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Thread/hair in canned soup...

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So halfway down a giant can of cream of mushroom soup (I know; I'm sorry), I found what looks exactly like... *gulp*



a cockroach leg. Or antennae. Except it doesn't have those little ridge thingies. It's a very auburn brown, wiry...thing.


Dh came home & inspected it. He says it's a "fiber of some sort, like off a bag or something." It could be, but it's SO. GROSS.


He wants to know why I'm asking y'all. I don't know. Somebody here's liable to say, "Oh, yes, I used to work in a cream of mushroom soup cannery. Your dh is absolutely right." Or worse--he's WRONG.


So the fiber/leg/hair/antennae is out. By some miracle, I saw it, & it will not be eaten. BUT would you even admit considering (much less *actually*) eat the rest of the can of soup or the stuff in the bowl that *touched* the can of soup? Assuming of course, that canned cream of soup doesn't offend you too badly in the first place.


I really hate cooking. :glare:

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Are you sure it isn't a super-thin sliver of metal or label from opening the can?


Yes. Dh touched it. *shudder* He says he's sure it's not rat hair, too, but then I made the mistake of asking him how he knew that. GAG


I think frozen pizza two nights in a row is sounding more & more reasonable.

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I found something questionnable in a canned food before either of my kids were born. Never did find out what it was, but swore off of canned foods since. I think I've used canned tomatoes a handful of times in the past few years, but only in dire emergencies. I have a long memory, and delicate stomach!

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Sometimes a part of the label can come off when the can is opened. It can resemble what you're describing. Could it be that? (hoping...hoping)


No. I know what you're talking about, & the bits of metal the others are talking about & this. is. not. that.


After reading my post, I can't believe I'm even asking. Do I CARE what it is? Actually...not really. Pizza, anyone? :D


(Cuz, yeah, that's a lot better. Oh well.)

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On the whole grossness found in pre-packaged food thing, I've got you bug part folks beat by a mile. Truly. I almost throw up a little thinking about it. :ohmy::ack2:


There's no way I'm posting about it here. Y'all would maybe never be able to eat again. :001_huh:


Anyone who wants to participate in my gross-out (if you're dieting, for instance, and hoping never to eat again...) will just have to PM me to find out what I found...

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Not to hijack but I found a bug in a green bean can once. Haven't eaten canned green beans since.


I once found a cockroach in a package of alfalfa sprouts. I took it back to the store and the manager offered to replace it with another package of sprouts....I told him NO THANKS! :lol:

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I once went to our local grocery store, bought some spaghetti, came home and later opened it into boiling water and a bunch of small, black beatles with ugly horns and pinchers crawled out. We went out for dinner.

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The worst we've ever dealt with was when I was a teen. My mom picked up KFC for dinner since we'd been out for my brother's varsity baseball game. We got home, all of us were digging in and my bro pulled the skin off his chicken and found a nicely deep fried TICK. Ever since he's refused to eat there, as have we all, and he refers to them as KFB, or Kentucky Fried Beetle.

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:ack2: That's gross. Kind of serves you right, though, for cooking with cream of crap soup.


I KNOW. Do you know your imaginary voice haunts me every time I open one of those cans? I've almost stopped using them, thanks more to you than dh's wheat allergy. But that also means that some nights I'm just at a complete loss.


I've realized that to some extent, my family ate better before I knew all the things that were wrong w/ what I was fixing because I could walk into the kitchen & fix one of three things. :lol: But, on the up side, dh's allergies will have improved our foodie status soon, I'm pretty sure. He's sure that there's untapped genius there. :smilielol5:

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On the whole grossness found in pre-packaged food thing, I've got you bug part folks beat by a mile. Truly. I almost throw up a little thinking about it. :ohmy::ack2:


There's no way I'm posting about it here. Y'all would maybe never be able to eat again. :001_huh:


Anyone who wants to participate in my gross-out (if you're dieting, for instance, and hoping never to eat again...) will just have to PM me to find out what I found...


Oh yeah, you win! :ack2:

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Uh, no, I wouldn't eat it. (At this point, you surely didn't need any prompting, right? :lol:) I probably would skip all food all together for a while, actually. You really should call the company and let them know. Send it to them, even.


Okay. I've got to share. When I was little (maybe 9-ish) I had frozen waffles for breakfast. I pulled out the "pancake syrup" - you know the kind that has the skinny neck and squirty spout with the wider, thinner bottom - and...there was a dead mouse inside!:svengo: But that's not even the worst part! We had used about 1/3 of the syrup already. :ack2: ::shudder::

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Okay. I've got to share. When I was little (maybe 9-ish) I had frozen waffles for breakfast. I pulled out the "pancake syrup" - you know the kind that has the skinny neck and squirty spout with the wider, thinner bottom - and...there was a dead mouse inside!:svengo: But that's not even the worst part! We had used about 1/3 of the syrup already. :ack2: ::shudder::

Okay, nobody needs to PM me now about the grossest thing ever, because I'm handing over my crown to Laura, lol! That mouse thing is really REALLY gross! How you lived to tell the tale, I have no idea. :lol:

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Do you really think Aubrey is ever going to post here again? That was REALLY helpful. Just what she was looking for. :tongue_smilie:




We have an insect museum here and there used to be a sign listing the number of parts per container. PB, tomato paste, and toothpaste were listed. Here is a similar link:




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Okay, nobody needs to PM me now about the grossest thing ever, because I'm handing over my crown to Laura, lol! That mouse thing is really REALLY gross! How you lived to tell the tale, I have no idea. :lol:


I'm not so sure. Yours is really, really gross and disturbing. And besides, I finally get a crown and it's for that. Just my luck. :D


I think what must have happened is that the mouse probably crawled into the container before the machine squirted the syrup into it and topped it. I think I noticed just because the syrup was somewhat gone and I could see it in the empty part of the bottle when I was pouring it out. I wonder if my parents ever called the company. Probably not because I think we might be a lot richer had they called :lol:.

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I've never run into anything I've noticed in processed food. However, my nice free range eggs from my midwife is another story. Her daughter gathered eggs "every day". Well, she missed a couple and I got them. So, there I was cooking breakfast and cracked a fully grown, ready to hatch, but dead, baby bird into my frying pan. Another egg in the dozen had a smaller, probably 1/3 grown bird. :ack2:

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LOL, I am laughing that you mention frozen pizza because I have never eaten it due to a stastic I once saw that stated the USDA allows 2 rat hairs per XX amount of frozen pizzas. NO idea where that came from but I never forgot it.


On another note we once found maggots in Top Ramen and my dd asked (after I fished it out). "Well, can I still eat it?" UM NO!! EW.

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On the whole grossness found in pre-packaged food thing, I've got you bug part folks beat by a mile. Truly. I almost throw up a little thinking about it. :ohmy::ack2:


There's no way I'm posting about it here. Y'all would maybe never be able to eat again. :001_huh:


Anyone who wants to participate in my gross-out (if you're dieting, for instance, and hoping never to eat again...) will just have to PM me to find out what I found...


So... now that you've handed over your crown for the mouse, are you going to post what you found?:D

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So... now that you've handed over your crown for the mouse, are you going to post what you found?:D

Ok...{Hold on, here it comes}....I found a *used Band-Aid* inside the middle of a 5 lb. pre-packaged ground beef.

Bug parts, I could maybe do. Human blood/possible biohazard and plastic melting into my partially cooked taco meat? *I DON'T THINK SO...*


I still say the mouse wins. :lol:

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I've never run into anything I've noticed in processed food. However, my nice free range eggs from my midwife is another story. Her daughter gathered eggs "every day". Well, she missed a couple and I got them. So, there I was cooking breakfast and cracked a fully grown, ready to hatch, but dead, baby bird into my frying pan. Another egg in the dozen had a smaller, probably 1/3 grown bird. :ack2:



Years ago this happened to my parents. Their eggs, however were from the grocery store. We didn't eat eggs for quite awhile after that. And I still cringe sometimes when I crack an egg open.

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Ok...{Hold on, here it comes}....I found a *used Band-Aid* inside the middle of a 5 lb. pre-packaged ground beef.

Bug parts, I could maybe do. Human blood/possible biohazard and plastic melting into my partially cooked taco meat? *I DON'T THINK SO...*


I still say the mouse wins. :lol:


OMG!!! Um, I think your find still wins. URGHHH

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I may never eat again after reading this thread.


On another note, I have a recipe for cream bases made from scratch to take the place of the nasty canned stuff....


Do share. I was watching a commercial last night w/ kids who wouldn't eat their mom's meatloaf & thinking about my own, who tried to lick spilled bites of pot pie off the floor last night. (I did start a new batch, fyi.)


If I could make it w/out the cans, that would be awesome. :001_smile:


Not as awesome as making it w/out the random bug/mouse parts, though. :lol:

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Ok...{Hold on, here it comes}....I found a *used Band-Aid* inside the middle of a 5 lb. pre-packaged ground beef.

Bug parts, I could maybe do. Human blood/possible biohazard and plastic melting into my partially cooked taco meat? *I DON'T THINK SO...*


I still say the mouse wins. :lol:


I still say the mouse wins too.


I can see how the band-aid got there so it is easy for me to accept, and you didn't eat it. Now the mouse...they ATE the syrup before they noticed it. I'm not all that squeamish about stuff like that and THAT, ewww.

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Do share. I was watching a commercial last night w/ kids who wouldn't eat their mom's meatloaf & thinking about my own, who tried to lick spilled bites of pot pie off the floor last night. (I did start a new batch, fyi.)


If I could make it w/out the cans, that would be awesome. :001_smile:


Not as awesome as making it w/out the random bug/mouse parts, though. :lol:



You can substitute a homemade white sauce as the base substitute for any cream of crap soup.


Simply melt an amount of butter. Whisk in an equal amount of flour. Cook for about a minute so the flour loses its raw taste. Add a bit of salt. Whisk constantly while adding some milk. The amount of milk depends on if you need a thin or thick sauce. To make approx. 1 cup of white sauce, use 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour and 1 cup milk. Salt to taste. You may want slightly more or less milk to get the thickness of sauce you desire.


This whole process takes about 5 minutes and contains actual food, as opposed to unpronounceable chemical preservatives combined with truly unholy "food-like substances."


Then, if your recipe says "cream of mushroom" you use this sauce and some real, chopped mushrooms instead.

Edited by Audrey
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I found something in my frozen corn once. It looked curiously like a squashed up piece of paper. When I investigated it further, I discovered it was a Vicks throat lozenge wrapper. When I opened it up, it still had that mentholated smell.



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