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I want to share something with you all

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As some of you know, I am just starting out in the photography business. I have always had a passion for photography, and I am loving this! About two months ago, my best friend asked me if I would consider taking free portraits for a family whose daughter had cancer. I knew of this family through another mutual acquaintance, and I, of course, said yes. So we got together one Sunday afternoon and I did photos for them. They were so much fun!!! They laughed and joked with each other and me, and we just had a great time! The very next week, their daughter, Karla, was unable to walk due to swelling from her tumors. Karla turned 14 on 12/4 and this past Sunday, she went home to be with Jesus.


I went to the funeral home last night for the viewing, and my photos were displayed all over the place. Her family kept telling me how much the photos meant to them and how they cherished them. I kept telling them it wasn't me; it was them. They are just the most amazing family, so full of love and devotion. And that shines through in the photos.


As I was leaving the funeral home last night, I just knew that taking those photos was perhaps one of the most important things I have ever done in my life. I feel so honored to have been able to do it for them. I was blessed by them as much, or more, as they were blessed by the photos.


I just wanted to share with you all. I know they would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as they lay their baby girl to rest today.


If you want to see the photos they are here.

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You did such a wonderful things. I know her family will treasure those photos for years and years to come. I have heard of a local group who actually goes in and volunteers and does photo shoots for terminally ill children in the hospital so their families can have photos and memories. You photos are a gorgeous the Lord has blessed you with a wonderful talent. When I hear of stories of young children that are sick it reminds me to be thankful for my health, my husband, my children and extended families health. Susan :001_smile:

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What a gift you have given that family....great job!!!


I gave several photographs that I have taken to family this year and honestly, I think they were some of the favorite gifts. I sometimes think that pictures are under-rated...but they are such a treasure after you lose someone you love dearly.


God bless you and allow you to use this gift to perhaps help others in similar situations.

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What a wonderful thing you did for this family!! They will cherish these photos forever. One of the things I love most about being a photographer is being able to freeze a moment in time for someone. You have really captured her in these photographs. Not only was it a wonderful thing that you did, but the photos are also really really good! The colors are beautiful!

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Precious. One of the things I loved most about photography was moments like you've described. Someday I should tell you about the family that had me create a portrait of their great grandpa. We set it up with him reading his Bible by lamplight....and with family all around, he read aloud while I did my photo thing. It was a lovely moment for all of us. Less than two weeks later, he was speaking directly to the Father he loved... To say the family loved the portraits we did was an understatement. A situation like that is a lot of pressure as I'm sure you felt.


During my two decades as a pro, I learned from some of the best. One of the best when it comes to marketing is Charles J. Lewis. Here is his blog addy http://www.cjlewis.com/blog/ If you are going to be in the business, you might as well learn how to market your business so you make a good living at it. CJL helped me make several bucket loads of moola during my days as a portrait photographer.


You can always PM me, too. Best wishes...photography is one of the best professions in the world to be in.

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