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Would you sleep in a library?

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Dh and I both have a bit of a book habit :001_smile: and we're seriously considering turning our bedroom into a library. Its big enough to put in floor to ceiling bookshelves around the top of the bed and on either side walls.

Would you do it?

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Dh and I both have a bit of a book habit :001_smile: and we're seriously considering turning our bedroom into a library. Its big enough to put in floor to ceiling bookshelves around the top of the bed and on either side walls.

Would you do it?

Sure. Unless I was worried about earthquakes. ;)

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Oh yeah, you bet ya. We already do. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling book shelves along the longest wall in the room. It's been that way for years now and I really can't imagine doing it any other way. It gives me something to read as I am trying to fall sleep. I think all rooms should have books. :001_smile:

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In a heartbeat! But here's the deal: the shelves really have to be used for books and books only. Magazines placed in properly sized baskets. No loose paper stacks. Think "neat and orderly" so you can enjoy your bedroom library without feeling like you're in a cluttered space.

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In a heartbeat! But here's the deal: the shelves really have to be used for books and books only. Magazines placed in properly sized baskets. No loose paper stacks. Think "neat and orderly" so you can enjoy your bedroom library without feeling like you're in a cluttered space.




My other caveat would be no kid-focused/ work-related books in my room. I need a place to escape to, so I don't want my kids freely entering for books or for my work to be staring me in the face when I am in need of solitude and rest.

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I love the idea....sans dust.


DD3 sort of lives in our library. We had a 16x20 room that was our library/homeschool room. DD3 was in dd11s room but then we decided she needed her own space.


I made a room divider out of the bookcases and I carved out an little bedroom....maybe 9x8 or so. She had a bookcase headboard for her personal books and the rest are just around the corner. She looooves her little space and I like that I still have a library.

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Dh and I both have a bit of a book habit :001_smile: and we're seriously considering turning our bedroom into a library. Its big enough to put in floor to ceiling bookshelves around the top of the bed and on either side walls.

Would you do it?


I have four bookcases in my bedroom. We sleep just fine, thank you very much! LOL

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From the title ... I had flashbacks to my college days waking up in the library when they were closing up. I guess that wasn't what you meant:).

Me Too! I would fall asleep in the Honors Lounge and wake up to find all sorts of people around me that weren't there when I first shut my eyes. A little disconcerting.:001_huh:


Then I wondered if there was some sort of library fundraiser where you could sleep in the library one night. That could be fun - all those books and just little 'ol me to browse them all night long!:D

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Theoretically, yes (I loooove books), but practically speaking, no. Live in S. CA, and unless those babies were seriously bolted the wall, and all the bookshelves had good wire across them, I wouldn't even consider it. I went through the Northridge earthquake, and yes, people do get buried by books. We had furniture thrown over that you wouldn't think would move anywhere. I think my somewhat reasonable fear of what could happen would overshadow the coolness factor :o).

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Dh and I both have a bit of a book habit :001_smile: and we're seriously considering turning our bedroom into a library. Its big enough to put in floor to ceiling bookshelves around the top of the bed and on either side walls.

Would you do it?



Yep. Did it. Love it. Adding to it! We sleep in a library and feel soooooo at home!

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If I recall correctly there is a hotel (maybe in New York) that has bookshelves in all the bedrooms. Each room has a different literary theme. If they can convince people to pay to sleep in bedrooms/libraries, I don't see why someone couldn't use the same decorating approach in their home.


I wonder if I could convince my Dh that this would be a good idea?

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Haven't read the other posts, but I'd say no because I hate spiders and I often find spiders amongst the books on our shelves. I can just imagine them jumping from the bookshelves onto me in the night. (shiver)



ACK! What?!


I HATE spiders. I am absolutely terrified of the horrid creatures. But I have never found one in my books.

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I prefer not to..but I perfectly understand why anyone would.

I like to keep my room as clear as possible of stuff that wil activate my mind too much. I keep it as a clear and uncluttered space (well, ideally, and sometimes in reality). I, however, have recently aquired the luxury of a spare room that is solely for moi to keep my art and craft stuff and books in. So I have my own library, a mere few steps from my bedroom :)

Seriously, I am forever trucking books out of my bedroom because they tend to gather there next to my bed in unsteady piles, because I am forever starting another book before I have finished the last few. I do have bookshelves in there..but I really like to keep all but a few books in another area.

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Okay this thread title made me :laugh: ~ because our public library used to have big sign at the entry with a list of rules and the very first one was "No sleeping".


We have a somewhat large transient population here and prior to the library's move to a new location, it was right smack downtown...they used to get quite a few men in there who would curl up and sleep in the chairs. ;)

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I wouldn't put anything on the wall over the bed because, even if it were close to impossible, I'd be afraid it would fall over on me while I slept.


As for the rest, I've lived in a library during my entire married life until now. Foyer, dining room, bedrooms, living rooms - you name a room and it has been lined with bookcases.


Bookcases do diminish the available floor space and they also make it impossible to hang pictures on the walls.


We moved into a much smaller house that has much smaller rooms recently, and did not bring several thousand books with us. Frankly, my personal preference is not to live in a library. We still have plenty of bookcases, but it is not overwhelming in comparison to how it used to be, and it is easier to decorate the house the way I like it. But that's my personal preference.


Note that we have 40,000 books at the office (we have a bookstore), and I am kind of booked-out. To me, the best book is a library book because I can read it and return it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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