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When was your son night-time toilet-trained?

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My son is 4.5 years old and fully toilet-trained during the day but still wears pull-ups at night.


At what age did you find that your sons stayed dry all night and didn't need to sleep in pull-ups anymore? (without doing things like getting him up in the night to go to the bathroom or anything; I mean totally on his own).


Just wondering! Thanks :)

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Oldest was 5, but he didn't suddenly start staying dry. Every night his pullup would leak so I finally told him it was time to go pullup free. He never had a problem after that.


My younger son was 3.


The doctor said that up to age 6 is normal.

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Nathan, at 10, finally rarely wets the bed.


Ben, at 8 (almost 9), still will. I got tired of washing sheets every day, so I went back to Easy Ups Size 6.


Both my dad and my husband wet the bed older than that.


I've heard it's typically 5 or near puberty.


Here's another article I've read on it:


Edited by nestof3
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Mine are all girls, but they were dry at night at 8yo, 5yo, and 3yo. The 8yo had only been dry at night 1-2x/month her entire life up until we got the SleepDry alarm. We tried everything else first - no liquids after 6pm, no dairy, no juice, no dyes, going to the bathroom ever 4 hours around the clock, holding for as long as possible during the day to stretch the bladder, even medication (DDAVP). Nothing worked until the alarm.


The first week of the alarm we found out that she was wetting the bed at least 3x every night. That was down to 2x every night by the 2nd week and 1x/night by the 3rd week. The 4th week was completely dry. There was one wet night the 5th week. She was only wet 2x ever after that and she was horrible sick both of those times.


She was just an exceptionally deep sleeper. She was also prone to sleep-walking when she was a toddler.

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My ds was dry at night as soon as he potty trained at 3 yrs old. My oldest dd on the other hand wasn't dry all night until she was 5 yrs old. My youngest dd was around 4. I have found it depends on how soundly they sleep at night. My youngest we still have to make sure she goes to the bathroom before bed to make sure she stays dry.

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Ds (now 9) was 2 1/2. He was dry from the first night of potty training. I think it's because he went right to underwear only - even at night. A few years later he would occasionally wet the bed, maybe once a week or so, and that lasted until he was 7. If I got him up to pee before I went to bed (midnight-ish) and he'd be fine.

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My older son is 8 and was increasingly wanting to be dry at night. We borrowed an alarm and after 4 days of it going off he has been dry for 7 nights in a row and is so happy. He was very motivated and didn't want any help getting up, using the bathroom, and changing into new underwear. My 5 year old wants to try after ds8 is done (they recommend 2 full weeks of beeing dry and 2 weeks of using the alarm every other night before we stop using the alarm). I'm not sure if 5 years is too young but we might try if he is motivated. They also didn't recommend parents waking the child up to go to the bathroom.


ETA: They were both in pullups until my 8 yo started using the alarm, my 5yo still wears pullups at night.

Edited by allearia
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one son was 3 1/2 the other 12 1/2 yo :party: this was a long road of "good nights" and then we went to bed pads, he just stopped when I finally decided we would try medication, he didn't want the medication and only had a couple of accidents after that:001_huh:

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At 1yo. He was dry at night long before the day time. He was totally potty trained at 2yo.


DD3.5 on the other hand is still in pull ups and I don't see any hope that she will be dry anytime soon at night. She is great during the day, even nap time, but nights are just too long.

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Night-time accidents have never been an issue for us. My three who are potty trained (at 25 months, 24 months, and 38 months) stayed dry all night within a few days/weeks of daytime training. My 4th boy gets SOAKED at night, so I am not sure if he will night train as easily.


Two of my boys had encopresis, so BM accidents were a whole other story. Sigh.

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#1 age 10

#2 age 3

#3 age 2


When #3 was staying dry and #1 was still struggling I took #1 to the doc. He was structurally fine it just took him longer to outgrow. He never did pull-ups, btw, just lots and lots of sheet washing....5x per week or more. It seemed that the outgrowing corresponded with the early signs of puberty. I think he had a hormonal imbalance though we never tried the hormone replacement to certify that that was, in fact, the case.

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Thanks for all the responses, everyone! I guess we can't even say "on average" lol- of course I know that all kids are different but yeah that's a REALLY big variety of ages. Well, we'll see what happens! My oldest daughter was probably like 11-ish but she has had developmental delays since birth so I wasn't ever sure if it had something to do with that or not. My younger daughter was I think around 5-ish. And now I'm just waiting to see what happens with my son.

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my ds 8 was 5 when he stopped wearing pull-ups, but i think he had been dry for a while...so maybe a little before then. he hated that he had to wear pull-ups for so long, but we just explained to him that it was because he slept so hard that he didn't wake up.


he still wets the bed just a little sometimes, but not all the way. he wakes up when he starts to, and realizes that he's had a dream that he was using the toilet. that doesn't happen often, but if it does it's usually about 6-6:30 in the a.m.


don't worry--boys are slower on this, and it's totally normal until about age 6.

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