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So... High School Reunions... Who goes?

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My 20th was last August. I kinda, sorta wanted to go and was a bit disappointed when I realized it was being held the same weekend Hans's parents would be flying in. I was involved in a lot of activities in high school and had a lot of friends, but I've kept up with very few of them. Some of the people I'm most curious about were either a year ahead or behind me, and others went to the high school across town. So of course none of those other folks were going to be there. Then, too, I knew that a number of the people I was most interested in seeing wouldn't be in attendance. But the A-#1 reason I didn't go was because it was being held at a casino. Loads of meetings and reunions and receptions and what-have-you are held at casinos now ~ here in Washington, anyway ~ and that makes my decision whether or not to attend very easy. I won't give my business to a casino.:)


Once I decided not to go, I didn't give it another thought. My interest in attending was pretty much a passing fancy. I just...can't imagine having a whole heckuvva lot to talk about with these people.;)

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I wanted to go to my 20th. I didn't when my only friend, with whom I have remained close, decided not to go. Boy have I regrettted it. Later I learned that many friends from other schools & other graduating years were there as spouses & dates. Even my first cousin was there and he went to a school across town!


Maybe I'll make the 30th?

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I do! I would have gone to my 10th, but my brother was getting married that weekend (out of town) and I only went to the registration/party. I went to my 20th and had a blast! I was involved in lots of activities in high school and knew a lot of my 325 member class. Yes, I keep up with close friends, but it was also fun seeing the people I don't ordinarily contact. Mom and Dad watched the kids while dh and I spent the night in the hotel.


That said, it's pretty easy for me to go since we still live in the same town.


I didn't get to my college 20th, and I wanted to go -- I just couldn't justify the expense at the time.


Looking forward to the next one!

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But I was unable to go. I wanted to go just as much as I didn't want to go. Despite the hassle and expense, I think there can be a lot of positives to it.


I thought it was extremely rude that our class president didn't email me back when I asked for pertinent information. I began to wonder whether the whole thing had actually gotten planned. But, I was completely unable to attend, so it ended up a moot point for me.

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Even though it was held in the town in which I live. They definitely planned on doing a lot of drinking and gambling, with door prizes. :confused:


Anyway, I have kept up with those who are important to me, and they weren't going to attend. Like Colleen, I had a lot of friends a year before, a year behind, or across town.


I don't regret not going. You should just do what you want to do.



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My 20th is next year. I went to the 15th and had a lot of fun. It was worth the trip because I got to visit with my relatives that live up that way, show my dc and dh the areas I grew up in.


Seeing everyone from high school again was interesting and everyone was so nice. The girl who hated me in school was just wonderful and it was like we had always been friends. People really changed a lot (matured) and it was fun finding out what people where doing and passing around pictures of kids and such.


Mine was a fairly cheap reunion--$35.00 for both of us.


If you go I hope you have fun.:001_smile:

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My class did not have one but I was invited to others. I did not go last summer although I really wanted to. Things just did not work out. I went to dh and he really did not want to. One of his classmates paid for the whole thing at his house of course and catered bbq. I enjoyed dh's although I did not know anyone. He was quite a popular guy in his class.


My opinion if you think you may regret it go for it and enjoy.

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$190 seems expensive. I think mine was $30. Anyway, I did choose to go to my 15th. (My 20th is next year.) I had a blast!! But, I really enjoyed high school and had a lot of friends. I still keep in touch with about 15 people from my class and I see them about once a year anyway. So, I knew I wouldn't be standing there without anyone to talk to!!


It was particularly interesting because I sat next to a girl who I never talked with in high school. Come to find out we have SO much in common now! She homebirths, homeschools, stays at home, etc. She's one of my best friends now!


Now, I'm trying to find a way to make it to my 15th college reunion.

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after not getting to go to any of the others (we lived 14 hour away).


Not many people left my home town, and when I went back nothing really changed with the girls. They all looked consistently better than the boys. The girls were still high schooly in my opinion. I did have several nice conversations with some of the guys whom I was not friends with in H.S. They were nice and were interesting.


That being said, if I wasn't home at the time (we now live 6 hours away) I don't know that I would spend the money or time to get there.

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There is a reason I haven't spoken to those people since high school and I'd like to keep it that way. I have absolutely zero need or want to go to an over priced drink/brag fest with people I cannot stand.


Unless I could pull off a Romy and Michelle, there is no way I even care about those knobs.

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Last year was my 35th and I did not go. There is a web site and after looking at it, I am glad I didn't. They still are in the same cliques as high school. The few people that I would like to have caught up with didn't attend either. Out of a graduating class of almost 600, there were only 70 that went, mostly ones that still live in the area (a 2 hour drive from me). It was only a one night event and only $45.

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I went to a very small school down the Jersey shore, 4 towns sent their children to this high school and still we had only 98 students in our graduating class. They have a high school reunion every year, I'm not kidding. I've never gone. The only person I was close to is still a very close friend and we chat a few times a week. We were both outsiders who skipped a lot of school and did a lot of um, let's just say we were very naughty indeed. Now she's a PCA pastor's wife and I'm a former church secretary with a worship leader husband. Life is funny.

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ITA with Toni!


There's a reason I haven't kept in touch with those people! I still keep in touch with 2 people that went to my high school. one was my prom date (we were just friends) and the other is my best friend. The others I really don't care about. . .I would love to be one to go and brag, but instead I stayed home from my 20th and just reflected on the great things in my life that I have been blessed with!



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I went to my husbands and it was a huge drag. We stood around and talked to people until we were exhausted and bored out of our minds. My dh whispered to me that he needed air, we walked to Starbucks, then he decided we needed books. We ended up at a bookstore, all dressed up, all caffeined up, and happier.

I moved around a lot, dropped out of high school two months before graduation and have NO plans to go back.

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after I graduated, gee, I NEVER got invited or heard of any reunions...I was not one of the "in" crowd. Did hear of the 25th reunion - it was a very swank party at an extremely expensive resort and waaaay out of the price range of any except the "in" crowd. From what I heard from a reliable source (mom, of course) many other local grads were NOT invited, either, and only about 40 people from a class of several hundred attended.


Oh, well - to misquote Groucho - "I would not want to join any club that would ahve someone like me for a member".

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I would not mind being a fly on the wall to see who is still alive, not in jail, and a productive citizen. Can you tell I did not go to a great high school medium-smiley-145.gif


I can only think of maybe two people I would enjoy seeing again, and neither of them were in my graduating class, both a year ahead of me.


Go Dunwoody Wildcats 1983....:smilielol5: I'm so old :tongue_smilie:

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My 10th (yes, 10th!) is this year, and I'm not going. I still hear a lot from my family about people I went to high school with, and they don't seem to have changed any. I haven't talked to any of my high school friends since we graduated, and we all live very different lives now, so I don't see any point in going.


Now, dh's 5th law school reunion is also this year, and we are going to that. We had many good friends that we've kept in touch with since his graduation, and we expect to have a blast.


We didn't go to dh's 10th high school reunion either. He was a heavy partyer back then, and we knew it would be a drunken event on the lake, just like in high school. I've never been into that kind of partying, and dh isn't anymore, so we stayed home.

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Dh and I were just talking about this Sunday. He mentioned that my 20th will be next year and that maybe it would be fun to go. His 20th is the next year and we graduated from the same school. I don't know if he's interested in going to his reunion or not. He never has been into that sort of thing, but he is the one who brought up my reunion. I think we will probably go.


We went to high school in Ohio, so it's a long trip, but we have other friends we'd like to see about an hour away. I'd really love to do a family trip. Also, we graduated from a very small school. My class had 28 people including two foreign exchange students. I think that made everyone closer. I definitely remember everyone in my class.


The last time they had a reunion (10th), I looked forward to it until I found out what they were doing. It was a potluck picnic at a park in a neighboring town. That's it. One afternoon. They made a big deal out of the fact that the park had a Big Toy (jungle gym) for all the kids to play on. Whoopee! That's not exactly a reason to drive 12 hours. If they do the same kind of thing for the 20th, we may go anyway and just make that a very small part of a family trip. I really would like to see everyone again.

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No. I had one really good friend in hs, and we have kept in touch these thirty years. The only other person I would have cared about seeing would have been my high school sweetheart, but he recently commited suicide. Now I can't imagine going knowing I would never see him there.

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My dh and I graduated the same year from the same school. So we always say that we see the most important person from our class every day!!


Otherwise, no, we don't go. We live in the same town we graduated from, so we see most of the people we would see at the reunion anyway. Plus, we aren't willing to spend the money.

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Did not go to 10th or 20th. Or any others they may have had. Or any they plan to have.


I did not have a very good high school experience,(can you tell?) although some people were nice to me and have been courteous through the years.


I would have been a good candidate for homeschool during my high school years.

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I would NOT go. In fact, if I see anyone from high school when I'm out and about, I usually duck down an aisle. High school was the MOST unpleasant part of my life. I was not in one of THE cliques, and I do not want to re-visit.

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I went to my 10th because I was workng in the area and able to go with one of my high school girlfriends.


Didn't go to the 20th because I was pregnant and living across the country. The idea of flying that far and bringing my preschooler didn't appeal to me.


Won't go to the 30th because frankly I have far less ties there now other than a handful of work friends that I still correspond with and one aunt/uncle that I'm close to. My parents live there, but both have dementia and we're estranged. Sad to say, the only time I'll probably go back is if there's a family funeral.


Funny how life changes!

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My 10th was quite the event (for me). I was newly unattached, after dating the same man for SIX YEARS!!! I had just begun dating a Brit who sounded great, looked good, and ultimately turned out to be a real bozo...but that's another story. The night of the reunion, I was out to prove something. I had changed since high school. Boy, had I! Now, Kate, I doubt this is your goal, but I'll put it out there all the same.


I wore a white LEATHER dress. It was form fitting (as much as is possible in leather), off the shoulder, and above the knee. I was tan, thin, and...well...single. Let's face it, I was hot! I should mention that I darn near chickened out of wearing that dress, but my good friend told me she'd never speak to me again if I didn't, and for some stupid reason, I believed her!


So, off I trolloped, with a smart looking boy on my arm, in my sveltness, my short hair all grown out, my....mmmhmmms all grown up....! I could just see the heads turn when I walked in that room. And, it felt SO GOOD!

I am not one who calls attention to my SELF very easily. So, that particular reunion was a big milestone for me.


I've never been to another one. :D:D:D




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I went to my 10th and 15th. I am embarrassed to admit that each time I too was very happy with my life and wanted to show off to everyone. I was newly engaged at my 10th and glowingly pregnant at my 15th. My 20th is coming up and I was thinking about trying to lose a little weight before then, but it just so happens my in-laws will be in town and staying with us, so I probably won't go. Both experiences were nice to reconnect with old friends, but it was weird when the people who were really mean to me or ignored me in high school acted like I was their best buddy. Blech. And I do still keep in touch with the few who were really close, so no big deal if I can't make it. 25th will be soon enough. Can that be possible????

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Went to the 10th, which was a colossal waste of time. The jocks are still jocks, the beauty queens are still thin, the brainiacs are working on their masters' and doctorates, the stoners are still stoned. And, for some idiotic reason, the Clique of the Powers That Be chose 60's music to be played for the class of 1984. Completely dumb.


I wasn't notified of my 20th, although I heard about it. It was going to be held a good 2 hours from the town the school was in, in October, for a horridly high price. No thanks.

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I went to my 15th and 20th. My 25th is next year and I have no desire to go. I did have fun at the ones I went to, but I just don't have any interest to go back again. I live out of state, my parents used to live there still, but they moved away a year ago. That means I'd have no one to watch the dk. I am in touch with my best friend from 6th grade almost daily, and I have casual contact with a few others. That's good enough for me.


I went to a very small school. There were only 98 of us in my graduating class, so I really did know most everyone. At the reunions I attended, it was fun to see what had become of several people. I guess I'm feeling like I know basically what happened to the ones I liked, and that's good enough for me.


Dh's 25th is this year and they're having a whole weekend's worth of activities. We went to his 20th, and I was pretty disgusted at the level of drinking and flirting that took place. There were a lot of townies who were still acting like they did back in the day. We hung out with the couple of friends whom dh has kept contact with, but we could do that at someone's house and not have to deal with watching the other stuff. He did get to see one guy he was hoping to run into, and that was great for him. But I have no desire to go to the 25th. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent. :D

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Both experiences were nice to reconnect with old friends, but it was weird when the people who were really mean to me or ignored me in high school acted like I was their best buddy. Blech.


I know what you mean, but I take things like that as signs that people have actually matured. If I had been unkind to people in high school I know I'd want to show them I'd changed by being kind now, you know?

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Went to the 10th, which was a colossal waste of time. The jocks are still jocks, the beauty queens are still thin, the brainiacs are working on their masters' and doctorates, the stoners are still stoned.


There was a cool thing about mine. The girl who'd been the biggest jock (played just about every varsity sport, and did it well) had gained quite a lot of weight. But she came anyway. She had to know that everyone would remember her as "BG: jock extraordinaire" and that she was now overweight and clearly not a jock anymore. But she came, and she seemed comfortable with herself, and she was just a pleasure to be around. So I found that to be really refreshing, yk?

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Nope, not me. My 20th is next year.


My high school had some really great, fun graduating classes- but mine was not one of them. I really don't feel a need to go see anyone I haven't kept in touch with.


That said, one of my best friends for over 30 years is getting married and I get to be a bridesmaid!! Woo Hoo! I'm very much looking forward to that event! Way more fun and fulfilling than a HS reunion.


(I will be attending DH's HS reunion this year. He has some friends who really, really, really want him to go- so I have agreed be his date. Heh heh, oh yay. :001_rolleyes: We live in an area where everyone has a tech job. Conversation never goes far when people find out I stay home & homeschool, shear sheep, and trim horses' hooves. I'm used to it. ;))

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I know what you mean, but I take things like that as signs that people have actually matured. If I had been unkind to people in high school I know I'd want to show them I'd changed by being kind now, you know?


I did give them the benefit of the doubt and I treated them with kindness too, but I think if they had truly matured they would have also apologized, not just pretended that they had never treated me poorly.

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I don't plan on going anytime soon. My 5th I was divorced and our class had free beer ( :001_huh: so class of 85!). At my 10th I was remarried and hated watching everyone in their same cliques. I had one good girlfriend and she didn't go. All my other friends were guys that I hadn't kept in touch with.


We didn't even have a 15th, and I totally skipped the 20th.

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I didn't go to my 10th, as I had a newborn who never let go of my booKs. I didn't go to my 20th, as it was ungodly expensive, and we were in the middle of househunting.

I am seriously thinking of going to the very informal 25th this summer. They are holding it at a beer garden at a local festival, so it could be fun. I am still good friends with several of my friends from high school, so it would be the other folks I would be seeing. To be honest, I really just want to sneak a peak at my high school boyfriend, lol. There is such a soft spot in my heart for him, I would like to see how he is doing.

The other reason I am considering going is that in the past, most of my friends were on the can't find them list, but many of them have been located, and I think many of them are coming.

I wish I could talk my dh into coming with me, but I don't think he would- he is on the lost and can't find them list at his schools.

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My hubby's 20th would be next year and mine is in 2 years. I'm sure he's probably interested in going to his, he went to a small military academy. I went to a big high school but I haven't lived anywhere near there since I got married (14 years ago). I haven't kept in touch with anyone at all.

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I haven't gone to many of my class reunions. We had our 25th 2 years ago and I skipped it. I don't have a bad attitude, really, I just don't have a desire to attend. I am genuinely happy for the ones who seem to be doing well, genuinely sad for those who arn't. I wish them all well.

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I've never gone to one, but I went to a different high school every year (dad was military) and never really felt a bond with any of my schools. Also, since I graduated from an overseas DoDDS school that has since closed down, a reunion hasn't exactly been a practical thing (they had one a few years ago, but it was one of those generic "this year and this year and this year, from this school and this school and this school" reunions, and it was a couple of days' drive away -- I had no interest).


Even if I had graduated stateside, though, and lived within driving distance, I probably wouldn't bother. I keep in touch with everyone I was interested in keeping in touch with. Dh's 20th is this year and he hasn't said anything about wanting to attend (which is good, because I have no desire to attend it!).

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Originally Posted by Gailmegan

Both experiences were nice to reconnect with old friends, but it was weird when the people who were really mean to me or ignored me in high school acted like I was their best buddy. Blech.


And this is exactly why I will never go. I would get arrested making up for lost "rear-end kicking" time. That is, my kicking their's for a change. :(


And Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion is a movie and one heck of a good one too. When I watch it, I can find all of my old high school "friends" in it and even pick myself out. I live vicariously through the movie, watching them pull things off I only dream of doing.

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...I went to my 10th, and had a grand ol' time (my husband...not so much, lol, but I had to show him off, so he went ;-).


I'd love to be thinner, when/if I go, lol, but really, I'd just like to see what folks are up to. One of my best friends was a year ahead of me, and a couple were behind, but I did have some good buddies in my class that I just fell out of touch with.


All that said, if there's something that comes up and keeps me from it...it won't be a big deal. I can't imagine paying close to 200 Benjamins for the privilege. :eek:

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And Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion is a movie and one heck of a good one too. When I watch it, I can find all of my old high school "friends" in it and even pick myself out. I live vicariously through the movie, watching them pull things off I only dream of doing.


LOL- it is a great movie. My 2 best friends from HS and I went off on a trip together and watched that movie instead of going to our 10th reunion. It was a blast.

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