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I need prayer for my dh...

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My poor dh has been having the hardest time since Timmy died. Before all of this happened, he was studying for his CDL license that he needs for work. He is a mechanic for the state and has to have his license even though he won't be driving a truck. Anyway, he has forgotten much of the pre-trip safety stuff that he has to have memorized. He took a mock test today and didn't do so great. He will be taking the real test on Tuesday with the pre-trip safety and actual driving. If he doesn't pass by the end of the month, they can terminate his employment. He is beyond stressed that he can't remember all the stuff he knew very well just 2 months ago. It is just all the stress caving in on him. If you could pray for him to relearn and test well on Tuesday, I would great appreciate it. Thank you so much!


ETA - His name is Tim. =)

Edited by Kari C in SC
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I will certainly pray for him. :grouphug:


Kari, I hope this isn't taken as it isn't intended (my sister's husband was killed in an accident and her job performance certainly was severely impacted all on it's own) but I had a maybe not helpful thought. Is he struggling with solid sleep since Timmy's death? I'm just thought maybe if he is pharmacological sleep aids might help him some with the studying issues he's having if he can get rested-maybe enough to be able to pass.


My husband and I will be praying for clarity of mind for him as he prepares and we'll share the request with others as well.

Edited by sbgrace
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2 thoughts here:


Make an emergency plan. Decide how much he can reasonably study & retain in one day. Let him study for 30 minutes, then quiz him. Sometimes it helps to have a second person actively participate even though he has to retain and reproduce the material.


If he is not able to grieve and study at the same time (he may well be thinking what drivel this stuff is compared to the agony he is experiencing), can he approach the supervisor and ask for an extension to take the test at a later time? Let him be honest and say: My son just died. I need some time to get through this. May I take the test on...?

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say: My son just died. I need some time to get through this. May I take the test on...?


:iagree:I can't imagine compassion won't win out on this one. And no matter the result, please let your DH know that what he's experiencing is beyond understandable. I pray your faith will see you through this terrible time. God bless you and your DH.

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I will certainly pray for him. :grouphug:


Kari, I hope this isn't taken as it isn't intended (my sister's husband was killed in an accident and her job performance certainly was severely impacted all on it's own) but I had a maybe not helpful thought. Is he struggling with solid sleep since Timmy's death? I'm just thought maybe if he is pharmacological sleep aids might help him some with the studying issues he's having if he can get rested-maybe enough to be able to pass.


My husband and I will be praying for clarity of mind for him as he prepares and we'll share the request with others as well.


Kari, I'm praying for your dh, too. And I agree with the idea that he may need some help to rest and clear his mind. My aunt described living in grief as 'swimming in molasses'. You try to keep moving, but everything feels so hard. After my son died, I once drove away from the gas pump with the nozzle still in my tank. Ripped the hose right off. I just wasn't tracking, kwim?


Anyway, your dh may need meds to sleep, or he could try Rescue Remedy, which is more (very) natural. I also looked at the individual Bach Flower Remedies and used 3 of them to help with recurring bad dreams and restless sleep.


May God give your dh rest and clarity, and provide all you need. Blessings...:grouphug:

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Praying here.


I agree with others. Can he approach whatever power might be and ask for an extension? I can't think that the father of a fallen soldier could/would be denied.


I know how disrupted my ability to focus, remember, track anything is when either I haven't slept for a few days and/or my physical pain is through the roof...I can't imagine how you guys are managing to just keep standing, let alone for him to try and study for a test right now :grouphug:

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Praying here.


I agree with others. Can he approach whatever power might be and ask for an extension? I can't think that the father of a fallen soldier could/would be denied.


I know how disrupted my ability to focus, remember, track anything is when either I haven't slept for a few days and/or my physical pain is through the roof...I can't imagine how you guys are managing to just keep standing, let alone for him to try and study for a test right now :grouphug:



They did give him an extension from the end of June to the end of July. I do not know if they will extend it further. It really is not helping him that Timmy's accident was with a double semi. When he drives it just makes him so nervous. He never planned to need a CDL. He is a great mechanic - not a truck driver. He has to have this to move semis in and out of the work area. He is talking about moving his test a week, but that will only give him one week left to retest if need be. I am worn out thinking about it. At the same time, we are having to get new renters in our Florida house. My tenants moved out today and I have heard my house is not in good shape. I am just praying that is not the case. I am so ready to hide in my closet for a few days. Thank you for all the prayers. I do think they are helping or I would be a hysterical mess right now.

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