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Who has seen enough family for a while. A very long while.


I think my kids have.....My teens and twentiers can't wait to get the mandatory "be with your family" over and get on with their own cr@p. Quite honestly, I am in my room hiding from them because I can't wait for them to leave either. All they have done for the last 3 days is eat my food, mess up the kitchen to the point that it was impossible for me to cook Christmas Eve dinner without spending 1 1/2 hours cleaning it up first....and riling up my little guys.


So, I think it is coming full circle and I am stuck in the middle of it all. Older family on one end...who expect ME to shop for everything for my kids...here's a check...buy them something....and my teens..."This is all I get????" UGH!!!!


I have no desire to spend this afternoon with my in-laws, my abusive mother, or my own kids...so how is that for a BAH HUMBUG?????



Oh, and did I tell you that the onlyn present I got was the one I picked out myself?? Oh, My oldest married dd bought me a present too...but only because she pulled my name in the family draw.....



I would go back to bed, but the chores are looming....and I am too ticked to sleep.....



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Who has seen enough family for a while. A very long while.


I don't have to see them to have enough this year. My kids are upset that once again this year none of the grandparents (they have 3 sets) came to see us. My brother who has decided that I am an idiot and not worth his notice has not acknowledged the gift I sent for his new baby. If I don't call the various sets of parents, we won't hear from them, and none of them have acknowledged the gifts we sent.


Top that off with the fact that dh has been in a lousy mood for two or three days and all I have to say is "bah humbug."


Well, that is not all I have to say. I will say we went to a beautiful mass last night and "MERRY CHIRSTMAS TO US ALL!!!"


I think my kids have.....My teens and twentiers can't wait to get the mandatory "be with your family" over and get on with their own cr@p. Quite honestly, I am in my room hiding from them because I can't wait for them to leave either. All they have done for the last 3 days is eat my food, mess up the kitchen to the point that it was impossible for me to cook Christmas Eve dinner without spending 1 1/2 hours cleaning it up first....and riling up my little guys.


So, I think it is coming full circle and I am stuck in the middle of it all. Older family on one end...who expect ME to shop for everything for my kids...here's a check...buy them something....and my teens..."This is all I get????" UGH!!!!


I have no desire to spend this afternoon with my in-laws, my abusive mother, or my own kids...so how is that for a BAH HUMBUG?????



Oh, and did I tell you that the onlyn present I got was the one I picked out myself?? Oh, My oldest married dd bought me a present too...but only because she pulled my name in the family draw.....



I would go back to bed, but the chores are looming....and I am too ticked to sleep.....




:grouphug: That is the pits. Dh did alright for me this year without too much prompting. Of course last week he said "We aren't buying anything for eachother, right?" Gee thanks. We don't generally do much for eachother, but a little something is always nice. The thought, you know.

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I'm not overly "done" with family, but I am with the fact that the ENTIRE holiday seems to rest on my shoulders. The other night dh looked at all the gifts under the tree and said "gee, it seems like you know every single present under the tree except three or four" (which are the ones to me). Ayup. And I knew those too, because god forbid anyone puts any original thought into a gift for me. I had named 3 or 4 things I'd like, and that's what I got. Not a single surprise for me.


I have done ALL the shopping, cooking, cleaning, preparing, wrapping, everything. Seriously, what would happen if I wasn't here? Would there be no gifts, no decorations, no food? Can't anyone see that I could use some help? And if I say anything then it's treated like this is all my doing and they didn't want all this fuss anyways.:glare: Of course they do.




I will say that when I put aside these petty feelings, I am grateful for having so many blessings and that I have a family to celebrate with. If I didn't have these people to cook and clean and make a holiday for, I would be very sad, so there's that.


I will now go and have a glass of wine (it's 11 am here!) and try to relax a little.


Merry Christmas!

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Not yet. lol I live in the same town with most of my family, so I see them weekly. I'm used to them. :) My kids are thrilled with seeing their brother and cousins who just came home from college (dorms!). The college kids helped put the Lego pirate ship together last night at my sister's, and the tots were happy. :001_smile: Off to MILs today, my mother's tomorrow, a cousins party next week.


Then I'll probably be tired. :tongue_smilie: But I enjoy them.

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We're actually having a good year this year. Everyone's behaving except the SIL who hasn't talked to us in a couple years for heaven knows why. But, at least she following the rule: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. :o Countin' my blessings this year and hoping for a better 2010. Maybe I can get SIL to talk to me.

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Well, my daughter just got sick (monthly female problems) so I am missing my husband's family gathering to stay home with her. we were literally a block away and she started crying so we turned around. They are really nice people, but I don't mind missing. They used to gang up on me at family gatherings with the: What are you going to do about socialization and how many kids are you going to have? type questions, but finally stopped that about 6 years ago.


I had a Christmas a few years ago when I only got one present (and not one of those big presents everyone goes in on) from my immediate family. After shopping for 8 kids (most plenty old enough to get me a present on their own) and 1 husband this wasn't acceptable, to say the least. I started a new tradition where I open my presents first. No more problems. My new sweet daughter-in-law offered to help me with the stockings, and my teen daughters help with the cooking - in fact doing most of it, so I am getting wonderful payback for those exhausting years. Of course, shopping for weeks for over 100 gifts is a lot of work, but I'd rather shop than cook.


I am sorry for those of you with truly difficult family members. Us moms seem to take the brunt of the problems associated with that. God bless you.

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I have done ALL the shopping, cooking, cleaning, preparing, wrapping, everything. Seriously, what would happen if I wasn't here?


HA! I was just talking to my mom about this last night, as I was stuffing the stockings and finishing up the gifts, after midnight of course, and my other half was snoring.... But I, like you, am thankful for the lot of them and all of the blessings we enjoy!


Merry Christmas Everyone:)

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I have. I am exhausted. MIL, who has alzheimer's, has always been a little snitty about the kids, and this year was no different. We have determined that dd1 reacts STRONGLY to red food coloring. We were discussing this at lunch (the big meal). So when the kids opened their m&m filled candy canes. She just reached over and took them away and said to me, You won't let them eat it anyway. In a snarky tone. Okey dokey. Then, a friend took her to the toystore to shop for the girls. Aside from the Hannah Montana Horse :glare:, there was a color match toy (dd2 is in kindergarten) and a couple of 10 piece puzzles and the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' game. DH and I were desperately trying to keep them from opening their toys because we want to return them. To get some more age-appropriate toys. We finally told her NO. We Don't Want To Lose The Parts. >sigh< And she got snitty with me over that. And she didn't like dinner. And she stared at me when I ate my dessert. I mean stare like you wanna say something, or just glare back.

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Yesterday (from 1-10 pm) we saw my husband's family. Today my family came over. Just my parents and my brother's family. He called 1/2 an hour before he was supposed to be here (he lives 2 hours away) to say they weren't coming, he is moving out and he's sick of this sh*t (meaning the troubl his 17-year-old son is causing them right now.) My parents were really hurt and disappointed, but I tried to tell them it's better if they don't come if that's the mood they're in. Maybe things will blow over. Who knows.


I knew things were going to be stressful yesterday at my inlaws when someone gave me an Obama watch, and they know I'm a Republican. But, that's the way they are and I'm trying to let it roll.

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IT has been a long season - since Thanksgiving for us. We personally have had several hundred dollars in car repairs. That made family mad when we couldn't travel at Thanksgiving. Then we had 2 deaths 2 weeks apart, the last funeral was Tuesday. That makes is all a downer. Then, yesterday one elderly family member accidently hit a car that then hit his wife and critically injured her. My grandmother, that I love and who is 87yo, is visiting now for over a week and is depressed by the latest death (her son's wife). She and my mom just fussed at each other all day.My mom was mad at my dad and refused to finish opening a gift after she realized it was from him... So, um, yeah, I have had enough family for awhile. I seem to love them best from afar. It all just makes me very, very tired. I am so glad to be home.

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We only spent afternoon tea with my MIL- my famlly are too far away so I don't see them at Christmas, though I would like to and my kids much prefer them. We had an ok hour or so at my MIL's, along with various relatives who were dining with her and still around. It smelled terrible, MIL wasnt well, and she kept telling Dh his hair looked terrible (he's growing it) and he's overweight (well, he is, but she neednt harp on about it.) I mean, why does she not realise that her criticising and non acceptance of dh is one of the reasons he rarely visits? Oh well. It could be worse and one day she will be gone, so it's not worth grumbling.

We minimised visiting family this year and it still wasnt much fun but it wasnt too bad. The rest of the day was fun and peaceful and I would do it again that way in a pinch.

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Uh huh. Christmas Eve was fun, Christmas Day went much better than expected. Today we see dh's parents...




How 'about that! They were pleasant! I think we get big bonus points for giving our kids a modest amount of presents instead of the truckload their daughter gives hers.



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I knew things were going to be stressful yesterday at my inlaws when someone gave me an Obama watch, and they know I'm a Republican. But, that's the way they are and I'm trying to let it roll.


I like Obama and I would be unhappy if my present was an Obama watch! Good Grief.


My inlaws left yesterday and we had a mostly pleasant visit until I told them that we'll see them in March when we come for the weekend and my mil told me not to bother because it's "a day there and a day back" so it's not worth it. :glare: It was worth it to us (4.5 hour drive: arrive friday evening around dinner time, and leave Sunday after lunch) but now my dh is pissed at his mother.


My mil also said something on Christmas Eve that was political (and kind of insulting) and I just let it roll. I looked at my dh and he just shook his head and I changed the subject. I'm proud of myself for not taking the bait! :D

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I take it all humorously.


We had one of those bag o'red dye #2 candy presents too for our red-dye allergic as in he'll get hives shortly after swallowing child.. .the giver, a nurse, actually handed it to the child (in front of me) with the comment that he couldn't eat it...:confused: We have no idea why..child is so quiet and well behaved that we don't know how anyone could take that much offense at him. <<and the looney tunes theme plays on in the background>>

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The only one who gets annoying is my FIL, and I get a fill of him quick...hmmmm fil, fill, that is a big coincidence LOL


He gets very white trash political and doesn't know where to stop. Cussing, vulgar hand gestures, and not understanding the laws are foremost in his retelling of a story about an uncle getting sent to prison for a day, for contempt of court in his daughters lawsuit (yes, I mean prison not jail). He couldn't just tell the story, couldn't stick to the facts...he was belligerent and raging against the court system...but couldn't answer simple questions about the case. He really doesn't have the details, but 'the man' is to blame in this scenario. I chalk it up to him being a Vietnam vet and 'the man' being a big role in that time period.


Otherwise he is just a silly grandpa....I wish he would stick with this personality and keep the other away from me.

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Me. My dh's side. You'll see my rant on this board somewhere that has already died. They've been here at least 4 times this year one being for 7 very long days (7 of them) as my dh has taken them out to eat, to the lake and forked out his work vacation and money. Cost us about $1500 for that week. It included out to eat, food for 7 for 7 days, and when they went to the lake, my dh paid for their room and dinners. There were just here (thorn in my side as I changed all my plans) around the 12th of December for 3 days. Not so much as a bought lunch, do dishes, clean up, help cook, nothing. They didn't even clear the blankets off the floor from where the kids slept and my breakfast was sitting on the counter when we returned home from church. Knowing we had to leave at 9:30, they all showered between 8:15 & 8:30 am and left us cold showers. :cursing:


He sent them gift cards for Christmas. We got a text message, "Got your Christmas card, thanks for the gift cards." That's it. Not even signed. They're not a contact in my phone, so I wasn't sure who it was from. But I suppose at least we were thanked, but they've been here for 4 years in a row between 2-4 times a year and never so much has offered to buy us dinner. I was hoping this year my dh would at least get a Christmas card. Not even that. I was hoping they'd say, "hey we'd love to take you out to eat for all you've done for us" when they were here mid December. Notta. Nothing, zero, zip and the same for Christmas.


Hell will freeze over before I care if they come back and if they do, I'll be "busy".


How's that for a rant?:tongue_smilie:

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My in-laws were here for most of the day. They're gone now and we are much happier. I managed to get all coldy, and let me tell you having a stuffy head and constant sneezing really makes it way better! :001_smile: Oh well, having to run off for tissues all the time was a good excuse.


By the time they left, all I wanted was to go to bed and read in my SWB history computer-book. My darling husband was so happy that they were gone that he went all bouncy and skippy and took the kids over to my parents' place. I've had blessed quiet and I lay down and read, and now I'm going to go do that some more. :001_smile:

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We had such a lovely Christmas morning -- we said appreciations for our blessings and each other, poured good coffee and watched the kids rip open presents. . .


Ba-ha-ha! Nope, that would be in my dreams!!


I think my kids had a great Christmas but my mom and dad took one pot shot after another. Actually my dad was on pretty good behavior for him, so my mom held court by making snitty comments and being rude to me.


I broke out in excema that's usually under control, walked the dog and tried really hard not to over eat.


At the end of it all, we left and visited an old friend for lunch. That made it much better. But I'm still a little stressed.



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