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Tools to keep your life on track

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What do you use to keep your life on track and so remember all those million little details? Do you use a planner - if so, which one? Do you use a clipboard? Do you use a wall calendar? Do you use an electronic device?


I'm thinking about all the stuff running around in my head - Pick up dry cleaning, play date for dd this afternoon, add honey and onesies to the shopping lists, make Christmas meal shopping list, work on spelling the words dd mispelled in her play writing yesterday, need to write birthday thanks yous, need to work on Christmas letter, and on and on and on.


Where/how do you trap all that stuff?

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What do you use to keep your life on track and so remember all those million little details? Do you use a planner - if so, which one? Do you use a clipboard? Do you use a wall calendar? Do you use an electronic device?


I'm thinking about all the stuff running around in my head - Pick up dry cleaning, play date for dd this afternoon, add honey and onesies to the shopping lists, make Christmas meal shopping list, work on spelling the words dd mispelled in her play writing yesterday, need to write birthday thanks yous, need to work on Christmas letter, and on and on and on.


Where/how do you trap all that stuff?



I have an iPod Touch. I like it when people email me details about things because I can easily cut/paste it to a calendar on my computer. Then I can sync my Touch and have it all on hand. Little bits of paper with a coupon code on it, someone's phone #, recipes I like, all get put in.


Oh, I also let alotta things slide.

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What do you use to keep your life on track and so remember all those million little details? Do you use a planner - if so, which one? Do you use a clipboard? Do you use a wall calendar? Do you use an electronic device?


I'm thinking about all the stuff running around in my head - Pick up dry cleaning, play date for dd this afternoon, add honey and onesies to the shopping lists, make Christmas meal shopping list, work on spelling the words dd mispelled in her play writing yesterday, need to write birthday thanks yous, need to work on Christmas letter, and on and on and on.


Where/how do you trap all that stuff?


I have the Droid. It's a new phone by Motorola. I LOVE that thing! It connects to a Google calendar so I can add appointments to it when I'm out and about. You can install a free grocery list app and share it between phones (you can make multiple lists on it). As for my regular to-do stuff, I keep a paper list. I made a spreadsheet on Word, and I add/delete things weekly and print it out. I have Mon-Fri on the list, plus an extra section for all those extra things that don't need to be done by a certain date. I put all my regular chores on there, plus appointments, and I cross them off as I get to them.

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I'm old fashioned. I keep a desk blotter calendar on my fridge (adhered with dual sided tape). I write all my appointments/events on it. I keep a small notepad in my purse and write down anything I need to put on the calendar.


I do have an iPod touch, but I've never used it for a calendar. I'll have to try that.

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I use a paper planner, and have for years. As a child/teen, I was a disorganized mess. When I was 23 I heard a woman at a church retreat lecture about using a planner, and my life was changed. :)


I'll tell you what works for me, but it's really personal preference, so I'm not saying it's the only way to go...


Size matters. ;) My planner is the half-sheet size. The reason is because I need it to fit easily in my purse/bag, and because notes/flyers/other papers that I'm handed can be quickly folded in half and tucked into the pocket for later reference. I also use the jr. legal size pads for list-making, and they are sized just right to fit the half-sheet planners. I tuck the cardboard part of the tablet into the place where the expensive planner tablet sits. I make waaayyy too many lists to bother using the tiny, expensive tablet that comes especially for the planner.


I don't use all of the tabs that come with the planner, I only use the month-at-a-glance, the address book, and I dump the rest that came with the planner. I add tabs for church (since I'm the church secretary), Library Commission, and a tab for my restaurant job.If you look carefully, you can find loose-leaf paper (just like regular binder paper but only half-sheet). I use that paper for notes on each of my jobs, or for any other notes that aren't an actual to-do list (that goes on the pad of paper so I can easily rip off and discard finished to-do lists).


The key to making the planner work is that you need to carry it all the time! My planner is never more than about an arm's length from me. That way, when I think of something I need from the store, I grab the planner and add it to the list immediately. When the phone rings, my notebook is there so I can check my calendar, add an appointment of commitment, cross something off my list, etc. At night, I kid you not, my planner lives on my nightstand, so that if I'm lying there in bed thinking about what I need to do the next day, I can whip out my list and add to it if necessary.


One of the keys to making the planner a way of life was getting rid of my regular wallet and adding my driver's license and other cards to a card holder in my planner. That way, when I'm in the store, I have both my *list* and the *means to pay* in the same place. I don't use a lot of coupons, but when I do, there's a pouch in the planner to hold them. My coupon is never left at home, or in the car. It's always *right there* when I need it.


I tried electronic planners, and they are so cool in so many ways! Listen to mp3's? Sure! Read an ebook while waiting for an appointment? Great! Sync up to my computer's email, etc? Wonderful! -but the trade-off was that I no longer had a place for my coupons, I no longer had an errand list that I could leave open next to me on the car seat. If I forgot to charge it I was in trouble (and let's face it, lots of truly disorganized people have trouble remembering!). I had nowhere to tuck in cards/papers people gave me, or to know exactly where those cards/papers were when I needed them.


With my notebook, if I'm handed the new pee-wee football schedule, I know exactly where it is, and can add the dates to my calendar or put my hands on the original calendar when needed. Library commission minutes for our last meeting? Tucked into my planner. List of clothing sizes for members of my family? On a reference page in the back of my planner. Wish list? Life goals? There's a note page in the back of my binder for each of those... If I'm out and someone wants my phone number or other information, I can whip out a piece of paper and a pen and write it down for them. Unhappy, distractible little kid in church? They can draw pictures or play tic-tac-toe in my notebook.


I also have small note cards with stamped envelopes tucked into the very back of my notebook. If I'm waiting at the dentist's office, and I see that it says on my list for today that I'm supposed to write a thank-you note. I have what I need to do that, and I drop it in the mailbox on my way out of the office. If I'm out and someone does me a favor or provides incredible customer service, or if I just am thinking of someone special in my life, I can write an immediate note of gratitude. It's already stamped and ready to go.


If I'm with a friend, and I see that a tiny something has caught their eye, I can make a discreet note about it for later on. Makes Christmas a lot easier! :D Sometimes the note is, "no bell peppers for Pastor" so that I remember the next time I make lunch, that they don't agree with him. If I'm in the store and see a new book I'd like to read, I make a note of it and when I'm in the library the next time I can check to see if they have it.


Anyway, regardless of which method (electronic or paper) that you choose, it's a matter of breaking into a new habit. Don't expect to get it right all the time at first, and don't give up if it seems to be more trouble than it's worth in the beginning. In the long run, planning is a good thing. :)

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What do you use to keep your life on track and so remember all those million little details? Do you use a planner - if so, which one? Do you use a clipboard? Do you use a wall calendar? Do you use an electronic device?


I'm thinking about all the stuff running around in my head - Pick up dry cleaning, play date for dd this afternoon, add honey and onesies to the shopping lists, make Christmas meal shopping list, work on spelling the words dd mispelled in her play writing yesterday, need to write birthday thanks yous, need to work on Christmas letter, and on and on and on.


Where/how do you trap all that stuff?


I use Outlook for appointments/playdates and the like. It's nice because dh uses Outlook at work, so if something affects him during the work day I can email him an invite and it goes on his calendar at work.


I also use the task list to keep my meal plan. I enter in meals, and once a week I sit down and assign meals to every week day.


I keep a small dry erase board on the fridge for shopping lists, and once a week I sit down and transfer and complete it (with items needed for the meals I've planned) to the small notebook I keep in my purse.


I keep a running list of things to do in a 3x5 notepad.

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I've tried using google calendar and my Palm etc but I'm always going back to a paper agenda calendar & now I've decided that I'm just sticking with that.


I use one with a week/page & most years I use the smaller desk size one - about 5.5 x 8 in. Actual appointments/classes etc get written in on the right day. I also try to use it as a school lesson planner & log as well; I just jot down in my own shorthand codes what lessons we did such as "A - pp. 68-75 of MHX".


Things like "get new runners" which I don't know what day to do, I just know it needs to get done sometime soon, those things I write on little post its and stick them anywhere on the page. Then when I flip the planner open, I can see what tasks are needing to get done that week & see if I can organize & combine some outings. Then I stack the post its together on the actual date I'm planning to do those errands. And then on that day, I'll either take the agenda with me in my bag or just take the post its and line them up in my wallet so I know what I need to get done.


If I don't get to a task that week, I just re-stick it on to the next week. That way I don't forget that it needs doing. Some Sundays I lift up ALL the stickies from the previous week & put them down on the next week. :lol:


It's the stickies that make this system work IMO; they're kind of like the tickler file that someone mentioned in the Dave Allen thread. Get good brand stickies if you want to do this - cheap ones barely stick the first time and def don't let you move them around over and over.




Momagenda is a nice one but it's too rich for me - I find one at a big local bookstore which is nicely leather bound and about 1/2 that cost.


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I used to use Flylady's wall calendar (because it has big squares), but I forgot to buy one last year so I've been using Google's calendar. It is set to remind me the day before. I leave the email unread so they are bolded and easy to see. I delete each email as it is done. My only issue is that I have no access to my calendar away from home. Any appointments/plans made have to be made with the expectation that I'll call to change if it conflicts with my schedule. Someday I want an internet capable phone so I have access to my calendar.

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I use a paper planner, and have for years. As a child/teen, I was a disorganized mess. When I was 23 I heard a woman at a church retreat lecture about using a planner, and my life was changed. :)


I'll tell you what works for me, but it's really personal preference, so I'm not saying it's the only way to go...


Size matters. ;) My planner is the half-sheet size. The reason is because I need it to fit easily in my purse/bag, and because notes/flyers/other papers that I'm handed can be quickly folded in half and tucked into the pocket for later reference. I also use the jr. legal size pads for list-making, and they are sized just right to fit the half-sheet planners. I tuck the cardboard part of the tablet into the place where the expensive planner tablet sits. I make waaayyy too many lists to bother using the tiny, expensive tablet that comes especially for the planner.


I don't use all of the tabs that come with the planner, I only use the month-at-a-glance, the address book, and I dump the rest that came with the planner. I add tabs for church (since I'm the church secretary), Library Commission, and a tab for my restaurant job.If you look carefully, you can find loose-leaf paper (just like regular binder paper but only half-sheet). I use that paper for notes on each of my jobs, or for any other notes that aren't an actual to-do list (that goes on the pad of paper so I can easily rip off and discard finished to-do lists).


The key to making the planner work is that you need to carry it all the time! My planner is never more than about an arm's length from me. That way, when I think of something I need from the store, I grab the planner and add it to the list immediately. When the phone rings, my notebook is there so I can check my calendar, add an appointment of commitment, cross something off my list, etc. At night, I kid you not, my planner lives on my nightstand, so that if I'm lying there in bed thinking about what I need to do the next day, I can whip out my list and add to it if necessary.


One of the keys to making the planner a way of life was getting rid of my regular wallet and adding my driver's license and other cards to a card holder in my planner. That way, when I'm in the store, I have both my *list* and the *means to pay* in the same place. I don't use a lot of coupons, but when I do, there's a pouch in the planner to hold them. My coupon is never left at home, or in the car. It's always *right there* when I need it.


I tried electronic planners, and they are so cool in so many ways! Listen to mp3's? Sure! Read an ebook while waiting for an appointment? Great! Sync up to my computer's email, etc? Wonderful! -but the trade-off was that I no longer had a place for my coupons, I no longer had an errand list that I could leave open next to me on the car seat. If I forgot to charge it I was in trouble (and let's face it, lots of truly disorganized people have trouble remembering!). I had nowhere to tuck in cards/papers people gave me, or to know exactly where those cards/papers were when I needed them.


With my notebook, if I'm handed the new pee-wee football schedule, I know exactly where it is, and can add the dates to my calendar or put my hands on the original calendar when needed. Library commission minutes for our last meeting? Tucked into my planner. List of clothing sizes for members of my family? On a reference page in the back of my planner. Wish list? Life goals? There's a note page in the back of my binder for each of those... If I'm out and someone wants my phone number or other information, I can whip out a piece of paper and a pen and write it down for them. Unhappy, distractible little kid in church? They can draw pictures or play tic-tac-toe in my notebook.


I also have small note cards with stamped envelopes tucked into the very back of my notebook. If I'm waiting at the dentist's office, and I see that it says on my list for today that I'm supposed to write a thank-you note. I have what I need to do that, and I drop it in the mailbox on my way out of the office. If I'm out and someone does me a favor or provides incredible customer service, or if I just am thinking of someone special in my life, I can write an immediate note of gratitude. It's already stamped and ready to go.


If I'm with a friend, and I see that a tiny something has caught their eye, I can make a discreet note about it for later on. Makes Christmas a lot easier! :D Sometimes the note is, "no bell peppers for Pastor" so that I remember the next time I make lunch, that they don't agree with him. If I'm in the store and see a new book I'd like to read, I make a note of it and when I'm in the library the next time I can check to see if they have it.


Anyway, regardless of which method (electronic or paper) that you choose, it's a matter of breaking into a new habit. Don't expect to get it right all the time at first, and don't give up if it seems to be more trouble than it's worth in the beginning. In the long run, planning is a good thing. :)


I've finally accepted that electronic just doesn't work for me; I'm a paper and pencil gal!! What type of planner do you use that has all these great pockets??

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"Size matters. ;) My planner is the half-sheet size. The reason is because I need it to fit easily in my purse/bag, and because notes/flyers/other papers that I'm handed can be quickly folded in half and tucked into the pocket for later reference. "



I'd like one of these and the purse to go with it. I just realized my purse isn't even big enough to hold a brush - and I have THREEEEEE girls! How can I not carry a brush - or tissues. I never have those either. I need a new purse! That's it!

BTW, this isn't a thread hijack. It's a help. With a tiny purse, we can't possibly keep track of much at all. Just my experience.

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For appointments, I write them on the calendar in the kitchen for all to see. Then, I toss the appt. card into the trash. Also on my calendar are things like hunting seasons start and end, birthdays, dh and my anniversary, dh's vacation days, day to give dog her heartworm med., which shots due when for all 3 cats and dog, and anything else I can cram on there. BTW, it's a 8 x 11 calendar from Staples.


For grocery lists, we keep a medium-sized white board on the kitchen wall where we all write down things as we run out of them or need them for cooking. I have columns for Wal Mart (food and non-food); Kroger (mostly fresh veggies); Asian store; Natural Food store; Southern States (feed and seed for animals/birds); other (everything else).


I also keep a steno pad plus a pencil holder full of cheap pens beside it on the kitchen counter.


For general/personal notes, I write them on a piece of notebook paper and keep it under the stack on my clipboard.


Dc carry pens and various things to write on in their pockets. Index cards, tiny steno pads, paper, etc. A little risky for those of us who don't check pockets before loading the washer. :glare:


I also keep a Zip-loc bag with all my library work in it.


All my coupons are in a Zip-loc bag beside the steno pad in the kitchen for us to staple to dh's lists when he does the shopping.


Sometimes I carry a Steno pad with me to write down info. when we're out shopping. It's also helpful to give one to dh when I ask him to go shop for big things like hot water heaters and such.

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Palm Centro for me, Palm Treo for dh.


It has my: calender, reminders, lists, contacts and it is also my alarm clock. It replaced my fridge calender, night table clock, sticky notes everywhere, pieces of paper with notes/list scrawled on them in the bottom of my purse and my address book...all in one cute little blue phone. I don't use an Ipod, or it could have been that too.


It links with my computer so I don't have to worry about loosing anything. I love that I can (and do) put alarm reminders for appointments so I remember easier. I like that I can put notes in with my appointment reminders, so I have a quick reference if I am going to the doctor and want to remember something or directions/address to a new place.

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Yeah, and could you post a picture of it? (is that asking too much??)

Lol, well, it's kinda like asking to look inside someone's purse, you know? :D

Just kidding! It's not always tidy, and right now I have all of my receipts from Christmas shopping in there, but I'll try to take a picture or two tomorrow.

For now, here are some links to some of the things I use:


Usually I pick a basic black leather cover, but right now I have this one:


You can click on additional images to see pictures of the inside layout.

I can stick that jr. legal size pad of paper I mentioned using for my to-do list either in the front (left side) pocket, or in the back (right side).


I use tabs like these:



I use pads of paper like these for my to-do lists:


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1. Goggle calendar w/ color coding for each family member and synched to Blackberry

2. Blackberry,new and very handy!!

3. Dry erase calendar on fridge

4. Clipboard hanging inside cupboard by calendar. Have schedules,charts,lists and other current paperwork clipped

5. Homeschool binder

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I have two things (and i have tried many others over the years).

I have a super size wall calendar with huge spaces in it, for writing all appointments. Not pretty, but very functional.

And I have an exercise book (I think you call them bound composition books or something- its a simple lined notebook) at my left on my desk. I open at a double blank page. One one side I draw a cross intersecting the page into 4 parts. Each part gets a label- Computer, Home, Out, and Phone. That is my To Do list, but it is broken into 4 parts so if I am sitting at the computer, I can just do the computer parts etc. This has worked for me for years and I keep coming back to it. On the other side of the page is the other blank page, and here I write down inspirations, phone numbers, lists of things, plans for next year etc

So I turn the page whenever it gets cluttered and most is crossed out, and start fresh on the next page, transferring across anything that I need to. It also means I can refer back to old pages if I need to.

I have an ipod and I thought I would use it for lists and things, but I find it too fiddly...I just use pen and paper.

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so I use a spiral notebook-style calendar to keep track of appointments, ect. and a note book to keep ongoing lists. I prefer a small spiral-bound or composition book (those marbled-covered notebooks, bound with string). I use colored post-its for things that really need my attention.


I keep a running grocery list stuck to the fridge with a magnet. I have one for Costco and one for the grocery store. The hubby and kids are *supposed* to write stuff on their when they realize we're out, and not just say, "Hey Mom, we need popcorn." They're getting better at it. :D


This system works for me.


As an aside, a great book I read about time management was Do It Tomorrow by Mark Forster.

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I use the small week at a glance one that you can get at any store that carries office supplies. This last one came from Target, but I go to Staples many years.


It has several lines for each day, so there is plenty of room for me write events.


I have to have something to keep in my purse that I can add events to when I am out and someome mentions an upcoming event!


I have used this same size for years and years and have all of them dating back to 1990 when I first started using them. They are like diaries to me as I can look back and see events I did during the year.


I have even started writing down on each bottom line the amount I spent for each day and what it was spent on.....so I keep track of my spending in there too.....it is my lifeline!


When I worked outside the home, I needed a larger one, but this is great for personal things and activities. I don't use it for lessons or school planning.



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Lol, well, it's kinda like asking to look inside someone's purse, you know? :D

Just kidding! It's not always tidy, and right now I have all of my receipts from Christmas shopping in there, but I'll try to take a picture or two tomorrow.

For now, here are some links to some of the things I use:


Usually I pick a basic black leather cover, but right now I have this one:


You can click on additional images to see pictures of the inside layout.

I can stick that jr. legal size pad of paper I mentioned using for my to-do list either in the front (left side) pocket, or in the back (right side).


I use tabs like these:



I use pads of paper like these for my to-do lists:



Thank you!

It's almost exactly like the one I had a couple years back, that I never refilled. Do you buy a new one each year or just buy refills? If refills, where do you get them from?


Thanks again :)

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Outlook Express has a calendar where you can put reminders that come up on screen (and if you want) sound a little ding. You can choose how far ahead you want to be reminded. It also has a task function where you can make lists, cross them off, etc. For me, this keeps it simple. There is no other object to keep track of (like a paper planner) and I'm on the computer often enough to get the reminders in a timely manner.

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Oh, what a great idea! I hate the teeny weeny writing space that the pad that comes with my set gives me. These will work so much better, and they're much sturdier. Thanks for sharing that idea!


I'm a paper-and-pen gal too, in spite of my DH's attempts to convince me to use my Blackberry's features (that thing is so wasted on me *sigh*).


I have a 6-ring Franklin Covey 365 binder that I bought at Target. It has more than the usual number of flaps and slots for tucking things in, and it even has a zippered pocket in the front, which I love. I can't seem to find a picture though, so you'll have to go searching at your Target, LOL!


I use a two-page-per-day format, and I make the pages myself. On the left side is my Motivated Moms page and on the right is a notes pages I made myself with sections for appointments, to-dos, and work-related to-dos. Every three months I print the next three months of pages, cut them on my giant paper cutter, punch them, and put them in. I use monthly calendar dividers (also FC from Target), and I record any appointments or events on both the specific day and the monthly calendar (so I can see my month at a glance). The Motivated Moms pages have a meal plan section on them, so I don't need a whole section for that. The notepad at the back is my running to-do list, and I move things to the daily list as I need to. I keep the grocery list on a whiteboard on the fridge too, since that's where usually I am when I realize we'll be needing something soon.


The two-page-per-day format does make my binder bigger than I'd like, but I needed the space for notes, and I hate tiny printing. This way I can include any info/details I'll need for an event or to-do. I keep the whole year's worth of monthly tab calendars in there all the time though, so even if the daily pages aren't in yet, I can record anything that comes up that far in advance in the monthly section and transfer when I get the daily pages in.


Confessions of an Organized Homemaker (Deniece Schofield) has some great advice on putting together a useful planner. One thing I do need to make room for in my packed binder is her suggestion for a To Buy section. I'm always thinking of things I want to remember to buy if I spot a great deal, but they fly out of my head almost as quickly. Beyond that, I'm pretty satisfied with my system.

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I use my iPhone (I used to use my Touch), linked to my computer through MobileMe. My Calendar, Address Book, and e-mail are regularly updated, whether I enter the information on the iPhone/iPod or the computer. No more forgotten appointments.


Me too. I only have the Touch for now, but plan to upgrade to an iPhone as soon as our contract with our current mobile carrier runs out.


Between the MacBook, MobileMe, and the Touch... I have never been so organized! And it is SO much lighter than those big paper planners I used to carry around.


I also use a shopping list app which has been incredibly handy.

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Thank you!

It's almost exactly like the one I had a couple years back, that I never refilled. Do you buy a new one each year or just buy refills? If refills, where do you get them from?


Thanks again :)

I keep the same address book pages in my binder through more than one year.

For the calendar, I stick with the month-at-a-glance. I pick it up each year at a local office supply--for 2010 calendar it was Office Depot, and I just add it to my existing binder. I need a new binder/organizer about every 2 years. At this point, I wish I could find someone to make me a custom organizer cover to my exact specifications, lol, but I don't think that's gonna happen!

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I keep the whole year's worth of monthly tab calendars in there all the time though, so even if the daily pages aren't in yet, I can record anything that comes up that far in advance in the monthly section and transfer when I get the daily pages in.


I keep upcoming months in my binder, but I "archive" past months a couple of times a year, in order to lighten up my planner as the year goes by. I also don't use the daily pages at all, I mostly glance at the month view and then put any daily events on the "list for the day" that I make on the pad of paper.

We'd probably be good irl friends! :001_smile:

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Calendar with big squares for appointments. I use it to remember things coming up, too. For instance if a birthday is on October 30th, then I mark October 10th (buy gift for Mary's birthday.)


I check the calendar daily.


For other things, I just write it down on a sheet of paper. If there's a lot going on, there might be 2 papers. One for priority stuff (must be done in the next 2 days) and a paper for longer-term things to be done (must be done by the end of the week/month.)

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I also use a planner and really like Grace Work's Simplicity planner. It is a week-at-a-glance. The left side is space for each day so you can put appts. and things to do on a specific day. The left side has a things to do for the week column, a block for call/write, a small block for "remember in prayer", a block for errands, as well as about 1/3 of the top of the page for whatever you want to write. This is usually where I jot down phone numbers (I do also have the phone number tabs), bulk cooking I need to do that week, and that sort of thing.


Here's a link to them:





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