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Kids and toothpaste - NOT a fluoride debate...

Do you buy adult or childrens' toothpaste for your kids?  

  1. 1. Do you buy adult or childrens' toothpaste for your kids?

    • Childrens toothpaste
    • They use whatever we use
    • Other

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My kids say that grown up toothpaste is "too spicy" for them. I grew up having regular adult tooth paste (though I do remember one VERY SPECIAL time I got "Snoopy Toothpaste" for my brand new Snoopy Toothbrush - 5th birthday present.


So, do you buy special kids' toothpaste for your young kids?

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The reason I ask is because DH thinks it's silly (he's a very serious guy) to buy special toothpaste for children. We all use rinse as well, and I buy them the bubble gum flavor kids ACT. He thinks that's silly too, and is "getting them used to NOT wanting adult flavors". The fluoride content is EXACTLY the same. I checked. They like it because it's pink.

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When they were younger I bought them children's toothpaste. I wanted them to brush long enough to actually get some of the teeth clean, but they couldn't hold out if the paste was 'spicy'.


My eleven year old is finally starting to use the same mint paste that the rest of the family uses, so I think we're done with special children's brands.

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So, do you buy special kids' toothpaste for your young kids?


When they were really little, I did try buying kids' toothpaste once or twice (and my kids are sensitive to how strong/spicy the toothpaste is). But once dh and I switched to Spry toothpaste, I switched them to that, too, and they don't think it's too strong (and we've all been using that brand for quite a few years now).

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How funny, that's exactly the words my 5yo uses..."too spicy!"


With my older kids, we transitioned them from toddler toothpaste to the adult variety and for many years we all used Crest. Enter baby. She has had a very difficult time adjusting to the regular toothpaste and I finally got her a tube for kids. I really resisted this because I thought it was a matter of adjusting, but she has really been unable to make the flavor leap. Otherwise, she is very diligent about her teeth for a 5yo, so I decided to give her more time with the milder stuff.


So, other. We use a combination here.

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We use Squigle, a peppermint flavoured fluoridated toothpaste which is 35% xylitol by weight.


From their spec sheet:



  • no animal products
  • no animal testing
  • no harsh abrasives
  • no irritating detergents
  • no artificial preservatives
  • no sharp flavors
  • no artificial sweeteners
  • no artificial colors
  • no Chinese ingredients


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We use Squigle, a peppermint flavoured fluoridated toothpaste which is 35% xylitol by weight.


From their spec sheet:



  • no animal products

  • no animal testing

  • no harsh abrasives

  • no irritating detergents

  • no artificial preservatives

  • no sharp flavors

  • no artificial sweeteners

  • no artificial colors

  • no Chinese ingredients



Oh, I really wanted something with xylitol. Do you buy this locally?

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Oh, I really wanted something with xylitol. Do you buy this locally?
I could, but it's a bit cheaper online.


A bit of a head's up: Squigle doesn't contain detergents or foaming agents, which changes the "look," so it takes a bit of getting used to (especially for the adults).

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We use Tom's of Maine in our family. We have a kid's flavor and an adult flavor. No one can stand the taste of mainstream toothpaste - kids or adults. They are too sweet and fake tasting.


I feel the same way. I can only use Tom's of Maine peppermint toothpaste. The fake sweetness of mainstream toothpastes makes me gag repeatedly while brushing.


As for the kid's toothpaste, I would tell DH, "So what?" So what if they use a different flavor toothpaste for the rest of their lives? It's such a small detail to give in on to ensure that they're happily participating in their own dental care and building good habits at a young age. My girls both said the same exact thing about mainstream toothpastes--even many kids' pastes. We tried until we found one they liked, and they both brush their teeth happily and without complaint. IMO, the tradeoff is totally worth it.

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I feel the same way. I can only use Tom's of Maine peppermint toothpaste.
DH and I experienced irritation from their cinnamon toothpaste. It had seemed like such a good idea...
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When mine were little they used the Tom's of Maine Strawberry toothpaste. They loved it and it made the brush your teeth battle go away. They used to complain that my toothpaste was too minty. Now they use whatever I buy.

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DH and I experienced irritation from their cinnamon toothpaste. It had seemed like such a good idea...


Me too! I thought it was just me! Everyone I know who uses the cinnamon looks at me sideways when I say the cinnamon kind is actually painful for me. I finally proved it to my parents when I had to brush my teeth there one day and came out of the bathroom with the skin around my mouth a nice shade of scarlet. And I'm not allergic to cinnamon either. I guess we're just delicate flowers, we three :D

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My girls all HATE mint. My 9th and 11th graders use Tom's of Maine strawberry toothpaste.


My 6th grader is using Dream Sparkle Grape. I haven't seen that flavor in stores for at least a full year (bought several tubes last time I saw it about 2 years ago). I don't know what she'll use when she finishes what she has. She doesn't like any of the flavors that are currently available. She says they all make her mouth burn.

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I will buy a different toothpaste if the spicy flavor bothers them. When I was young, pepperoni used to make my tongue burn, and it doesn't anymore. I won't buy a toothpaste just because they ask me to because they like the character. I'll just buy something tamer and leave it at that.


I figure tastes can be stronger for kids.

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My kids also say that our toothpaste is "too spicy." We use Trader Joe's peppermint toothpaste, and I can completely see that it would be too spicy for them (although I think my 15 year old is just a wimp ;) ).


I buy Tom's of Maine Silly Strawberry for the kids. Target has it for a good price ($2.99 vs. the $6.29 the health food store wants).



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I voted other because I purchase children's toothpaste/mouthwash for Boo-Boo (Colgate and Listerine Smart Rinse) but Sweet-Pea prefers a certain Crest. It is mint but it has to be a certain mint. She also uses Crest mouthwash. It has only been in the last year or so though that Sweet-Pea began to prefer this over the sweeter stuff. I really don't mind this because if it helps them brush better, I am all for it. Besides, I have different preferences about what I use so why shouldn't they.

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I have a sensory sensitive child who has a hard time with teeth brushing in general - let alone toothpaste! She gags on foam, so most mainstream brands don't work - too much bubbling - for that reason alone. Then, there are the taste issues. We found Tom's of Main Silly Strawberry for now. She still doesn't like the taste, but it doesn't foam, so we're compromising until we find a better option. She really still wants the Oral B Little Bear paste, but with her many dental issues, we felt she needed to step up to flouride toothpaste. If anyone has recommendations for a great tasting, no foam toothpaste, I'm all ears.

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After too many battles over teeth brushing I went NO toothpaste for the kids with the approval and blessings of their dentist. (Two different kid dentists in two different states!)


The dentist said that the toothbrush on the teeth and gums was far more important than the toothpaste. So they haven't used toothpaste in several years and we haven't had any cavities. Even my oldest, who is in braces, is on the no toothpaste band wagon and the orthodontist says she is fine.

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After too many battles over teeth brushing I went NO toothpaste for the kids with the approval and blessings of their dentist. (Two different kid dentists in two different states!)


The dentist said that the toothbrush on the teeth and gums was far more important than the toothpaste. So they haven't used toothpaste in several years and we haven't had any cavities. Even my oldest, who is in braces, is on the no toothpaste band wagon and the orthodontist says she is fine.


Just water on a toothbrush? Or something like a Sonicare?

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We use Toothsoap (www.toothsoap.com). I try to get the grape or cherry flavors for the kids, but if they run out they just use mine (fennel/mint).


I occasionally buy other "natural" toothpastes and they use the same as me.


Dh, however, will only use Crest.


I've never heard of this. Can you tell me more? Does it foam? How is the taste? Do you still use it with a tooth brush? (Might seem like a silly question, but I clicked your link and see that this isn't paste as we all know it!) The use of honey confuses me because of the sugar properties, but I'm open to hearing how that works. It's very pricey, but how long does it last? Does it really allow for re-mineralization? I ask, because I tend to brush too hard and rub enamel away. Feel free to PM me if you'd rather take this off-thread. I really appreciate any info you can provide.

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I voted "children's toothpaste" though my older two will also use adult toothpaste. Usually I buy Tom's Fluoride-Free Silly Strawberry or the Jason's Fluoride-Free Orange (or Strawberry). Tom's is their favorite. My older two use whatever Weleda dh and I are using, or whatever Jason we have open. With chemical intolerances, we don't have many to choose from, and it gets a bit expensive (especially since my boys seem to think that the more toothpaste you use, the cleaner your teeth become!), but they brush their teeth and don't have cavities, so I guess it's all good.

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We use the Squigle toothpastes most of the time, they are very mild. I got squigle for my son originally as he has some dental problems but they suit our whole family pretty well. Not adverse to a spot of colgate if we run out and I haven't mail ordered any. But would buy a kids version too as the adults ones are so strong.

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After too many battles over teeth brushing I went NO toothpaste for the kids with the approval and blessings of their dentist. (Two different kid dentists in two different states!)


The dentist said that the toothbrush on the teeth and gums was far more important than the toothpaste. So they haven't used toothpaste in several years and we haven't had any cavities. Even my oldest, who is in braces, is on the no toothpaste band wagon and the orthodontist says she is fine.



Hmmm . . . that's an idea. DD has a dentist appt in June. I'm going to bring this up as an option. It would certainly make her happier, but she's already very prone to cavities, so I don't know if this would work for her or not. I like the idea, though!!! Thanks!

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Myself, DH and DD all use our own toothpaste.

My toothpaste says not to use for children under 12. My DH hates the stronger flavor of my toothpaste so he uses regular adult toothpaste. (I will admit it is strong, but I love it) Plus, he HATES the way I squeeze the toothpaste bottle, I can't properly do it to save my life. Much less grief if we all have our own, :lol: Not to mention if someone accidentally leaves the cap off, doesn't have to drive us all nuts. It drove him crazy last time he ran out of his, and had to use mine.





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My kids say that grown up toothpaste is "too spicy" for them.


A lot of adult toothpastes are too spicy for me. Try cool mint if you want to share.


My kids hate typical kids flavors like bubble gum. Tom's of Maine has better choices though.

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We all use Nature's Gate non-flouride toothpaste in peppermint flavor--even my ds2. It works well for us.

:iagree:Yep, that's exactly us. I actually got a kids toothpaste (I forgot the name, but a natural, non-flouride type) and none of the kids liked it. They're all used to the Nature's Gate.

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The reason I ask is because DH thinks it's silly (he's a very serious guy) to buy special toothpaste for children. We all use rinse as well, and I buy them the bubble gum flavor kids ACT. He thinks that's silly too, and is "getting them used to NOT wanting adult flavors". The fluoride content is EXACTLY the same. I checked. They like it because it's pink.


I respect strong food dislikes and I feel the same way about toothpaste. Growing up I had a friend who hated mint so badly it made her nauseous.


Why does he even care what flavor toothpaste they like? :001_huh: I don't think my husband has ever once expressed an interest in what toothpaste I buy for the kids.

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Why does he even care what flavor toothpaste they like? :001_huh: I don't think my husband has ever once expressed an interest in what toothpaste I buy for the kids.


Wellllll..... DH tends to make almost everything a moral dilemma. Yep, even toothpaste and mouthwash. He gets his fingers dug into certain issues very strongly and won't let go. "Kids don't need a special toothpaste - they'll get used to it. Better now than later."


I'm not bashing him; please don't remove this post! I guess his strong point is that he is extremely principled and uncompromising, but it spills over negatively into other areas of life.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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After too many battles over teeth brushing I went NO toothpaste for the kids with the approval and blessings of their dentist. (Two different kid dentists in two different states!)


The dentist said that the toothbrush on the teeth and gums was far more important than the toothpaste. So they haven't used toothpaste in several years and we haven't had any cavities. Even my oldest, who is in braces, is on the no toothpaste band wagon and the orthodontist says she is fine.


This reminds me of something I read (in a dentist's office of all places) about brushing with a dry toothbrush and no paste. It removes more plaque as commercial brand toothpaste is actually formulated to sort of numb your tongue so your teeth feel smooth and clean when they are not.


There is definitely something to it. I'm going to try it now that I've remembered it. I believe it said to brush with a dry brush first and then with paste (only if you wanted to freshen your breath more or happen to like it).

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A lot of adult toothpastes are too spicy for me. Try cool mint if you want to share.


My kids hate typical kids flavors like bubble gum. Tom's of Maine has better choices though.




We use the strawberry. It also doesn't foam much which is nice for my super gaggy 6 yo ds.

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Wellllll..... DH tends to make almost everything a moral dilemma.


Sounds like a guy who needs a hobby. :tongue_smilie:


They're kids. Little girls. Someday they'll be bigger, and the silly kid toothpaste will not appeal to them. Funny thing about little kids. They grow up and then you realize how truly little they once were.


Next time he brings it up, distract him with some more important topic of conversation, or look at him like "You seriously want to discuss toothpaste??" and keep doing that until he gets onto something else. :D

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