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Called 911 an hour ago...

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my dd was outside on our front lawn with her puppy, letting her go pee. Some jerk car (you know the kind: the whole block feels the bass) drives by and the passenger (a male in his 20s) leans out and yells to her "you're looking to get raped, aren't you? You like it big sweety? I'll come back and rape you later." :angry:

I was actually on the front step and heard and saw the whole thing. The car went down the street, turned the corner and parked in a parking lot. The guys got out and chatted for 45 minutes. Not sure where the cops went. :angry: My dh walked up to the car and did get the plate #, but a lot of good that's gonna do if the cops never do anything about it!


UPDATE on post #21








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That's horrifying!!!! I'm sorry! Is your daughter okay? I'm in awe that the police have not shown up. Is that normal for where you are?


I don't know about normal for where we are. We're in a low crime rate area, but it all depends on how serious the call is for how many folks are working, you know? I did see them drive by, but they didn't go to where the car was, nor did they call me or pop in yet. Usually they would.


My dd is fine. She was scared, in the sense that a man yelled at her and it startled her, but she didn't understand what he said. Small mercies.

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Demand that the cops do something and suggest how it might look on the local news if they do not do something. That was a threat of assault and if your daughter is a minor there are a lot of other charges that can be applied.

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OMG! How horrible! I hope karma comes back and bites him in the rear... literally... when he's in jail...


Sorry, people like that just make me sick. That's just NOT okay. EVER.


I'm glad your poor girl wasn't too traumatized, and I hope the cops take the issue seriously.

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I don't know about normal for where we are. We're in a low crime rate area, but it all depends on how serious the call is for how many folks are working, you know? I did see them drive by, but they didn't go to where the car was, nor did they call me or pop in yet. Usually they would.


My dd is fine. She was scared, in the sense that a man yelled at her and it startled her, but she didn't understand what he said. Small mercies.


Hmm... (regarding the police response)... I hope they contact you soon.


I'm so glad to hear your dd is okay and that she didn't understand what was said to her! :grouphug: Amen for small mercies!

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my dd was outside on our front lawn with her puppy, letting her go pee. Some jerk car (you know the kind: the whole block feels the bass) drives by and the passenger (a male in his 20s) leans out and yells to her "you're looking to get raped, aren't you? You like it big sweety? I'll come back and rape you later." :angry:

I was actually on the front step and heard and saw the whole thing. The car went down the street, turned the corner and parked in a parking lot. The guys got out and chatted for 45 minutes. Not sure where the cops went. :angry: My dh walked up to the car and did get the plate #, but a lot of good that's gonna do if the cops never do anything about it!



I am so sorry to hear that!! That is the most terrible thing to ever happen to a small child! You need to demand that the cops further investigate this, there was no need for this at all.


Praying for your daughter and the rest of your family!:grouphug::grouphug:

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So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.

Edited by specialmama
the grape reference
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Guest Alte Veste Academy
So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.


How wonderful to hear this. I mean, it is still just an incredibly awful thing to have happened but I am very impressed by how it was handled. I agree with Hulk Hogan though, in that this was indeed a big enough fish to take the time to fry. I'm so glad they did.


I had an old country Polish friend growing up. Hulk Hogan is right about the boys being in some seriously hot water. The punishment may or may not be physical in nature, but it will be severe. And rightly so.

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So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.



I am so glad to hear about the cops response.

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So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.


Phew! That was just so awful. If my son (sputtering)...he would just die. On the spot. As if a bolt of lightning from Zeus struck him.

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OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.


First of all, let me say that I absolutely think you did the right thing in calling the cops. The kids who did that made a really dumb move.


I checked it out (if someone else already posted while I was typing this, sorry :) ). There is a skit on YouTube by Whitest Kids U Know that features an ad agency reviewing a new grape soda campaign, where a grape-costumed (think the old Fruit of the Loom guys) man bursts into a house in the middle of the night shouting that he's going to grape them in the mouth. One of the ad agency execs protests due to the obvious similarity to the other situations, the presenter and other execs don't see anything wrong with it, despite the "grapist" saying he's going to tie the kids up. A reference is made to the girl begging for it (because she's wearing purple).


So while technically, yes, they may have said grape, it's made pretty clear even in the video exactly what people would think was being said. Funny to watch? Maybe. Funny to yell out the car window at a child? Not even close. I hope they learned their lesson!

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First of all, let me say that I absolutely think you did the right thing in calling the cops. The kids who did that made a really dumb move.


I checked it out (if someone else already posted while I was typing this, sorry :) ). There is a skit on YouTube by Whitest Kids U Know that features an ad agency reviewing a new grape soda campaign, where a grape-costumed (think the old Fruit of the Loom guys) man bursts into a house in the middle of the night shouting that he's going to grape them in the mouth. One of the ad agency execs protests due to the obvious similarity to the other situations, the presenter and other execs don't see anything wrong with it, despite the "grapist" saying he's going to tie the kids up. A reference is made to the girl begging for it (because she's wearing purple).


So while technically, yes, they may have said grape, it's made pretty clear even in the video exactly what people would think was being said. Funny to watch? Maybe. Funny to yell out the car window at a child? Not even close. I hope they learned their lesson!


Wow. :001_huh: A grapist? A girl begging for it? That is so... sad. Talk about de -sensitizing a generation.

Thank you for looking into that for me. I do appreciate it. :grouphug:

I do hope they learned a lesson, too!

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So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.


I am so sorry your DD experienced this, and very glad the cops responded as they did.

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Well done!


The cops were smart. Scaring the kids straight is the best thing that could have happened to them. As unpleasant as this must have been for you (and hopefully your daughter is none the wiser) maybe some good will come from this in getting those boys off a very bad path? I hope so!


I also hope you have a better tomorrow.



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A good ending to a terrible story.



Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D



If the father is anything like some of the E. Europeans I know then the boys will not soon forget the lesson and may not sit nor chew comfortably for a while.


E. Europeans used to have have a great fear of the police (can we say trip to Siberia?) and this still lives with many of them. A strong Catholic upbringing also means that assaulting a woman is not well looked upon. Many emigres, unfortunately, see their children fall prey to the thugish culture that inspired what happened and the kids go down hill fast. If lucky, some extremely tough love from a father who will be ashamed, angry and (in the back of his mind) fear deportation will straighten them out.


While I did, sometimes, fear for my car in E. Europe I never feared for my family and felt much safer there than I would in Detroit, D.C, London or Paris.


Whatever happens to those kids, they may deserve, but maybe, just maybe your actions woke the parents up to a horrible situation that can be fixed and saved many females from having to deal with the boys threats of assault, come true.


Sorry you had to go through it.

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just maybe your actions woke the parents up to a horrible situation that can be fixed and saved many females from having to deal with the boys threats of assault, come true.


Sorry you had to go through it.


:iagree:and on behalf of other mothers of daughters, thanks for doing the right thing and calling it in. I am impressed with the way your police handled it and thankful that your daughter didn't understand the yelling coming from the car. Hug her extra today.

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Oh my gosh, I just read this whole thread. How horrifying!


I am REALLY glad that your daughter didn't understand what was said to her. That's the main thing! You can play it off to her as "they were just being silly/stupid and the police told them they shouldn't go around yelling at and scaring people like that" and then she hopefully won't have nightmares... ugh!


GOOD for your husband for getting that license plate number and you for calling the police! I'm so glad they handled it the way they did!


Maybe they will think twice about being such idiots next time, and maybe you just saved another young girl a whole lot of terror, especially if the next one DID understand what they said!

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First of all, let me say that I absolutely think you did the right thing in calling the cops. The kids who did that made a really dumb move.


I checked it out (if someone else already posted while I was typing this, sorry :) ). There is a skit on YouTube by Whitest Kids U Know that features an ad agency reviewing a new grape soda campaign, where a grape-costumed (think the old Fruit of the Loom guys) man bursts into a house in the middle of the night shouting that he's going to grape them in the mouth. One of the ad agency execs protests due to the obvious similarity to the other situations, the presenter and other execs don't see anything wrong with it, despite the "grapist" saying he's going to tie the kids up. A reference is made to the girl begging for it (because she's wearing purple).


So while technically, yes, they may have said grape, it's made pretty clear even in the video exactly what people would think was being said. Funny to watch? Maybe. Funny to yell out the car window at a child? Not even close. I hope they learned their lesson!


Our culture throws so much at young people and many seem to have turned off their good judgement. I have heard of this phrase (hadn't seen the video before) and I think it's just sick.


Some 11 yos would not understand the word, though I'm sure she caught the threatening tone of voice, strangers yelling at her out a car window, etc. and that would be frightening. How is your dd faring? It would probably be helpful to talk things through with her and make sure she's OK.


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I didn't see the link posted yet. Here's the link to the video:


(if it comes through, because youtube is funny with that sometimes).


What's so ironic about this is that the video seems to be poking fun at the problem of men not really understanding that rape is not a joke. If those kids had had any brains, they would have understood this. It should have taught them, first of all, that yelling at someone that you're going to "grape" them is NOT funny. That is the POINT of the video. So what kind of idiot would miss that message and go around yelling it in the street?


I don't think we can blame the video. The sad thing is that rape is seen as such a joke in our culture that even this video that is attempting to fight against this perception can't get its message across with the very people it would be best to reach.

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I didn't see the link posted yet. Here's the link to the video:


(if it comes through, because youtube is funny with that sometimes).


What's so ironic about this is that the video seems to be poking fun at the problem of men not really understanding that rape is not a joke. If those kids had had any brains, they would have understood this. It should have taught them, first of all, that yelling at someone that you're going to "grape" them is NOT funny. That is the POINT of the video.


That wasn't the impression I got from the video at all. To me, its yet another desensitizing. The one man that had the problem with it was made out to be overreacting and ridiculous.


So what kind of idiot would miss that message and go around yelling it in the street?


If you scroll down and read the comments, you will see several saying it is sweeping their schools and communities and everyone is going around yelling it at people. Very sad.


I don't think we can blame the video. The sad thing is that rape is seen as such a joke in our culture that even this video that is attempting to fight against this perception can't get its message across with the very people it would be best to reach.


I just didn't get it the way you did. Maybe I'm just too conservative. I found the whole thing sickening and the comments about how wonderful it is even moreso.




Where does this stuff come from?

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I had an aunt (married into the family) that was Polish. Her mother was very Polish. They bragged on it. Basically, mama and daddy aren't going to put up with their sons stepping out of line in such a way. If those boys don't get some physical punishment (most likely labour), they will definitely be getting a brutal, verbal lashing...and it will be loud!

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To explain more of what I think of the video:

I'm guessing the folks who made that video have been hearing for years about efforts to get these sort of guys to realize that rape is really awful, don't do it, it's a crime, would you want this happening to YOUR sister etc -- and seeing that these guys just aren't getting it.


So they went to humor instead, thinking it would sink in to the brains of the morons who didn't understand the message when it was told to them straight. I'm thinking they intended it in the best possible way, because the goody two shoes approach, "let's not do that anymore" obviously wasn't reaching the potential criminals.


Unfortunately, I think they underestimated the level of stupidity of the particular guys who just don't get it. The humor is too subtle.


The guy in the video who is finally talked into using the ad seems to me to be the guy at the party who is finally convinced by his buddies that it's ok -- and yet the viewer knows full well that it just isn't ok. That particular guy is the most interesting of all. When he folds, this points out that even a guy who believes he knows what's right can be talked into doing evil and feeling fine about it if the society around him keeps saying it's normal. The message is - if you're at a party and rape is starting to seem ok, remember that this idiot in the video changed his mind in exactly the same way. But it still wasn't right. You laughed at him when you watched the video. What you do next might not be a laughing matter, but do you really want to be the chump that caves to peer pressure when you know all along it's wrong?


I don't imagine the makers of this video thought this would just make the problem worse. I don't think that had bad intentions. It just didn't work the way they thought it would.


Anyway, that was my take on it -- because I know a lot of people who DO understand that rape is a crime, who are horrified by it, who even write editorials about how awful it is, who would have watched this video and said "good for those folks who made this video --now maybe those perps will understand".


I find the video ironically compelling precisely because it did backfire. It points out that the problem of misunderstanding rape is so much bigger and harder to deal with than anyone might have suspected.


However, I think for this video to do any of the good that I'm assuming the makers intended, it probably needs to be shown to the target audience with a lot of supervision and guidance. Just having it loose on the web is obviously not the way to go.

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:grouphug: OH.MY.Goodness.. I am speechless.:mad: :crying: I just read this whole post... I am in tears. I can not imagine. :grouphug: Good cops that will actually do something are rare it seems so I am so glad you found 2 good ones! Time to bring donuts to them :001_smile: I hope those ****** really do get it good from their dad. I hope they don't sit down or eat for a week... :glare:

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That guy sounds like he has a lot of misery. And someone needs to put him out of it.


Holy crapola girl! I'm so glad your sweetie didn't understand what they said. So glad the cops did what they did, and hope those butt wipes learn something.


Call me if anything like this ever happens again. Wolf will come over and go hunting with your dh. :angry:

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So about an hour after posting this, the police showed up. Two officers of enormous size... one is like Hulk Hogan I kid you not. They tracked the plate # to a house, car belongs to daddy. Kids are out. Cops sit and have coffee with momzie and daddy. Momzie and daddy are off-the-boat old-world Polish (whatever that means) and are not happy at all. :tongue_smilie: Kiddies come home to find momzie and daddy sitting with two Herculean police officers. Kiddies get nervous. Officers immediately split them up and get their stories. Stories are mostly similar, except they claim they said "grape" not rape. WHATFREAKINEVER. I did not hear grape and the implication remains. GRRRR... Anyhow... *deep breath*... the police were super great and said those kids had the fear of God put into them. They were apparantly extremely apologetic and even wanted to come say sorry to me and my dd (to which the cops immediately & wisely said NOT A GOOD IDEA.) ;) Cops talked to them about instilling fear in females, and how would they feel if they were terrified to step foot outside their homes, or how would they feel if someone threatened their little sister or mother. I was very happy that this was dealt with in such a positive way, especially after doubting that they'd do anything. I thanked them and acknowledged that I know they have bigger fish to fry. You know what Hulk Hogan said? He looked at me and said, "ma'am, this was no waste of time. Those boys needed a wake up call. If we could impact criminals before they become criminals, when these little red flags show up, well our job would be terribly fulfilling." :D They believe that this night will be a turning point in the boys' lives. Again, they brought back the Polish reference (:confused: to which I'm entirely ignorant) and said knowingly that the punishment those boys get will be the severe kind, and would physically start the moment the cops left. They said this with a chuckle, like they knew the boys would get the strap or something. Either way, they knew the boys were going to pay big time and learn a big lesson. Daddy promised so. :D


OH YES... regarding that "grape" thing... they said there's something on YouTube about it, a skit in which rape is implied, as in "I'm going to grape you"... the cops said they'd be checking it out. I don't really want to. But if someone is up for it, I'd like to hear about it. Regardless, as I said before, I heard them just fine and even if they had said grape, the implication was there.


I'm so glad everything turned out okay.


And, God bless old world Polish parents who aren't afraid to instill some fear in their teenaged boys.

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