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Remember that "cabin"?

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Well, the owner is still in Alaska so we haven't been able to do much about that but today he gave us the address and invited us to go look around the outside of it. So, we did.


No way I would call that a "cabin". It's 75 square feet bigger than our house. For someone who has lived in medium to large cities her whole life, it seems way out in the middle of nowhere despite having neighbors all the way around the lake and in the general area. It's in a little neighborhood on largish lots, but nothing cookie-cutter about it.


It's on a cul-de-sac with a longish driveway down to the house. You can't see the cul-de-sac from inside the house; there are no windows on that side of it, though I think this neighborhood seems safe enough to let the big kids ride bikes around it. Plenty of trees surround the house, with a small yard on the lake side, then wooden stairs down to a smaller lower level that leads to the worn, private dock. There were a lot of people out on the lake when we stopped by...boating, inner-tubing, etc. We also know of a large, nice park we like about 5 miles away.


The house is 1325 square feet. Standing on the dock looking up at the house, the dinette is on the right and the living room is on the left. The living room is probably a bit larger than our current one with large windows overlooking the lake. The kitchen is behind the dinette. It is nice and bright and pretty with white tile, white cabinets, and blue highlights. The two bedrooms are behind the living room, small to average size compared to new construction standards (hold a queen bed and dresser size). There's a bathroom up there somewhere, probably near the kitchen. Downstairs is a large family room with a wall of mostly windows (and sliding glass doors) overlooking the lake. A second bathroom is off that room. One of the bathrooms is a 3/4 bath but I don't know which one. We currently have only one bath so that would be nice.


To make it work, we'd put the kids in the upstairs bedrooms in bunk beds and do school at the kitchen table. We'd have to put our school work in closed cabinets somewhere up there. Space/storage seems lacking. There's a large shed outside; maybe there's enough room to store what we aren't using in there. We'd use that downstairs family room as a combo master bedroom, DH office, and my scrap/sew/hobby table. It wouldn't be pretty but we could probably make it fit.


Everyone, even the kids, are on board for moving if the price is right. I was wrong about the rent. That rent was for the neighboring property that he also owns. We are hoping the rent and terms work for us. We need to find out, and if they work, see the inside of the house...then make a decision before the city starts work on our house. That lead/remodel work becomes a personal loan if we sell/leave the house.


Here's photos of the lakeside of the cabin and view:




I think it qualifies as habitable. :lol:

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We noticed the quiet. It's definitely more peaceful than living on a major arterial in Tacoma across the street from a drug dealer who may or may not have ordered a friend to do $3000 of damage on our car...that we finally got back today after 10 days and is parked on a side street NOT in front of my house.


DS commented that he thought it was easier to breathe the cleaner air there. He's my weird kid.


I'd put a gate at the top of the stairs going down to the lake to prevent the littles from going down. My older two just learned to swim this spring.

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Oh. Wow. Wow. I'd be packing (although I don't remember if you said it was a sure thing or not). How long can you live here if you do get to do it?


We don't know the terms...rent, how long, or anything. He heard about our problems with both lead paint, drug dealers, and vandalism to our car and offered it to us. If the terms are affordable, we're most likely moving asap.

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We don't know the terms...rent, how long, or anything. He heard about our problems with both lead paint, drug dealers, and vandalism to our car and offered it to us. If the terms are affordable, we're most likely moving asap.


I know it involves walking away from your other house, but if you can get this for about the same price AND for a long-term lease (if you want one), I'd do it. Hope it works out!!!

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Oh, JoAnn!!! I saw your title about "that cabin" and knew it was either really bad or really good. If I were going to live in Washington (where we have SO much family on both dh's and my sides), I could only do it right on the water.


Sigh. It's lovely. It'd be a sacrifice to use the downstairs/walkout as a combo bedroom/office/craft room, but I'd manage. Somehow. For my kids, you know. . . :lol:

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It is so beautiful!!!!!


Honestly, I think you should focus on packing whether this rental works out or not, and I'm guessing that you will have terms that work for you. To stay where you are and sink more money into an unsafe situation just doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'd be e-mailing or calling as fast as I could and getting the key. Pack everything but the bathing suits - you'll need those right away. :D

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Oh my... I'd move there in a heartbeat! It's beautiful! I have always wanted to live on a lake. Think of the wonderful mornings or nights of sitting by the water, listening to it lap against the shore, hearing the birds, watching the sun glisten off the water... ahh... I really would love to live on a lake.


I'm praying this works out for you! :grouphug:

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Wow. It's positively LOVELY! And even bigger than your current house! I would guess that all that wonderful outside space will more than make up for less space/different space inside. Just boot the kids outside all the time!


I'm really struck by the kindness of this man offering this to you. I have a friend that is in a bad spot with only one car and her dh forced to work 45 min from home. So an almost stranger/just acquaintance offered them a truck to borrow indefinitely. We get all caught up in the doom and gloom of the world and forget that there are truly nice people who can help others in this world. I know he's not offering it to you free or anything, but really the hope in your post is very moving. Like your son said... you can breathe there!

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Think of the wonderful mornings or nights of sitting by the water, listening to it lap against the shore, hearing the birds, watching the sun glisten off the water... ahh... I really would love to live on a lake.




Oh, there is a fire ring on one side of the small lawn. I can see having friends over for dinner and lazying around the campfire. I told DH that a grill is the "must purchase asap" list because grilling and eating outside all summer long would be awesome. The dining table would be next to a large window overlooking the lake. That might help me wake up in the mornings.


The only thing missing is a large balcony on the top floor.

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Looks so wonderful.

So, do you own the current home? Would you be able to sell it at all?

Hoping it works for you!



The bank will have to accept either a short sale or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. If they don't, we'll let them foreclose.

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It's pictures like that that make me miss living outside Tacoma.


:iagree: It's pictures like that that make me sad we're not going to the beach house this year. I miss/love Puget Sound! (Although I know this isn't Puget Sound.)

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