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Next Door Neighbor Cut Down OUR Privacy Hedge While We Were Out! (rant)

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DH and I left the house at 3:15 today to go to a lacrosse game. We arrived home at 5:30 to find that the privacy hedge that is on our property between a neighbor's house and ours - stood about 8 feet high, and runs about 50-75 feet along our driveway and into our yard.........had been cut down to a height of about 1.5 feet by our neighbor BECAUSE: she and her husband thought they needed to be trimmed.


Suffice to say, I went ballistic - this hedge acted as a fence so the kids could play basketball, play on the driveway, etc., and there was protection on that side. AND, IT WAS ON OUR PROPERTY!


We are waiting for the police to come and take a report. I cannot tell you how angry I am! How in the world can someone be so presumptuous? It would be like me deciding that I don't like the 'wishing well' on their lawn, and taking it upon myself to remove it and dispose of it.


Oh, and they dumped the cuttings (which are just an enormous amount) on our side of the property.



I called the police b/c I want it documented -- in fact, the phrases: 'willful destruction of another's property' and 'trespassing' were used.


I like things documented -- it's just the way I am. I am livid -- our realtor is coming tomorrow - she knows these people - she lived across the road from them for years - she was incredulous as well.


I am thinking that any expense we incur to remove the stumps that they left, clear the trimmings they left, and replace what they removed.......well, I will inquire as to what legal recourse we have. We have SO much going on inside the house with the kitchen and all that, and trust me, the hedge was trimmed 4 weeks ago and there was nothing wrong with it -- it was alot of forsythia bushes and they made a great hedge.


Are you ready for this: she says to me: the folks who owned the house before you liked their privacy and that's why those were there -- and I quote her: we didn't understand why they didn't want us looking over there at them.:glare: She is not an old biddy or anything - she is probably 42!


UPDATE: Police Officer just left. It is what I thought, but I like things 'documented' which the officer agreed with, and that is now done. We have the option of pursuing a criminal action (which does not interest DH or I) on the basis of what I mentioned to DH hours ago: trespassing and willful destruction of property. We have the option of pursuing the matter in civil/small claims court (which is what we will do) - we have photos, we have documented what happened with the police, we will send a certified letter to the neighbor (cc-ing the police) informing them that they are not to trespass on our property for any reason - it will be considered trespassing and the police will become involved. The officer said that the only thing that can reasonably replace a privacy hedge that was there this afternoon and is not there tonight would be full grown plants (leland cypress) or a fence. The cost of removal of what they left behind (the stumps), the cuttings they left on our property, and a replacement (be it fence or plant) will be what we pursue from them in small claims court.


Sounds like a plan -- we can do this -- I probably will not have the $18,000. AGA range (that is sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor) installed - I will put it in storage - it will go in whatever house we buy after this one is sold.


The officer was very nice - I am sure that our little 'issue' was a breath of fresh air compared to what he normally sees. I will sit now and do something mindless and wait for my blood pressure to go down. Thanks to all of you for listening and being so nice!


OMH: I forgot to tell this: when I was telling them that they had trespassed, blah, blah, blah (and I can be livid and be telling someone where to go, and I never raise my voice, and they will actually be looking forward to the trip when I am finished with them) -- anyway, the husband says to me: 'You know, people in Africa are dying of AIDS.' I looked at him and said: 'What?':confused: He said: 'Nevermind.'

Edited by MariannNOVA
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DH and I left the house at 3:15 today to go to a lacrosse game. We arrived home at 5:30 to find that the privacy hedge that is on our property between a neighbor's house and ours - stood about 8 feet high, and runs about 50-75 feet along our driveway and into our yard.........had been cut down to a height of about 1.5 feet by our neighbor BECAUSE: she and her husband thought they needed to be trimmed.


Suffice to say, I went ballistic - this hedge acted as a fence so the kids could play basketball, play on the driveway, etc., and there was protection on that side. AND, IT WAS ON OUR PROPERTY!


We are waiting for the police to come and take a report. I cannot tell you how angry I am! How in the world can someone be so presumptuous? It would be like me deciding that I don't like the 'wishing well' on their lawn, and taking it upon myself to remove it and dispose of it.


Oh, and they dumped the cuttings (which are just an enormous amount) on our side of the property.




:grouphug: Sorry to hear about that. I'm really surprised and, yes, it's presumptuous. More than that they made the sole decision like they had owners' rights to it. What will you do?


Will the police get a statement from them to document their reason?

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What the heck?! Wow. The nerve, indeed!!!!


Have you spoken to them yet? What did they say? Just that they thought it needed to be trimmed??!! And, they did that - all 6.5 FEET????????? Please update with what the police say. That's absolutely outrageous!!!!

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I would have been livid, too.


Actually, I became livid when a neighbor (we don't know who) cut a branch (a main branch) off of our crepe myrtle and left it on the sidewalk for us to clean up (we didn't, but someone finally did). Who goes walking with clippers in their pocket?


I can't imagine how angry you are over this vandalism. I'm glad you are filing a police report. I'm sick and tired of people doing whatever they want and I'm sick and tired of people not wanting to stand up for themselves.


Brava! (and :grouphug: for the loss of your hedge---- it sounded wonderful!)

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What in the world?!?! What made them think they had any right to do that?? And especially *that much*!!! I'd be checking to see if they're on any registries or something, if they maybe just wanted a clearer view of your kids!

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:grouphug: Sorry to hear about that. I'm really surprised and, yes, it's presumptuous. More than that they made the sole decision like they had owners' rights to it. What will you do?


Will the police get a statement from them to document their reason?


I called the police b/c I want it documented -- in fact, the phrases: 'willful destruction of another's property' and 'trespassing' were used.


I like things documented -- it's just the way I am. I am livid -- our realtor is coming tomorrow - she knows these people - she lived across the road from them for years - she was incredulous as well.


I am thinking that any expense we incur to remove the stumps that they left, clear the trimmings they left, and replace what they removed.......well, I will inquire as to what legal recourse we have. We have SO much going on inside the house with the kitchen and all that, and trust me, the hedge was trimmed 4 weeks ago and there was nothing wrong with it -- it was alot of forsythia bushes and they made a great hedge.


Are you ready for this: she says to me: the folks who owned the house before you liked their privacy and that's why those were there -- we don't understand why they didn't want us looking over there at them.:glare:

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What in the world?!?! What made them think they had any right to do that?? And especially *that much*!!! I'd be checking to see if they're on any registries or something, if they maybe just wanted a clearer view of your kids!


I checked that before we bought the house 18 months ago -- in that respect they are clear. The woman, however, I think clearly has a problem with boundaries and minding her own business -- she did something to another neighbor a few months ago (had the police watching the neighbor's house b/c she thought the comings and goings were 'suspicious') that I thought was just, well, not necessarily appropriate - they've lived here 18 years - so have the folks across the street......you watch them and call the police because the pattern of their comings and goings have changed? Seemed a little extreme.

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Were they just thoughtless or what? But now that there's less privacy, it makes it all the more important to be try to be on somewhat good terms with them, ugh.:glare:


Um, no. I made it very clear.......very clear that they committed a huge error in judgement, and their presumptuous behavior had created a most unpleasant situation.......for them.......I am the Olympic Gold Medal Winner at looking through people as if they were invisible.

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DH and I left the house at 3:15 today to go to a lacrosse game. We arrived home at 5:30 to find that the privacy hedge that is on our property between a neighbor's house and ours - stood about 8 feet high, and runs about 50-75 feet along our driveway and into our yard.........had been cut down to a height of about 1.5 feet by our neighbor BECAUSE: she and her husband thought they needed to be trimmed.


Suffice to say, I went ballistic - this hedge acted as a fence so the kids could play basketball, play on the driveway, etc., and there was protection on that side. AND, IT WAS ON OUR PROPERTY!


We are waiting for the police to come and take a report. I cannot tell you how angry I am! How in the world can someone be so presumptuous? It would be like me deciding that I don't like the 'wishing well' on their lawn, and taking it upon myself to remove it and dispose of it.


Oh, and they dumped the cuttings (which are just an enormous amount) on our side of the property.



I called the police b/c I want it documented -- in fact, the phrases: 'willful destruction of another's property' and 'trespassing' were used.


I like things documented -- it's just the way I am. I am livid -- our realtor is coming tomorrow - she knows these people - she lived across the road from them for years - she was incredulous as well.


I am thinking that any expense we incur to remove the stumps that they left, clear the trimmings they left, and replace what they removed.......well, I will inquire as to what legal recourse we have. We have SO much going on inside the house with the kitchen and all that, and trust me, the hedge was trimmed 4 weeks ago and there was nothing wrong with it -- it was alot of forsythia bushes and they made a great hedge.


Are you ready for this: she says to me: the folks who owned the house before you liked their privacy and that's why those were there -- we don't understand why they didn't want us looking over there at them.:glare:

Oh, I would would have gone ballistic also! They should pay for someone to come haul off what they they cut and piled and be fined a penalty for damaging your property.

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The thing is those bushes were probably worth thousands of dollars in terms of replacement value. Did they think that they were encroaching on their property by overhanging? Even if they did they were very much in the wrong. I am shocked that they would do this. It really is an outrage. I would be suing them big time IMHO.

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I am appalled. I never cease to be amazed by what people will do. I am so sorry, Mariann.


My inlaws' neighbors cut my MIL's beautiful clematis vine at the base a few years ago. Just cut it, said nothing, and MIL watched it die before she figured out what they'd done. What could she do? It was unreal. Thankfully they have a wrought iron fence, though; nothing they could do with that. :D

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The thing is those bushes were probably worth thousands of dollars in terms of replacement value. Did they think that they were encroaching on their property by overhanging? Even if they did they were very much in the wrong. I am shocked that they would do this. It really is an outrage. I would be suing them big time IMHO.


Actually, the hedge was over-hanging on OUR property - you know, as a result of the snow and the winter storms - the tops of the branches were curving, but over our property.


Yes, we are going to take them to small claims court. The police officer just left, and he articulated what we have to do -- he was incredulous as well.

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In fact, is it possible she thought she was helping you? Here, it is common practice to cut forsythia way, way back as soon as they finish blooming (which they have here). It is overstepping a boundary most definitely, but could she have thought she was doing you a favor?


Adding, if you want it to come back in even thicker, just stick some of the cuttings in the ground and keep it watered well. Most of them will take root.

Edited by Lolly
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Are you ready for this: she says to me: the folks who owned the house before you liked their privacy and that's why those were there -- and I quote her: we didn't understand why they didn't want us looking over there at them.:glare: She is not an old biddy or anything - she is probably 42!


That would be my last straw. She didn't understand, so it was wrong, and she was within her rights to change it? Is that seriously what she's saying? Holy moly.


Our first house came with retired neighbors. The man would lean on the chain link and make comments about my husband's work ethic if he saw me mowing the lawn. Lemmee just tell you how much I would have appreciated a privacy fence.

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Good grief!


I grow huge hedges for privacy too & if anyone trimmed any of my hedge I'd be spitting mad.


It doesn't matter if they'll grow back. I'd get a quote for mature plants to be put in by a nursery and then I'd present her with a bill. If she doesn't pay, small claims.

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Mariann - I'm glad that you were able to update with what the nice police officer recommended (in the OP btw).


:grouphug: What a pain!


Our formerly boundary challenged neighbor (he moved!) was stealing power from us. I looked out one day and saw a big orange power cord running from our house to his. He plugged it into an outside plug on our house and was running his appliances off of it! When I unplugged it and told him off in no uncertain terms, he was very demeaning to me as a woman. Then when I told him what I thought of that :cursing: he had the nerve to tell me that I was unneighborly!

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In fact, is it possible she thought she was helping you? Here, it is common practice to cut forsythia way, way back as soon as they finish blooming (which they have here). It is overstepping a boundary most definitely, but could she have thought she was doing you a favor?


Adding, if you want it to come back in even thicker, just stick some of the cuttings in the ground and keep it watered well. Most of them will take root.


No - it was overlapping on our side of the property - not hers. And, dh took care of the overlapping on our side of the property weeks ago.


She thought she was well within her rights - she explained that the couple who owned the house before us wanted 'privacy' and she never understood that - she said that she wants to SEE WHAT FOLKS ARE DOING -- yes, she said that - she said those words. I am SO going make sure the shades are drawn now.


I think she has a problem with boundaries and appropriateness -- there are tons of things on her property that I think are stupid looking and tasteless - do I go over there and get rid of them or change their color? No. They were wrong.


Oh - and here in Va, the forsythia bloomed 8-10 weeks ago - dh trimmed right after that. No - they were wrong - you have to see how awful this looks - like twigs sticking out of the ground.


Dh and I are dealing with putting the inside of the house back together after the disaster of the broken pipe, mold, etc......we really didn't need something on the outside that looked absolutely beautiful and lush and served a definite purpose being destroyed.


And, I agree with you - we have lived places where one neighbor will check with another about trimming something and yes, folks will do it as a favor to help another out -- but, this, imo, is a situation where a not very bright woman and her not very bright husband acted with presumption in an inappropriate manner. I have to go back to what she said about wanting to see what the neighbors are doing. Well, what I'm doing is none of her business.

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Good grief!


I grow huge hedges for privacy too & if anyone trimmed any of my hedge I'd be spitting mad.


It doesn't matter if they'll grow back. I'd get a quote for mature plants to be put in by a nursery and then I'd present her with a bill. If she doesn't pay, small claims.



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Mariann - I'm glad that you were able to update with what the nice police officer recommended (in the OP btw).


:grouphug: What a pain!


Our formerly boundary challenged neighbor (he moved!) was stealing power from us. I looked out one day and saw a big orange power cord running from our house to his. He plugged it into an outside plug on our house and was running his appliances off of it! When I unplugged it and told him off in no uncertain terms, he was very demeaning to me as a woman. Then when I told him what I thought of that :cursing: he had the nerve to tell me that I was unneighborly!


I'm speechless! He would have been wearing the orange power cord when I was finished with him.

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Our neighbor radically trimmed her forsythias and it has taken several years for them to grow back. So although they wouldn't be killed and they may grow back fuller, it will take many years for them to get up as high as they were previously. You can plant the trimmings and most will root and you'll have more shrubs.

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Our neighbor radically trimmed her forsythias and it has taken several years for them to grow back. So although they wouldn't be killed and they may grow back fuller, it will take many years for them to get up as high as they were previously. You can plant the trimmings and most will root and you'll have more shrubs.


Yup - I agree - it will take a couple of years - the stumps are coming out tomorrow and I will have a fence company here measuring. I don't have time for shrubs to grow -- DH and I have been wondering for months if this is the house we want to stay in for years to come - well, today, we have the answer: NO!

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I am appalled. I never cease to be amazed by what people will do. I am so sorry, Mariann.




You have to wonder about the workings of some people's minds. Try not to seethe so much you lose sleep.


P.s. I have Aga envy!

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Mariann - I'm glad that you were able to update with what the nice police officer recommended (in the OP btw).


:grouphug: What a pain!


Our formerly boundary challenged neighbor (he moved!) was stealing power from us. I looked out one day and saw a big orange power cord running from our house to his. He plugged it into an outside plug on our house and was running his appliances off of it! When I unplugged it and told him off in no uncertain terms, he was very demeaning to me as a woman. Then when I told him what I thought of that :cursing: he had the nerve to tell me that I was unneighborly!


OH. MY. WORD!!!!!


I would be in jail.

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Horrific. I can't imagine. I get mad when I have to listed to the neighbors music, let alone have them destroy my property.


I think I would leave the stumps, and have a fence put in behind them where the property line is. That way if they grow back you still have your beautiful hedge. In the mean while you have your privacy. The fence will help to make sure there are no property line issues in the future.



Before suing her, I would send her a letter (which I know you plan on already) telling her that you will be getting the price quote of 3 fencers. Then another when you get the price quote and a bill for the removal of the debris. I would give her the chance to pay for the fence before you take her to court about it. I wouldn't expect that she will be too happy about it, but if she knows that she can expect to pay court costs on top of everything...she may work with you.


In some areas there are neighbor mediation boards that may be helpful for you. It may help cut the court costs and keep an open communication between you.

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You have to wonder about the workings of some people's minds. Try not to seethe so much you lose sleep.


P.s. I have Aga envy!



;)Yeah, me too! B/c right now, it looks like it's going to go into storage! :crying: Thank Heavens the sub-zero is plugged in and the cabinet panels have been ordered.

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Horrific. I can't imagine. I get mad when I have to listed to the neighbors music, let alone have them destroy my property.


I think I would leave the stumps, and have a fence put in behind them where the property line is. That way if they grow back you still have your beautiful hedge. In the mean while you have your privacy. The fence will help to make sure there are no property line issues in the future.



Before suing her, I would send her a letter (which I know you plan on already) telling her that you will be getting the price quote of 3 fencers. Then another when you get the price quote and a bill for the removal of the debris. I would give her the chance to pay for the fence before you take her to court about it. I wouldn't expect that she will be too happy about it, but if she knows that she can expect to pay court costs on top of everything...she may work with you.


In some areas there are neighbor mediation boards that may be helpful for you. It may help cut the court costs and keep an open communication between you.


Yes! Wise words here.

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Horrific. I can't imagine. I get mad when I have to listed to the neighbors music, let alone have them destroy my property.


I think I would leave the stumps, and have a fence put in behind them where the property line is. That way if they grow back you still have your beautiful hedge. In the mean while you have your privacy. The fence will help to make sure there are no property line issues in the future.



Before suing her, I would send her a letter (which I know you plan on already) telling her that you will be getting the price quote of 3 fencers. Then another when you get the price quote and a bill for the removal of the debris. I would give her the chance to pay for the fence before you take her to court about it. I wouldn't expect that she will be too happy about it, but if she knows that she can expect to pay court costs on top of everything...she may work with you.


In some areas there are neighbor mediation boards that may be helpful for you. It may help cut the court costs and keep an open communication between you.


This is good advice - thank you. No - no neighborhood mediation board or HOA or anything -- and while DH HATES places that have an hoa, he now sees their 'place.':glare:

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I am appalled. I never cease to be amazed by what people will do. I am so sorry, Mariann.




You have to wonder about the workings of some people's minds. Try not to seethe so much you lose sleep.


P.s. I have Aga envy!

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Well, I guess my neighbor is not so bad after all. This afternoon they went and got one of those plastic hoses that you hook to the downspout and ran it from our downspout on the corner of our house to the middle of our back yard and then staked it down so it wouldn't get blown over by the fence. This will dump the water in the middle of our backyard instead of right at the property line but since we are still uphill of her it will still eventually run into her yard but I guess not as forcefully in one spot. It doesn't make any difference to me what-so-ever but if it makes her happy well that's one less complaint I have to listen to so, that makes me happy. I just can't imagine someone coming into your yard and cutting down your hedges though. :confused:

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I am appalled. I never cease to be amazed by what people will do. I am so sorry, Mariann.


My inlaws' neighbors cut my MIL's beautiful clematis vine at the base a few years ago. Just cut it, said nothing, and MIL watched it die before she figured out what they'd done. What could she do? It was unreal. Thankfully they have a wrought iron fence, though; nothing they could do with that. :D



I would have to agree with you - I guess that what others do will never cease to amaze me. That is so sad about your mil's clematis vine. How mean!

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Does she have a wishing well in her yard? Go paint it! Paint it UGLY!


Of course, you've already done the mature thing, so never mind me. :D


Yes, she has a wishing well in her front yard -- and I did mention to her and her husband that I HATE their pool, their shed, their wishing well, and the stupid rooster plate that they have hanging from the flower box in front of their house BUT I have not gone on their property and removed said items.


DH said it was one of my finer moments!:D

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