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What temperature does have to be for you to let your kids play outside in the winter?

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I have a 20 degree standing temp rule. There or above, they can decide when they are too cold and come back inside. 0-20, its 20 min max. Below zero (or when snot freezes :lol:) is a no-go.


I have no rhyme or reason for this reason, its just how we do it.

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About -10 F. No one really wanted to go out below that.


We did buy facemasks for skiing that came out when it got really cold, added layers and wore lots of wool. The important thing is to make sure everything is dry. The only kids I knew who got frostbite, got it on the bottom of their feet because their boots were wet.

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I've rarely dealt with temps below 0 F, but I'd send my kids, properly dressed, outside in anything that wasn't a negative number. They come in if they get cold, and that usually takes a while because they're not holding still if they're playing outside.

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The area ps have recess if it is above 20 degrees F. Honestly, I hadn't thought about it - the colder it is, the more layers I add, but that's about it. This morning I let dd3 go outside for 15-20 min while dh shovelled the driveway and brushed off his car, and it was probably around 10 deg F. She's pretty good about asking to come in when she is cold, though.

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In Fairbanks, AK the kids go outside for recess unless it's colder than 20 below. If they didn't, they wouldn't go outside for weeks at a time.


If you're dressed for the weather, and you're playing hard, you usually keep pretty warm to around -20, even though I never would have believed that before I lived in AK.


Also, wind has a huge impact on comfort. If it's windy, it can feel a lot colder than the temp on the thermometer.


Generally, I let my kids decide. If they want to go out, I let them. They come in when they're cold.

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26 is actually quite balmy.


Last year we were out horseback riding and I thought it was a bit cold. We got in the car and it said windchill of 11 BELOW. OK, that was a bit cold.


I would say if the windchills are above zero, they are FINE. Below that, make sure they are well bundled and check on them every once in a while.


We do chores as well as we are out in the weather no matter what it is 3-4 times a day.

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if the windchill is below 0 I won't let them out, but that's not too terribly common here. People way farther north than I am have to go out in much colder weather. I can't imagine limiting it to 20 degrees - they would rarely get to go outside, LOL. If they're bundled up, they're fine. They come in when they're cold.

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LOL Have you been reading my FB? I said the exact same thing the other day. Once the wind stops, 26 is balmy. :001_smile:



26 is actually quite balmy.


Last year we were out horseback riding and I thought it was a bit cold. We got in the car and it said windchill of 11 BELOW. OK, that was a bit cold.


I would say if the windchills are above zero, they are FINE. Below that, make sure they are well bundled and check on them every once in a while.


We do chores as well as we are out in the weather no matter what it is 3-4 times a day.

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We just moved to a place where the highs in winter often don't get above 20. We simply don't have enough winter gear yet. They have nice coats but no boots or snow pants. My rule is 26 degrees until we have more/better winter gear. Once they have all the right gear, I think anything above 10 will be fine.

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Properly outfitted, I encourage and let my kids play outside all times of the year, regardless of temp.


I haven't lived in cold as a parent, but I don't remember my parents ever restricting me from going outside growing up in the NE.


I have lived in Houston and near Phoenix and I believe kids need to play outside in the hot also.


Edited to add: I am a "go outside and play" mom.

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My kids are so anxious to get out in the snow, but it's been so cold. The wear LE snow boots, snow pants, jackets, and a hat. However, what is your rule of thumb when it comes to temperature and how long they can stay out? Today we have 26 degree windchill and it's the warmest it's been in awhile.


Alrighty, they are preparing to go out as I type and thank you all. I do not handle cold well and am sitting inside with purple finger nails. My boys are 9, 8, and 6 and have never come inside on their own will, which I why I asked how others handle this.


My children go out every day and they stay out until they are too cold. Even in wind chill below 0, they will run outside for 30 minutes. Today is very warm - 36 degrees - and they are outside in just sweatshirts and gloves. I usually make hot chocolate or hot soup for them to drink outside and they stay outside even longer. We live in Massachusetts, BTW.

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If that's a 26 degree positive, we'd be out celebrating:party:. Now -26' here is hard to handle, but we go out in temperatures well below 0 if the wind isn't howling. Like others mentioned, we'd be indoors for days and weeks on end if we didn't.


Today we've all been out shoveling and snow-blowing the drive and side walks; our temperature is 14' and the windchill is 2'. I'm so happy to have a positive temp above zero.


Enjoy, or at least grin and bear it for the kids. My ds gets wacky when he can't go out, I feel your pain.


My kids are so anxious to get out in the snow, but it's been so cold. The wear LE snow boots, snow pants, jackets, and a hat. However, what is your rule of thumb when it comes to temperature and how long they can stay out? Today we have 26 degree windchill and it's the warmest it's been in awhile.


Alrighty, they are preparing to go out as I type and thank you all. I do not handle cold well and am sitting inside with purple finger nails. My boys are 9, 8, and 6 and have never come inside on their own will, which I why I asked how others handle this.

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I have a 20 degree standing temp rule. There or above, they can decide when they are too cold and come back inside. 0-20, its 20 min max. Below zero (or when snot freezes :lol:) is a no-go.


I have no rhyme or reason for this reason, its just how we do it.


:iagree: This is pretty much what I do. If it's in the high teens with sun and no wind, I'm also pretty lenient. As long as it is at least 20 degrees, they tend to stay out for a couple of hours at a time with no problem -- it was 21 when I sent them out today.

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When we are home they go out if it is above 0 (and above -10 with the wind chill). As long as they are dressed properly I don't think it is an issue but we have invested in quite a bit of specialty outdoor clothing to keep them warm.

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Chores need to be done even in sub zero weather. But playing outside loses its appeal below 15 degrees.


Yup. I'll let ds play outside at -15°C but if it pushes any closer to -20°C, then I would prefer he didn't. Usually he's been out for chores and isn't interested in playing outside if it's too cold anyway.


I'm not too much of a weiner about the cold anymore. If I didn't let ds outside in the cold, he'd be cooped up for months on end. All this week, for example, we've had -30°C regularly. Ds isn't playing out in that, but we have all been out for chores.

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Yesterday when I called my husband at work he asked me if I had sent our kids (6, 5, and 3) outside yet. He said it was pretty warm - at 10 degrees and snow coming down. Tomorrow it will be around -40 with the wind chill. Today it is blizzard like conditions so I'm not sending them out.


When I went to school in Michigan, we had mandatory recess unless the temp was -10 or below. Parents were told not to send their kids to school if they were too sick for recess.


I don't have a hard and fast rule for outside play. I won't let them go out tomorrow. Generally if it is too cold, they don't stay out long. A lot of what is considered normal depends on where you live. A friend of mine from Alaska moved to Kansas in the wintertime. He wore tank tops when it was 50 degrees outside. By the next winter he was more acclimated to Kansas and wore coats when everyone else did. The rule when I was a kid in Michigan was you couldn't wear shorts until it hit 60 degrees.

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We simply don't have enough winter gear yet. They have nice coats but no boots or snow pants.


That's my limiting factor. Anything below freezing here and the kids just can't go out because we don't NEED snow pants/snowsuits/boots very often, and as quickly as my kids grow, there's no sense in buying all the gear every year if it may not be needed. We have gloves, scarves, and coats, but that's about it. Right now it's 16 degrees outside with a windchill ranging between 0 and 5, and it's bitter. Okies aren't used to this kind of weather! :001_smile:

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Wow! I guess we aren't used to cold weather.


If there is snow to play in outside, we'll go out a play for a while...maybe half an hour at a time. If it is just our normal, wet weather, we don't play outside because none of us likes to be wet. If it is our normal, dry weather, we'll go to the park when it hits 60 degrees. We went to an outdoor living history of Bethlehem/Christ's birth in below freezing (20s I think) windy weather wearing 3-4 layers each and I was freaking out in worry for my infant being in the cold.


Of course, we don't have proper clothing either...just a basic coat and thin knit gloves/hats for each person.

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About -10 F. No one really wanted to go out below that.


We did buy facemasks for skiing that came out when it got really cold, added layers and wore lots of wool. The important thing is to make sure everything is dry. The only kids I knew who got frostbite, got it on the bottom of their feet because their boots were wet.




I took my [then 3] younger dc [under 10yo] to the Syracuse Zoo w/ a friend once when it was below 0. we bundled well, divided our time into outdoor/indoor segments [they have a large indoor component to their zoo], and had a blast watching the Tigers up close to the observation window.



granted, i still much prefer 100 to zero, lol!

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I don't take the Monkey outside when it gets nasty - around here that starts around 0F, and I definitely keep an eye on those windchills! I'd hoped to find some affordable snowpants for ME this year, but so far, I'm still looking. Monkey would get outside much more often if I didn't have to be cold to take him, but there you go. We don't have farm chores, so when it's too cold - or Monkey's got his sniffles & coughs again (I simply can't keep the child healthy!) we play in the basement or go to the "mall park" - a playground the food court has, and he gets some activity. It's not enough, but I'm NOT taking a sick child out in the cold. He's still too little to go outside by himself. The way we keep hearing more and more sirens around the neighborhood, I'm thinking he may never be "big enough" to go! Hopefully the move we've been working on will happen soon and we can find a nicer place to live. Hopefully I'll be able to get the right gear soon, and we can spend some more time outside. We both miss it. And it looks like he's going to finally be over his cold, so we could think more seriously about it more often.

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