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I am sorry - TMI warning - but I really need advice about a female physical problem

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Please help me!


I delivered five days ago and (as you may know) suffered on and off with constipation. Well, I am now in a panic as I NEED TO GO and I have been trying for hours and the BM will NOT pass. I have been downing prune juice and water and eating fruits and vegies. I have tried a suppository (again), I have tried to relax and done sitz and nothing works but I really feel the need to go. I am trying to relax and not push hard but this is seriously as bad as labor and I am afraid I am going to be hurt badly (i.e. rectum or pulling stiches from my tearing). As it is everything in the area feels swollen and sore. What can I do? What is the worst case scenario? I am alone with dc and can't get any help right now and feel like I can't take much more.


Any advice would be welcome! This may sound ridiculous but it is really awful!

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Oh, I know that panicky feeling. Is this your first time since delivering? Anyway, prepare to be grossed out, but a friend of mine told me about this.


Run a warm bath. Go IN the bath, while lying down. She said it's the only thing that made it possible for her to go. Yes, you'll have to clean up after, but she said the relief was totally worth it.


Have you been taking stool softeners? Called your OB? I'll pray for you! I can't remember which baby, but after one of mine I thought I was going to die.



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I vote to start with the enema. If it's that far down that you're really feeling the urge to go, you need to lubricate the tissues & soften the stool from that end.


If the stool doesn't move, you do need to consult a hcp and have the impaction cleared.


best wishes

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Ok..I know you are doing prune juice, but celery has something in it that will make you (and your breastfed baby) go. Take a rib everyday.

Ice your body to reduce swelling and don't forget an Advil or two to help with the pain and swelling.

This will pass, it might take a while but you will forget this yucky time.

God bless you and your family with peace and no pain. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

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If you have reached this point, I would start with an enema. You have a volcano pushing from above already....add some moisture and lubricant from below. If you have an enema bag (often comes in a set with a hot water bottle) google

milk and molasses enema


for a recipe. This is the cream of the crop, perfected by oncology nurses, whose patients are weak and on opioids. If you are too squeamish over milk, google a

soapsuds enema


Also very lubricating.


You could also purchase a Fleets.


As for "above" (orally) the least cramps, I've found, for over the counter is magnesium citrate. It comes in a 10 oz bottle. You drink half and six hours later the other half.


I second the warm tub. You can do gentle abdominal massage following your large intestine in a clockwise fashion.


If you start passing liquid or a slurry, you are passing what you took AROUND a hard lump. That is a sign you need help. If you vomit, seek help. If you have a fever, seek help.


You will feel better when this is over, and you now know why some old folks are obsessed with their bowels.

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Oh honey :grouphug: You have just had the worst time with this! I remember being in near-desperate straits after my first--it's terrifying with all the swelling and stitches! You've gotten good advice. I hope you find something that works!

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Most embarrassing that I am sharing this but take a warm towel or a cold cloth whichever feels the best to you at this moment and use it to apply pressure at that part between your bum and vagina. You will be able to actually feel the stool through your skin . Apply gentle pressure against this area while you feel the urge to go. It keeps the bowel from pushing inward into your vagina through the rectal wall ( a lot of people have weak rectal walls that allow the bowel to bulge against) and it forces it to go. And use your kegel exercises. Tighten up and use that to help concentrate those muscles. And I didn't see any suggest lots and lots of vaseline. the ped told us to do that to the baby when he was constipated. Take a huge glob and insert :tongue_smilie:

Hope it's a better today!:grouphug::grouphug:

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I hope you're getting some relief.:grouphug:


I agree with the lubrication. I would try KY Jelly or something else of that nature if you have it, it is very slippery.


I also agree with the enema (is there a friend or neighbor who could run to the drugstore and get you a fleet enema)? I think you need to get things softened and moving from that end first. Hopefully a warm bath will help.

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I am so very, very, very grateful to all of you. I was on the verge of waking my dd12 to leave her with all of the kids and take a taxi to the ER -- This had been going on for days and days and the last five hours had been brutal.


Instead, I tried just about every remedy suggested - simultaneously - including screaming my way through it - and it is thankfully over. What an awful experience! I am so glad it is over.


On a side note, baby was due to nurse during this madness, and God bless her, she slept right through it all and is only now asking to nurse. That felt like a small miracle. It would have been awful to have her crying for a feeding while I was crying in the bathroom!


Again, thank you for the advice, encouragement, prayers, moral support, suggestions, concern, the 24-hour availability ..... everything.


Did I mention I'm grateful? :)

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I know you have already had help, but let me tell you what helped me in case you have a hard time again. I found that if I didn't sit on the toilet, but squatted over it, it did not hurt nearly as much. I had a third degree tear and was very afraid that a bm would tear me open. It really helped me to do that.

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Even though it is over I think you need some more of these: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


:iagree: :grouphug:


:grouphug: i know you have had some success but colace is fine to take while breastfeeding so maybe you should take one daily until you are more regular.


And YES! ITA with this as well. I have take Colace during three phases of my life: During an unexpected "issue" after a single Zyrtec had an unintended and unwelcome (and very scary!) side effect, and for a week or two after delivering both babies. I don't know what I would have done without it. I don't generally like to take medicine for the kinds of things I can solve naturally, but I wasn't taking any chances :lol:


I'm sooo glad you're feeling better.

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Can't you call your OB for advice? My OB practice was wonderful and their main nurse was a gem. They would have expected a newly delivered mother to call with anything like that. It seems like the OB would know what to do and would be alert for other things that you might not even be tuned into.

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