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My grandmother passed away this morning.

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I'm in a bit of a fog. If you're of the mind to pray, I'd appreciate it. I have to get us ready to go to Michigan, and may be making the drive by myself with the kids. Not sure yet. It's about 20 hours from here to where they are.


I will miss her so much. I have always been close to her, especially after my grandfather died when I was 13. She was my champion. It's going to be so strange without her there.

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I'm in a bit of a fog. If you're of the mind to pray, I'd appreciate it. I have to get us ready to go to Michigan, and may be making the drive by myself with the kids. Not sure yet. It's about 20 hours from here to where they are.


I will miss her so much. I have always been close to her, especially after my grandfather died when I was 13. She was my champion. It's going to be so strange without her there.


I'm so sorry Beth. My gramma is 98 and in weakening health, so I'm preparing to also deal with this. Like you, I've been close to her even though she lives so far away (18 hours by car). May your grandmother's memory be eternal.



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I am so sorry. :grouphug: I'll be praying for you family and your safe travel. I understand where you are. I have always been close to my grandmother because my mother was an only child, so there was only the three of us girls to be her grandchildren. She has been ill for several months, and we just don't know how long it will be.

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My maternal grandmother died when my son (now 15) was 4 mos. old. She was my champion, too, and it has only recently gotten to the point where I can think of her without wanting to cry.


I'll be thinking of you.


And the drive with the kids- piece of cake. Bring stuff for them to do in the car, and make frequent stops. You'll do okay.



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