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can you stand another dinner poll?


does your family eat dinner together?  

  1. 1. does your family eat dinner together?

    • yes
    • no
    • sometimes
    • other. because I have to

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Does your family all eat together at the table?


I know we're "supposed" to but we never do. DH and I eat on the couch and kids eat at the table. It's really one of the only times we get to talk and be together without the kids even though they're 10 feet away and can hear every word we're saying. I figure we get enough family togetherness with homeschooling and dh having such a light work schedule right now that it's okay to pass on it.

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Almost every dinner is eaten together at the table. One Monday a month, a group that I attend has a potluck. I fix dinner, serve it, and walk out the door on those nights. We also eat most breakfasts and lunch together, too. DH joins us for those if he's available, which is about half the time.

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I said sometimes because I realised recently that we had lost the "habit" of eating together. We can- dh is home at dinner time- but often its more that one kid is at work, the other is playing with friends, dh is watching a TV show....I am on the computer.....and we all kind of eat at different times and in different places.

Recently though I realised it was a little TOO scattered and we hadnt eaten together for ages so I am making more of an effort to put the meal on the table when everyone is there and invite everyone to the table. No one minds...we just got out of the habit. So, twice this week we have eaten together at the table and it was nice.

I dont make a fuss about it though and half the time I am glad to eat alone!

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We adjust our dinner time so we can all eat together 99% of the time, but it's not at the table. We seldom watch TV, but dinner time is it. I tape a bunch of different shows (from documentaries or travel shows to White Collar or Star Trek) and we rotate through who gets to choose the dinner entertainment. We love it and don't expect to change.


The worst thing is my table has now become a "shelf" for anything anyone has brought home. I have to periodically clean it off - especially if company is coming!

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We don't. The twins are not home from swim practice. DH is usually still at work. Ds usually don't want what is served, and I do not force people to eat food they do not like. Fil gets upset at that, so I just let ds get something later. Fil needs the house temp set higher than I can stand, so I am so hot and sweaty by the time dinner is done that I cannot stand the thought of eating. So, it is usually dd17 and fil eating dinner. I sit with them. Then, I am reheating the food for the twins when they come in and sit with them to listen to their swim practice chatter. (I miss it now that they are driving themselves.)

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Yes, when we're all here, we do. When our children are done with their dinner, they may leave the table to go play. What often ends up happening is that dh and I are treated to dinner theater. Our kids have a lLearning Tower, and they use it as a stage to perform shows for us while we eat. It's thoroughly enjoyable!


I always think if I had be a real stickler about rules and the kids having to sit until all of us were done, we'd have never been blessed with this development. :)

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When the weather is nice we eat outside together on our deck. Oldest dd usually doesn't eat with us during the week because she has cheer and then dance every night. I end up eating dinner quickly between dropping her off and running out to pick her up again.


When we eat inside, it's in the living room with DH and I on the couch and the little guys sitting at their own little table. Our dining room table is the only flat surface in the house where things can be kept out of reach of the little guys so it's always covered with stuff, especially my laptop. It's also very small (maybe 2 feet by 3 feet) with hard wooden benches so isn't the most comfortable place to eat.


We're hoping this will change when we have more space.

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We've run short of chairs :glare: Since our older ds was about three we have gone through three sets of dining room chairs (that's over six years). We're down to threeish chairs (one likes to collapse, so you have to sit carefully), so dh and I either eat after the kids or else we sit on the couch.


We eat together when possible though.

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I voted "sometimes", because we often are together in the same room, usually the living room in front of the TV and various computers. We are all (including dh) together nearly 24/7, so we don't *need* the reconnect/family time/how-was-your-day? discussions that a lot of families gain from meal time.


Our mealtimes are our break times, and each of us enjoys doing what he/she wants while eating (watching TV, on the computer, reading, etc.) Can you guess what I do while I'm eating ;)?

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Oddly we no longer have a kitchen table! We were short on seats anyway, but we turned that area into a sitting area with a coffee table and throw cushions. If we all sit down at once we use the dining room but due to schedules it is hard. I hope this winter it will slow down. I needed a large table for the classroom.....off went the kitchen table!:)

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Most of the time, we eat together but it is in the living room. Our school room has taken over our dining room and the table is usually covered with school stuff. On occasion, we do not eat together. We still talk and interact but just in a different setting although, this time usually ends up being more about the kids bonding with Daddy during that time. The three of us really get enough of each other and I often leave the group and sit at my desk (mainly because if I hear anymore discussion about Mythbusters or Dirty Jobs, I may lose what is left of my sanity).

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