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S/O of "Mama" for little girls. Do you have nicknames for your kids?

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I call my 5 year old "Baby" all the time. I sometimes find myself calling him, "Bubba" as a form of baby. I call my husband "Sweetie" and rarely by his name.


Does anyone else use mostly nicknames for their children/significant others? What are your thoughts on this?



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I just use derivatives of their real names.


Bubba Ry (He loves Star Wars and his name is Ryan) or Mr. Shimulski (a change of our last name to make it better for magic shows according to my son).


Libby (Her name is Lydia so I guess it should be Liddy but we say Libby).


But most of the time I just call them by their proper names.


As for my husband, I just call him Jon or "Your Dad." LOL. As in, "Go ask your Dad."

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Yes. Often, I find myself calling the boys "Dude" and the girls "Sweetie" when I need to ask them something. Each of my kids also has at least one nickname just for them that they've had since birth:


dd13: Scout, Punkin'

dd12: Pixie, another that's a variation on her real name

ds9: Natty-Bumpo, Monkey Boy

ds6: Corn Dog Nugget (no idea why, but there you go :D), and another that's a variation on his real name

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I call my 6 yo ds "Noodle" and my 14 yo ds has been "Bear" since they were babies. My oldest gets called "Sup Dup" - pronounced "soup dupe" - LOL I just call my husband by his name or I call him Mister.


Oh that reminds me. I call my son, "Mister" when he's in trouble. :D

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Mine all have nicknames.


DS is "Booger Bear", but he is getting to the age where that embarrasses him so now it is just "Boog". The girls call him "Bubba" so I use that sometimes, too.


DD is "Faitharoni" or "Rooty Toot" or "Toots" (her given name is Faith)


Littlest DD is "Ella Bell" or "Bell Bell" or "Snooker-doodle" (her given name is Ella); her nickname from my brother/her uncle is "Brick"


I call all of the "Honey" or "Angel".

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I call my dh "Babe," and my ds "Buddy." Whenever I mix the two up, they look at me and laugh until I figure it out. :D I also call ds "Small man."


I call my dc collectively "Chickies." It started before I had a ds, and so I probably should pick something else, but it stuck. I also refer to them as "Duckies" or "Kiddos." I'm trying to think of what I call my dd; usually, "Honey," I guess. Every once in a while I call one of them "Buddy" and I get the :001_huh: look.


Dh has long funny nicknames based on each of their names. For example, our Kelsey is "kelseroni and cheese."


We don't use any of the names in public (except that I call ds, "small man,") nor do we encourage others to use them, nor post them on FB. :)

Edited by angela in ohio
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They all have nicknames of some sort...or at least they did. The ds2 has quite a few...booger, little dude, sweet pea, baby boy. Dd4 had a bunch...Boonie, Boonie-girl, and now dd13 calls her Shoopy. Don't ask. I don't know. Ds7 is Bean or "The bean". Ds9 is "bug" or Barkie von-Schnauzer (again, don't ask). Ds10 never really had a nickname, ds12 is Joe-Joe, and dd13 is Shanny or ShannyBananny.

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My oldest boy is Bubbie..as in big brother,

My daughter is Cookie, or Baby girl.

My son loved that movie with the bear, his name was Boog..so he was called Boog for a while, then it was little man, now it's mostly Bug....only because now he tries to grow me out with findings from outside! No one has told him that's I've been there and done that! LOL! Nothing phases me anymore! :) But he loves to make me cringe! (of course, I have to play along!)

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When the oldest was little she was my Bugaboo or just Bug for short and often she was Sam-I-Am. When she started preschool she informed me that wished to be called Sammy (her full name is Samantha). Sometime during the tween years she outgrew Sammy and it was shortened to Sam, but I can still get away with Sam-I-Am.


Younger DD has always been my Sarahbear, but DH and I are the only ones who can still get away with it.


DS is Bubba, Bubby, Buddy, or Little Man. We don't encourage other people to use them though. When introduced to new people we/he always use his proper name.

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My oldest was Nini (pronounced nee-nee) from the last syllable of her name - Stephanie, when she was a baby. Now she goes by Steph.


DH used to call ds booby, as in booby kid since I was nursing but it gradually changed to bubby or bubba. We still call him that occasionally but mostly call him Georgie to distinguish him from Dh (George), even though MIL hates it. :D


My youngest is usually just called Baby Girl. We never use her full name. If we call her by name it's Vicki (instead of Victoria).

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DD1 we call Lyssia, audie and french fry her name is Alyssa

DD2 we call dovie, and Deen her name is Davina

DD3 we call hosie, jonnie, and hosibell her name is Joann

DD4 we call bell, monkey, bella her name is Isabell

DD5 we call baby girl, baylie bird, or just baily her name is Hailiey

DS we call rex, rexy, seddie, buddy, boy, rooster, his name is Seth

DH calls me tray, My name is Tracy

I call DH babe, his friends call him Izzy his name is israel.



it is amazing that my kids know who we are talking too. My husband has nick names for all of our neices and nephews too. He is a very involved uncle and the only male role model for a lot of them so I think the nick names makes them feel more like they are part of our household/family.

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No nicknames for ds1--he's never been a nickname kind of kid. I call ds2 "Junior" because he is more like dh personality-wise. Dd is Lee (one of the syllables in her name) or Girl, GirlGirl, or--her recent favorite--Chiclet.


Dh has been Hun/Hon (sp?) for the past few years.




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In my family, the littlest one always gets called "peanut." It is something my dad started when he was alive - "he's just a little peanut." The smallest grandchild was "peanut" and it stuck in our house. So, basically, all of my kids have been called "peanut" for a time.


My oldest is "Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome" - my BIL started calling him that after hearing us talk about our studies of Rome (ds's name is Mark.) So, when we enter their house, it is like "Norm" on "Cheers." A bunch of people in unison saying "Marcus Aurelius ...".


My middle son is "Tom, the bomb, going to the prom ..." to which he replies with a withering stare or simply an eye-roll or "Mark, the shark, going to the park, singing like a lark, after dark." Yep, we were playing rhyming games and it stuck.


Dd is sometimes "Mega-moo" based upon a little song dh made up to sing to her. (He NEVER sings in front of me, but would sing silly little made-up songs to all the babies.) I call her "peanut-butter" - a take off on the "peanut" nick-name which was often followed by the ditty "peanut, peanut butter, JELLY!"

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Everyone I love and talk to freely and openly at any point in the day has a pet name.


my partner: daddio

one of the kids: angelbabe

other kid: sweet pea

other kid: little one

dear friend: puppy

Other dear friend: wonderful

Other dear friend: captain (actually often "o captain my captain")

Other dear friend: sunshine


I'm like one of those annoying waitresses. Only with my kids do I usually use the pet name, but everyone else gets it about half the time I'd say.

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We all have nicknames (even the grandparents and aunt/uncles).


dh is tibs

ds gray or bear

ds e or rock

ds tree as in a Joshua tree (name is Josh)

ds bones


Mine is beautiful which is how the name of my blog came about. Dh calls me beautiful all the time and many people who are friends with him or reconnected wth him online don't know my proper name. He's a keeper for sure.

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DS11 is Dill Pickle (his name is Dylan).


DS7 is Doodie (I was speaking gibberish to him when he was a baby and somehow the word dude morphed into doodie and, well, it stuck).


DS4 is Poppet (from Pirates of the Carribbean, "I know you're here, Poppet!")


DS2 used to be Peek-a-bear but somewhere along the way ds12 started calling him Boogie.

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This thread made me realize that I don't really call the oldest 2 by their nicknames anymore.


My oldest son was/is Monkey when he was little, and now just Monk. I can't remember the last time I called him that.


My daughter had a bunch of nicknames: Buttons (because she was "cute as a button", Cookie, and Lady Gracie Mood Swings. I sometimes just call her Grace, usually after she's done something incredibly NOT graceful.


My second son is Romeo. If you met him, you would understand why. Let's just say that he has a way with girls already...he just turned 3 this month. We also call him O or New-new or Onew. Onew was his way of saying his name (Owen)when he was little.


The baby is Hercules. He was holding his head up and looking around the day he was born. He's remarkably strong for 4 months old.


I don't really have a nickname for my husband, much to his annoyance. I like his name. If anything I shorten his name and call him Kell.


My husband calls me Gigi.

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Illustrious (he needs no more)

Hannakin, Banana, Avatar, Goliath

Lego Rat, Vicenzio, Vinooch(totally phonetic, yo), Wincent

Manda Panda, Mira, Randa Roo, Beeboo, Animal Planet

Eva Diva, Boobie (clearly I need to work on her list)

Newt Daniel, Nate, 6 pack (because he has one)

Fia, Fi Fi, Lucy. Mostly Lucy.


They answer to all.

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It's a wonder my children even know what their real names are LOL. I call them a varity of random, silly things.


Snickers, Skittles, Doodle, Noodle, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Tweedledee, Koopa, Alice, Ariel, Chicka Chicka, booga, and so on and so on.....plus a variety of plays on their first and middle names.


I told DH one time that our kids will answer to anything I call them. He said "Yeah, right." I said "Okay, watch." And I called out to the back room where DD6 (then about 4 years old) was playing and said "Hey hot dog!" I was answered with "What, Mommy?" We busted out laughing.

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Ds (Daniel) is "Danny boy," "buddy," "goof bucket," "Little D," "baby," or "stinker."


Ds (Kaley) is "K," "K-poo," "stinkopotamus," "gooby," "stinky," or "baby." (Yes, they're both called "baby," even though dd is 5-11 and I have to look up at her! ;-)


They both get "sweetie," "honey," "sweet pea," etc. Dh and I have about ten nicknames for each other, too. :lol:


I was called "Sugar," and "Snooks" when I was a kid. Dad's been gone almost 25 years, but I'd love to hear my dad call me one of his nicknames...



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DD has many I call her. "Peanut" is one (she is and has always been small for her age). Others are variation on "bean". I used to call my niece (4yrs older than DD) "Sweet Bean", and DD got dubbed "Little Bean", but also gets called "Monkey Bean", "Wiggle Bean", "Stinky Bean", etc.

She also gets called "Lu" or "Lu-Lu" which is short for her given name, "Luthien".

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Yup all three of my sweeties have little nicknames!


I call both the girls mama's little ladybugs and my little boy mama's bouncing grasshopper.


Also my oldest is rarely called anything but her name as I just didn't find anything that stuck with her. However my middler gets called Sam I am green eggs and ham..YES the whole phrase..lol!! Or Sami Bami, Sami Whami....that list is rather BIG and she loves them all!! My little dude gets monkey ninja alot, mater, punkin, punkin pie, buddy...his list is rather long too.

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