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Why do parents allow this????

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Precisely. Normal is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. The mom said that unless you isolate yourself and your children from pop culture this is the stuff your daughters will be singing along with. Exactly why I isolate myself and children from pop culture. :tongue_smilie:


This would be reason #1 that my daughters are homeschooled. My 8 and 6 year olds still enjoy singing and dancing with the Veggie Tales and I am perfectly happy with that. They deserve an opportunity to enjoy and celebrate their innocence without it being stripped from them.

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Yeah.....I have steared my dd away from some of the Cheer/Dance places around here because I was pretty shocked how many of the routines were like that. :001_huh: Then add to it the costumes and the makeup and ...yikes. But then again the moms who had no issues with the dances LOOKED like they would have no problem with the dances. Their daughters were dressing like they did. My daughter did a year of cheer dance for a football organization so it was pretty tame in comparison to the full-on Cheer Dance facilities. I pulled her coach aside after the first competition and COMMENDED her for picking an age-appropriate song/dance for 5-7yos. We were pretty shocked by some of what we saw.


We're very open-minded but there is a point when it crosses the line. I hope the cheer and dance coaches learn from the media attention this has received and learn they need set an example, be classy, and allow the children's talents show in an age-appropriate way.


I wish the cheer/dance organizations that put on these competitions would give a standard of appropriateness and hold the coaches accountable when something like this routine happens. Them again, the coaches are to blame here, but the parents are worse.

Edited by cjbeach
sorry,typing on sticky keyboard
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If you watch the youtube one it's even worse:




I feel bad for even reposting it, and will remove it soon, but the one on CNN (?) doesn't even show half of it. Shame on these parents!



Ohmygod, it got even worse. The parents who are "okay" with this do not realize how pedophiles work/think. They don't realize that pedophiles go to great lengths to get victims and how sadistic some are, devising ways of increasing pain while victimizing children. They don't realize that some pedophiles pay women to carry their child then hand the baby over at birth, in effect growing their own crops of victims.



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Jinnah said

Also, there is a big difference in Miley Cirus and 7-year old girls.


Well yes, but there is also a big difference if my dd did this and Miley Cirus. MIley Cyrus is a role model for lots of little girls. My dd is at most a role model for a very limited amount of girls since she is not a star. (My dd would never do this, btw). SO what I am saying is that teens doing pole dances who are in the public eye leads to 9 year olds doing them in dance routines and at school. Just the same way that 20 years ago, little kids were imitating Michael Jackson's moves -first the moon walk and other okay moves and then later the crotch grabs. Now he wasn't a youngster when he was doing this. I think it is even worse that she is a teen while doing this.

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To the dancing children, oh.my. How sad for them.


As far as Miley, yes she is 17 and almost an adult. But her younger sister noah is now about 9ish and trying to be an up and coming star. She has her own clothing line (designed with the help of Miley and the blessings of their parents) and it is as bad as what the young girls in the video were wearing. For evidence:


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I agree. There were some inappropriate moves, but I think the costumes magnified everything.


:iagree:I'll be the lone voice of dissent here & say that I don't have a problem with the dance moves, by and large. I would have had a ball doing that as a little girl. I don't think it has to be sexual at all - moving your body that way isn't in & of itself bad. Combined with the costumes & the lyrics it becomes inappropriate IMO. I also worry about the pedophiles watching.

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I am no fan of Dr. Phil, but he had it right...it's amazing that no one said "this is crazy!" Those parents should be ashamed of themselves. Why do people wonder what is wrong with society?? Women shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies, but we should be hypersexual and should certainly not sexualize children. These are 7 year olds!! If these children were asked to do this by a teacher, agent, etc. without the permission of a parent, that teacher, agent, etc. would be indicted. A teacher in GA was suspended without pay and almost lost his job for something similar.

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If I found a video like that on my dh's or ds's computer I would certainly be upset. It's completely inappropriate. Everyone knows this. These *children* are seven years old. If there were even a question as to whether the routine, the music, or the outfits were inappropriate then they should have gone with something else, period.

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To the dancing children, oh.my. How sad for them.


As far as Miley, yes she is 17 and almost an adult. But her younger sister noah is now about 9ish and trying to be an up and coming star. She has her own clothing line (designed with the help of Miley and the blessings of their parents) and it is as bad as what the young girls in the video were wearing. For evidence:




Here's cyber-justice for you . . . Kaspersky Internet Security Suite will not let me pull up that link because it fell under the pornography ban !

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It absolutely SHOCKS me that ANY sane adult would be ok with little girls doing this. I watched the you tube video link posted and my stomach feels sick.


If one of my girls was in that class, we would have walked out THE DAY that dance was introduced, and they would have never returned.


I don't think the costumes have anything between the top and bottom due to the different skin colors and navels showing.


I wish some of these sick adults, who think it's ok to have a little girl do this, could watch what some of the sick people in this world do WHILE WATCHING THIS VIDEO.


Parents need to WAKE UP. It's our JOB to PROTECT our kids.

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Something else to think about: This is harmful to ALL children, not only those whose parents lacked the common sense to allow them to participate in something so completely disturbing and inappropriate.


The more common (and accepted) the s*xualization of children becomes, the less distinct the lines between children/teens and adults will become in society.


And, imo, the blurrier the lines, the more likely it is children will be thought of in ways they shouldn't be.

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Sad so sad especially since those girls are exceptional dancers! Why not showcase their talent in a way that really shows off their lines, turns and flexibility instead the teacher took their talent and turned it into smut that overwhelms the true talent of the girls and turned them into showgirls. Not appropriate at 7 not appropriate at 17 let their true talent show with a well choreographed dance that shows off the girls not their tummies.

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I recently watched Madonna's video of "Like a Virgin." I was a kid when it came out, but I remember it being controversial. The dancing in that 1984ish video was much much tamer than typical little-girl dance routines from the past 10 years. Amazing and sad how quickly this kind of thing has trickled down.

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Hmmm... I am not sure what poverty has to do with moral breakdown. Miley Cyrus certainly isn't living in poverty and neither were the girls paying for that dance class and those costumes.


I think she meant that the moral breakdown results in poverty, not that poverty results in moral breakdown. That is not to say of course that all poverty is due to moral breakdown, but some certainly is.

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I would really, really recommend every person on these boards (as well as those who are reading us, but not participating) to watch this short Italian documentary, the link is to the version with English subtitles.

I really thought twice before posting this link because normally I'm guided by the principle that I do not deliberately disclose or point to anomalies and stuff of the kind with the purpose of shedding a bad light to my country, but I am convinced that that video must be seen, because a. it's a phenomenon that's not only limited to the Italian television and such "creatures"and shows are all over in the pop-culture that your children more likely than not consume in your country, and b. it's one of the underlying causes of what we're talking about here. The documentary might and should disturb you, but I really recommend it.


The hypersexualization of children is actually only one of the "side-effects" of the phenomenon of the hypersexualization of a female body, the two go hand in hand very nicely. The overall cultural climate that those young girls are growing up with is disgusting and humiliates women - as they say in the documentary, we have changed our entire imagery into that of a strip club. It is no wonder, then, that we're silently instructing our daughters to watch themselves through the prism of that and to be "seductive" and "sexy" at the age at which they should be climbing trees and in which sex should in no way, shape or form be a part of their repertory (explicit AND implicit).


That's what the parents are for - to stand up for the children, for the rights of their children to BE CHILDREN, with a normal childhood without sexual connotations in their hobbies. Nothing wrong or unusual with young girls attracted to dance, and nothing unusual either that they would be willing to copy what they see in the sick culture around them and apply it to their hobbies - it's the parents' job to draw the line somewhere. And while I disagree even with some of the lines that are drawn much stricter than allowing your 7 y.o. to dance like this and in robes like that, I think that what we have here is a perfect example of a society gone completely. nuts. I don't think anyone in their right state of mind would allow that, despite and IN SPITE of the treatment of the female body in the media and pop-culture.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing in the interview with one set of parents that somebody linked - all those excuses of the "everyone's doing it" kind are something I would expect out of a rebellious young teen, not an adult trying to raise a child into an emotionally healthy person. Just speechless at that. :(

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I think she meant that the moral breakdown results in poverty, not that poverty results in moral breakdown. That is not to say of course that all poverty is due to moral breakdown, but some certainly is.
Thank you for replying. Sorry to take offense. There are plenty of board members here that live in poverty...
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I'm not surprised.


My husband teaches at a public school that is also a fine arts magnet. They had the elementary girls dressed in fish net stockings dancing to Moulin Rouge several years ago. The girls hiked their legs up on the aisle chairs as they danced down the aisles to the stage.


Unbelievable. We decided right then and there our daughter would NEVER attend that school.


Oh, and this is one of the highest scoring schools in the district.

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I would really, really recommend every person on these boards (as well as those who are reading us, but not participating) to watch this short Italian documentary, the link is to the version with English subtitles.

I really thought twice before posting this link because normally I'm guided by the principle that I do not deliberately disclose or point to anomalies and stuff of the kind with the purpose of shedding a bad light to my country, but I am convinced that that video must be seen, because a. it's a phenomenon that's not only limited to the Italian television and such "creatures"and shows are all over in the pop-culture that your children more likely than not consume in your country, and b. it's one of the underlying causes of what we're talking about here. The documentary might and should disturb you, but I really recommend it.


The hypersexualization of children is actually only one of the "side-effects" of the phenomenon of the hypersexualization of a female body, the two go hand in hand very nicely. The overall cultural climate that those young girls are growing up with is disgusting and humiliates women - as they say in the documentary, we have changed our entire imagery into that of a strip club. It is no wonder, then, that we're silently instructing our daughters to watch themselves through the prism of that and to be "seductive" and "sexy" at the age at which they should be climbing trees and in which sex should in no way, shape or form be a part of their repertory (explicit AND implicit).


That's what the parents are for - to stand up for the children, for the rights of their children to BE CHILDREN, with a normal childhood without sexual connotations in their hobbies. Nothing wrong or unusual with young girls attracted to dance, and nothing unusual either that they would be willing to copy what they see in the sick culture around them and apply it to their hobbies - it's the parents' job to draw the line somewhere. And while I disagree even with some of the lines that are drawn much stricter than allowing your 7 y.o. to dance like this and in robes like that, I think that what we have here is a perfect example of a society gone completely. nuts. I don't think anyone in their right state of mind would allow that, despite and IN SPITE of the treatment of the female body in the media and pop-culture.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing in the interview with one set of parents that somebody linked - all those excuses of the "everyone's doing it" kind are something I would expect out of a rebellious young teen, not an adult trying to raise a child into an emotionally healthy person. Just speechless at that. :(


I watched the first half -- I've got to finish it later. Thanks for the link.

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For every common sense parent who pulls their daughter out of a group of provocative dancers, there are a dozen parents waiting to get into the winning-est group.





That is why these sorts of performances will continue. Money talks loudly and clearly to the owners of the dance establishments. And parents are lining up to fork over their money.

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I don't know whether I should admit this or not, but I like that song. Unfortunately, I will never be able to listen to it again without picturing those little girls.


That video could have been taken at one of the local dance studios here. My children USED to take dance there. Not anymore, and one of the reasons is because I got sick of seeing half dressed little girls and young women running around the studio in front of parents, grandparents, etc. And the recitals-YIKES!

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I'm not surprised.


My husband teaches at a public school that is also a fine arts magnet. They had the elementary girls dressed in fish net stockings dancing to Moulin Rouge several years ago. The girls hiked their legs up on the aisle chairs as they danced down the aisles to the stage.


Unbelievable. We decided right then and there our daughter would NEVER attend that school.


Oh, and this is one of the highest scoring schools in the district.


You know, I kept thinking that all through watching the new version of Fame... (i realize this is Hollywood, but is it far off, Daisy?)

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Here's cyber-justice for you . . . Kaspersky Internet Security Suite will not let me pull up that link because it fell under the pornography ban !


Try this one. It is Noah with another Disney preteen star dressed for a Hollywood event last fall:


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Try this one. It is Noah with another Disney preteen star dressed for a Hollywood event last fall:



These imitation-children look as my imagination conceives of how young Wiccans might dress.


Noah is a male name. Have I missed something in that photo ??

Edited by Orthodox6
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They look like Wiccans. Or, since there probably are some members of that group who post here, who may correct my misconception, these imitation-children look as my imagination conceives of how young members of that group might dress.


Noah is a male name. Have I missed something in that photo ??

The Cyrus family is Christian, or so they claim. Noah's middle name I believe is Lindsey, it is what I saw as I was trying to find a different photo. And, I am seeing more girls named Noah. If you look up more pictures of Emily Grace, you can find her clothing line that Noah models for her. Some of it is very trashy and recevied quite a bit of criticism, even from some liberal groups. Several weeks ago there was a blog that showed the clothing next to the lingerie that influenced it. So very sad.

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The Cyrus family is Christian, or so they claim. Noah's middle name I believe is Lindsey, it is what I saw as I was trying to find a different photo. And, I am seeing more girls named Noah. If you look up more pictures of Emily Grace, you can find her clothing line that Noah models for her. Some of it is very trashy and recevied quite a bit of criticism, even from some liberal groups. Several weeks ago there was a blog that showed the clothing next to the lingerie that influenced it. So very sad.


OUCH ! -- I'm sorry that you quoted me before I edited my original post. I was fumbling for how to express myself, and edited it because the first version inadvertently sounded like a not-intended insult.

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Hmmm... I am not sure what poverty has to do with moral breakdown. Miley Cyrus certainly isn't living in poverty and neither were the girls paying for that dance class and those costumes.


I completely and totally agree. Moral breakdown, or lowered standards, has happened all along the socio-economic spectrum. Poverty doesn't need to lead to moral breakdown.

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These imitation-children look as my imagination conceives of how young Wiccans might dress.
The Wiccans I know typically expose considerably less flesh than the Cyrus girls.
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I don't know which I find more appalling, the inaprporiatness of the girls dance routine, or that the WTM forum has become like cable television.
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These imitation-children look as my imagination conceives of how young Wiccans might dress.


I think you need to get out and meet some people who are different than you. I know quite a few wiccans, and all of them dress very conservatively. One pagan homeschooling family I know is always assumed by Christians to be Christian, because the girls don't cut their hair and they make a lot of their own clothing. Their mother might even own a denim jumper. ;)

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