when you Google it, you have to sort through a bunch of non-answers and even incorrect answers. I know the wisdom of the hive is an incredible resource. I'd bet that as a group, the folks here probably have the highest collective I.Q. and life experience of any group I know. I assume that the responses here will be *the best and most accurate I could find anywhere.* Faster to go right to the experts than to Google. :001_smile:


ALSO, I'm afraid to read the rest of the thread, because I'm afraid someone's going to post, "I hate with a red hot passion, the threads where that gal posts dessert polls all the time!". If you do, let me just say in advance that I'm sorry....;)

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Wendi! How do you manage free-ranging and helicoptering at the same time? I have been trying to find that balance, but I am obviously not as skilled as you.





I don't think any of the rest of us have a chance being as good as her ;):D

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ALSO, I'm afraid to read the rest of the thread, because I'm afraid someone's going to post, "I hate with a red hot passion, the threads where that gal posts dessert polls all the time!". If you do, let me just say in advance that I'm sorry....;)


I like it when you do this -- your choices always sound yummy and I appreciate getting to read about them since doing that doesn't add any calories to my diet.

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You guys have me all nervous now! I promise not to post anymore about my gifted unfertilized eggs. Or my obvious superiority as a free-range/helicopter/COMPLETELY organic mother. I will just keep those posts to my super-secret, only-awesome-parents-allowed covert message board, set up to mock the plebians/sheeple here.


On behalf of everyone: THANK YOU. This thread has served its purpose.



(Am I the only one reading here and thinking, "Did/do I do that? :001_huh: Oh, I hope not.)

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Definitely the "my fetus is gifted" ones.


Another one that bugs me (that I haven't seen mentioned) is the "What are the WTM recommendations in ___?" Really? Buy the book, cheapskate, or at least go to the library. The host of this website is the book's author, I just think it's tacky to ask for information from her book, it's like going into someone's house and eating out of their fridge.


Also the "how on earth do you people have so much time to be online?" ones. Um, pot meet kettle.


Or the "I just don't understand how someone can think this is ok," and it's a post about abortion/evolution/some other hot topic du jour. If you really want to understand, get a book or have a conversation with someone. Making a closed-minded, opinionated post on a MB isn't seeking understanding.


Ok, I'm done. :P

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Ok, I'm going to say it. I hate the posts that say "Need advice, CC only please." I am a Christian and I've quit opening those. Why, because generally I find the OP knows what they want to hear and has only come for validation on what their opinion is. Likewise, I hate the posts that ask for advice without CC attached where the OP does nothing but argue with the advice she gets.


This goes for the "gifted fetus" questions too. When I joined the boards and people told me I was overdoing it with my little ones, I didn't follow their advice, but I didn't argue with people on the boards! I guess this is prejudice, but when Newbies argue with those who have gone before them, they're not really here for advice. They're here for validation.


Ok, I'm done:leaving:

Edited by coffeefreak
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Definitely the "my fetus is gifted" ones.


Another one that bugs me (that I haven't seen mentioned) is the "What are the WTM recommendations in ___?" Really? Buy the book, cheapskate, or at least go to the library. The host of this website is the book's author, I just think it's tacky to ask for information from her book, it's like going into someone's house and eating out of their fridge.


Also the "how on earth do you people have so much time to be online?" ones. Um, pot meet kettle.


Or the "I just don't understand how someone can think this is ok," and it's a post about abortion/evolution/some other hot topic du jour. If you really want to understand, get a book or have a conversation with someone. Making a closed-minded, opinionated post on a MB isn't seeking understanding.


Ok, I'm done. :P


Or the threads where no matter what the topic is certain posters will insist on inserting their pet hot topic into it regardless of the relevance.

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(Am I the only one reading here and thinking, "Did/do I do that? :001_huh: Oh, I hope not.)

No. I was always paranoid but now I don't want to post anything at all.


I don't know why, but the posts that always start out "Am I the ONLY one..." or "Are we the ONLY family that..."


Oops! :lol::lol::lol:

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Posts that have an outright 'I'm better than you because you make stupid choices' attitude.


Posts that bash other homeschool methods, including unschooling, when the posters haven't spent hours, weeks and months researching those methods to make an informed decision.


Quick to judge. Unwilling to step into someone's shoes to understand a different point of view.


Posts that push religious reasons for doing or not doing something with the OP specifically states that religious reasons aren't a factor in their lifestyle. An evangelical feel.


Um, basically all the negative ones that are intended to make other people feel bad.


That covers it all for me. :)

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[quote name=Denisemomof4;2109709

(Am I the only one reading here and thinking' date=' "Did/do I do that? :001_huh: Oh, I hope not.)[/color]


Oh - another one of those "am I the only one" posts again. Sheesh!




And no, you are so totally not the only one - I always think twice (or 5 or 6 times) before posting, but I'm thinking I'll take a hiatus until this thread drifts into the darkness before I start another one.

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."



You talk about me as if I'm not right here. By the way, we don't do Bananagrams anymore...we play Scrabble and Apples to Apples--gifted version. And ds is so advanced in Latin that he is tutoring high schoolers.



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You talk about me as if I'm not right here. By the way, we don't do Bananagrams anymore...we play Scrabble and Apples to Apples--gifted version. And ds is so advanced in Latin that he is tutoring high schoolers.






Oh - another one of those "am I the only one" posts again. Sheesh!







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Oh! This is where you noticed my signature, Denise! Thanks for the laughing guys! And I'm so glad to see that you use Rod & Staff grammar. You must know, like I do, that it's really the best one.




those laughing guys were because of your comment, "You talk about me as if I weren't right here." That cracked me up!


THEN I noticed the signature and knew you were awesome. :thumbup: Now add the Rod and Staff to the mix and....... well not everyone can be as awesome as us. Poor people. Did you also start R&S when your child turned one? :lol:


ETA: end quotation. What an embarrassment to be grammatically incorrect while talking about our superior grammar program. :blush:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Oh! This is where you noticed my signature, Denise! Thanks for the laughing guys! And I'm so glad to see that you use Rod & Staff grammar. You must know, like I do, that it's really the best one.




those laughing guys were because of your comment, "You talk about me as if I weren't right here." That cracked me up!


THEN I noticed the signature and knew you were awesome. :thumbup: Now add the Rod and Staff to the mix and....... well not everyone can be as awesome as us. Poor people. Did you also start R&S when your child turned one? :lol:


ETA: end quotation. What an embarrassment to be grammatically incorrect while talking about our superior grammar program. :blush:



Well, we use R&S, CW writing, MCT, MBTP, AND extensive Latin studies. IMHO, if you don't use all of these, you are basically abusing your child. Am I the ONLY person who wants a rigorous education for my geniuses?

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Well, we use R&S, CW writing, MCT, MBTP, AND extensive Latin studies. IMHO, if you don't use all of these, you are basically abusing your child. Am I the ONLY person who wants a rigorous education for my geniuses?


we do ALL those silly, "fluff" programs before breakfast, just for fun. Then it's on to the more rigorous academics.

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we do ALL those silly, "fluff" programs before breakfast, just for fun. Then it's on to the more rigorous academics.


:lol::smilielol5:Are your children writing epic poems in Greek, Egyptian Heiroglyphics, Hebrew, AND iambic pentameter? Becasue if they aren't, just turn yourself in to Social Services.

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they do that for fun. We set a timer for 10 seconds and you'd be AMAZED at the pages they fill in that time!!!!!!


:lol: You are killing me! BTW, I cannot stand the "one-upper" posts. My kids are good, old-fashioned average students, and I'm fine with that.

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Okay, I did a search, but I can not find exactly what the whole shopping cart thing is, please explain. Have I mentioned that I am technologically challenged?


It would be another situation if I were not morally superior as I would allow my dc to do the searching for me, but I do not allow any type of computer activity unless they are working on computer programing as they are just child geniuses. Especially the 3 year old. She started algebra as a fetus, none of that silly listening to music stuff:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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