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Tell me other moms cried during Toy Story 3

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I overheard a group of teens at my church talking about it. One of them, about 19, starting teasing his little brother (16) saying, "And Eric was even CRYING at the end!" which was met by two simultaneous comments : "Shut up, dude, you cried, too!", and from one of the girls that everyone knows he wants to go out with :lol:, "SO? Most of us cried, is that a PROBLEM for you?"




My FIL & MIL went to see it last week and didn't say if they cried or not (I didn't want to ask, lol) but got emotional just talking about it.

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I held it together until Andy's mom saw the empty room. Then I fell apart. Ds will be going to college next year.


Everyone in our family cried at some point----dd15 cries at almost every movie she watches (so that doesn't really count :lol:), dd10 at scarey parts, dh at the empty room, and poor ds17 at the end with the toys.


He still has his Buzz Lightyear in his room. Buzz has been spotted moving around the room, striking different poses, since we saw the movie. Today Buzz is holding his sunglasses :)

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I cried from the very beginning.


Myds16 was teary-eyed himself.


Woody was his favorite toy. We watched this the night before he was going to a Teen Camp in Virginia (we live in Florida). He was flying by himself for the first time and going away from home for the first time.


I choke every time I think in 2 years he will be headed to college.

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Yup, I cried. I went to see it with my two boys who grew up with Buzz and Woody. . I mean, we watched the original Toy Story until my ds16 could act out whole scenes with his toys of which we had every. single. one. I can vividly remember him standing at the stair railing by our front door (we live in a split entry) and tossing his *soft* buzz over while singing "I Believe I Can Fly" Good thing it was the soft Buzz or parts would have been flying!:D


So, I sat between my two boys (and me with no tissues) trying very hard not to give in but the tears pushed their way down my cheeks regardless. It was a great movie.

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Yep, that crying mom was me too. Matter fact I bought our 4 year old a big hard back book of Toy Story 3 from the bookstore about a week before the movie came out. He sat on my lap while I read it to him at home so he didn't know I cried then as well. I didn't tell anyone about either incident until now. :)

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DH and I plan to take dd soon so we have not seen it yet, but both sons went with my two teenage nephews. DS19 was telling me that he nearly lost it at the end, and one of my nephews did cry. DS said it was too close to home, since he is the same age as the kid in the movie and feels like they "grew up" together. He said he was thinking "Oh man, they seriously aren't going to end it like this!!" I love my boys.

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I cried at the part when Andy played with his toys One Last Time. After all those years in the toybox, waiting for Andy to love them again...and he did for the Last Time Ever. (The tears are coming again--sheesh!)


It's the same sort of crying as when the Velveteen Rabbit becomes real. It's supposed to be happy (the rabbit is real), but something about it turns you into a sobbing mess.


Same thing. Andy was playing with the toys and they had a wonderful new home to go to...but...sobbing mess.

Edited by Garga
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Dh and I both cried, but it started with the dog, who was old and fat. Five days before we saw TS3 we had to have our oldest dog put down, so seeing that dog put us both over the edge. We both cried at the end too when the mom was looking around Andy's empty room. We have 9 years before this will happen for us, but we both cried at the thought.


A friend of mine went to see it with her oldest son who is leaving for college soon. TS1 was the first movie he ever saw in the theater and he asked if they could see TS3 together (just the two of them) before he left for school. She started crying in line to buy tickets.

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Sniff. . . .sniff. . . . .


Saw it tonight. GREAT movie.


And the score:


Me = big time crying.


Dds 17, 11, 9 = cried


ds 13 = nothing. He said, "Maybe if I was younger, I would have."


Dh = "I was touched. No crying."


We all LOVED it.


Ken was the. best. EVER.


"No! Not the Nehru!"

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I didn't cry. I have no emotional attachment to objects, so I'm the wrong demographic for the movie. I'm not generally a symbolic person by nature, so stuff is just stuff to me, it doesn't represent relationships or trigger memories for me.


I got a little choked up when the mom and the son were standing in the empty room. If they had interacted much with each other, I probably would have teared up. If there had been a significant good-bye moment between mom and son when he drove away, I probably would have cried then too.


I have three brothers and just had a hard time buying into them getting misty-eyed at 17 years old over toys they hadn't played with in years.



Homeschooling 3 girls from the beginning14, 12, and 5.


My 12 year old got a little misty eyed, but neither of the other girls did.

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This thread prompted me to take a couple of my kids to go see the movie. Loved it! I thought it had THE perfect ending for the trilogy. I can't think of a better ending.


DD10 cried.

DS3 didn't.

DD 11 months was too busy being frustrated with being stuck in a dark room with nothing to do.


I was too busy trying to keep said 11 month old from annoying everyone in the theater, so I saw it. I appreciated it. But I didn't cry.


DH was seeing Iron Man 2

DS8 was with DH.

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I didn't cry. I have no emotional attachment to objects, so I'm the wrong demographic for the movie. I'm not generally a symbolic person by nature, so stuff is just stuff to me, it doesn't represent relationships or trigger memories for me.


I got a little choked up when the mom and the son were standing in the empty room. If they had interacted much with each other, I probably would have teared up. If there had been a significant good-bye moment between mom and son when he drove away, I probably would have cried then too.


I have three brothers and just had a hard time buying into them getting misty-eyed at 17 years old over toys they hadn't played with in years.



Homeschooling 3 girls from the beginning14, 12, and 5.


My 12 year old got a little misty eyed, but neither of the other girls did.


Well, I cried not over "emotional attachment to objects" as you put it, but the idea of Andy growing up and passing the legacy of his imaginative games to the little girl as he left his boyhood playthings behind. I didn't cry because he left his beloved toys, but because I remember tearing up as I left my home behind for college as a new chapter of my life unfolded. I cried because in about 17 years my little boy will be grown up, and the time is already flying by!

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