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My dh asked an interesting question this morning...

Coffee or Internet?  

  1. 1. Coffee or Internet?

    • Coffee
    • Internet

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I've never had a cup of coffee in my life. (or tea). I wake up at 6:00 a.m. bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. My DH hates me! Haha. No, but even after 25 years, he never ceases to be amazed at how awake I am the instant I am out of bed, and NOT crabby either! Lucky me, I guess.


I hate you.


I mean that in the most envious way.

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When I 'm still half asleep, I've been known to put the coffee grounds in my cup and then add hot water. Doh! Btw, I use a french press so it isn't as bad as it sounds. I just used the wrong receptacle, but it's still pretty sad.

I've made it, but forgot to add the coffee. Made it, but forgot to turn on the pot. Made it, but forgot to add water. :lol:


I miss our press :( The coffee was much better and it was harder to forget any ingredients (although, I would forget to turn on the stove on occassion).

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I've never had a cup of coffee in my life. (or tea). I wake up at 6:00 a.m. bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. My DH hates me! Haha. No, but even after 25 years, he never ceases to be amazed at how awake I am the instant I am out of bed, and NOT crabby either! Lucky me, I guess.


yeah, I'd hate you too. :D

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Internet hands down! Of course, I don't drink coffee anyway, can't stand the stuff, and so never got into the habit of drinking it, or anything else, in the AM. I wake up, turn on the computer, pour my cereal and milk, and click through WTM with one hand, cereal bowl in the other :).

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ACK, what a choice!


Of course, once upon a time, I didn't drink coffee OR use the internet. Just yesterday, DD was horrified to learn that we didn't even HAVE internet when Mommy was a little girl ... but I digress.


I guess ... coffee. I *could* read a book or something, I guess ... :p

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I can live without the internet. We do it all the time when we go camping and such, but I must have coffee. Don't even think of talking to me until I have that first morning cup in my hand.:D


ETA: Without the internet I'd probably get a lot more done.

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I'd much rather do without internet than coffee in the morning. Internet slows me down and distracts me, coffee gets me going.




If I had to, I could do effective researching, shopping and downloading (stuff like worksheets and pdf curriculum) etc. 2x a week at the library. More effective really as there would be no distractions.


ETA: Not like that would be a good idea or anything...

Edited by darlasowders
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I dont drink coffee- I do drink tea though and my morning cup of tea is very important to me- but still, I think the internet would win. Somedays I surprise myself by going for a walk or doing housework before turning on the computer, but normally- it's the computer.

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Wow! I'm shocked over how many of you don't drink coffee!


I was weened on Kona.


If I were to spend the rest of my days on a deserted island and could only take one thing with me it would be a Starbucks store.


When I die, toss my roasted ashes over Columbia.


Who are you people?


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I chose coffee without a doubt. Internet is rarely the very first thing I do in the morning.


:iagree: Not quite rarely but my social internet time is later in the day. I often do a quick email check in the morning but by then I have been up an hour or more and have downed a cup or two of coffee already. I typically get less than five emails and rarely anything needs a response so it is very quick. I only do it because ds already has the computer turned on.:tongue_smilie: If I go to any boards in the morning my morning (or day) is usually shot. :tongue_smilie:I try these days to avoid all boards until the afternoon when school and chores are done. I have wasted hours and days online which I no longer think is the best choice for me, yet I still find myself plugged in more than I think I should be. I'd give up the internet for coffee without blinking an eye.

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I'm blaming this poll as this morning our coffee maker died. :lol::lol: It brewed, kept it lukewarm for a while, then it was gone.


We did not get a new one today, but I know my blessed dh will go buy me a giant cup of coffee in the morning.


So I'm changing my answer, I choose both!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, I really hate that question. Just thinking about it makes me panicky! :lol:


That said, I might be able to transition to super-dark chocolate or tea, but when I think of all the things I would never be able to get done without the internet...forget it. Internet wins.


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