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If you could support your homeschool habit...

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by developing, writing, or creating some curriculum or aid for homeschoolers what would it be? Regardless of whether it is actually feasible is there anything that you dream of doing?


I would love to write a contemporary moral philosophy primer for the highschool level or maybe a constitutional law course kind of like "myth busters." I am sure it will never happen, but its fun to think!


Laurel T.

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I think, if I were going to write something it would be historical fiction for the grammar stage. Biographies of all these people, particularly from ancient times, that I cannot find anything on that is appropriate for a seven year old.

I'd also write evolution curriculum for the grammar stage because there's a dearth of that as well.


That was a good question Laurel T.

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I want a full totally secular program, similar to Sonlight, that offers a History spine and Science spine with lots of super great supporting books, review questions, vocabulary words, map work, along with a supporting integrated Language Arts program that includes copywork/dictation, grammar and writing assignments that don't feel worthless.


Every time I've tried to pull something together on my own, I've fallen on my face. I'm so not a creative type person!

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I would write a program to develop the kind of great leaders we need today.


This is totally impossible, I know, but it would cover history and the lessons to be learned from patterns that we can see in history.


It would cover science so that the child was literate in the past and future possibilities that science brings to us.


It would cover logic skills, writing skills, speaking skills, debate, great speeches, great ideas....


It would cover how to stand up for your beliefs and stick to them in difficult circumstances.


It would teach self-respect, self-discipline, moderation and tolerance - along with foresight.


It would teach how to move through the world and influence others by your actions. It would teach how to be the kind of person who was so truthful and upright that others look to you for guidance.


It would teach how to draw out the best in other people and how to help them shine.


As an American I think that we as a country and we as a world are in great need of real, honest-to-goodness leaders and that if we can't raise and launch some of them soon we're going to be in quite a predicament.

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I would develop a one year US history course for upper elementary. It would span from explorers to modern. I actually did this for my son for this year. It has flowed very well, although we are way behind schedule.


I would also develop a course on the history of science fiction for 7th grade.


Also a christian worship curriculum including teachings from Louie Giglio, Bob Sorge, and lots of CCM analysis.

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I would enjoy writing in almost any homeschooling venue, especially if it were for money. ;) I think the most fun would be writing a reappearing article of some sort for a magazine, probably about the frustrations of every day schooling and/or about Biblical history and etc. I may even enjoy writing a Biblical curriculum, or making out plans to line up this resource with those resources for almost any subject. ;)

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I would love to write something similar to FIAR and Come Sit By Me but using British books.


I would also like to write a Canadian history curriculum that integrates quality history resources and great literature from a Christian perspective for a range of grade levels. There are such fantastic programs out there for American history and basically nothing for Canadian history.



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I would write:


A Heathen Studies program, K-12


A secular biology curriculum for grammar/logic stage with a good grounding in evolutionary theory and ecology


An anthropologically-minded, archaeologically informed pre-history/ancient history unit that doesn't bias the Bible as a totally accurate and factual historical record.

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I would write a program to develop the kind of great leaders we need today.


This is totally impossible, I know, but it would cover history and the lessons to be learned from patterns that we can see in history.


It would cover science so that the child was literate in the past and future possibilities that science brings to us.


It would cover logic skills, writing skills, speaking skills, debate, great speeches, great ideas....


It would cover how to stand up for your beliefs and stick to them in difficult circumstances.


It would teach self-respect, self-discipline, moderation and tolerance - along with foresight.


It would teach how to move through the world and influence others by your actions. It would teach how to be the kind of person who was so truthful and upright that others look to you for guidance.


It would teach how to draw out the best in other people and how to help them shine.


As an American I think that we as a country and we as a world are in great need of real, honest-to-goodness leaders and that if we can't raise and launch some of them soon we're going to be in quite a predicament.


If you ever decide to actually do this would you like a co-author?

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I would write:


A Heathen Studies program, K-12


A secular biology curriculum for grammar/logic stage with a good grounding in evolutionary theory and ecology


An anthropologically-minded, archaeologically informed pre-history/ancient history unit that doesn't bias the Bible as a totally accurate and factual historical record.


These sound great. And needed. I'm curious though as to what a Heathen Studies program would look like?

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I would write an economics curriculum that had separate levels for 1-3rd, 4-8th, and 9-12th. It would cover all types of finances from International down to personal, with as much attention paid as possible to debt-proofing children to protect their futures. A friend of mine does an econ. co-op class for middle school that involves savings/investing... I want to add a debt-proofing aspect to it.

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I would like to write a secular, down-to-earth Health curriculum, for all the way through school (K-12), with an "alternative" health slant.


Also, a classical type program/schedule for Australian homeschoolers.


And, historical fiction.

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1. Create faith formation materials for K-6 for United Methodist homeschoolers


2. Create a true living books curriculum for science that is heavily dependent on literary science and discovery for K-4, including nature study suggestions. It would require republishing OOP titles, possibly updating a few of them. A huge project that would require help.


3. Create a unit study for all of the Mary Poppins books for that focuses on the science themes in the books, character qualities and introduces the basics of literary elements.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I would write biographies for young children. There are so many historical figures that don't even get a nod on the popular market.

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Since I have a large family, my interests wouldn't be in another elementary school curriculum, but in saving time and getting my children to retain what they had learned in the most efficient way possible.


This would give me the most bang for my buck. I was fortunate to find such a system and did end up writing about it:001_smile:.

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I would write biographies for young children. There are so many historical figures that don't even get a nod on the popular market.


Yes, I've had the same thought many a time. I think I'd also like to write something related to home ec./household budgeting.

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Science, LOL! Science! Science!


An elementary geography study using living books.


I'd like to write a book of lists of living books for history, lit, science, and geography. Something you could take with you whenever you go to the library, to convention, or to a bookstore to shop... with margins so you could make notes about books you want, etc. I finally have seen one of these for sale for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. The company that writes the Latin for Children books has out a list developed by a classical school.

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Unfortunately it is an a hiatis until I recover from the train wreck that is my life right now. Things seem to be getting better slowly but surely. So I am thinking that maybe by summer I will be back to writing full speed. And at least one of my dc will be going to school next summer so that will give me more time to write.


Anyhow the book, will be a guide to each subject that list three different option for each grade and subject with varying levels of difficulty. For example: In elementary grade study you would have the choices between: ETC or All About Spelling, Sadlier-Oxford or MCP and Spelling Workout. Grammar would have Easy Grammar, Growing with Grammar or Voyage in Grammar. Each subject has at least three options but some like Math or Science has as many as six. I have all programs picked at least have of them reviewed and at least half that many have the reviews actually written. At last count I had at least 250 programs. It will cover: phonics/learning to read/ word study (advance phonics, spelling and vocabulary), grammar, writing, math, science, history, additional social studies (government, economics, etc) Latin (I was going to do other languages but there are not really many homeschool choices out there), the arts (art & music) and I think that's it. I can't wait to get back on track. :001_smile:

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These sound great. And needed. I'm curious though as to what a Heathen Studies program would look like?


I've only got the sketchiest of ideas at this point. At some point I think it'll include:


-Virtues study--I'm starting with this, tying havamal verses to morals from -Aesop's fables we're doing for Classical Studies

-Memory work: Havamal, rune poems

-Rune study, and study of seidhr if child is interested (the latter wouldn't be until upper logic/high school, though)

-Units on each of the major Gods and other wights

-The lore: Myths, Eddas, Sagas, Beowulf, hero tales

-exploration of modern Asatru/Heathenry, including learning about the different expressions of it

-Ritual participation and understanding, proper conduct in a Heathen group setting

-Possibly language study, probably Old Norse. This is something I want to do myself at some point as well, but haven't.

-History of ancient/medieval Heathen cultures, the conversion, and the modern reconstructionist religious revival


Some of this will be explicit, some implicit in our family life/practice. For example, DD already makes offerings to our tomten (house-spirit), and participates in blots and holiday activities.

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Well, this might be totally off what the OP means, but I'd love to have a summer day camp for kids, and instead of writing a curriculum I'd like to take them out and live one.


Hiking, swimming, fire building, tree climbing, pony wrangling. Fishing, hunting, bug chasing. Rolling around with smelly dogs, and trying to catch a chicken.


Mine do this, but I wonder sometimes if they don't take it for granted. It's so much fun when we have company to watch little ones reactions to country things.


Oh dear, now I'm getting anxious to be a grandma!

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by developing, writing, or creating some curriculum or aid for homeschoolers what would it be? Regardless of whether it is actually feasible is there anything that you dream of doing?


Laurel T.


Unit studies for all the cool places we've lived. I thought I was going to pull together an project for the Pearl Harbor attacks that brought together all the historic sites here, but time is already getting away from me.

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I have actually had several teachers ask me to write such a book but unfortunately while I have the ideas I am not a strong writer.


I would index it by the skill the student needs to reinforce or learn, incorperating different learning styles and teaching styles.


For example:


It would be set up like a dictionary that you look up a term like "number line" and there you would find a section with suggestions on how to teach concepts about what a number line is, how it works, and some basic problems/answers to work through. There would be suggestions for grade level activities from elementry to jr high and then another from jr high to highschool. I really like the idea of having all grades listed together because homeschoolers often start out in public schools. There can be a 3rd grade skill that is missing in a 7th grader. The students textbook for a 7th grader will assume some basic knowledge from 3rd grade. If that information is missing in the 7th graders education, it can keep them from missing a simple concept. If the parent has the entire topic from beginning to end in one place, it is easier to figure out what part the student is struggling with.


It would be very specific: For instance: Multiplication facts would be listed both as a single concept and each would also be listed seperately and have suggestions specific to each number. Hints on skip counting/rhymes, physical games and visual cues for each number. So if you child needed help learning thier x7s, there would be many suggestions specific to the number as well as more general games, activities or ideas to teach it.


I would also have a manipulative kit that accompanies it with unique things in it. We used to play games with bright colored envelopes, pretending our student was a train and she had to stop at different 'stops' (envelopes) along the way. We used this for alphabet games, word games, number line games, and integer games. For those who didn't want a full kit, templates or suggestions that can be homemade would also be available.


We use a textbook program in our homeschool but I use more 5-10 minute games every year.



A huge part of this would be that it would also include a CD of worksheets, and the templates to all the manipulatives included so the parent can just pull up a concept like X7s and have many extra resources to choose from at a click of the mouse. An answer key with explanations or visuals to explain the answer for almost every problem would be there too.

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I hate the phrase "health care consumer" but it would be how to be a better on of these. I think that people should have some knowledge of common disorders. If you never get type II diabetes, you WILL know someone who has it...spouse, best friend, co-workers, etc.


I'd also love to tape really good lectures for children (I still remember not only Mr. Schoening's lecture about medieval castles, but everything he said about the civil war, down to where I was sitting and who I was in class with). Not every high school can have a great lecturer on Intro to Economics, or 19th Century American History, so why not tape the greats?

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I would write a book filled with creative and effective ways to teach students with learning difference. For example...


different tricks for encouraging an ADHD child to focus

writing for a dysgraphic child

spelling tools for dyslexics

keeping a gifted student truly challenged

common health issues and how they can affect learning


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by developing, writing, or creating some curriculum or aid for homeschoolers what would it be? Regardless of whether it is actually feasible is there anything that you dream of doing?




I am sure it will never happen, but its fun to think!


Laurel T.



man, i just want a robot that will check my kids' work and edit papers and such, lol.


but now that i think about it, I'd like to have a cheaper video school option :)

Something that didn't include the whole contract stuff like the other current schools do, but has a supplemental workbook or notebook. Where the narrator will pause and say "Now write that down!" [kinda like the mom on Blast from the Past, lol]. So if there's something cheap like that out there already, someone PLEASE clue me in!! We already learn a LOT from videos, but trying to pull several together for a "unit" and add some supplemental work is annoying.

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I would write biographies for young children. There are so many historical figures that don't even get a nod on the popular market.


What?! You mean the 15 books in my library system about Shaquille O'Neal and the five about Britney Spears are...overkill?! :rolleyes:



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