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I just found out what I'm getting for Christmas. :(

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I am actually thrilled about the present, but I'm SO disappointed that I found out. I pay all of our family's bills, and was just getting everything paid and up-to-date before we leave town for Christmas. I opened my hubby's credit card statement, and there it was! It's very obvious from the vendor name what it is.


So do I fess up and tell him I want it RIGHT NOW? (cuz I do...) Or wait until Christmas and act surprised?

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Play the game and act surprised. He'll be very happy he bought you something you'll like.


I found out mine too. My three year old spilled the beans, then did three more time within the next hour. I'm still trying to figure out why dh thought it a good idea to enlighten the little guy. :glare:

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You need to act surprised and fall at dh's feet since he seemed to have hit the right thing.

My dh just got the mail yesterday (he rarely gets the mail) and found a letter from the Dept of Fish & Game addressed to me. I am sure he can figure out he got a fishing license for 2010.

He just tried hard to look puzzled and handed it to me without asking what the heck the Dept. of Fish & Game wants from me. :tongue_smilie:

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Play the game and act surprised. He'll be very happy he bought you something you'll like.


I found out mine too. My three year old spilled the beans, then did three more time within the next hour. I'm still trying to figure out why dh thought it a good idea to enlighten the little guy. :glare:


Stacie, this made me laugh. Kids get so excited, they can't keep anything in. Perhaps father and son were shopping together?? :lol:

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DH came home from the mall last week and told me dd2 had a breakdown. Yesterday I was at the mall with the kids. I walked into Yankee Candle and dd2 told me "This is where I couldn't decide and started crying. I asked what she was crying about and she told me, I couldn't decide which one to get for you. Oh. :001_huh:

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LOL - My kids can't keep secrets, but i think I am worse than them! When I get them some great present that i know they will love, I can't help but really want to give it to them! I am like a kid in that way. I could care less what I get (dh and I do not even exchange gifts at Christmas), but I love love love getting things for other people. This year, I got my mom this beautiful handmade necklace back in July and I am just dying to give it to her! LOL 5.more.days.

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MIL spilled the beans about what she got me. She can't keep a secret. That's why I don't tell her secrets anymore! She called me about dh's present, and then said, "Oh, I got you that Hamilton Beach--" [crock pot]

Me: "STOP! You don't need to tell me!"

MIL: "Well, I wanted to make sure no one else got it for you."

Me: "You can mark it on my wish list [Amazon] that you got it."

MIL: "But then you'd see that." [and her telling me is any different?]

Me: "There's a feature on the wish list so it doesn't show me and spoil the surprise."

MIL: "Oh, I didn't know that."


SIGH. Maybe one day she'll get it. :001_smile:

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In the past, we've gone shopping (the whole family together). Despite having the kids with us, they didn't notice we were buying their presents. They also didn't notice DH hand me something and say, "Here's your present to me" or me do the same thing to DH. Then we take the kids shopping to buy specific things we've told each other to buy from the kids to us. Then we make a big deal of keeping it secret and helping the kids wrap the presents. Then we act all surprised on Christmas. It's all for the kids' benefit.


We used to try to surprise each other. One year, I went shopping with the kids and we ran into DH who was shopping solo. We saw him in the parking lot so I drilled (and drilled...and drilled) DS NOT to say anything to DH. First words out of DS's mouth were "Daddy, we bought you a new wallet!" :glare:

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MIL spilled the beans about what she got me. She can't keep a secret. That's why I don't tell her secrets anymore! She called me about dh's present, and then said, "Oh, I got you that Hamilton Beach--" [crock pot]

Me: "STOP! You don't need to tell me!"

MIL: "Well, I wanted to make sure no one else got it for you."

Me: "You can mark it on my wish list [Amazon] that you got it."

MIL: "But then you'd see that." [and her telling me is any different?]

Me: "There's a feature on the wish list so it doesn't show me and spoil the surprise."

MIL: "Oh, I didn't know that."


SIGH. Maybe one day she'll get it. :001_smile:


I don't suppose it had occurred to her that you still wouldn't KNOW if someone else had gotten it for you? :tongue_smilie:

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... act surprised.


I found out I was getting roses the same way you did.... it showed up on the credit card and I was going line by line checking everything. Dh still doesn't know that I knew and it was a few years ago!


As a side note, I knew I was getting them again for my anniversary a few months ago, as I was heading home from shopping and PASSED him on the road--- a dinky two-lane road where he had no business being, AND it's where the florist is that he uses. He had just pulled out and on to the road and never saw me, even though I was *thiscloseinfrontofhim*. Gotta love him! :lol:

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A year or two ago I was trying to impress upon my eldest the importance of keeping the surprise, and she did such a good job for a 3/4 year old!


Until my husband picked up the gift on Christmas morning and just barely started to tear the wrapping paper from it--she got so excited that she ran up to him and screamed "It's an outer space tie! I picked it out!"


I figured it was a good job for her age...it's hard to keep secrets! But really...four more seconds was all she needed to wait! She looked so relieved after she had finally told him, like it had been this huge weight that she'd been carrying. LoL


Hurray to you for getting something you wanted! I think my 3yo spilled the beans about my present yesterday, but I can't figure out what she meant...so that's good, I guess.

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My hubby picked up our 4 yr old from school the other day... I knew he was going to go Christmas shopping but I thought it was just for stocking stuffers.

When my son walked in the front door the first thing he said was "Dad got you a vacuum cleaner, it's a secret!"

My dh was in the garage hiding that vacuum from me. LOL When he walked in I couldnt help but tell him what the little guy had told me. We both had a good laugh.

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I vote for you to act surprised. He tried to please you, I'm sure. I usually know what I am getting a head of time, because he doesn't want to get the wrong thing. This year I am getting a new lens for my camera, I think.:001_smile:

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LOL - My kids can't keep secrets, but i think I am worse than them! When I get them some great present that i know they will love, I can't help but really want to give it to them! I am like a kid in that way. I could care less what I get (dh and I do not even exchange gifts at Christmas), but I love love love getting things for other people. This year, I got my mom this beautiful handmade necklace back in July and I am just dying to give it to her! LOL 5.more.days.


That is just like me :lol:

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Well, I can tell you what I did...


One year, before Christmas, we received our credit card statement in the mail. I about freaked out when I saw that someone had charged a microwave on our account. It took a few minutes before I realized that dh had bought me one for Christmas. I was so surprised, and yet, I was so annoyed that I found out. I just didn't have the heart to ruin it. It was a big deal for him to buy me something like that. So, I stayed quiet and acted surprised. I never did tell him until years later.

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I am actually thrilled about the present, but I'm SO disappointed that I found out. I pay all of our family's bills, and was just getting everything paid and up-to-date before we leave town for Christmas. I opened my hubby's credit card statement, and there it was! It's very obvious from the vendor name what it is.


So do I fess up and tell him I want it RIGHT NOW? (cuz I do...) Or wait until Christmas and act surprised?


I vote that you wait and act surprised for your hubby. But you don't have to wait to tell us! What are you gettin'?

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... act surprised.


I found out I was getting roses the same way you did.... it showed up on the credit card and I was going line by line checking everything. Dh still doesn't know that I knew and it was a few years ago!


As a side note, I knew I was getting them again for my anniversary a few months ago, as I was heading home from shopping and PASSED him on the road--- a dinky two-lane road where he had no business being, AND it's where the florist is that he uses. He had just pulled out and on to the road and never saw me, even though I was *thiscloseinfrontofhim*. Gotta love him! :lol:


This is so cute, Heather. The guy is getting roses for his sweetheart and is just so focused!!!

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Well, I *so* wanted to ask him for it last night! But after I posted I came back and saw that the overwhelming consensus was to wait. So I am practicing my surprised look.


I love all the stories about kids who can't keep a secret. One of our dc is affectionately nicknamed "cheap suitcase" for the inability to keep a secret. He's 13 now and definitely improved, but he used to get so excited he opened up like a cheap suitcase!


The charge was from a jeweler in Hawaii. I don't know exactly what's in the box under the tree, but my best guess is the flip-flop necklace. We were in Hawaii over the summer for our 20th anniversary, and I did a lot of oohing and ahhing over the jewelery ads in the tourist magazines. I guess he was listening!

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Our big Christmas present we got together while we were in NYC - new digital SLR camera. He has actually used it already. I haven't. I will wait until someone can explain it to me. (I used to have a film SLR for a long time, then in 2003, we switched to digital when that broke and I could not use that one.) I am really hoping I can use the new one.


Other presents I know I am getting is a blender since I had to do the research. I also know I am getting a ruby bracelet but I don't know if it is for my birthday, Christmas, or Valentine's Day. (It was on sale and it matched the ring and pendant he had previously given me and he asked if I like it and I said yes so I had to leave the area). I am fairly sure one of my kids is giving me cutlery since I am so upset about missing utensils every day. (WE are down to two big forks, three or four dessert forks, about five tsps, and five tablespoons, the knives are mostly there- and this is from probably 16 of each originally except even more spoons- and they all claim they don't have them). But I also know I am getting surprises which I don't know what they are.

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Our big Christmas present we got together while we were in NYC - new digital SLR camera. He has actually used it already. I haven't. I will wait until someone can explain it to me. (I used to have a film SLR for a long time, then in 2003, we switched to digital when that broke and I could not use that one.) I am really hoping I can use the new one.


Other presents I know I am getting is a blender since I had to do the research. I also know I am getting a ruby bracelet but I don't know if it is for my birthday, Christmas, or Valentine's Day. (It was on sale and it matched the ring and pendant he had previously given me and he asked if I like it and I said yes so I had to leave the area). I am fairly sure one of my kids is giving me cutlery since I am so upset about missing utensils every day. (WE are down to two big forks, three or four dessert forks, about five tsps, and five tablespoons, the knives are mostly there- and this is from probably 16 of each originally except even more spoons- and they all claim they don't have them). But I also know I am getting surprises which I don't know what they are.


Wow, your Christmas sounds great. But I have to ask...What happens to your cutlery???

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Where is the cutlery?


I think they are in bedrooms most likely my son's. But he hasn't unpacked and his room is barely passable so we don't get to find them. My dh and I don't eat things in the middle of the night or take food to our bedroom. I also think that a lot of them were probably never unpacked from the move since the movers probably put them in some strange box like snorkle equipment or something like that we haven't used in the year we have been here.

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I am actually thrilled about the present, but I'm SO disappointed that I found out. I pay all of our family's bills, and was just getting everything paid and up-to-date before we leave town for Christmas. I opened my hubby's credit card statement, and there it was! It's very obvious from the vendor name what it is.


So do I fess up and tell him I want it RIGHT NOW? (cuz I do...) Or wait until Christmas and act surprised?


I would make the best of the situation and just be grateful my husband was so thoughtful! I would not tell him if he really loves to give you surprises. My dh and I get each other things and don't wait until Christmas! LOL But that is *us* and not everyone is that way. :+)

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I finally told my hubby to NOT order my gifts from our Amazon account as I use it and see everything bought on it!!!


DH and I had to set up separate Amazon accounts for just this reason. We just check the labels on the boxes *very* carefully. And I turn a blind eye to all Amazon charges to my credit card during the holidays. (I have an Amazon credit card and get extra points for Amazon charges, so we set his account up to use my cc.)

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I am having a hard time too, because I saw the charge in his account the other day. I had pointed out the special on mixers and he and my son must have bought it that night. I reallllly want it now to use for cookies and stuff but I am going to wait.


This made me smile this morning because I told DH that if he was getting me a mandolin for Christmas it sure would be awesome if I could open it early because I was making scalloped potatoes for Christmas dinner. I suspected I was getting one because I had mentioned constantly for a year that I really wanted one. I got to open it early so now dinner will be so much easier to put together. :)


I've still got a few things under the tree to unwrap and I have no idea what they are. I'll be suprised!

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Where is the cutlery?


I think they are in bedrooms most likely my son's. But he hasn't unpacked and his room is barely passable so we don't get to find them. My dh and I don't eat things in the middle of the night or take food to our bedroom. I also think that a lot of them were probably never unpacked from the move since the movers probably put them in some strange box like snorkle equipment or something like that we haven't used in the year we have been here.


I wish I could figure out what happens to ours. It's the knives that disappear at my house. We've drilled the littles not to use the sharp knives or scissors so I'm fairly certain they try to make do with the knives from the silverware drawer to cut - whatever.


It's a little embarrassing when my mil comes and we don't have enough placesettings for everyone - and this has been handed down from grandparents. (It's not 'special' flatware, just what they weren't using anymore.)

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Play the game and act surprised. He'll be very happy he bought you something you'll like.


I found out mine too. My three year old spilled the beans, then did three more time within the next hour. I'm still trying to figure out why dh thought it a good idea to enlighten the little guy. :glare:


Your 3yo needs to come give my 3yo lesson on how he is supposed to behave. So far mine has been mum.

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