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Anyone have a newborn that did not spit up at all?

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I'm not complaining, but I do find it intriguing. When DD was given her first bath in the hospital hours after her birth, she screamed the whole time. After the bath was over, she spit up a lot all over her nice fresh clothes and bedding. Heh. The nurse re-bathed her and we took her back to the room where she promptly gagged and spit up again all over the bedding. We took her back to the nursery where another nurse used a syringe and tube to get some more bloody gunk out of her tummy. Since that time 2 weeks ago, SHE HAS NOT SPIT UP! At least not enough to come out of her mouth. Sometimes when she burps (and she can belch like a sailor!) it sounds like she has spit up, but she swallows and there is nothing that comes out of her mouth.


She is growing and getting plenty of wet/dirty diapers, so I know she is getting enough to eat, but I'm not accustomed to walking around with a newborn and no spit rag.


DH still insists on using a spit rag. He says the first time she spits up will be all over him!

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Our oldest very rarely spit up. Didn't even drool much. Used bibs only while eating, and didn't use spit cloths. She did not prepare us well for our second, who really required us and anyone else close by to wear protective gear.

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My kids were not spitters. The only time they would spit up was when either Grandma would put them on their tummies after eating or when my brother would do lots of bouncy, jiggly play with them right after eating. I only carried spit rags for drool. Now, my oldest would fuss from gas (he gulped a lot while eating), but dh seemed to have the touch to get him to pass it (or to poop.) He would always say something about males being so much more familiar with burping, farting and other bathroom humor.

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Mine were all nursed, and all of them spit up.


Tazzie was known as 'The Woofman' (his middle name is Wolf). Child could not stand anyone having a clean shirt. Wolf would literally change his shirt, and as soon as he picked up Tazzie again, *woof*. It got to the point that unless we were going anywhere, Tazzie spit was the norm. It was self defence. We simply didn't have the clothes to change every time he spit :lol: Kid burped like anything too.

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That must be like heaven. My youngest just stopped spitting up at 14 mos. He was a major spitter and I got so sick of it! All my babies were breastfed, and all spit. The boys were way worse than the girl. Oldest probably tied with the youngest for the Spittle King title.

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All of my kids rarely spit up. We never even bothered to put burp rags on our shoulders. DD is 4 weeks old and she's probably spit up twice and it was just a tiny, tiny bit each time.


I babysat triplets when I was younger and the smallest one would projectile spit up! I've never seen anything so crazy!

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My oldest had reflux and spit up all the time until she was on solid food. When she was exclusively breast-fed, leaving the house entailed not only several extra outfits for her but extra shirts for us as well. It was terrible.


Youngest dd spit up very little, basically a few wet burps. Other than that, nothing. I didn't know what to do. She could actually end the day in the same clothes she started in. That never happened with oldest dd.

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Yes, and it was so nice to have a clean baby all the time. :)


I also had several that needed a complete change of outfit(s) every day.


Me too, my current baby (one year now) has rarely spit up, maybe 5-10 times? The others were quite messy. Nothing different about the feeding either. Enjoy! ;)

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Mine. Well, he will sometimes but just dribbles. He chokes on milk plenty but it doesn't come out.


Of course, after I posted this he spewed on me :tongue_smilie:. Taco soup on my end doesn't agree with him, apparently.



Dd1 had reflux/food allergies & would spew like a volcano every 10 minutes or so. It's nice to have a break from that :).

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maybe the same reason the third nurse used the syringe. When they originally suction them right after birth there can be times when they don't get all of it. They get enough for the baby to breath but there is still some in there. That would cause some throwing up. After the nurse suctioned him out on last time she got it all and he's fine. I had two babies and they never drooled or spit. If she's growing and gaining weight and is not being fussy all the time she's probably all right and what you're seeing (or not seeing) is normal for her.

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My oldest never spit up.


My second child spit up constantly (diagnosed as reflux) and was extremely "colicky" (screamed 6 hours straight every single day) until she saw a chiropractor at 6 weeks old. After two weeks of treatments 3 times a week she never fussed or spit up again.


The nerve at the base of your head is the one you use to spit up and vomit with. If it is compressed due to misalignment from a c-section, forceps, or vacuum delivery (like kid#2 who was breech from month 7 to month 8) and a c-section (for a detached placenta) you can get spitting up.

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