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During school days, the telephone is

During school days, the telephone is  

  1. 1. During school days, the telephone is

    • turned off.
    • set that the answering machine picks up all calls and I monitor the machine for important calls.
    • answered each time the phone rings.
    • off, but my cell phone is on.
    • ignored; it rarely rings.

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I virtually never, ever answer my telephone. Only if I'm quite certain who's calling (I don't have caller id) and it's imperative that they connect with me at that very moment do I pick up the phone. Otherwise, all calls go to the answering machine, including business calls that aren't placed to my husband's cell phone. I've operated this way since way back when ~ even when I was young and single and a social butterfly.;)

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I'm curious to see how others handle phone calls during school hours.


Only answered if it's dh calling (and that's only because he might be at the grocery store) :lol:. No, really, I always answer if it's him. But no one else.


I even tell service/repairmen not to call. I won't answer. They can either show up when they say they're going to, or I'll get someone else.

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I do leave the machine on but I don't always listen to the messages. I must keep my cell on because I have a special needs kid in school. If he's had a seizure or has a fever, they know to call my cell. I only give my cell number to folks that won't abuse it during school time-umm, except my MIL;)

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I have a phone with caller id on it, and let the machine get all calls. Most of the calls I get on the home phone are solicitations, so it is easy to ignore. Important folks (dh, ds, my mom, Dy) have my cell phone number and can call if need be. Most of my peeps call in the early am or in the later afternoon/evening as they know we are busy during the day.

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I also have a child in PS so I monitor caller ID to see if it is important enough to answer. No one really calls me during the day because they know I am busy working with the kids. I do have one friend who I don't think supports homeschooling even though she doesn't come out and say it. She constantly calls me at 9:30 in the morning just to chat like I should have all the time in the world to talk to her. I have to tell her I am busy working with the kids and then basically hang up on her. I feel bad about it, but now I just don't pick up the phone when she calls during the day.



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If I'm in the middle of something with the kids, and it's not important (or someone I recognize), then I let the voice mail get it.


If I don't feel like talking...I don't answer it.


Otherwise...I do. :-)


Same here. Caller ID is my friend. :001_smile:

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If I'm in the middle of something with the kids, and it's not important (or someone I recognize), then I let the voice mail get it.


If I don't feel like talking...I don't answer it.


Otherwise...I do. :-)


This pretty much describes me.


Although I always answer dh's calls, whether or not I feel like it. ;)

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I checked the second option, but I just always screen my calls. My friends and parents know that I'm usually having school during the day, so if they call at that time, it's probably for a good reason. So I check the caller ID and I'll answer it if the timing is right. I always answer for dh. Anyone else can leave a message or call back.

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Only answered if it's dh calling (and that's only because he might be at the grocery store) :lol:. No, really, I always answer if it's him. But no one else.


I only answer when my dh calls as well. We only have cell phones, so I can't monitor messages like I did when we had an answering machine, so I just make it a habit to check the voice mail if the phone rang during the day (which it usually doesn't).


I like your policy with repairmen! I can't adopt it, though (although I'd like to), since our house is hard to find, esp. if you rely on mapping systems which I constantly tell people place us incorrectly. Every repairman has had to call me at least twice because he was lost and needed directions.

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Confessions of a chronic phone answerer...I can not stand to let the phone ring and not answer it. We don't have caller ID and it drives me crazy to not know who it was that called. My dh teases me and says that I would probably even answer the phone if I knew it was a telemarketer just in case they were selling something fabulous! :-) It is ALLLLLL I can do to let the phone ring during dinner and not go answer it.


So, I answer the phone during the day, but I keep calls very short and most friends and family don't call during school time.

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My phone rarely rings. I just answer it when it does ring unless the caller id says "out of area" and there is no phone number listed; then they can leave a message. (hey that just happened while I was typing this ???) No message. I assume that means they want me to vote for someone or to give money to something.

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Our phone rarely rings. We are on the do not call list, so if it does ring, it is usually meant for us, so I usually answer. If I'm going to be on for a few mintues, I tell dd to do her math :D. DH calls every morning during school to check up on the girls. If it's a bad time, he takes the rejection well. Most of my friends are moms of pre-or homeschoolers, so they can take the "can you email me with your request?' pretty well too.

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and answer only if it is something/someone important or I was waiting to hear from. Unless it's an important call, they have to leave voice mail and a call back later. I have the phone in my pocket during school and its set on vibrate so it does not loudly interrupt our school time. chores033.gif


BTW, we only use cell phones in our family and don't have a land line. There wasn't an answer I could choose from the choices given in the poll or I would have participated.




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Even when I screen calls, it interrupts whatever we are doing and diverts our attention. I wish I could turn it off completely and just have dh call me on the cell phone for emergencies.


Well, I don't know what's stopping me. I mean, all of my immediate family has my cell phone. Hmmm. It's tempting. :glare:



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I always check the caller I.D. because my dh has limited opportunity to call during the day and I will stop whatever school is going on to talk to him.


Sometimes I answer for friends during school hours, it just depends. I'd rather answer and say, "I have to run" than ignore them all together.


But like Jill said earlier, it depends on various factors and I don't have any strictly followed policy regarding the phone.


One thing I know for sure, I ALWAYS multitask when talking on the phone. I consider phone time, chore time. :D



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I watch the caller ID and decide whether to take the call, depending on what dd11 and I are doing. Dh is working away on the other side of the country, so if he calls we answer right away. :) ..I also have one in ps (ds9) and I'll answer if it's his school calling....other calls, totally dependent on who/what we're doing.

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My thing isn't listed as an option.


I have the phones set on their lowest ring setting. My cell phone is on. Dh typically calls me on that. I've told HIM that that is the only phone I will answer. I use to stick to that, but now if we are laxing or on break, I'll pick up if the house phone rings.


Family has been told not to call before noon/2pm. They still do.


If it's an emergency, after they (family) calls my house phone and I don't pick up they always call me on my cell...so I pick up (except for one sis who just calls all the time).



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Family has been told not to call before noon/2pm. They still do



I tried that too. Actually, my dh left a message on the machine about calling after 4PM because we are home schooling. My mom still called. One day I let the machine pick it up and her message was it was an emergency.


I answered the phone and she was at the store and they were having a sale and she needed my daughter's shoe size. :lol: While I appreciate her buying shoes or clothes or whatever, it is NOT an emergency. LOL




My thing isn't listed as an option.


I have the phones set on their lowest ring setting. My cell phone is on. Dh typically calls me on that. I've told HIM that that is the only phone I will answer. I use to stick to that, but now if we are laxing or on break, I'll pick up if the house phone rings.


Family has been told not to call before noon/2pm. They still do.


If it's an emergency, after they (family) calls my house phone and I don't pick up they always call me on my cell...so I pick up (except for one sis who just calls all the time).



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I marked that the answering machine gets the call but I often check the caller ID first to see if I want to answer. We get some phone calls from people who are hard to call back...ie foster caseworkers, lawyers, doctors.

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None of the above.


Most of my friends know we homeschool and don't call during school hours. So if caller id shows one of them, I answer. They wouldn't call unless they really needed me for some reason.


I like to help when I can, and to demonstrate that to my children. School can wait to helpa friend who needs us!

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I picked "answered when it rings" but it rarely does. My son's friends know not to call until after 4:00 (and they're usually in school anyway) and my husband and I recently got cell phones to keep in touch since the long distance charges were adding up.

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I screen and answer if necessary. Funny thing is dh doesn't think it's right to screen. He figures if you're there you should answer it.


Maybe it's because he has to be available for his work calls. He always answers if he's here and he always answers his cell.

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I voted "answered," but we really need to get to turning it off & screening the calls.

Me too!

I have found that I have been a slave to answering the phone lately! I can have DH call on the cell phone..we don't have minutes because he works for the company...(I like that). My mother will call in the middle of the day, and she recently lost her husband of 58 years(my father), so i have felt duty bound to answer the phone in case it is her....We don't have the option of caller id because we live out in the country it has not arrived here yet! I need to tell her to call on my cell phone...I will talk to her anytime she wants...she is lonely and not calling that often anyway...

I hate when I I interupt school to run and get the phone...then it is just an annoying computer or salesperson etc..and yes, we are on the do not call list.

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