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What popular movies bug you?

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I was watching You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan the other day. I wanted to like the movie. Tom and Meg have a cute chemistry together. But the plot just irks me. Both of them are in a relationship with another person. They each keep their internet chatting secret. Yes, they both break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend eventually. But it seems like they were both cheating to me. Towards the end of the movie, Tom Hanks finds out who he's chatting with but Meg is still in the dark. So he talks with the Meg Ryan character(in person) and sort of manipulates her. At the end, they kiss and all is right with the world. Blech


I saw New Moon(Twilight) yesterday. I liked the 1st movie but New Moon bugged me. The vampire guy(Edward) pushes his non vampire girlfriend(Bella) away to protect her. This leaves her vulnerable to other vampire baddies. This plot might work except that Edward is a mindreader. In the first movie, he was able to read the minds of the bad guys. But to fit into the plot for the 2nd movie, he now doesn't know that the bad guys are after his love. Ummm, ok. At least the hunky,shirtless werewolf guy is around to protect her. There are several holes in the movie plot.


I do like some popular movies. But there are a lot of popular movies that seem dreadful to me. I tend to like what my dh calls "weird" movies. What popular movies bug you?

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The Twilight saga, as a whole, just bugs me!! It just feels so pop culture to me and I don't know why that bugs me, but it does!!!


The Italian Job. I thought it was a fun movie, clean enough for the kids, and is one I would watch over several times. I didn't like, though, how there really is not one good person in the whole thing. It's basically thieves against thieves and you wind up rooting for the "good" thieves to win against the "bad" thief?? :confused: Say wha?

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I hate movies that romanticize adultery. Can't think of any off-hand, but there are so many! I am also bugged by premarital sex--like it's no big deal to have sex, it's just recreation and expected.

IDK--I'm such a fuddy duddy when it comes to relationships.

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I hate movies that romanticize adultery. Can't think of any off-hand, but there are so many! I am also bugged by premarital sex--like it's no big deal to have sex, it's just recreation and expected.

IDK--I'm such a fuddy duddy when it comes to relationships.



I also dislike movies that use a lot of profanity. I don't know many people who talk that way in real life. Maybe I live in a bubble.

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Mama Mia!


Loved the music; hated the story.

yep! what she said!! I also hated Keeping the Faith. A rabbi and a priest have the hots for the same girl. She and the rabbi have very casual s*x together. I am just not into movies that glorify dysfunctional relationships.

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Ghost and Beaches :ack2:


The movie I most hated for romanticizing adultery was Walk the Line.


I like movies with a deep theme in a funny quirky movie, like Juno or Napoleon Dynamite or (:blush:) Nacho Libre. I also like movies with a good guy who is invincible: James Bond movies, anything with Clint Eastwood, old westerns.

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Pretty much all movies rated R and now PG-13 is really getting bad.


I don't like the stuff listed in other posts along with witchcraft, magic, ghosts. I pretty much don't watch many movies! Though we did rent Curious George 2 the other day!!


Lots of people think I'm crazy, but I hate the obsession with vampires, werewolves, demons, and the like. The previews for these movies are frightening, especially to children, and they are on tv ALL the time. When did watching that trash become entertainment?

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Mama Mia!


Loved the music; hated the story.


Ha! I thought I would be the first to say that. Yuck. All my friends were raving. I was sooooo unimpressed.


When Forest Gump was all the rage, dh and I watched it. When it was over, we looked at each other and grimaced. At least we don't have to see it again.


I also did not like Hairspray. My mom and SIL were raving about it and insisted I needed to see it. :-P

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I'm trying to think of specifics but we've watched a lot of movies lately where they end and I just feel like "what was the point of that?". There's not real plot, no conflict, no climax, no resolution.


Yes, like the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Blech. Now I feel the need to go scrub myself.

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I'm trying to think of specifics but we've watched a lot of movies lately where they end and I just feel like "what was the point of that?". There's not real plot, no conflict, no climax, no resolution.


Marley and Me was like that for us. Dh and I both hated that movie.


I also felt that way a bit after Blind Side. I expected more conflict, less predictability.

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I don't like ANY Woody Allen movies. :glare:

Oh!---and pretty much any movie I watched as a teenager--like Sixteen Candles, Valley Girl, Pirate Ship, etc---are HORRID!

I watched Sixteen Candles again about 5 years ago and I realized it was all about S*X! Ditched it!

Made me think of a children's song on my kiddos CD:


----Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.......


Uhm, hum.


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Guest Virginia Dawn
I'm trying to think of specifics but we've watched a lot of movies lately where they end and I just feel like "what was the point of that?". There's not real plot, no conflict, no climax, no resolution.


We watched Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium last week and my kids just said "Huh?" when it was over. It was such a non-story.

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Titanic - I felt like I was being emotionally manipulated the entire time. It didn't help that the tweens behind me were swooning and crying in turns the whole movie.


Avatar - watched this on Saturday night for the first (and probably last) time. I felt the same way that I did about Titanic... (Avatar prompted my memories of Titanic...)


I like emotionally evocative movies, but not emotionally manipulative ones.


I also HATED Legends of the Fall - everyone who tried to do the right thing had bad things happen to them. Those who did wrong were glorified.

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Titanic - I felt like I was being emotionally manipulated the entire time. It didn't help that the tweens behind me were swooning and crying in turns the whole movie.


Avatar - watched this on Saturday night for the first (and probably last) time. I felt the same way that I did about Titanic... (Avatar prompted my memories of Titanic...)





How could I forget TITANIC!? Loathe that movie. Thanks for saying Avatar prompted Titanic memories. That's all I need to know to never go out of my way to see it :).

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Oddly, I do better with profanity (excepting cursing God's name) than I do with movies that make it seem that adultery and pre-marital sex are ok. Profanity (although dh and I never use it nor permit our kids to use it) is socially unacceptable words. Adultery/ fornication is forbidden in the Bible.


please don't crucify me for this!

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Lots of people think I'm crazy, but I hate the obsession with vampires, werewolves, demons, and the like. The previews for these movies are frightening, especially to children, and they are on tv ALL the time. When did watching that trash become entertainment?


Yup, all that stuff too is on my "YUCK" list!! :D


Pretty much anything against my Biblical convictions and that's pretty much all movies (except Curious George 2 or stuff like that)! LOL!

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Titanic - I felt like I was being emotionally manipulated the entire time. It didn't help that the tweens behind me were swooning and crying in turns the whole movie.


Avatar - watched this on Saturday night for the first (and probably last) time. I felt the same way that I did about Titanic... (Avatar prompted my memories of Titanic...)


I like emotionally evocative movies, but not emotionally manipulative ones.


I also HATED Legends of the Fall - everyone who tried to do the right thing had bad things happen to them. Those who did wrong were glorified.


OMG....I thought I was the only person on earth that did not like Titanic! I did not cry and when everyone around me was I was like "You did know the ship was gonna sink, right?" And seriously, who GETS OFF of a life boat and gets BACK ON a sinking ship to be with some guy she met like 12 hours ago?


Avatar was the most predictable, remade version of about 12 other movies I know that I have ever seen. BORING. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

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OMG....I thought I was the only person on earth that did not like Titanic! I did not cry and when everyone around me was I was like "You did know the ship was gonna sink, right?" And seriously, who GETS OFF of a life boat and gets BACK ON a sinking ship to be with some guy she met like 12 hours ago?


Yep, that was a horrible plot. I will still watch parts of Titanic if it's on-for the costumes. I love watching movies set in the past to look at their costumes.

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Avatar was the most predictable, remade version of about 12 other movies I know that I have ever seen. BORING. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............


I am not being offensive, I'm just quoting the Blockbuster clerk: "Avatar is Pocahontas in space." I laughed all the way home... (I'm assuming me meant the awful movie; I hope he wasn't making light of the real and not-so-honorable history). I kept thinking that it was also another flavor of Dances with Wolves (which I loved, because it was SUBTLE and not obvious...there were moral questions and dilemmas...the people on all sides of the issue were imperfect and had good points).


SPOILER: I knew NOTHING about this movie before we popped it in other than TV ads and very high level knowledge about corporate greed run amok (I half expected to see a guy in a black cape, twirling his mustache and mwahahahaha-ing - they exchanged white hats for blue skin and black hats for ABUs). Even I could tell from about 10 minutes in that Jake was going to BECOME a blue guy (I can't remember what they were called...). DH thought that their tribal life was just a huge ripoff of African and Native American culture, too...

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Profanity (although dh and I never use it nor permit our kids to use it) is socially unacceptable words. Adultery/ fornication is forbidden in the Bible.


please don't crucify me for this!


NO, profanity doesn't sound pretty, we don't allow it, but its no where near adultery for us either. I won't crucify ya!:D

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Nights in Rodanthe - hated it and didn't get the point of it. I won't see any other Nicholas Spark movies. What is wrong with a happy ending?


The book My Sister's Keeper left me feeling like that too - the ending was awful. I know they changed the ending for the movie but I still didn't want to see it.


Never saw Titanic, never wanted to.


I actually liked Avatar but by far the best movie I watched recently.......

The Adventures of Robin Hood from 1961 with Errol Flynn.

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We just saw a preview on tv for the next Sex in the City movie. REALLY?? These dried up prunes are STILL on the prowl?? Ew.


The Twilight movies have sucked so far, which is why we only watch them with Riff Trax. LOL (I'm not a fan of the book series, though, so I expected the movies to be pretty bad. I think I dislike the actors so much...they are like a caricature of the sensitive, moody teen angst thing and really annoying. I mean, they can't even kiss properly because they're emoting so much--or else they're trying to hold IN the emotions and tend to look constipated. Watch it again with "constipation" in mind and you will probably enjoy it more as a comedy.)


I will not watch any of the Nicholas Sparks books-made-movies. I haven't even read any of the books! lol But I won't, so there's no reason to put myself through the torture of one of the movies.

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Ooh!! This is a great topic, Pajama Mama!


I'll have time to read and respond better later, but I just wanted to say that I have a hard time finding movies I really, truly like. (Although I might enjoy watching a movie anyway, just to analyze/critique, and see whether others liked it, and why.


I just wrote a blog post called "STILL Looking for a Good Movie!" a few days ago.



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The end of Titanic bugs me - Rose gets to go back and be with Jack. OK...but wasn't she MARRIED for a long time, with kids even? I keep thinking there is some old guy ghost husband longing for Rose to show up but nooo...she has to go be with Jack.




I personally loved Titanic, but this -- YES!!


Plus didn't Rose say she never told anybody that story? Really?? She never told her husband about it? Or her children or grandchildren? Hard to believe.


Yeah, her "true love for eternity" wasn't the man she was married to for decades and had kids with. Rather, it was the guy she knew for three days when she was 25. Riiight ....

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I am not being offensive, I'm just quoting the Blockbuster clerk: "Avatar is Pocahontas in space." I laughed all the way home...



If you do some Google and YouTube searches, you'll see a lot of funny, clever essays and video splits demonstrating this.


Ooh, I knew this thread would get me going!



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I also did not like Titanic.


And I guess David Lynch's movies wouldn't be considered popular, but he gets on my nerves, too.


My sister loves "Crimes of the Heart" but I did not like it. Eeew.


Jim Carey gets on my nerves, too, so add all his movies. If he pulls a face we are all supposed to laugh so hard we pee; I don't get it.


I like to be grumpy about movies:blushing:

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And seriously, who GETS OFF of a life boat and gets BACK ON a sinking ship to be with some guy she met like 12 hours ago?





Ok, I just have to say it. That probably would have been me :tongue_smilie:


You know when you take the Jane Austen quizzes and they tell you which character you are. Well, I am Marianne. And when I was younger, I was even MORE of a Marianne.


And Marianne says..."To die for love, what could be more glorious." :lol:


Just had to say it.


By the way, I am a "Happily Ever After" movie lover. I hate movies that don't end happy.

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Let's put it this way- I disliked Titanic and Avatar so much I have never seen them. I just hated the whole idea of the movies. Oh, and it isn't that I don't like movies or modern movies because I watch a lot of them. But sappy stuff like this- no. That includes the Nicholas SParks movies and the Twilight movies. All seem sappy to me and I don't like sappy movies.


ANother new trend that is really bugging me is over the top violence. Now, I actually like fairly violent movies like James Bond, Bourne movies, etc, etc. But I have been reading reviews of some of the movies that have been coming out lately in mainstream papers and if those reviewers are giving bad reviews because of excessive and pointless violence, I don't think I want to see that either.

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I do like some popular movies. But there are a lot of popular movies that seem dreadful to me. I tend to like what my dh calls "weird" movies. What popular movies bug you?


Probably 99.8% of all movies released these days. ("these days" remains undefined) That was an easy question to answer ! :)

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Well, I liked The Notebook. I liked the ending, anyway. I liked how Noah stayed faithful to his wife till the bitter end.


Basically, if there is gratuitous sex, profanity, or violence, I don't care for it. I like psychological thrillers, but not occultic thrillers. I don't like ghosts, or demons, or the like. I didn't mind Titanic, but I was more interested in the costumes and sets than I was the story. The story was so contrived that I couldn't relate to it at all, so it didn't bother me on an emotional level.


Lately, dd and I have been getting older Disney movies (like from the 60's) and have been enjoying them. They involve teens, but aren't like the teen movies today.

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Another Titanic-hater here. Also seriously dislike the Twilight movies (have watched the first two with teen daughter; neither of us feels the need to watch any subsequent ones.) I also admit to not liking Star Wars. I'm pretty sure I was the only non-fan back in the 70's.

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I also dislike movies that romanticize adultery. My dh *really, really* hates anything were adultery is in any way okay. If a character on a tv show commits adultery (even kisses someone else) he will never watch that show again.


I hate movies that are too sappy and predictable. This includes basically anything written by Nicholas Sparks. I am *not* a Marianne. ;)


I didn't like Avatar. During the movie I looked at my dh and said "did they really need to spend this much money on a remake of Dances With Wolves?"


I don't like gore or over the top violence. Like a pp, I enjoy Bond, Guy Ritchie movies, stuff like that. I've never seen Saw or any of those, I cannot stand those type of movies.


Jim Carrey also gets on my nerves, especially in movies where he is allowed to be at his most over-the-top. I think he's best when he's mostly playing a funny straight man like in Bruce Almighty.


I don't like any movie that features horrifyingly embarrassing situations. It's not realistic and I have to hide my eyes sometimes. :lol:


I also HATED Legends of the Fall - everyone who tried to do the right thing had bad things happen to them. Those who did wrong were glorified.


I don't know that glorified is the right word. I liked Legends of the Fall (I didn't LOVE it). I think it is more about the dynamics between that particular family. I don't know that it's really about glorifying anyone, exactly.

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I was still pretty young when Titanic first came out and I loved it. I think I saw it 5 or 6 times in the theaters. Fast forward to now - I watched it on DVD a month or so ago, after not having seen it since the VHS days, and I was barely able to sit through the whole thing. I skipped over a lot of it. I have no idea what I thought was so great about it back then.


As for the Twilight saga, I can't explain why I got sucked into it - it's like an addiction. I've read the books each 3 times now and will probably read them again before Eclipse comes out in theaters. I will admit that the movies are horrible, but I just have to watch them anyway. Maybe in about 10 years I'll be over it and won't understand why I ever liked them either. :)


I usually prefer movies that end happily, so Nicholas Sparks and I don't always get along. I loved the Notebook. A Walk to Remember was a good story, even though she died; but the book was so much better than the movie. I pretty much hated Nights in Rodanthe and Message in a Bottle. I did not like the ending to Dear John in the book, but they changed it for the movie so it was tolerable. I liked The Last Song, book and movie; although I don't think Miley Cyrus is a very good actress. Of course, the book was better.


I can't think of anything that I've seen lately that was just really, really good. As I think someone else mentioned, I don't really like movies that just end abruptly and leave you wondering what happens next; and it seems like there's been a lot of that lately. Either that, or too much raunchy humor in everything.


I go to the movies a lot with my friends, and we'll go see pretty much anything. I know there was something that we saw recently and while they really liked it, I was sitting there hoping and praying that it would end soon... can't remember what it was...


okay, I'm rambling now... I'm sure I have schoolwork to grade or something else I should be doing...

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