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s/o on Rhino Beetle in Jasmine Rice...

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I just got a message from Dragon Academy. (She had asked me to send it to her son for his 4H project - the package arrived today.) I think you can guess when I'm about to tell you. THE BUG WAS PLASTIC! It has "China" stamped on the bottom. Her son recognized right away that it wasn't real. He said that it should not be so shiny. So, either I was duped by some diabolical worker in a rice packing plant in either Thailand or China, or my DH or kids played a horrible joke on me. I can rule out the girls because I had knotted the bag tightly shut with a piece of ribbon so I know neither of the girls didn't do it. DH PROMISES he didn't do it either (I just called him at work to confirm).


I promise you all: I DID NOT POST THIS AS A JOKE! And YES, I am THAT gullible, especially when it comes to bugs. I was so terrified of the thing that I never touched it with my hands. I used a large serving spoon to scoop it along with the rice into the Gladware container that I used to ship it. Additionally, I'm not an attention hound -- I really DON'T like attention, especially this kind. But I am scrupulously honest and would always think about the fake bug every time I came onto the Board, so I had to tell.


So now I'm going to go sit in a corner and be embarrassed for a while. See you all later...it may be a few days before I'm back... :auto:

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Oh my gosh that cracks me up!


I've been thinking for days about linking that thread to mine about the thread/hair I found in the canned soup I was using, to defend myself against the people who said I deserved it for using processed foods. I've been gloating privately all weekend that you w/ your unprocessed foods found an even bigger, scarier surprise.


Darnit. Now it's just me & my cream of cr@p soup again. :glare:

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I just got a message from Dragon Academy. (She had asked me to send it to her son for his 4H project - the package arrived today.) I think you can guess when I'm about to tell you. THE BUG WAS PLASTIC! It has "China" stamped on the bottom. Her son recognized right away that it wasn't real. He said that it should not be so shiny. So, either I was duped by some diabolical worker in a rice packing plant in either Thailand or China, or my DH or kids played a horrible joke on me. I can rule out the girls because I had knotted the bag tightly shut with a piece of ribbon so I know neither of the girls didn't do it. DH PROMISES he didn't do it either (I just called him at work to confirm).


I promise you all: I DID NOT POST THIS AS A JOKE! And YES, I am THAT gullible, especially when it comes to bugs. I was so terrified of the thing that I never touched it with my hands. I used a large serving spoon to scoop it along with the rice into the Gladware container that I used to ship it. Additionally, I'm not an attention hound -- I really DON'T like attention, especially this kind. But I am scrupulously honest and would always think about the fake bug every time I came onto the Board, so I had to tell.


So now I'm going to go sit in a corner and be embarrassed for a while. See you all later...it may be a few days before I'm back... :auto:


This is great. This is a reason for you to post *more* not less. :grouphug::D:lol:

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that is so, so, SO funny!!!!!!!!!!!


No worries I don't think anyone thinks you did this as an attention getting ploy LOL - seriously who would think of it???? I agree with the above posters - I feel so much better knowing it wasn't real. The idea just freaked me out.

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Aww you poor thing!! I'd still be terrified even knowing it was fake..because well that's just a creepie heebie jeebie feeling I get over bugs and snakes..real or fake....


I don't think anyone is gonna think you did it for attention...unless you have a hive member that is your neighbor and heard the screeches :p

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Here's the culprit, displaying submissive posture to the Hive.


Okay, I'm back. I couldn't stay away and not read the replies. It's kind of like reading something with one-eye closed...you're sort of reading it....until you realize all is going to be okay, and then you exhale a big sigh and realize it's going to be okay.


Thanks for posting, DA. I guess I'm in laugh mode now.

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At least you won't have to wonder if it laid eggs...;)





If you read Imp's thread then you won't have to worry. I'm the one who thought tin foil would make good pot holders to take cookies out of the oven. :D

It's all good. Thanks for the laugh and interesting conversation it produced in my home.

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Very funny! I'm glad, too, though, rice is one of the few normal foods I can still eat.


My mom and Grandma used to trade back and forth a realistic plastic or rubber cockroach as a joke when they exchanged stuff. They both knew it was fake, but would scream every time, they would wait just long enough that you started to forgot a bit! My dad and Grandpa thought it was hilarious that they screamed at a fake bug every time.

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I just got a message from Dragon Academy. (She had asked me to send it to her son for his 4H project - the package arrived today.) I think you can guess when I'm about to tell you. THE BUG WAS PLASTIC! It has "China" stamped on the bottom. Her son recognized right away that it wasn't real. He said that it should not be so shiny. So, either I was duped by some diabolical worker in a rice packing plant in either Thailand or China, or my DH or kids played a horrible joke on me. I can rule out the girls because I had knotted the bag tightly shut with a piece of ribbon so I know neither of the girls didn't do it. DH PROMISES he didn't do it either (I just called him at work to confirm).


I promise you all: I DID NOT POST THIS AS A JOKE! And YES, I am THAT gullible, especially when it comes to bugs. I was so terrified of the thing that I never touched it with my hands. I used a large serving spoon to scoop it along with the rice into the Gladware container that I used to ship it. Additionally, I'm not an attention hound -- I really DON'T like attention, especially this kind. But I am scrupulously honest and would always think about the fake bug every time I came onto the Board, so I had to tell.


So now I'm going to go sit in a corner and be embarrassed for a while. See you all later...it may be a few days before I'm back... :auto:


Oh, Stephanie! I am just so relieved for you that it wasn't a real bug......it wouldn't matter to me who had done such a mean thing as long as the bug wasn't real! THAT'S how much I HATE bugs (and reptiles, too).


Honestly, I'd be so happy it was fake, I wouldn't give too hoots about anything else! I'd be celebrating!


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That is too funny. I was gagging when I read your first post. All I kept thinking was it was at the bottom of the bag and you had ate the rest. Then when someone wrote about eggs it made me even sicker. Yuck! I am so glad to hear it was only a plastic bug. DH and son both know I might kill them if they played that trick on me. I loathe bugs.

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I just got a message from Dragon Academy. (She had asked me to send it to her son for his 4H project - the package arrived today.) I think you can guess when I'm about to tell you. THE BUG WAS PLASTIC! It has "China" stamped on the bottom. Her son recognized right away that it wasn't real. He said that it should not be so shiny. So, either I was duped by some diabolical worker in a rice packing plant in either Thailand or China, or my DH or kids played a horrible joke on me. I can rule out the girls because I had knotted the bag tightly shut with a piece of ribbon so I know neither of the girls didn't do it. DH PROMISES he didn't do it either (I just called him at work to confirm).


I promise you all: I DID NOT POST THIS AS A JOKE! And YES, I am THAT gullible, especially when it comes to bugs. I was so terrified of the thing that I never touched it with my hands. I used a large serving spoon to scoop it along with the rice into the Gladware container that I used to ship it. Additionally, I'm not an attention hound -- I really DON'T like attention, especially this kind. But I am scrupulously honest and would always think about the fake bug every time I came onto the Board, so I had to tell.


So now I'm going to go sit in a corner and be embarrassed for a while. See you all later...it may be a few days before I'm back... :auto:




I truly hope you weren't serious about staying away a few days. I've done so much worse than that.


I can't believe how REAL that thing looked, but it didn't look like the pictures in the link of a rhino beetle.


Oh, we could all share our stories of embarrassment if that would make you feel better. Gee, there are SO many, how do I choose which is the worst? :confused:


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Love it!!! Maybe it wards off real bugs. :lol::lol:


Kind of like a scarecrow for smaller bugs?


This thread was memorable the first time round - the extra twist makes it unforgettable!


And I wouldn't have touched it or looked too closely either!


ETA: Is there a date to say when the rice was bagged? Maybe it was April Fool's day. Ot the Chinese / Thai equivalent?

Edited by nd293
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I can't wait to tell my husband! He's going to crack up! I hope it doesn't give him ideas...






Mine guessed! Not until the 4th try, but still. :glare: It would never have occurred to me in a MILLION years. It will now, though. I'll be hanging from the light fixture screaming in fear & from the burning sensation in my hands & all of a sudden, I'll wonder...



and then I'll make my kids go look. :lol:

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I just got finished reading the original thread and was totally grossed out....It made me shutter just to think of finding a huge bug in a bag of rice.....

Than I went to your blog and saw the update and got a good laugh! That is just twisted and funny at the same time. Still eeww.... it very well could have been real......:D


BikeBookBreadBug does have a nice cadence to it :)

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Did you throw out the rice?


I did... :glare: :lol: :smilielol5:


I am feeling much better about it this morning. I'm actually smiling about it now. I know this story is going to go down in infamy in my household...along with my other WORSE EVER story which I may or may not post in the "most gullible" thread. My DH is pretty serious guy (hard not to be in his line of work -- he sees a lot of yucky stuff). He actually snickered quite a bit.


BikeBookBreadBUG - does have a nice ring...but I'm not changing my screen name AGAIN!

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You know, I wouldn't have gotten close enough to it to discover it wasn't real. I can definitely understand how you could have been fooled! Now the mystery of why it was there is interesting. Wonder if it's a gimmick of that particular brand?

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