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Do you break rules?

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I had this thought as I reused the tea leaves from my first cup of yerba mate this morning - not twice but thrice. It occurred to me that any respectable tea drinker would probably look askance. But, in my own little corner, in my own little chair, I can be whatever I want to be.



Do you break rules? I'm not talking RULES...just rules. You know, like drinking red wine with fish. Or putting the toilet paper roll the wrong way 'round. ;) Reusing "INSTEAD" rather than tossing after one use. In what way(s) do you not follow protocol? Something tells me a thread like this could tickle the tightwad, relax the rigorous...just add a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stuffy existence. Hee. Breathing is good.



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Hmmmmm, it's always five o'clock somewhere, LOL. Is that "breaking" a "rule"? Or is that following one? :D

I never remember to run plain water through my carpet shampooer after I've used it to clean the carpet.

I don't wait for a "full" load of dishes before I run the dishwasher- if I did that then dishes would ALWAYS be backed up.

I don't "always" wash my hands if I had to pee in a public restroom- IF the sink has those stupid push button faucets then I usually don't bother- you get more germs on your hands by pushing that blasted faucet over and over than you already have from touching the door handles. BLech. I have hoisted my foot up onto the faucet to hold the button down though, so that I get enough water to actually wash my hands (unlike those people who just put a dab of soap on their fingertips and rinse it off in 2.5 seconds for the sake of saving face and making people "think" that they have washed their hands and therefor they are not nasty) LOL- people STARE at me when I do that.

I flush public toilets with my foot.

IDK if any of those count.

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Yes, I break rules I find silly or not necessary... I am a rule breaker.

:iagree: Years ago I had a professor who always said that inappropriate policies would not be followed. His example was of the signs in classrooms "prohibiting" food and drink. I mean, really, does anyone actually follow that rule?


Unfortunately, my tendancy to ignore silly rules, policies, etc is not well received at work. Fortunately, my partner is also my immediate supervisor; so, I don't catch too much flack for my, uh, individualism.:D


So, yes, if a rule doesn't make sense to me and no one can explain the reasoning behind the rule, I tend to view it more as a suggestion.

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I...erm...*clears throat*...read ahead in books.




You mean you're not supposed to read a book back to front?


I start reading at the beginning like you're supposed to then skip to the ending and work backwards toward where I left off.:lurk5: It used to drive my mother nuts.

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I break some rules (I don't make my bed unless my mom is coming--dd now makes it for me...)

But I just wanted to say, I love that Cinderella quote! Lesley Ann Warren was the most beautiful Cinderella to me when I was growing up, and that song remained with me for 40 years (or however long it's been).

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You mean you're not supposed to read a book back to front?


I start reading at the beginning like you're supposed to then skip to the ending and work backwards toward where I left off.:lurk5: It used to drive my mother nuts.



You people are twisted, sick, strange. Some rules simply should NOT be broken! :blink:



I'm going back to MY corner.








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Why not list all the silly rules... which ones should be abolished?


One at our library that is SO stupid. If it is a "new" book, you cannot recheck that book out. However, if there is another copy of the *very same book* on the shelf, you can, however, check *that* one out. Ok, I already have the book in my possession, but you won't let me recheck out copy A, but I can do copy B? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

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I use my foot to flush public toilets (there was actually a sign at a wayside in Kansas that said not to! Talk about unenforce-able rules.)


I let my (younger) dd skip school occasionally- just as a mental health day.


Sometimes I have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast.


I pre-date checks if I'm mailing a bill too close to the due date.


I let the cat walk on the counter.


I guess these things all sound super tame. I don't break the important rules, just ones I think are silly.

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One at our library that is SO stupid. If it is a "new" book, you cannot recheck that book out. However, if there is another copy of the *very same book* on the shelf, you can, however, check *that* one out. Ok, I already have the book in my possession, but you won't let me recheck out copy A, but I can do copy B? Stupid, stupid, stupid!


My library has a crazy rule too. I was doing some research one time and there were 4 books on the subject. When I got to the check out desk they said I had to put some back because they have a rule that you can't check out all books on a specific subject. "It wouldn't be fair to others if someone came in looking for a book on the subject."


My lord, there were only 4 books...

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My library has a crazy rule too. I was doing some research one time and there were 4 books on the subject. When I got to the check out desk they said I had to put some back because they have a rule that you can't check out all books on a specific subject. "It wouldn't be fair to others if someone came in looking for a book on the subject."


My lord, there were only 4 books...


Our library does this too... something about there needing to be enough bks on any one subject for school teachers to use for their classes. Well, what the heck I'm I? :cursing:

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I don't "always" wash my hands if I had to pee in a public restroom- IF the sink has those stupid push button faucets then I usually don't bother- you get more germs on your hands by pushing that blasted faucet over and over than you already have from touching the door handles. BLech. I have hoisted my foot up onto the faucet to hold the button down though, so that I get enough water to actually wash my hands (unlike those people who just put a dab of soap on their fingertips and rinse it off in 2.5 seconds for the sake of saving face and making people "think" that they have washed their hands and therefor they are not nasty) LOL- people STARE at me when I do that.

I flush public toilets with my foot.



That's funny! I have always taught my boys that it is better not to touch anything in the bathroom than to have to wash hands after touching something because the washing area is so filthy. They open doors with their sleeves and flush with their feet. My husband and I do the same thing. My parents and I were at a retaurant the other day with my younger boys, and my Dad asked our youngest if he washed his hands after he went to the bathroom. He said no, and my Dad began lecturing him about the need to wash his hands. He told him what he does to keep the germs from getting on him, and my Dad mellowed out.


Now, I do always wash my hands once I get home.

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My library has a crazy rule too. I was doing some research one time and there were 4 books on the subject. When I got to the check out desk they said I had to put some back because they have a rule that you can't check out all books on a specific subject. "It wouldn't be fair to others if someone came in looking for a book on the subject."




My library says they have the right to limit the number of books on a certain topic, but they've never tried that on me -- the one who actually maaxed out all her library cards -- that's 100 books!

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I drink cheap white zinfandel regardless of what the meal is.


I don't separate whites, lights and darks unless something bleeds or unless I have a special bleach load to run.


You know, I cannot think of any other atrocious crime. I guess I'm straight-laced! LOL


Oh -- I say "ya'll" -- does that count?

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I don't get my oil changed every 3000 miles (overkill).


I go barefoot all the time (much to my city-boy husband's dismay).


I also flush with my foot in public restrooms.


I don't wash my hands in public restrooms - :ack2::eek: - but I use an antibacterial wipe or liquid after I leave. If I do wash my hands in one I have to do quite the contortion act to get the door open without touching the handle with my hands.


I swim right after eating.


I'm a rebel I tell ya.:cool:

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I speed. But I do not tailgate, Kelli! I can't stand people who do that!


I can't think of anything else at the moment, but I have a story about my son from tonight.


13yods is in wrestling. He eats very little the day or two before weigh in. (I know, I know. I don't like it!) Dh has started the tradition of getting him a nice big meal at a sit down restaurant after weigh in. Weigh in is the night before the tournament.


Tonight just the younger two kids are home with us, so dh suggested we all go to weigh in and go out to eat afterward. We almost never go to a sit down restaurant as a family because there are so many of us and it is so expensive. Ds was all excited about going to The Rib Crib.


We got to weigh in early along with quite a few others. Usually it only takes about 15 minutes, so I said I'd wait in the car. Cars came and left all around me. I turned the car key three times to restart the accessory dealie so I could listen to NPR. Then I took dd's iPod out of the glove compartment because I was afraid the car battery might die.


They were in there for at least an hour! It turns out that this time the kids had to get in line and parents could not wait in line with them. Dh did not know what was going on. All of the other kids kept cutting in front of ds. He was STARVING since he only ate a few pieces of toast today, but he wouldn't say anything and he wouldn't cut like everyone else.


Poor kid! He's very much a by the rules kind of kid. He is so concerned about being right. At least he finally got his dinner--the four meat combo with two sides. I wish I would have had my camera with me so you could see how his face lit up over that food!

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I use my foot to flush public toilets (there was actually a sign at a wayside in Kansas that said not to! Talk about unenforce-able rules.)


I let my (younger) dd skip school occasionally- just as a mental health day.


Sometimes I have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast.


I pre-date checks if I'm mailing a bill too close to the due date.


I let the cat walk on the counter.


I guess these things all sound super tame. I don't break the important rules, just ones I think are silly.


I flush public toilets--especially those with the hard to push buttons--that way, too. I've never seen a sign saying not to, but I would ignore it if I did.


We have let our kids in ps skip school for a trip or something we felt was important. Mental health is definitely important!


I love breakfast any time of day. When I was growing up, my mom made breakfast for dinner seem like a special treat although it was probably just quick, easy, and cheap.



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Why not list all the silly rules... which ones should be abolished?


Not the kind that necessarily affect someone else if you decide not to follow them.


Like...I dunno...let's see:



Never lay down an open book

Refrigerate after opening...and its cousin...Use by XXX date (granted this makes sense for some things, but not all)

Blue Laws

Wear clean underwear incase you have to go to the hosptial

Wear underwear, period

Don't cross your eyes or they'll stick that way

Don't go without shoes or you'll catch a cold

Never make a spectacle of yourself in public



What are YOUR silly rules, Jenny? :D







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I let the cat walk on the counter.



I have a dear friend from college who was the youngest of 9 children (no twins.) Her mother was the sweetest, most laid back, most welcoming, hospitable person in the world. She loved her pets and there was one particular cat whose food dish was kept on the kitchen counter near the dishwasher so that the obese dog wouldn't keep stealing it.


One day there was a woman visiting who she didn't know well, and this woman was pretty um, well strait laced.

So they're sitting there sipping a cup of tea and the cat jumped up on the counter and walked across it and the visitor said

"Oh my word!!! The cat's on the counter!!!!!" surprised-004.gif


So my friend's mom without batting an eyelash said

"Oh MY word!! How could that be?"

And she jumped up to shush the cat away and hide the food before Mrs. Strait-Laced realized that the cat actually hung out up there!


I don't know if this story is translating well, but it was very, very funny. Even now one of our inside jokes is "The cat's on the counter!" (even if there isn't a cat around.)

My friend's mom was one of my favorite people ever. I miss her very much. flower-004.gif

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I wear whatever colors i want whenever i want.

and i wear or don't wear underwear whenever I want ;)


the restroom-washing-hands thing is me too. "If you don't pee on your hands that's good enough for me."


i let my kids run in OUR house and jump on MY bed. [when we DON't have company].


The biggie:

I tell my boys to KEEP THEIR HATS ON INDOORS. otherwise they'll lose them.

what a STUPID, stupid rule. yes, i know they need to know that some people consider it "proper etiquette." But it still drives me nuts that people hold on to such an archaic, useless, double standard "rule."

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Rules were made to be bent. That's always been my philosophy and I'm stickin' with it!


I swim right after eating.


I only sweep my floor if there are no kids or husband around to pawn it off on.


Same for vacuuming.


Same for dusting.


I used to use the Instead cup multiple times before tossing it.


If there is a limit on the number of sale items you can buy, I will turn around and go back into the store to buy more. Or if I have the family with me I will give everyone some items and put them in separate lines.


I refreeze food on occasion.


I drink whatever color wine with whatever type of food I please.


I also add grated parmesan cheese to seafood, which is an Italian no-no.


I don't replace my mascara every six months. Ditto for toothbrush.


That's all I can think of for now.

Let's say we just avoid the whole topic of driving habits, shall we?

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I get two cups of organic green tea out of each tea bag, but I'd never, ever tell my tea-connoisseur friends that.:blushing:


Thanks for giving me a place to "confess." LOL!


I had this thought as I reused the tea leaves from my first cup of yerba mate this morning - not twice but thrice. It occurred to me that any respectable tea drinker would probably look askance.
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I use my cell phone while driving (breaking the law in CA)

I flush with my foot also.

I squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle.

I don't take a multi-vitamin everyday.

We've taken rocks and shells from a state beach (gasp).



For the most part we are pretty boring and rule-abiding. I'm an oldest child with an overly developed sense of responsibility and duty.

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When driving down the road with a police officer behind me. :blink:


ROFL. Oh, come on, Jenny -- you're in Atlanta after all! 285 is the ONLY place where I've ever seen people pass a police officer on the interstate. I've seen it more than once.


The scenario is... the police officer is doing about 80 or 90 mph on 285. You get the traffic slowdown for a bit. Then, a daring soul edges up, looks over & assesses the officer, then slowly passes. Once they're about a car length ahead, they floor it. Once one person does it, most everyone else does too.


How's that for a dare? ;)

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I was drinking some second-use-of-the-teabag tea when I got to this and **SPEW**.


The mental picture I got...:lol:


I have hoisted my foot up onto the faucet to hold the button down though, so that I get enough water to actually wash my hands LOL- people STARE at me when I do that.


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I wear DS' t-shirts...and share mine w/ DD

I let DC wear pj's under clothes when they're sleepy

cold pizza for breakfast & bacon and eggs for dinner

I listen to Radio Disney even when kiddos aren't in the car:auto:


RULES to ditch:

grocery "Express Lane" product limits

hair cuts every 6 wks

Compact Car Only spot (AS IF)

green on St. Pat's Day

white after Labor Day (love to annoy MIL w/ this one)

dog ear books (it personalizes the book! that's a good thing)

washing colored clothes separately

using crosswalk 3 blocks away. Is j-walking really bad??

loud laughter in dr. office lobby

talking to strangers in elevator

letting men believe they're smarter

pretending to care (when ya' really don't)

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i do ones others said like flushing w/my foot and speeding. one i didn't see is that i eat/drink right out of the container if no one is watching. i break a modern western culture rule b/c my whole family sleeps together. i know there are more, but i'm too tired to think right now.

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together, whites, darks, what have you, in cold water. I let all four cats share a litter box and food dish (the vet insists they each need their own - right!). We all share the same tube of toothpaste (pediatrician insists each family member has to have their own tube to avoid spreading germs. Hey - we are family, we will share germs if we want to!)

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