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I am having one of those days...

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I feel like I suck as a mom, a teacher, a wife, everything. I have cried all day. I can't pinpoint any one reason I feel this way; I just do. Things are not going well with me at all.


If you are inclined, please say a little prayer for me. It was five years ago this week that we lost a baby, so I know that is on my heart. Also, my marriage is at a very fragile stage; we've never been this way before. Things are just hard.


Thank you.

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I will say a prayer. And to let you know, you are not alone! I cried a few times this morning also-for the same reasons. I thought "I try and I try and it doesn't seem to make a difference." I'm having some tea right now and trying to just take a break. I decided we are going to start fresh tomorrow.:001_smile:

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In addition to what already burdens you, this is a time of year when everyone's expectations of us as wives and mothers seems so very high... it's overwhelming. It's okay to cry a bit. You are still in mourning (yes, real mourning, even though not everyone around you may understand).


May you feel better and have a fresh start tomorrow!

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Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."




I could not have said this better! This is the verse I always turn to during times like yours. :grouphug:


I've prayed for you... God bless. :grouphug:

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Or you could share how you could possibly make a palatable mousse without cream and eggs and then we'll all just happily and guiltlessly indulge in your 'name'.



Why would I want to do that? Oh, that mostly vegan thing we have happening here? There are exceptions to everything, and chocolate mousse is one of my exceptions. I'm told that mashed avocado and carob powder does the trick, but really? Sounds :ack2: The purpose of junk food is to be junk food, yes?


Oh goodness. I realise we've gone right off topic but perhaps Nakia needs diversion. How's this? http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=6811.0 and this one? http://havecakewilltravel.com/2008/06/01/thick-chocolate-mousse-with-chocolate-ribbons/ That one has BEANS in it? Surely you can't put beans in chocolate mousse? They don't look healthy, though, do they? Oooh, what about this? http://therawchefblog.com/marbled-chocolate-orange-tavoletta#more-164 Bummer! I'm too broke to try any of these for the forseeable future. That last one is raw. That means it's healthy doesn't it?




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Thanks for sharing. I am in the loser mother, wife category right now too. I have a favorite little vision of a long line of people standing under the sign that reads, " those who failed God" and we are all heading through the pearly gates. God doesn't ask for success just faith and perserverence.

I hope!!! My spiritual advisor on Saturday told me to ask for the gift of Hope this Advent. I'm asking and praying for it to come to you, too.

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