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Can you separate an actor from his/her politics & personal life (e.g. Mel Gibson)?

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If it is just voting or political issues, etc. I have no problems!


Religion is never an issue for me (e.g. Tom Cruise), but there are certain people who just seem to have ruined their work for me, like Mel Gibson. I can forgive 1 screw-up, but wow--- he seems really messed-up, and now I don't even want to watch my old favorite Lethal Weapon movies.


I could never watch Roman Polanski flicks, either. Lindsay Lohan -- can't watch her kid movies in my house, etc.


Is this too judgmental of me? And, why do I make exceptions for some people (Hugh Grant!) and not others? sigh....


Just wondering if others find themselves doing this, too -- of if you have an easier time letting the work speak for itself.

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If it is just voting or political issues, etc. I have no problems!


Religion is never an issue for me (e.g. Tom Cruise), but there are certain people who just seem to have ruined their work for me, like Mel Gibson. I can forgive 1 screw-up, but wow--- he seems really messed-up, and now I don't even want to watch my old favorite Lethal Weapon movies.


I could never watch Roman Polanski flicks, either. Lindsay Lohan -- can't watch her kid movies in my house, etc.


Is this too judgmental of me? And, why do I make exceptions for some people (Hugh Grant!) and not others? sigh....


Just wondering if others find themselves doing this, too -- of if you have an easier time letting the work speak for itself.


I have a really hard time watching Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Matt Damon, and so on. In fact Sean Penn I just don't even bother with anymore.

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I don't watch the news or read the tabloids, so I have no idea what 'stars' are doing with their personal lives. IMO it is the same as going to the grocery store and not knowing the lifestyle of the checker. I just get my groceries and go home. At the movies I just watch what I like and go home. I am trying to pass this on to my kids, but I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing yet.

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In the entertainment industry, I don't specifically shun people because of politics or behavior. I figure that it would be hard to separate out EVERY undesirable behavior of every production. But in the end, the more negative stuff I hear, the less I like them and WANT to see their movies or buy their music. When I was younger, if Tom Cruise had a movie.... Action or romance, I went to see it. Now, I'm kind of creeped out by his behavior. I did go see Knight and Day because the movie looked interesting, but not because he was in it.

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The Lethal Weapon movies are faves of mine (except #4 - they really should have left well enough alone!) and now I'm wondering what Mel Gibson did. He got in trouble once for making racist remarks or something, was it that again?


It's probably the whole adultery, getting his Russian model mistress pregnant, divorcing the mother of his other 7 kids to be with said mistress, then physically abusing the "baby mama". :thumbdown:

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Never really thought about it... but I doubt that I'd suddenly not like a favoured movie because one of the actors or actresses did whatever in their 'real life'. If I like a movie, then I like a movie...can't just turn that off.




I don't even KNOW what political or religious beliefs they have. I never follow anything related to entertainment on the internet or in the news of any sort. I can't say I feel shortchanged either. There are more important things in my life.

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I personally separate the actor completely from the character when watching a movie.


My dh has actors he loves and others he hates, and often makes comments on the quality of the acting, special effects, etc., while watching.


Personally, I just get into the story and it distracts me to think about the actor outside of character. So no, I don't really think much about who they are and what they do in real life.


Of course, there are so few movies that I would bother watching anyway, I choose my viewing solely based on the story, not on the actor.

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The exception is not so much when someone has been quote as more when I have seen them on TV say something very objectionable, because then I associate it with their face and voice (not just with their name.)


But, you know, I don't really watch those Hollywood magazine type shows at all, so I am not as 'up' on the star gossip as most people are.


In fact, the only example I can think of of someone really turning me off is Jane Fonda--I saw her do a very long TV interview years ago, and the things that she said about our government and the way that she said them were so offensive to me that it put me off of her voice and face for years and years. I liked "The China Syndrome" and thought she acted well in that, and I enjoyed "Nine to Five" (although I thought she overacted totally in that one, but the movie was redeemed by other actors), but other than that I really can't stand her.

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I usually don't care. It kind of depends if the are an actor or a "movie star", if that makes sense. I think somewhere in my mind, I hold quality actors to a higher standard of living out their convictions, whether I agree with them or not. I quit watching Harrison Ford movies for a long time after he divorced his wife and he had been my favorite actor.


If someone who I consider more of "movie star" has become a train wreck waiting to happen, like Lindsey Lohan, I tend to avoid their movies.


But I find myself becoming interested in more cerebral movies and less into the latest box office hits. Thanks to Netflix and some friends with great obscure taste in movies, my movie viewing has become diversified and I try to avoid listening to the latest gossip on whomever.

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The Lethal Weapon movies are faves of mine (except #4 - they really should have left well enough alone!) and now I'm wondering what Mel Gibson did. He got in trouble once for making racist remarks or something, was it that again?

It's probably the whole adultery, getting his Russian model mistress pregnant, divorcing the mother of his other 7 kids to be with said mistress, then physically abusing the "baby mama". :thumbdown:


Oh, that. :laugh:


(I'm not laughing at the situation - of course it's not funny if people do things like that - I'm laughing at the fact that I don't pay much attention to celebrity news and the way you delivered the info. ;) )

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I don't often watch movies, and if I do it has nothing to do with the actors in it. In fact, I can't even tell you who is in most movies!

I also don't pay any attention to the tabloids. My mother and best friend often inform me what's going on in the celebrity world and half the time I don't even know who they are talking about!!

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Oh, that. :laugh:


(I'm not laughing at the situation - of course it's not funny if people do things like that - I'm laughing at the fact that I don't pay much attention to celebrity news and the way you delivered the info. ;) )


I spend too much time in my life waiting around in places where there's not much else to do but glance through whatever tabloid magazines are lying around, LOL! ;)

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I spend too much time in my life waiting around in places where there's not much else to do but glance through whatever tabloid magazines are lying around, LOL! ;)



I'm with you! And, sadly, CNN has a whole entertainment section and I feel compelled to click on every section.

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I freely admit to being uneven in that regard - some of them irritate me so bad with their off screen antics I can't forget it when I watch a movie and some I can forget about it entirely.


I think it depends on the caliber of the acting. I used to really dislike Claire Danes - because of one bad role - Terminator 3 - but after seeing her in Temple Grandin I realized she's pretty talented.


I no longer can laugh at the Naked Gun movie because OJ Simpson repulses me. I love to watch Tom Hanks - directing or acting - but some of his political stuff irks me at times. But when I see him in a movie I forget all about it.

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It depends. For example, I cannot *stand* Tim Robbins because of some of the idiotic comments he has made. It extends to his movies. I can't watch Tom Cruise in a serious role without it being messed up with his crazy eye. I can't watch Matthew McConaughey for the same reason. Certain other people's problems/politics don't bother me.

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I'm an actress(not a famous one!) and I know how the media can depict people in extreme ways. Mel Gibson might be a racist pratt but he is also an alcoholic and he tends to have these "moments" when he is drunk and belligerent. It doesn't excuse what he is doing but what you see in the media is not the whole person. I'm convinced that with him, it is all part of his illness. He could be the most mellow sweet guy when not drunk.


Unfortunately, in Hollywood, alcoholism and drug use are rife. The pressure is immense, you cant trust anyone and the rejection is beyond words horrible. You become isolated and lonely very quickly. Not everyone is able to handle it and they all cope in different ways.


I don't have much recognition at all but even the tiny bit I have had has been hard on my family and myself.


So in short, yes, I can look past it, I can even sympathize a little, because I have become convinced that being in their shoes is not all its cracked up to be, even for those at the household name level. They are just trying to work like everyone else.

Edited by tofuscramble
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I can for a long while, but at some point I just get tired of their bad behavior and don't want to be an "enabler" no matter how small my contribution is (by buying movie tickets or watching their tv shows).


I do think people should also be given a second chance when they get clean, sober or whatever.


Politics, religion etc doesn't bother me as much as bad behavior - drugs, alcohol, drunk racist remarks, abusive rants on their daughter's phone, etc.

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Yes, I can get past it. I don't pay mind to their politics, don't read/watch their interviews and couldn't care less what the tabloids have to report.


Hmm, there is one...


I always thought those Stuart Smalley skits on SNL were funny, but Al Franken in the Senate is a freakin' joke.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I prefer not to read about actors personal lives at all.


Judy Garland's story was heartbreaking. Katherine Hepburn's story was waaaay more than I ever wanted to know.


Of course if they are in the headlines you can't help it sometimes, but thankfully most of the actors and actresses I enjoy are getting (mostly) too old to be disgusting. But, yeah, sometimes I give up on one if I just can't stomach what makes it through all my filters.

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For some reason, some people just seem to annoy me more than others. I can't do Tom Cruise anymore after the whole rant about depression even though he had been one of my favorites. I also can not stand to even hear the voice of Rosie O'Donnell after she had Tom Selleck on her show to promote a movie he was doing a long time ago, and all she did was get on him about his pro-2nd Amendment views. I had never seen her so rude to anyone.


I really prefer to just not hear about stars' political or religious views. I wish they would just keep it all to themselves.

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we just watched Freaky Friday last night for the upteem time, the one with Lindsay Lohan. My teen dd and I really like her acting but feel sad for her personal life. We talk about it and the choices that Lindsay has made and that she could have had such a successful career and life if she hadn't made such bad personal choices.

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I have a really hard time watching Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Matt Damon, and so on. In fact Sean Penn I just don't even bother with anymore.


:iagree:We won't watch these actors either or contribute to thier financial success. There are others and I've just added Mel to the list.

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For me it is absolutely irrelevant where an actor falls on the political spectrum. You either got it or you don't and that's all she wrote. To me it is like caring whether a furniture maker is a progressive. I truly do not care but that chair better be **** beautiful and feel like heaven when my meanopausal fanny is resting on it or else....Seriously, greatness is simply that and mediocrity is not worth my time or money . Oddly enough the actors I respect also happen to either remain silent on these matters or are so good at what they do, I can choose to ignore it should they espouse political positions I disagree with. Their personal lives are absolutely once again irrelevant to me. When I am done working out my 10,000 issues, hangups and general sinful nature I guess I can afford to ruminate on the shortcomings of others. As of now, I have not the time nor the inclination and shudder to think of others engaging in such tomfoolery.

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I can separate a celebrity from his politics as long as they don't use their celebrity status to advance their political agenda.


That's pretty much where I fall. I remember ages ago when Jessica Lange (who I really like) went to DC to testify after she'd made a movie set in the midwest. Just seemed crazy to have a professional actor testifying as if research/time spent acting in a film made that person an expert in the subject.


A lot more are doing the political thing these days. Some of them really seem to think that their celebrity status should be enough for the rest of us to take them completely seriously when they enter the political fray.


For a few of those actors, I find it harder to separate the political posture from the acting gig when it comes to choosing/watching a film.

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Surely you jest dear lady?? They are pinko commie god loathing scum who are destroying Amerika.:lol: Sean Penn is my boyfriend.:tongue_smilie:




I don't disagree with THIS:

For me it is absolutely irrelevant where an actor falls on the political spectrum


but if they are stupid or annoying enough, then it annoys me to even look at them. It's not so much politics, for me.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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My answer for the most part is: yes, I separate the performance from the performer.


I do very much agree with the poster who said that the media portrayal and/or public awareness of the personal lives of celebrities are a bad gauge of the actual lives and personalities of celebrities. For many reasons, not just a media bias or incomplete reporting. The whole perception that we know people that we really don't know at all is misleading, and I've had enough personal experience with it to be totally convinced that it's completely unreliable.


But also, that's separate from politics or advocacy of the Time Robbins' of the world (and Rosie O'Donnels) who have intentionally used their popularlity as a platform to spread a message.


So probably, I separate politics a little less than personal lives.


(Except Mel Gibson, he's a nut. Just Kidding. Sort of.)

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It might have something to do with a certain vice presidential candidate.


Ohh that? Really? Mel Gibson, Roman Polanski, the big guy from Everybody Loves Raymond I can see, but that? Maybe I missed some of it.


I have a friend that worked with him and from what I can tell, Matt Damon is a good guy. One of the few.

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Ohh that? Really? Mel Gibson, Roman Polanski, the big guy from Everybody Loves Raymond I can see, but that? Maybe I missed some of it.


I have a friend that worked with him and from what I can tell, Matt Damon is a good guy. One of the few.



Wait, what did Brad Garrett do? I must have missed that. :001_smile:

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But also, that's separate from politics or advocacy of the Time Robbins' of the world (and Rosie O'Donnels) who have intentionally used their popularlity as a platform to spread a message.


Just to clarify, the political message of Tim Robbins doesn't bother me (that's why I'm not bothered by Susan Sarandon). ;) His idiocy bothers me. A LOT of people of all political stripes bother me for this reason.

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I don't watch the news or read the tabloids, so I have no idea what 'stars' are doing with their personal lives. IMO it is the same as going to the grocery store and not knowing the lifestyle of the checker. I just get my groceries and go home. At the movies I just watch what I like and go home. I am trying to pass this on to my kids, but I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing yet.

:iagree: This is me. I really don't care one way or another about celebrity lives. If I cared, I'd never watch movies or TV or listen to music.

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Surely you jest dear lady?? They are pinko commie god loathing scum who are destroying Amerika.:lol: Sean Penn is my boyfriend.:tongue_smilie:


Oh, that. I thought they did something along Mel Gibson lines....you know that they had just lost it.


Matt is yummy, yummy, yummy. DH gave me permission to date him if I ever meet him. ;)

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