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How can I raise my blood pressure?

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I have low blood pressure normally, usually around 100/58. This last prenatal appt. it was only 92/46. I am having a c-section on Monday and I want to go in to the hospital with BP as high as I can get. I usually drop quickly once I recieve meds and what not (If I remember right I have been as low as 80/40 or something right around that range)


Is there anything I can do that will raise it? I would love to go in sitting at about 115/60 or so (I think that is what I was told was a pretty good number).


Any ideas?

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Unless you are having problems such as dizziness when standing, I wouldn't worry so much about your numbers being low.


120/80 is said to be "normal high". 90/60 is where mine usually is.

All the numbers tell you is the static pressure in your veins while your heart is beating and while it is at rest.

I would just make sure that the doctors and the nurses know that your normal resting blood pressure is on the low side so that once the surgery has started they know to watch you closer.


Congratulations on your upcoming new one. :001_smile:

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I agree with Chrystal. Unless your doctor is alarmed by your low blood pressure, there is nothing to worry about. If that has been your normal blood pressure, then don't worry about it. Unless you feel dizzy or weak . I always have 90/60BP and that is normal for me even when I am pregnant. And I also had 3 C-sec.


And Congratulations!

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Mine is very low and particularly so in pregnancy. Seems to be pretty normal.

For years I avoided salt because I jsut figured it wasnt healthy, but then dh suggested I allow myself to eat salt freely since my blood pressure was so low, so I do. I cant honestly say if its helped or not though- I dont check my BP very often.

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Borrow my son? :lol:


sorry, no practical help.


I was going to say, come to my house and go shopping in the mercado tomorrow for groceries on the last weekend before Christmas and then come home and clean it all and then get ready for a bunch of young guys to come over to eat and hang out and do it all with no vehicle. Yep, that should do it.


On the practical side, consult your doctor before doing anything.:grouphug:

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Drink more fluids? Increase sodium intake?


My BP is usually considered on the low side, and my PCP actually told me to increase my salt intake. My uncle has the same "problem," and his physician told him the same thing.


I find that my body just naturally seems to need more fluids than other people seem to need. I have been tested for diabetes because I drink so much! But I'm not diabetic, just on the dry side. Maybe you need more fluid.

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I have low blood pressure normally, usually around 100/58. This last prenatal appt. it was only 92/46. I am having a c-section on Monday and I want to go in to the hospital with BP as high as I can get. I usually drop quickly once I recieve meds and what not (If I remember right I have been as low as 80/40 or something right around that range)


Is there anything I can do that will raise it? I would love to go in sitting at about 115/60 or so (I think that is what I was told was a pretty good number).


Any ideas?


Maybe worrying about it will raise it? jk.


I'm another with low bp as healthy. When I was being monitored for preterm labor with my twins, the health supply company came out twice to replace my blood pressure kit because they thought there had to be something wrong with it. Nope. Just me. I had a csect with that pregnancy with no problems.

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LOL you would think I would have high blood pressure with my kiddos but nope! :)


I am worried about it because I have been so dizzy and light headed for most of this pregnancy. I have talked with the Dr. about it and the kind of dizziness I describe is caused by an inner ear issue. However as he said, "I have very lovely inner ears." :) I wont see the Dr. until the c-section on Monday. He knows my history as my BP has always been low. However I just wanted to go in a little better than my normal ya know?


I'm not quiet the spring chicken I was with my other c-sections and I really dont feel like passing out this time around! :D I have been craving salt like crazy so possibly my body is trying to get normal for me. I will be upping my fluids this weekend anyway so hopefully it will all help for Monday.


Thanks for all the input....oh and keep your kiddos, my blood pressure didn't even budge when I was in a car accident with a fire truck!!! :) Apperently stress doesn't effect me all that much LOL.

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I have chronic low blood pressure with some complications & the neurologist has me greatly increase salt intake. He suggests a couple diet gatorades (diabetic) a day- but a naturopath I know, worries about the ingredients. She would rather I use sea salt if possible, so that is what I try to do.


So I think the suggestions to increase salt could possibly help.


:grouphug: Best wishes on your upcoming delivery!

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Good luck!


Mine has been very low with this pregnancy too. I have had hyperemesis and was on home health for awhile and my nurse freaked out one day when mine was 60/40 and she made me call the Dr. He just blew it off. I was just told to up the fluids and salt! It has worried me a bit too b/c I know certain meds lower it and I don't want to crash.


Hope all goes well. Congratulations on your upcoming event1 :)

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I have insanely low blood pressure too, with it not even coming to normal range during labor and delivery. :glare: My midwife chuckled at one point during labour and said "wow, you're almost alive!" :001_huh::lol: Sooo... I agree with sodium intake, although I'd try to stick to sea salt. If you can find salt from the Dead Sea, it's the yummiest! :001_smile:

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Are you anemic or possibly a little dehydrated? If not, then this is probably normal for you and to artificially raise it by eating salty foods could be a worse idea than having it be (normally) low.


Mine has always been low, but if I get low in iron or even a little dehydrated, it drops even lower and I get lightheaded. Normal (for me) would be a sign that something was wrong.


If you're craving salt, it may not be sodium you need. Salt craving can be sign of potassium deficiency (or other trace minerals commonly found in salt) or even vitamin C. Since vit. C should be taken with iron or iron containing foods, look into the timing of any supplements you're taking and maybe have them with foods high in vit. C or a glass of OJ.

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Another vote here for saying that as long as your doc is ok with it being low, it's probably ok. I've always had low blood pressure.


And also another vote for letting you borrow my kids if you want to raise your blood pressure.


Or listen to talk radio--that'll do it. Fox network, here you come!

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Are you anemic or possibly a little dehydrated?


If you're craving salt, it may not be sodium you need. Salt craving can be sign of potassium deficiency (or other trace minerals commonly found in salt) or even vitamin C. Since vit. C should be taken with iron or iron containing foods, look into the timing of any supplements you're taking and maybe have them with foods high in vit. C or a glass of OJ.


I am always borderline anemic and I could be dehydrated at this point as liquid of any kind gives me heartburn so bad that I am gagging on stomach acid. :001_huh:


I talked with a friend who is a naturopath yesterday. She gave me some elctrolytes (contains many trace minerals) and WOW I felt amazing by last night. No more light headedness or diziness. I also upped my iron supplement (based on Dr. suggestion) and am feeling a lot better now. I will continue taking these over the weekend (and after birth) along with lots of water (even if I do have to gag all the time!).


Thanks again for all of your suggestions.

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I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say that I have found this thread very interesting. I have low bp, it's usually around 90/60. My ds, who is in nursing school, freaks out that my bp is so low all the time. He's worried that if I get into a serious accident that I'm gonna DIE! :lol:


I'm very curious how others with low bp are....do you get seriously dizzy and nauseated when you are in the hot sun too long and go from sitting to standing? Do you feel like you are going to faint when you get hurt...like hit your funny bone really hard, or break a toe? I just sprained my foot the other night and got sooooo light headed from the quick intense sharp pain that I almost passed out. literally. (of course I was able to give birth without pain meds and not even come close to fainting :001_huh:) I actually did faint one time when I was alone and hit my funny bone really hard though. I woke up laying on the kitchen floor. :lol: I have also had spells in the past when I would go from sitting to standing and have my vision completely black out. I am fully awake, but not able to see anything for several seconds.


My dh and boys have always laughed at me, thinking I am a wimp, but my (now) nurse ds says it's because of my low bp and any quick sharp pain freaks my system out (he uses more precise wording but I can't recall what it was :lol:) Any of you low bp'rs have these issues as well? All of these years I have wondered what was wrong with me, it would be nice to know I am not alone. ;)


Also, I sometimes crave salt. I am assuming it's because at that moment I need it. :confused:

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I had similar thoughts--try to get 4 teenaged boys to do what they're supposed to when they're supposed to? Works for me!



:iagree: My dr told me I had high blood pressure. Well....I am potty training a 3 year old and teaching my 15 year old how to drive.....

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Mine was chronically low too. I ate salt and vineger chips and drank water with electrolytes in it. I'm sorry, I'm drawing a blank on the name! I know they carry it at my Krogers, but also Whole Foods. It's just water with the electrolytes added, no sugar or other weird ingredients. My midwife had me drinking tons of this stuff and I must have blocked it from my mind now! Dh must have blocked it from his mind too, since I had him driving all over town to get some for me!

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I have low bp, it's usually around 90/60. My ds, who is in nursing school, freaks out that my bp is so low all the time. He's worried that if I get into a serious accident that I'm gonna DIE! :lol:


I'm very curious how others with low bp are....do you get seriously dizzy and nauseated when you are in the hot sun too long and go from sitting to standing? I have also had spells in the past when I would go from sitting to standing and have my vision completely black out. I am fully awake, but not able to see anything for several seconds.



I remember not being able to play some games in elem. school because if I stood up too fast I would loose my vision and even passed out a few times. I was always told it was because of low blood pressure. As a teen, it was so bad that I passed out numerous times a day while going from sitting to standing. As a young mom, I could not stand in line at the grocery store w/o loosing my vision. I actually sat on the ground in line a few times! :001_huh:


Once at a routine check up my pressure was 70/40 and the doctor freaked out. She would not let me leave the office for hours and she kept taking it over and over. I was not dizzy at all; I felt fine! She said if I got in a car wreck the paramedics and hospital would treat me for shock, and it might kill me, since I wasn't in shock. So maybe that is what your son is talking about. She told me that if I am ever in an accident, to immediately tell them of my history of low BP.


To make a long story short, I have since found out that my real problem is not low BP, but is something called Orthostatic Blood Pressure. I have had no episodes since I went on a hypo allergenic diet (no wheat, soy, gluten, dairy, eggs, pinto beans, canola oil). I can also withstand the heat much better and can even go a few hours w/o drinking water. ;) If I cheat too much, that is one of my first symptoms to come back.

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To make a long story short, I have since found out that my real problem is not low BP, but is something called Orthostatic Blood Pressure. I have had no episodes since I went on a hypo allergenic diet (no wheat, soy, gluten, dairy, eggs, pinto beans, canola oil). I can also withstand the heat much better and can even go a few hours w/o drinking water. ;) If I cheat too much, that is one of my first symptoms to come back.


This is very interesting!! How did you figure out that you needed a hypo allergenic diet? I don't see anything about that on the website, or others I have viewed.


Also, the website you linked to said a symptom is "coat hanger pain (pain centered in the neck and shoulders)" I get that all the time!! I've always attributed it to stress, but never could understand why I would be stressed. Now I am wondering. :confused:

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This is very interesting!! How did you figure out that you needed a hypo allergenic diet? I don't see anything about that on the website, or others I have viewed.


Also, the website you linked to said a symptom is "coat hanger pain (pain centered in the neck and shoulders)" I get that all the time!! I've always attributed it to stress, but never could understand why I would be stressed. Now I am wondering. :confused:


I was surprised when I read about the coat hanger pain too! I get that frequently; I thought I needed an adjustment!


I had been going to doctors complaining of an array of symptoms for years. Finally, I got an infection on my face and my doctor ran tests to see why I got it. He found adrenal/hormonal failure. He put me on steroids, thyroid, progesterone, testosterone and estrogen at the age of 31. He didn't care about the cause, he just told me that it would even out eventually. I went to my midwives who ran every test they could think of. A stool allergy test is the only thing that came back positive, for all 5 things it looked at. I did a Metagenics Ultra-Inflam diet for 1 month, felt the best I ever have and then had an extensive blood allergy test. I slowly added foods back in and kept a log. I had reactions to ssooo many foods. When I got the results of my blood test, I already knew all the foods I was allergic to, but it was nice to have it confirmed. I think the food allergens, cause stress on my adrenals, which causes them to "burn out" and give the symptoms of Addison's disease even thought I don't have it. I am still looking for a deeper cause of all this and one that allows me to eat! :D But for now I feel the best I have felt in my life and am happy for the first time ever, so I never consider going off the diet.

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Licorice Root can raise blood pressure, but you would need to check on safety during pregnancy.




Low BP is a sign of adrenal fatigue. Depending on how 'fatigued', it can take up to a couple years for the adrenals to heal in an otherwise healthy adult.


Licorice root, epsom salt baths in warm water before bed, staying hydrated all help with low BP. I've been suffering from it for a looong time. I recently started taking licorice root (I'm pregnant AND nursing, but I have my ND's OK) and within a week my BP is now 100/60, and it was 70/50 before that.


Licorice root should only be taken for 1-3 months max, but under a health care practitioner's supervision.


Lots of people seem tothink low BP is fine/healthy, but if you look into chinese medicine, ayurvedic, unani medicine in those cultures it's NOT a good thing, and lots of NDs also recognize that. It also relates to poor circulation (my hands/fall asleep in a heart beat!), sluggishness, low energy, etc.


You might want to check out Maca root as well. Since you have an ND, ask him/her what they think..


Do you mind sharing what the electrolytes are that you are taking?


Hope this helps and congrats on the pregnancy!

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I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say that I have found this thread very interesting. I have low bp, it's usually around 90/60. My ds, who is in nursing school, freaks out that my bp is so low all the time. He's worried that if I get into a serious accident that I'm gonna DIE! :lol:


I'm very curious how others with low bp are....do you get seriously dizzy and nauseated when you are in the hot sun too long and go from sitting to standing? Do you feel like you are going to faint when you get hurt...like hit your funny bone really hard, or break a toe? I just sprained my foot the other night and got sooooo light headed from the quick intense sharp pain that I almost passed out. literally. (of course I was able to give birth without pain meds and not even come close to fainting :001_huh:) I actually did faint one time when I was alone and hit my funny bone really hard though. I woke up laying on the kitchen floor. :lol: I have also had spells in the past when I would go from sitting to standing and have my vision completely black out. I am fully awake, but not able to see anything for several seconds.


My dh and boys have always laughed at me, thinking I am a wimp, but my (now) nurse ds says it's because of my low bp and any quick sharp pain freaks my system out (he uses more precise wording but I can't recall what it was :lol:) Any of you low bp'rs have these issues as well? All of these years I have wondered what was wrong with me, it would be nice to know I am not alone. ;)


Also, I sometimes crave salt. I am assuming it's because at that moment I need it. :confused:


I've experience lots of this! Not so much in response to pain though, but if I cut myself I get dizzy. I've had two unmedicated (home births) though with no troubles!


I'm seriously needle-phobic too. :svengo:


If I get up too quickly, I sort of black out. Whenever I've actually lost consciousness, I've felt it coming in time to lie down.


I recently passed out on our weekend trip to The Great Wolf Lodge. It was pretty scary as I didn't know what triggered it at the time. The medic guy (They get there quick--I was out for less than a minute.) said I was probably dehydrated and it happens sometimes to people there due to the humidity (since you don't feel thirsty). I just wish it hadn't happened in the hallway. :blushing:

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