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For those that still homeschool, a poll

What year of official homeschooling are you about to start?  

  1. 1. What year of official homeschooling are you about to start?

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Hm well, I pulled my daughter out of public school in March of her third grade year and homeschooled her for the rest of that school year. So not sure if that would "count" as a year or not.


Then I homeschooled her for all of last year, for her fourth grade year.


And this fall, we'll be starting to homeschool for her fifth grade year.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I voted my second year this fall. We bought Sonlight's PreK Cores four years ago, but I didn't really count PreK since it's not "official." We did K last year with my oldest, so this fall we will officially start year two. :D

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I can't *believe* we've hsed for 4 years already. We started our journey when the dc were starting grades 4 and 6.


I still remember our first day of offical homeschool ~~~ the kids coming down the stairs in the pajamas & carrying their notebooks and HUGE smiles on their faces and all of us nervously giggling at each other throughout the day. I also clearly remembering thinking several times, as my heart beat wildly, "what have I done!? OMGoodness, am I nuts? Can I really do this?" Sigh. Fond memories, those are!! :001_smile:


Where, oh where has the time gone?

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I don't know what you meant by "official" homeschooling. That is kind of meaningless here in IL because we do not have to register or anything like that. I started actively homeschooling when my oldest son was 3. We went on field trips. We followed his passions to learn about bugs, dinosaurs, birds, science experiments. So, although he wasn't official school age for several more years, we were homeschooling. So, I have been at it for 13 years.

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I have no clue. I voted 7th year because I know my son would be entering 7th grade and he's never been to school. So I've homeschooled at least for that long. But with an accelerated child, it's hard to say. I'm not entirely sure what would qualify as our 'official' homeschooling start. I mean, he was reading at 3, and into Harry Potter at 5. He did double digits multiplications at 5 too, while he was too young for kindergarten (he's a fall baby). Surely I was already homeschooling?

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Bowing down to all of you who have 20+ years under your belt. :w00t:


We entering our 20th year. Why is it that I am more confused now than in the beginning?? I think it's because my eyes have seen too much, and my heart longs for it ALL...;)


Starting year 11.

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I have two dc, one graduated in 2008 after having been homeschooled from 1st-12th, and another entering 10th this year, homeschooled since pre-K. This year, I'll be teaching the 6th grade dd of a friend this year in addition to my own dd. I plan to keep going even after my last one has graduated; I'd like to teachsmall groups of middle school girls OR small groups of K/1st.

Edited by ereks mom
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Year 3 here. They haven't been sequential though. Both boys went to Kindy at the PS and my oldest also went to 2nd grade there. This is our second year in a row. Today was our first day in fact. We're doing MFW ECC for the older two and MFW Kindy for my 4 y/o. I'm NOT pushing her btw, she really, really wants to do it! ;).


Barring anything outside of my control, we will continue to HS!


Edited to add: I have a 4th grader, 2nd grader and Preschool/Kindergartner (she preschool aged, but we're doing a gentle Kindy curriculum).

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4 years down, going into the 5th year and (hmm he's 2 now..carry the one and) about 15 years to go! :) Wow I hadn't seen that in print before...


I don't even want to think about how many years I have left. DD is 4.5 now and I probably won't have another child until she's 12. That's another 8 years... plus 18 from there.... and hopefully that won't be my last...


!!!! I'll be into 30 years by the time I'm done. :tongue_smilie:

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