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Recommend the single most soul-expanding book you've ever read....

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As far as book written by the human mind, they would have to be The God Who is There and He is There and He is Not Silent by Francis Schaeffer, as well as The Attributes of God by AW Pink. I recently listened to the Learn Out Loud audio of The Practice of the Presence of God by brother Lawrence, and found it immensely inspiring.


My favorite book written by Divine inspiration is Paul's letter to theRomans. In fact, we have been meditating and praying on Romans 12 all year.


When struggling with discouragement, I have found John Piper's "How to Fight For Joy" messages particularly helpful.


# How to Fight for Joy, Session 1

# How to Fight for Joy, Session 2

# How to Fight for Joy, Session 3

# How to Fight for Joy: Questions and Answers


I hope you find peace and strength for your soul.

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"Your Money or Your Life"--about finances and making choices. It's not soul-expanding, exactly, but it is very freeing.


The above book and The Power of Now by Tolle were two books that made a major impact in my husband's thinking and in our lives.




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  • 3 weeks later...
It gave a completely new perspective on what my relationship with God should "look" like. It had the same affect on my DH.


:iagree::iagree::iagree:!!! I really enjoyed this book. It was given to my husband by a co-worker that loved it so much he bought four to lend out to friends when his original copy kept being borrowed out. I have since purchased my own copy and already lent it out to others.


It has been a controversial book for some, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and gained a lot from it. It put a new perspective on things for me and I am greater for that!

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recommended a while back and throught interlibrary loan, I was able to borrow it.I had to return it before I was finished. It's a good story with makes you reflect on life's journey and/with God. Basically it's about the lives of the Abbot and the Monks during the 1800 told thru a mother to her daughter from the daughter's voice.

It's not only a great story, but the spiritual truths in the intricate life that these men lead are so applicable to life now. I actually put this book on my "wish list" and recieved it for my birthday.

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  • 3 months later...
recommended a while back and throught interlibrary loan, I was able to borrow it.I had to return it before I was finished. It's a good story with makes you reflect on life's journey and/with God. Basically it's about the lives of the Abbot and the Monks during the 1800 told thru a mother to her daughter from the daughter's voice.

It's not only a great story, but the spiritual truths in the intricate life that these men lead are so applicable to life now. I actually put this book on my "wish list" and recieved it for my birthday.


I'll second this. This is my second favorite non-Bible book. This novel is probably the best book on relationships you'll ever read. Just a minor correction. It takes place during the Middle Ages, not the 1800s.


Edited to specify that the book we're talking about is The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock.

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The Bible. Repeated readings continue to expand my soul.


And, despite some cautionary reviews earlier, I heartily recommend The Shack. I don't elevate it to the level of Scripture, but I think sometimes we need to look at things from another angle to get a fuller understanding. I think the author challenges our standard way of viewing God. In my opinion, most of what he proposes is very consistent with Scripture--if you have the courage to consider it from another point of view.

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These three are books, besides The Bible, that have influenced me:


Today's Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? by Walter J. Chantry

A Reason for the Hope by Thomas A. Thomas

The Sovereignty of God by A. W. Pink


As for those who like The Shack, I caution you greatly. This book is dangerous. Please read my responses on the High School forum. This warning is very kindly meant.

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I finally read the book and I loved it! We have a "conversation" regarding this book on the high school board currently...




And this review by Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle:



And this from CBN:



I have not read it -- and I'm not sure I will. So many books, so little time :)

I'd love to get more feedback about this book from others here.

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